FRIDAY, DEC, 20, 1921, TH r nat Y RRITICH WHI. WE HAVE THEM PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. FETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m. A rsa Ate. at tga BUILDING ? REFATRS OR ALTE ATO Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. Phoar 1670 DUCKS and CHICKENS A choice assortment to "from B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 pick 2 t DAVID 8COTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a spec- laity, All work guaranteed. Ad- dressy 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. 282 rae | Kingston Transfer Co. FOR MOVING OF : Freight, Furniture, Safes, Planos and Cartage of every description-- Phone 377. 158 Wellington Street, DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Ww alliugton | Phone 363 15 Ce ° o® Oe / @ "or-THOMAS © / OlL DY rol ar AMR TH! oo ALWAYS INA Al cr a. The TT ------ -- he Telgmann School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ae- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. ap Done e 1325; wos rep------ Hr -- u Corner of Johnson and Streets "Dr. Waugh Dentist So. 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 Angrove's Repairs 3 a\ * Beales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, | Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. | We do repair work right and guar. | untee satisfaction. 197 Wellington Street. Fong rk qf 1 "AGENCY FOR ALL People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Rew, 1187, (OCEAN STEAMSHIPS | For particulars apply tO: -- J. P. HANLEY, en Saturday Specials New Year choice western beef. Choice roast ..123%c¢ to 15¢ Ib Stewing cuts .... 8c to 10¢ Ib Legs of lamb ........ 28¢c Ib Legs of pork .........35¢ Ib Pork chops .25¢ Ib Bolling perk ....18¢ to'20¢ Ib Lamb stew 12%c Ib Choice creamery butter 43c Ib New line of canned goods, etc. Quick's Western Meat Market 112 Clergy St. Phone 2011. 'W. R McRae & Co. COAL "Phoicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us, TH & CO. Phone 133 ------ . The Mutual Life of Canada This is a Mutual Company, The policy holders own the Company entirely. There are no stockholders to share in the profits; all profits go to the policy holders," who therefore receive insurance at net cost. This is the only Mutual fo pany in Canada. It is 50 years old, and has 225 million dol- lars' Insuranéde in force. "Be a Mutualist." S. Roughton' District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610, BOOTH Grove Inn Yard FOR SALE cubic stone dwelling, three stovey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month, Price $4,500, ~ W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock greet Phone 424 | SARA ~ CTT | hi |Suits 'and Overcoats FOR MEN AND BOYS Prices away dow ow, § ZACKS 1 DID YOU EVER TRY Wessun Ginger Marmalade, Wagstati's Pincapple Marmalade, Wamstsire Dramble Jetiy. also 4 full line of ot relaible famed of Mata: lades, J Jum and Jellies for sale' Ate BON MARCHE GROCERY Cer, wing Lr Earl Streets license 5-27T140 GAT 1 REPAIRED | Sewing Machines, Phonographs, A Sng on bet tg redtred. Parts supplied. Saws fled, knives, scissors and euge tosls ground. | _Kingston and Vicinity ] Keep Eyes Bright, you need is this newspaper and | good eyesight to show You the most up-to-date ad news. Sp ------ { Removal Notice, | Ww Bs Phone 4 William and Bagot streets, 708. ; 4 Glimpse the Facts. To the man who is going to buy a suit of clothes there is no item in th baper of greater interest than. viking advertisements. Underwent Operation. | David J. Patterson, letter carrier, [unde 'rwent an operation for hernia at the Kingston General hospital, land is quite {ll. His wide circle of |friends hope for a speedy rec overy. Whig. Ad. Did It. A citizen lost a wery valuable necklace on Christmas Day. An ad- | vertisement placed in the Whig Ic {cated the missing necklace, which 'had been found, and was jover to the owner. | | Skating at Palace Rink. | Skating the Old Year out, and the Band starts . 8 p.m. 10 to 10. 20 for {New Year in, | Intermission from refreshments. Want Aggressive Action. The Frontenac Liberal Association [1s receiving. strong representations [from Liberals throughout the coun- [try regarding the necessity for in- istituting aggressive action on behalf {of the Liberal party. | tee ei-- Was Shot in the Hand. | When a gun with which he was (hunting was accidentally discharg- fed, Mortie Montgomery, Frankville, _.|a boy, was shot in the hand and lost ~ lone finger. The boy was standing with his hand over the muzzle of the jgun. 5 Died at Brockville. The death occurred at the Gener- 8 hospital, Brockville, on Tuesday, f Thomas Norris, a highly respectad onli of Westport, where he for- merly conducted a blacksmith busi- ness. The remains were taken to Westport for interment, | a jr See Our Christmas Goods. We have a big range of mufflers, fancy sweaters, mocha gloves and mitts, fancy hose, colored shirts, | ties, braces, arm bands everything in boys' and men's wear that will make suitable Christmas gifts, Prevost, Brock street. Gordon Boulton at Rest. Gordon - Boulton, ,.sen of ELECTION 4 LOUGHBORO |: Mrs. Clarence Amey Knocked Down by Rig--Low Water Affects Power Mrs. | | Sydenham, Dec, 28.--There will be an election contest in Loughboro on Monday next. Six candidates are run- | ning for the four places at the coun- | cil table. The candidate remaining in the field, it was announced Tues- | day night, are Edward Harker, H. W. Halferty, F, Sine, R. G. Guess, G. 8. Freeman, and M. W. Spafford. Jame: Boyle on - Tuesday withdrew = his name. William Guthrie, Perth Road, has been re-elected reeve by acclama- tion, The annual meeting of school sec- | tion number three was held in the ! public school here on Wednesday morning, with a better attendance than at last year's meeting. Rev. G. Stafford was appointed chairman, end James B. Garvin, secretary. Re- ports of the secretary of the board, R. G. Guess, of the treasurer, D. W. Lake, and of the auditor, H. F. Mac- Namara, were read amd approved. Dr. F. R. Sargent, chairman of the board of trustees, in hig adress re- ferred to the matters which had come to the attention of the hoard during the past year and to the work that had been accomplished: Two vacan- cies on thé school board were filied: James Scott was elected to fill the unexpired term of .F. C. Martin, re- [sizned, having moved to Kingston; and H, W. Guess to succeed Sperry «| Snider, Rev. G. Stafford was appoint- jod a delegate to attend the conven- | tion of the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Assocjation ¢ in Toronto in Easter week, 1922, 3 On Monday eyening,.the Methodist Sunday school's Christmas enterpain- ment was given. in Wesley be- fore a large and interested audience, A program of much merit was er hu of solos, duets, choruses, plays, drills, and dialogues. The various numbers were thorough- ly enjoyed by the crowd, especially the parts which the little "tots" took. i R. McLean, superintendent of the | school, acted as chairman. iblic school clcsed the term Friday evening by giving a can- tata in Womey Hall-entitled "Santa's Success." The performance was well carried mie perhaps which was being the chorus sing- Re Sr St [2 oy Hopkinson, grocer, has re- | {moved from Market Square to corner. handed | Th Boulton, Lillie"s, passed laway on Tuesday at the family resi- dence, after a brief illness of typh- oid-pneumonia. The funeral was "Theld Thurdddy to St. John's church jNew Dublin. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining, Are You a Boss? | | 'captain' in yoar busi- Are you the * ness, or does your business order you | A boss's first business is to He must be full of hope | { and in order to realize his hopes, he must advertise his business news. | The man who does this, is a big boss: his success is assured. | about? | be hopeful, ~~ The Late Catharine Brock. Catharine Benson, widow of the late Arthur M. Brock, died on Wed- nesday, at Nicholls Hospital, Peter- boro, following a long illness, De- ceased was seventy-five years of age. Her husband predeceased her some jmonths ago. Mr. and Mrs. Brock | formerly lived in Kingston. Appointed Inspector. W. H. Middleton who has been in- spector of electricity and gas at Be:- leville, has been promoted to be d:s- trict imspector of electricity and gas with headquarters at Belleville, ac- | cording to a bulletin of the civil ser {vice commission. He succeeds the Late Harq]d Fraser. | Military Holiday Time, | The old collegiate building, where the headquarters staff have their of-| |fices, is very quiet during the holi- | |days, and the usual busy routine and | "clicking" of typewriters is conspicu- lous by its absence, Many of the af- | ficers and N.€:0.'s are on leave, and | in' addition the usual correspondence his been greatly cut down during the past week. Never Had a Contest. The four candidates for the] Brockville council elected by acclam- ation are W. B, Reynolds and G. W_| | Warwick in the Centre ward, and A. IL. Wright and H. 8. Hunt, . in the South ward. Of these Mr, Keynolds enjoys the unique record of never having been forced to contest an election, al- though he has been actively identi- fied with municipal affairs for the last 17 years. rer-------- Seized Two Stills, Police and Inland revenue officers of Belleville, visited two residences in the township fo Thurlow and sefzed two stills and a quantity of mash. They also placed under ar- rest William Lucas, Charles Smith, aid Ernest Little, Charged with an infraction of the Inland Revenue Act the accused were remanded to Jail po a few. days. The utensils ing by the children. The musical part of the concert was under the 'di- rection of Heiiry Hill, musical direc- tor in the schools of Kingston, who played the accompaniments on the plano, He also gave a brief address on "The Place of Music in the Public School," being introduced by Mrs. A. Alkenbrack, principal of the locai school. During the interval between the two parts of the cantata, an ex- bibitton of the accomplishments of the primary department was given, with the little ones in charge of Miss Elma Lake. Sunday services in the chusches were of a Christmas nature, and splendid music was rendered by the choirs; In the Methodisi church on Sunday evening, the annual Christ- mas song service was held. Solos, duets, anthems, and male quartettes were sung to a large congregation, and the work of the choir was favor- ably received. Returning home from church on Sunday night, Mrs. Clarence Amey was struck by'd horse and rig driven by Davis Clark, - Mrs. Amey was knocked 'down and her side injured. She wag able to proceed home and medical attention was summoned. Her injuries are not thought to be serious, The death of Arthur J. Kirkpat- rick oecurred in Kingston general hospifal, whither he had been remoy- ed from here, on Thursday last. De- ceased ran a blacksmith shop in the village. His wife predeceased him a little over three years ago, and he is survived by five small children. The body was taken to Seeley's Bay, his parents' home, where the Tunera) was held. Among the Christmas visitors here were Mr. and Mrs. Asselstine, Chat- ham, with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. M#ller; Mr. and Mrs. Shales, Smith's Falls, with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs David Boyce; Ger- ald Clement, Montreal, with his grandmother, Mrs, Collins; Joseph Verette, Ottawa, with his parents; Mrs, W. H. Phippen and Miss Mary Phippen, Bath; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richards, Genanogque, with former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rich- ada Miss Billa Collins, Kingston, her mother, Mys. Collins; Mr. Gain, BeMeville, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin; Miss Van- Luven, Kin on, with her sister, |. Mrs, A. J, Yéung. mails were hand- 06 on {evidence of having been used to considerable extent, Captain Rees Dies. Capt. Chester W. Rees, aged fifty {five, a Well 'known lakes and riven | mariner, is dead at his home in Clay- {ton, N.Y. When young he sailed ths | great lakes and afterwards was mas- ter of the steamer St. Lawrence. ply- jing among the Thousand Islands From 1908 to 1917 he served oni i the board of supervisors of the town i whist somewhat crude, Bora! 1 a |of Claytom and was aiso a director of | ithe First National Bank there. Cap- | \ ee ---------- re ---- etre ce te ns te ee. Sd eet LUMBER SOME RECENT ARRIVALS: Oue car of Clear Yellow Pine. One caglodid of first quality dry Red Oak and, Ww hite Ouk Boards. One car Fir Joists. One car-Maple-and Birch Clear Fioo7Hg. Severa! care T. & G. Spruce ' Several cars 1" and 2" Hemlock. All new Lu abet and of really good quality. Prices are dow S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworkiug aciory and Lumbé: 'Yards, Say sud Wellin, Strecty, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phoue gig. Factory wg hy itain" Rees was well known to thous- | ~----~run ands of tourists and summer .visizors | {to th, islands. i | Acclamations at Perth. | Acclamations were the order when | nominations for Perth civic offices were received a' the town hall. Such! | entire satisfaction has been given Ly Mayor J. T. Conway and the other | members of the council that they were not opposed, and were declared elected by the resurning offier. H. A. Ansley resigned from the coun:il, and his place wag filled by the ele:- tien by azoclamation of T. I. Devlin. | Next year's council: Mayor Conway, Reeve H. M. Shaw deputy reeve R. Brown, Councillors * A. Grant, W_| { Douglas, T. A. Poole, P. J. Kehoe, il {| F. Robinson, T. J. Devlin. : { Thay Wear Them Herc, In Bel eville, Mrs. Agnes McFee! {wash elec ted as a member of the { Board of Education having the hon for of being the first lady to be elect- | ed on the board, and quite a stir has | been caused there to know whether | or not Mrs, McFee would wear her | hat while attending the meeting} of | {the Board. Mrs. McFee announced | {ner hat at the meetings. The Khe | ston Board of Education has had two [lady members on the board for aj |couple of years, and they wear their! hats at the board meetings and ng objéction has been taken. Your Winter Holiday Plans. Are you planning a winter holi- day in California or some other Pa- cific Coast point, or at one of the well known 'winter resorts in tha Southern States, Bermuda, Cuba, or the West Indies? Golf, tennis, bath- ing, fishing, etc., await you. If you intend to visit California you can see the "Rockies at their best' on thy Canadian National - Grand Trunk Railways, and it will be to your advantage to travel at least one way through Canada. Informatio re- garding fares, routes, etc, will be gladly given on application to J. P Hanley, C.P. and T.A., G.T.R., King- ston, Oat. spent the week with relatives in Smith's Falls, Mr. and Mrs. H. Otten Christmas in Kingston. Mrs. C. J. McPherson, Ottawa, and Mrs. Edward Sills, Kingston; spent a short time with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sills. Miss Laura Lindiay and Miss Ger- trude Thomas passed in their exami- nations held recently at the model school in Kingston. spent Spain Must Adopt Definite Naval Policy | -- jon Wednesday that she would wear | "*™ A Dinner You win Enjoy if For a meal you will enjoy. Visit our Restaurant, and you will not be disappointed. * Our Service is excellent and our prices are right. GRAND CAFE PETER LER PROPRIETOR Open From 8 am, Two Doors Above Opera House 222 Princess Street to 2 ad Simm BIG CUT IN PRICES on Maxotires and Tulés, for 10 Days 20% reduction on all sises of Maxotires and Tubes. A few Tires at cost. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBI KR CoO. A. NEAL, Manager 2384 _Qntario Street. Phone 2050. > £ SOWARDS KEEPS COAL tides COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE--hcUALL'S CIGAR STOUs PHONE 811. - SOWARDS COAL COMPANY a WINTER OVERCO » MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW Madrid, Dec. 29. ~--Discussing the: Washington conference the Eldebato | declares today that Spain must im- mediately adop. a definite naval pol- | icy, and argues that a further confer- ence must be held the coming year in | Europe in order to decide upon the | strength of naval forces in Mediter. | raneean. where it was reported that he | not seriously ill, and that his col- lapse had been caused by an attack | of acute indigestion. -------------- Two persons were killed and five wounded through the explosion or bombs. which it is alleged were being manufactured in q buflding beoag- ing to the Confederation of Labor in Lisbon. i The British steamer Golden West with a cargo of alcohol and case 1i-! Quor dboard was seized while at an- chor outside Boston. During the year, 110 persons, in- cluding eleven policemen, were kiea | in Belfast disorders, and 540 were | wounded by bullets or bombs.' news received from Cairo the city to be much quieter and ghe situation in Egypt generally as Sousiderably improved. love ofiem tramsforms two -- to a pair of spectacles. CASTOR RIA YQ Protests Against His Return. Pekin, Dec. 29.---The United States goverenment has protested to the Pekin government against the return to the capital of General Chang Ching Yae, former military governor of the province of Hunan, whose troops killed Rev. W. A. Rei- mert, United States missionary, in June, this year, -------------- Mayoralty Candidate Collapses. Ottawa, Dec. 29. ~--Joseph Kent, candidate for..mayoralty honors in the forthcoming civie elections, col- lapsed on the. platform at a meeting here. He was conveyed to his home, i ' | 8 Z 0 o \ g NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 | $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL"S 131 Pringess St. ~~ (One door below Randolph Hotel) EE ------------ Actin, Women' s Flannelette tgowns Made from good, heavy, White Saxony Flannelette, in Slip-over and buttoned styles; with short and long sk in full assortment of sizes at 1.25, $1.50 each. SATEEN PETTICOATS Nicely made and finished in Black and colors at $1. 19, 31. 50 and $1.75, Lined with Flanneletteand = very warm; in black only, at $2.25 each 4 WwW. N. Linton $ Phone 1 %