Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1921, p. 11

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THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1981, er ------------ : THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIC BIGGEsT « LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD THE BLACK SHEEP "It's queer that Lawrence is so dif- ferent from the rest of the boys." said »dy"d think you didn't have any- ve brother pe 0 make a resolution about. Mr. Linden impatiently. "His brothers hone, Mrs, Freter is reading by the | DICK Stanley, the Perfect One, "ANDI, "The four Foster children" are | If Stani. ®¥'d resolve hot {oc be so con- are all good, practical workers, but Eawrence is an idler. "Sitg around. and reads, or plays his banjo. That's all #itting on the rug by the fireplace. TET: he ever does. And he's not doing very RICK: Just think. tomorrow's New - well in school, either. Guess I'll take ¥ade's Aud saother Tear 2oyins. gone him out for a while and take him up #0 fast. - STANLEY: Going to make any north with me. Maybe I can make something out of him." resolutions? "MILDRED: That's right. We ought to. wight make a resolution I mar That was how Lawrence happened to Shout Shale' Srammar. My teacher and in one of the big lumber camps of and DICK: Miss|his father's company. The first few HARRIET: Mother sald that each + 2TANLEY i Teacher's Pet! rind Jhars he yas 3% Tulien 3d aigly § . 0 a. Bes Ssh 0 nak ue sood that i. Sure ings. Then his father went off on a keep it. DICK: 1 tel you what - Let's write our resolutions down and give EC 100 STUDY SPORTS HUMOR PLAY WORK RESOLUTION POR FOUR feone: Living room in the Foster 1 ain't halt se con- you. T: Ant! Ain't! J (primly): I giess both Effective January 1st, 1922 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK--1922 Mode Current Price New Price. Reduction oer $1450.00 $1340.00 $110.00 MILDRED: lutions, I ios =A ither of you trip and leff*him to himself, and Law- 4 once in a while. I|rence set about getting acquainted. Ie was not made any happier when the oid As study on saying that if b Miss Mor tter the second part | superintendent, a brusque, impatient man, told him this was the worst of Joan's do il have a hard time all his father's camps, and that the of this year, he' men were the hardest to manage and getting through. v" RAARIET be wish you'd quit. [the most quarrelsome, You make me & Vick. Mildred and | Lawrence tried, in. kis rather shy' Dick had better resc 2lve not to talk at-{ way, to make friends with some of the the top of thelr vo ees all the time. men, but they would have nothing to I'll bet you can hey ir them down to [do with him. He succeeded only in getting the cook, a large, jolly Irish- man, on his side. the mext corner. . DICK: Harriet's the "perfect lady." = One evening after supper Lawrence : Why | don't you re-|picked wp his banjo and wandered down to the cook's shack. He had 8ST. solve MRS, FOSTER: Tv Yat will do. 80 |prought the banjo along in spite of his you're resolu, tions for each |gatner's objections, but had mot had other, are you? I thir k 1 had better | oopr0ge to play it before. He perched get into this. I'll wri te a resolution upon a box and began strumming, "Wearing of the Green" with a grin for all of you and giy '® each one a for the patriotic Irishman. The cook part of it on a folded \,8lip of paper, then you can read them h in the order was pleased. He asked for another Irish air, and this time he sang out in which I give them t © you. (The lustily, One of the dishwashers joined 22--Master Four 34 Special Two passenger Roadster 1H ' 22--Master Four 35 Special - Five passenger Touring . .. 22--Master Four 36 : Three passenger Coupe... 22--Master Four 37 Five passenger Sedan ...... 22--Master Six 44 Special' Three passenger Roadster 22- -Master Six 45 Special Five passenger Touring 22--Master Six 49 Special Seven passenger Touring . 22--Master Six 46 Three passenger Coupe ...,.. R22--M.ster Six 47 Five passenger Sedan':... 22---Master Six 48 Four passenger Coupe ......... $3345.00 Master Six 50 » Seven passenger Sedan .........$2795.00 $8445.00 $850.00 Canada's Standard Car--Built, . Not merely assembled in Canada All prices f.0.b Oshawa 3 Sales Tax Extra ASK ABOUT OUR OWN PLAN OF EXTENDED PAYMENTS McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO., Limited Division of General Motors of Canada Limited # OSHA WA, ONT, y them to mother to keep for us. HARRIBT: She'd have her hands full, keeping good resolutions fer four poaple. DICK Silly! I meant she should keep paper, 80 she can remind us it we om. $100.00 wee. .$1475.00 $1375.00 rrr $2215.00 $1895.00 $320.00 $480.00 .. $247.00 $1995.00 : $250.00 .. $2215.00 $1065.00 temper. ree DIOK: You'd better not talk about $aumer. oT Susie Jou haven't any a yourself, hu MILDRED: - That's right. Harriet had better resolve not to be sn bossy. STANLEY: And you'd better re- solve not to be such a buttinsky. You're always interrupting and tell- ing what you think. : MILDRED: 1 would like to know | jraNiw: J réad or who's butting in now, Stanley Foster, and begin. - STANLEY: 1 reselve. .| eo MILDRED: To mind. , js r DICK: My own. . f HARRIET: Affairs. TODAY'S PUZZLE" Behead a word meaning to, obstruct, and leave something which| is found on most doors. \ Behead a word meaning sd 'mething that comes from ths eye and} have a part of the head. " Answer to yesterday's: ls gle, enemy, yarn, nos or : «+. $2245.00 $1995.00 $250.00 four are silent, while |, Mrs, Foster quickly writes and hantlds them the | folded papers.) 3 . Before long Lawrence noticed that a 1 Féad first] eos IY up | umber of the men had drifted in. He . . $2595.00 $2845.00 $250.00 { $3800.00 kept up his playing, and several asked for special soggs. It was quite late be- y ore he laughingly told them his fingers were sore and he would have to stop. But he promised more the next night. That was the beginning of a series of nightly "sings." Lawrence was happy te be useful, and he was glad to see the new feeling of harmony and good- fellowship replacing the distrust and discontent. Even the superintendent spoke a grudging word of thanks for what he was doing for the men, "Well," sald kis father when he came back and the superintendent told him all about it, "I guess we'll have to han it to the black sheep and his banjo." . $2995.00 $2695.00 .9C145.00 $3095.00 $350.00 $2045.00 $400.00 22 Mrs. Brown (to callers): \ how do you do? What a pity Mt » oF we JN $ome 4 HL) Satter; 'we've | little friend. "I'll ask mother if you Tommy Brown: "Oh, Ma, aren't {We | can stay to lunch." ; Aa an more? I hadn't ed "Thank you sald Marion politely, 1 half enough when the door bell § | Euess ru net stay todas. I'm too and you all jumped up." i Ahungry. "Wait a minute," said Ethel to her Townakip Comes 3 PORTLAND. of re i Dec. 15.--~Members Dealers everywhere GARAGES, LIMITED BLUE BAGOT and QUEEN STREETS VicLAUGH 1 present. Minutes of last meeting fopted. The following deputy re- turyning officers and poll clerks to con{duct the municipal election on Jan.\ 2nd were appointed: No. 1, Dave Taggrrt, D.R.O., Earl Lee,. pole clerk} No. 2, Elmer Hughes, D.R.O., Cowdy, poll clerk; No, 8, ¥ Grant, D.R.O., John G. Wal- "| ker, poljl clerk; No. 4, Wm, H. Kerr, D.R.O., \Melville Bradford, poll clerk; No, 6, {L. Smith, D.R.O., Herbert A ned at the Ore Chimney Nines for completing the power line immed- lately after New Year's. Miss J. De Mille will return to the school from Hunting the Though not the it is safe to say that the the one most rarely seen. council; $3.62, Roy Moir, balance on work and lumber, Laveque .road; $31, Jas. Sagriff,ecedar for bridge; $10, Louis Tupah, filling at bridge; $50, Frank Wallace, part salary col- lector; $7, Thos. A. Kerr, 1 cord of wood; $25, Thos. A. Kerr, postage, stamps on cheques, express, etc.; $3, HAINISCH. % 1, ' Of the Austrian Repub jc, reviewing the home defense guard drawn up in front of | enna. ~ Important Re Yo Now that the cold weather Storage Battery As set in we wish to announce that we are prepared to look after your BATTERY for the Winter, TELEPHONE or WRITE and get full particulars as to what is needed to be done to your Battery. Experts on Generators, Motors, We guarantee our work. systems. Give us a try-out. Magnetos and Lighting Willard Service Station. 19 BROCK > I LESSES _ PHONE 1340. Fercy, p D.R.O., ship erushier smith duri®g the winter, HEN ONE §EES VOLUMES of black smoke t is certain that not all the soot is muffler pipe, 11 clerk; No, 6, Ear] Revell, rthur Timmins, pole clerk. Moved Stogrms-Cowdy, that the town- be stored at Hafrow- Carried. Accounts | paid: $10, Mrs, Jessie $50, Wm, Jeffrey, care of Geo. Jef- frey from May to Nov., 1921; $2, Archie Wilkins, rebate dog tax; $2.- 02, Adney Ball, rebate tax; $1.25, 0. R, Henderson, bonus 17 rods wire fence; $4, Geo. Barstow, painting Asselstine, rént of hall seven sittings 'wagon and making hammer handle; J pouring from the escaping, but 8 in the cylinders to form deposits and therefore ich mixtures should be avoided, practicable for all speeds and the carburetor throttle when absolutely A As poseible and Kept a RUSH DELIVERIES WITH A FORD SPEED TRUCK "When a customer 'phones in a rush order do you deliver it-"as soon as you can" or away?" "right There's a world of difference in the effect it has on your customer. These "as soon as you can" de- liveries are all right for your competitor, but mighty poor business for you. A Ford Speed Truck with canopy top body and * 20-25 \miles an hour gait, will ensure every order reaching your tustomer on time, undamaged by dust, rain or snow. Your cash 'register will show a in no uncertain fashion how people appreciate such service. W. H. Kerr, work; $16, Thos, H. Watson, eight trips valuating sheep: $6, Henry McMullen, three sittings Fourth Division® Court; $8.94, muni- cipal world, supplies; $18, E. A. Tal- len, services baMff Fourth Divisional Court; $240.48, Thos. Craig, cement and other supplies; $12, Archie Wil= kins, three sittings Fourth Diy. Court; $9.15, John Murphy, balance on work; $15, W. H. Clow, bonus 60 rods wire fence; $1.35, John Greg- ory, work; $100; Dr. W, J. Geddes, services, Medical Officer of Health; $75, F. G. Dennison, services reeve; 1 $75, Edley Campsall, services coun- cillor; $76, Thos. Cowdy, services councillor; $75, B. F'. Revell, services councillor; $75, Levi Storms, ser- vices councilor; $150, Thos. A. Kerr, half year's salary clerk and treasur- er; $25, Chas, Hagerman, part salary caretaker; $225.80, F, C. VanLuven, sec.-treas. U.8.8. No. 1 school money; $347.36, Frank' Wallace, sec.-treas. U.8.8. No. 2; $683.55, Thos. Cowdy, sec.-treas, 8.8, No, 3; $475.26, W. H. Kerr, fec.-treas. U.8.8. No. 5; $456.- 717, Harry Watson, sec.-treas. 3.8. No. 6; $865.61, B.. H. Campsall, se:.- treas. 8.8, No. 7; $400.95, S. J. *1- ton, sec.-treas. U.8.8. No. 8; $499.21, F G. Babcock, sec.-treas. U.8.8. No. 9; $295.78, €. A. Baker, sec.-treas. U.S.S. No. 10; $670,11, Zara Rey- nolds, sec.-treas. 5.8 No. 11; $191.- 84, Jas. Foster, sec.-treas. 8.8.8. No. 11, separate school money; $497.78, Allan Brown, sec.-treas. U.S.8. No. 13; $962.12, Dr. T. S. Genge, sec.- treas. 8.8. No. 12; $367.67, Jno, F. Quinn, sec.-treas. U.S.S. No. 14; $982.60, Mrs, A. Snyder, sec.-treas. 8.8. No. 18. Couneifaaiourned sine die, y y . --THOS A. KERR, Clerk. FIRE AT NORTHBROOK. Madoc. Lionél Lloyd is spending a few days with parents but will re- turn to Bannockburn to again attend school. © William Schanaur has gohe to his home in Ardock after spending three months erecting C..C, Theap- son's store, dwelling and ott sr build- ings. Gordon Wood, Wolfs Island, is with his wife at her home Here, Mr. and. Mrs, Wilson Wood spent Christmas , at Claude Thompson's, Elm Tree, . Much enthusiasm is expressed in the coming election and all feel we should have'a reeve from this local- ity as it 1s more central, and W. Cassada proved himself an asget to the township in many ways as coun- cilman this year. Miss Bessie Ledore, who has been very ill, is slowly improving. The Cobalt Frontenac Mines are n running night and day and hundreds There 1s only one way in wi to watch the badger--that is to up a tree. The walt mer bt one, but the game is 1 candle, for next to'the delight tics of a tamily of otter kite is nothing quite so in watch Mother Badger cleaning her cubs. As a miner, the world's championship. A occupy the same earths for ations, perhaps fof ocenfn their tunnels extend to in depths into the hillside. : Often these earths are to : or stony to dig, while as in a tertier, far more of dollars worth of gold were turned will out on one shift of late, A wonder- ful future is predicted. Produce seems plentiful, with but- ter, 40c 1b.; eggs, 60c doz.; beef, 6c gnd 7c by quartef; potatoes, $1 bag; fowl from 10c Ib, up. . Mr. and Mrs, Robinsdn, Mr. and Mrs. Rabee and Mrs. Clark were Sunday guests at Wm, Both's. Mr. Alexander Nevin, Harrowsmith, is spending a few days at home. > THE NEW

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