Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1921, p. 7

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1'I1SH WHIG. -------- iy DEOLC29, 1924, : THE DAILY BRI STEAMER HAD HARD D a, Has Served in City Council for | ! | "The Story of the Wolfe 1si- | Sixteen Years, | ALD. COUPER RETIRES, ander's Trips on Satur day Last. Wolfe Island, Dec. 28.--Islanders, who had occasion to visit the cityton Saturday; have "very reasofi'to re-| member the trip. On the above mora- ing at 6 a.m., according to schedule, the steamer left her mooring place for Simcoe Island, to convey the is- | landers from that district to market. | She encountered quite heavy ice on her morning trip, but managed with some difficulty to reach the wharf. | In getting away from the island the | captain was unfortunate in ground- ing his steamer, about three hundred yards from shore, which was due to low water and a north east wind | blowing made it lower than usual. Added to the above, the difficnlty of | handling his steamer in ice, result- | ed in the accident, With the assist: {ance of P. McDermott and his man- | ALD. DANIEL COUPER, Jager, Whe came in an ice punt, Hef AM. Couper, who is retiring from {captain lowered his anchor, an n | ; : b | this novel way under her own steam, fe ane 5: Jesh gisieen |the vessel gave herself a pull, and | ed the counci] in 1904 and s mayor {glided off the shoal. An -anxious |, 1909 and 1910. Mr lm served | crowd of islanders in the city .were the cpTaithiaily » Confer s res | awaiting the return of the steame€r |of civic service he ranks next to Ald. ! {io make the scheduled two o'clock In w' weit wi Tug boon in the city | | trip, but they were doomed to disap- council a quarter of a centur | pointment, for the boat did not reach ! y | there until four o'clock. At 4.30 she | | started on her return with almost | her complement of passengers but | rot much freight. She met with quite | heavy ice bétween the islands, but | managed to reach the wharf apout 6 p.m. After unloading her passengers and freight, she again pulled out with her Simcoe Island people. It was dark and the hour late. Much time was lost insgetting out of the ice again into mid-stream, but ev- ery body was landed safely, It was | well up fo 10 p.m. when the boat was made fast for the night at the city wharf, After one of the most trying days in Captain McDonald's career of eight years as master, ani it can be said to his credit that it was the first mishap he has/ ever had. This one was due to the ice and low wa- ter, The crew that fitted the steamer out in the spring are still on board, and it can be said of them, that a more efficient or obliging crew have never manned her. Nominations passed off yesterday, with the usual cross firing in evid- erce. For reeve, George Rattary, the present occtipant, and Dr, §pankie. James O'Rielly was tendered § nom- ination but declined to stand, leaving the race between the two former. Aq there are ten councillors nominat- "~phere will be plenty of material to select from. Miss Mildred Staley, Loretto Ab- bey, Toronto, is home for her holi- days, end her brother, Edwin, Tor- onto, also. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas: Greenwood, Jr., a son. Dr. and Mrs. Millan spent Christmas the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dan McLaren, Dan McGlynn has disposed of his fifty-acre. farm on the seventh con- i to Sam Conly, Kingston, the purchass price being $3,000. Miss Francis Horne, who is attending the Normal School in Toronto, is enjoy ing her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Horne. Report from a very reliable source says that Peter O'Shea, realized over seven hundred dollars from his tlock of turkeys, Owing to ice the steamer Wolfe Islander's landing place to- day was at Frank Greenwood's wharf ------ ARE THEY ENTITLED TO THE EXEMPTION 20% Discount Sale on Fancy Stationery Footwear "WHETHER FOR SPORT OR COMFORT WE HAVEIT" at. R. Uglow & Co. || RE your é&yes up to the efficiency mark? Do you OVERSHOES MOCCASINS SNOWSHOES HOCKEY BOOTS ait ho RUBBERS \ SPATS OVERGAITERS FELT SHOES mm, 50, SAMPLES Dr. Beil's Veterinary Wonder '50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles || Free to horsemen who give the Wonder a fair trial. Guaranteed for Colle, Inflammation of the Lungs. Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper ete. Send 2b6c. for Malling Pauvkage ete. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR. BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Out. a -------- When you buy your Hockey Boots here we attach Skates \ FREE OF CHARGE. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS, - Village of Tweed. . Dr. Kindred is again reeve by ac- {clamation. F. B. Rollins was nomin- | |ated, but withdrew. Five councillors were named: E. Wright, not, how- | ever, consenting to stand. The four |who are councillors are Messrs. {Frank Foster, E. D. Huyck, J. J. | Quinn and B, H, Morgan, Furniture--Freight--Baggage : TRANSFER Phone 1776J 8B. WHITEMAN '$ 210 QUEEN STREET Frankford Village, There is the, indication of a fight for the reeveship of the village be- tween the present Reeve, W. E. Windover, and Fred A. Cory. The council is in by acclamation J. E. Finnegan, CC. P. Rose, J. M. Bell and R. T, Dunlop, > Town of Deseronto. Mayor--T. Naylor, John Dalton, E. A. Rixon, ! Reeve--Elwood C. Metcalfe, T. J. Naylor, Councillors--C. J. Brennan, R. J. ! 8. Dewar, Osoar Fitchett, Milton F. | Hunt, Robert Miller, Reuben 8S. Rich- ardson, James E. Smith, Leo. G. | | Therrien. School Trustees--Eadt ward, Fred, Daylord (accl.); Centre ward, John C. Burns, Cuthbert H, Sager; West ward, John N, Brown, John P. Madi- gen, r STOVES Se a, ire Hing Heaters A see as clearly now as you Nickle Plated Showers did five years ago? If there is Basins and Tollets * something the matter with your Lumber, Cemgnt and Co:rugatcd eyes thefeiis not much chance iron. y of their curing themselves. The lL. Cohen & Co. chances are that your sight will 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 SUIT CASES and CLUB BAGS Largest stock in Kingston. Shoe Store go on deteriorating until it re- ceives the proper scientific at« tention. You should see ia. Abernethy's HARP Groceries and | Meats, Prime Western Meats, Choice Mince Meat. Choice Fruits, all kinds. Fresh Butter and Eggs. Jams and Jellies. Pickles and Relishes. C. H. Pickering The Unique Grocery and Meat Market 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 580. i t------ CATARAQUI BOY INJURED. 'We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office gr Town of Picton, Mayor--Mayor F. Newman Col. Adams. Reeve--Horace Colliver (acc.). Deputy Reeve--Harry = Blakely (ace.). ' Councilors--William J. Young, Arthur Pope, C. J. Clapp, E. F. Case, William Thibault, Harold Vincent, Michael Byrne, Ernest Hudgin, John Hezef-F. W. Young, D. P, Boles, Richard Jenkins, Edmund Peeling. "Public Utilities Commissioner--N. D. Gilbert, Thos. O. Orandall. School Trustees--Hallowell Ward, Geo. Ward (acc.); Quinte ward, Wi!- liam Hayloek, John P, Williams; Tecumseh Ward, H. B. Tulley (acc.). and YOUR PROTECTION! BURGLARY INSURANCE C. 85, KIRKPATRICK 86 Clarence St. Telephone seSwe Town of Trenton. Magor--L. Roenigk, W. W. White. Councilors--N, J. McNair, H. O'- Rourke, H. J. Hodgson, E. A. Mec- Quade, E. J. Wilson, J. H, Jones, T. Jarrett, M. Rush, J. J. Brumble, W. E. Milne, G. L, Bonter (six to be elected). Water © Commissioner--Ex-Mayor Jesse Funnel (ac..). School Trusteei:--A. Rathbun, F. Abbott, Alex. Neitjon (ace). , Victor Victrolas and . Vicor Records a Your Home Is Your Castle 4 and is admired or otherwise by your friends according to the Furniture yuu Two Christmas Events -- J. L. Hay- cock Re-visits the Village. have 1a it. Home and Liviag Cataraqui, Dec. 27.---The ter Season, new ke skating rink js being well patronized Is there anything you need to make ft more comfy than a Chesterfield by the young folk during their holi-|***' 'e-*FTang® your liviag room now. Take advantage of reduced prices. | hecho se hr Lome 1s Faring JAMES REID her vacation at her home in Harting- PHONE 147 F OR SERVICE ton. Her pupils on the last day of Automotive Equipment T Bu Manufaet! urers' A t A ories school gave a very fine concert. The dfferent numbers showed both 'talent " We Onn Get It" A Question Which the Court Room will be the gathering place over the wine of Revision Has to Decide Upon. The court of revision held is final sitting of the year on Wednesday af- ternoon and dealt with a lange num- ber of cases. The chief mabter up for consideration was with regard to the applications of citizens who erec:- ed dwelling houses during 1920 and 1921 and who were applying for the exemption guaranteed under a by- law passed by the city council on the 26th. of April, 1920, and later endors- ed by the ratepayers. Under this by- (law ' all dwellings erected during 'hose two years were to be exempted from general taxation (but: not Town of Almonte, Mayor---H. H. Cole, elected by ac- clamation. Reeve--Poter MéCallum, acclama- tion. Councillors--Jas. Bennett, Wm. Glover; W, West, A. G. Rosamond, M. I'. Coderre, Wm, Coxford. : 7 Town of Renfrew, Mayor Macdonald, Reeve McEwen and Deputy Reeve Inglis have been re-elected by acclamation. All six and good practice, reflecting mach cradit upon both teacher and pupils, A Christmas tree and a real live San- ta Claus delighted the children. Born on Dec. 24th, to Mr. and Mra. Alfred Baker, a daughler.' James Blair of the Royal Bank, Kingston, has had the misfortune to break both bones in his left wrist. The Methodist Sunday school held their annual Christmas enter:ain- ment on the evening of Dec. 23rd. It Phone S1SW . . . GV. DREDGE atl 'R.J. RODGER Jeweler = -.- . . 132 Princess St. For ; Hi ~ MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN McPherson's : . Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes Buckled up in a segond--ankle support ad- justed without unlacing -- large eyelets-- easy to lace. Call and see them. a S---- | it was understood that all unfinished school taxes) up to $2,500. Several | who began the ersction of residences ide in 1919 and completed them in 1920 were among those who applied for the exempibon. Whether they will be entitled to exemption was not finally settied, as the court of revi- sion members wished to consult ths oily solicitor with regard to the mat- ter. It was stated that when the bylaw was Introduced into the oity neil by the industries committee, members of last year's council: J. L. Murray, A. W. Easton, C. J. Mur- phy, Charles Logan, W. C. Millar and W. P. Alinm, will stand for re-elec- tion, New camdidates for counci] are: Chiff Williams and C. K. Grigg. Alex. Ferries is re-elected by ac- clamation in North ward for the School Board, and E. A. Wright goes back from the South ward without a contest. J. R. Baston, School Trustee, for Centre Ward, will be dwellings would be included." 4 opposed by W. A, Cameron. 4 "FWICE TOLD TALES | Neivs of Kingston Lieut.-Col. Kiteon, new command. ait for the Royal Military College, arrived in the city todey, Stuart Sulberland returned to Chatham 4 resume his duties in - from intends to remain in Kingston for there. Reginald lnald Murray will teke a rest | labors at Fort William and Was a success financially as well as an enjoyable entertainmet. eld Knight and family are moving to Kingston. He has purcnas- ed property on Alber: street. J. L. Hayceck and Mrs. Haycock, Adol- phustown, G. W. Haycock, Mont~ real, and Miss Sexsmith, Kingston, spent Tuesday in the village. | Miss Bessie Blair js home from Desert Lake where she has been teaching school. Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Edwards aré spending Ohnistmas week with their daughter, Mrs. C. L. Edwards and her family in Britiell Columbia. Joba Burke is moving to : i: gE TH fis i § #5 All the mail addressed to Santa Glaus in sent to the Santa Cldus Ass thousarids of letters that the : garita Fisher to send out a wi ing the letters. © . ®

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