Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1921, p. 7

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a. ; Pr mmr i X ; oy Te ~FJ : i fi oh . > : - : FRIDAY, DEO, 89, 1084 / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. } Ee ---- B------ Sm ETT = PS -- pb ------ ep EE -------- - TE ee ---- ee ° ng | | y i i A | $ ' . ¥ : . | < 3 | . - 3 i na | | : : Er Gi H . I And U . . U . . Favorin | ; : Th oy a 3 NOW ON Lity, Hospita mversity Unite m g 00 wear a0 : y | : . » | o Aas frvi | f By-law For the Wid | tas and we are trying to clear every Coat B Passage OI Dy"law I'or the Wi ening 4 ropa ay IE . . | * | " % i 4% . 8 : regardless of price. Now is an oppor- of King Street. WHETHER FOR SPORT OR COMFORT WE HAVEIT: i ' 2 oh x > A i oat at a very low | \ : fo Ba tunity to buy 2 real C at a y | Kingston, Dec. 29.--(To the Bdi- , He park in one of the most beauti- | . rl FT #3 | figure. : tor): Dear Sir,--Five new By-laws |ful positions in all Canada. +, Roviry ih . are competing for the attention of The wire works and the adjoining : the citizens, Two relate to improve- | houses can be purchased for eight : A v % V ¥, | ments in the fighting' of fire, two to thousand dollars, The annual carry- . : > AF y George anHorne {remission of taxation on industries, | ing charge on this sum is so trifling na 5 H ! ety jane one, for which we make this {that ft would have no practical effect ; Te y ; : special appeal, to a public improve- on the tax rate. One qparter of a ER A i Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. | ment, the extenson westward of million dollars is being spent upon 4% SHOES Ldn {Macdonald Park and the Widentng | the new heating plant. The univer- : oa 4 -- {of King etreet west at the foot of |sity and the hospital batween them, MOCCASINS ' : | O'Kfll street, with the building of the stadium, the : a : 80,000 SAMPLES Last summer the university and |rink, the new heating plant, the Iso- 2 i Sa deita Noirinary er | the hospital bought the Hosiery Mill, | lation Hospital, the service building SNOWSHOES Yo» t 89 tora Lernemen Joo Sve, jhe j and on the site a heating plant is be- | and the addition to the Empire Wing, I ii te 2 two |i 0 help. the : Infiar.mation of the ungs. {#hg erected for the two institutions. {are doiflg a great deal to Pp } ; wes Kidneys Fovers, Bratemper | The new plant will etand forty-five \Jabor situation, It would, in ell | HOCKEY BOOTS a ote Bend te for ia 5 rite Your F | feet back from the old line of, the ' probability, have been more economi- 18: ress plainly, . | Hoslery Mil. 'It will be ornamental } cal to"have deferred this work until , £ "Bi. beli. Hu KINGITON, Ont, {in character, of limestone, and only | prices fall, but with a view to bet- RUBBERS When you buy your Hockey ) i ene story fo height, As a, contribu: | tering conditions in the city in this B : h / h Sk t ; sq | thon to the general scheme, the uni. difficult time the work is being pro- oots here we attac ates f Furniture Breighi--- Baggage versity and the hospital will give the | ceeded with at once. The water. | SPATS * : v Yi T 5 if | city, free from al] charges, a trip | front lot to the west of the new heat- | : a : Hi Ph 1776J |of the newly acquired property, ing plant belongs to the university | . OVERGAITERS bi FREE OF CHARGE. Te Ly one | where the Knitting Mil formerly (and has already been practically by 8. WHITEMAN stood, for the widening of the streat. turned over to the citizens as a part EY 210 QUEEN STREET | Troes could then be planted by thé |of the breakwater improvement. The FELT SHOES : il | : 5 ' ] =, | FOd side and there would be a lawn citizens might very well compléte , y { f "| between the rnad and the heating |this piece of public service by voting | ¢ | plant. The old buildings on the | the eight thousand dollars necessary - r | | north side of King street are to be for the purchase. On the other hand, S | ov ES | . ' to th {torn down and a mew Isolation Hos- !if the wire works property is not 5 1 -~ RE your eyes up to the |,.,.1 opin win cost. one hundred { purchased by the city it may be again 7 Quebec and Fire King Heaters A efficiency mark? Do Jou and fifty thousand dollars and will | used for manufacturing purposes to Sh SUIT CASES and CLU 3 and Gas Kanges. | see us clearly now as you be 'the property of the city, and fn [the great annoyance, and irritation Nickle Plated Showers. | did five years ago? If there is . |, ;0n ¢ hospital laundry, will be | of patients at the hospital from noise BAGS a Basins and Tollets something the matter with your orccted in their place. The site for |and smoke. The splendid water- | y oy red | eyes there J not much chance { the Isolation Hospital is being given | front is the citizens' greatest asset u 4 Jamber, Cement and. Cospvgats | ¢ of their curing themselves. The |by the hospital to the city. A dingy land it would be a thousand pities to Largest stock in Kingston. : . : chances are that your sight will | and unattractive spot is being chang- | let so good a chance of further im- | f I. Cohen & Co. | go on deteriorating until it 're- | 0d Into one of the show places of the proving it pass by. | . ! oo reity. The contemplated improvements | i 275 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 ceives the proper scientific at | To complete the improvement, [are for the benefit and enjoyment of | tention. You should see us. however, it is necessary that the wire | all. , For these reasons we, therefore, | \ * | works and the small houses beside [ask you to support the by<law per- | (Asti it should be purchased and demolish- mitting the purchase of these pro- | e1 e S oe -------- (ed. The bottle neck at the foot of perties. . ) ' : VE HARP g : | O'Kill street would. then be removed Yours Sincerely, . {and the widening, and straightening - --H. C. NICKLE, Mayor. | . g : PE NCILS WJ | of tho road could be continued from --R. E. KENT, Chairman | ; - Ars pn ol i [ | the heating plant eastward. The Kingston Gemeral Ios- : ep | REPAIRED { water side could be filled in from the pital, adn , 1 4 . ! {end of the heating plant wharf to =--R. BRUCE TAYLOR, G * 4 { We are equipped to make { Macdonald Park. At least an acre of} Principal, Queen's Uni- | roceries and any repairs to above pencilé, Registered Optometrist {land would thus be zdded to the pute versity, M We carry a supply of parts. 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post OMice | mom eats : Prompt sefvice : YOUR PROTECTION! } FRONTENAC CONTESTS y ? Prime Western Meats. 1 2 TRG ' NC | i 1 i ° Choice Mince Meat. i / a BURGLARY INSURANCE i I it t Edit ; o J R. C. Dobbs & Co. 3 C. 8. KIREPATRICK : | ers 0 or Choice Fruits, all kinds, £41 Clarence Street, king.ron. 36 Clarence St. Telephone I6Sw | : : 3 Fresh Butter &hd Eggs YY ad i y * -- . pS ' J -~ : - --- I punt . ™ ilk ta Cols: | Jams and Jellies. 22 | 5 - § i Dominion Tex .'s 14 AD 3 : oo MIN cc. dM |Reeves-Elect Gemmiil and| The 0 RS Cae. | Pickles and Relishes, a ! D th | Kingston, Dec. 29.--(To the Ed- " a ? | rew Mentioned for the .|itor): I'feel sure that you will not | * . Tow 4 : ; | County Wardenship. {overlook the importance of voting a ter ] ; { "Yes" on the Dominion Textile iax| o HAH 'Yes" he Domini K i | IC erin i ? Although it is almost too soon to | Exemption By-law on Monday. The Uniqu 2 3 . e Groce : : rrophegy, it looks very much as This exemption means very little i Mere "nd. Meat x > though either David Gemmill, reeve [so far as the revenues of the city of 490 and 492 Princess St. . of Palmerston and Canonto, or David | Kingston are concerned. But it Phone 530, ' | Drew, reeve of Olden township, will {means a great deal to our factory 3 IC or | De elected warden of the county of | here and, therefore, to the gonorar SE : : 4 Frontenac at the first meeting which public of Kingston. | ~- y | will be held on-January next. Both You will understand of course | C4Dacity. Today our nssessment is our ome S our ; e these reeves have been re-elected by |that in order to compete with the $16,248,000 and we have only one @ acclamation, Mr. Drew has served cheap labor, and the very large millg | ®mall steamer 500 gals, capacity _or and is admired or otherwise by your friends according to the Puralture your 2 Victrolas two years at the council board while | in the Province of Quebec, our King- | 'y emergency. Buildings will burn | have in it. Home and Livink Room will be the gathering pince over the 'Win- . Mr. Gemmill has completed three [gon mill has to k 1. ita auG we have large bul d'ngy in King- | ter season. ye eep costs Chesterfield | your2. down to the lowest possible point. |: ¢R 81d the "Wo strean:s this steam- soit Maareane Hox BIE re ar vantage of reson -- / There will likely be a great change [hat is. the reason we require the|®" €aN Sup! would be ineffective, ! : ie in the personal of the council for (extension of the tax exemption by-|"74 the hydrant pressure for other 1922. Fred Dennison, reeve of the law. It is absolutel j#:reams would not rexch tie roof of and township of Portland, has decided [the continniy Success of the mal, | F'any of bor bufldings . Can we to JAMES REID Lot to enter the field again. There Please remember this by-law . in rerize with this 'site: 17; or do we . : are four candidates for the position volves no outlay of money for the |¢ oR Deglect our insurance? - PHONE 147 F OR SERVICE 4 . which Mr. Dennison held. They are This year our fire department ex- 4 4 : FE. L. Amey, Edley Campsall, Thomas oe i estan. But ui the other penditure is about $33,000, Noxt Vicor I EL : ¥ ' running as councillors are W, Camp- steadily, and that pays $150 000.00 toant of savings that will be made ' . sall, Percy Henderson, James' Me- to Kingston ow yay. : -00 the appropriation can be cut down Kenna; Ben. Reville, Harold Stover ny srs 3 as - ar year 0 over $2,000, That is the purchase t : and Noble Ellerbeck. Four council- 000.00 g B onal $50,-1,; 4 triple combination of a pump of Qa Li 107s ate to be elected. It is stated | 00-90 Or more which is spent for |g, gal. capacity, chemical tank and $haf the campaign will be very fn. SUPDIIEE in this city every Year. In pogo Soho in one unt will not teresting, other words the presence of the Do- require an increase in the expense of There will be a very close fight in [Minion Textile Company's mill - in our fire department, Of this we can the township of Storrington. John [BIS city has a direct bearing on the assure the rate payer. We are the (Taylor. is being opposed by Samuel |5€neral prosperity of our city. lonly ety of our size in Ontario that y ' Tare) Jamieson and Martin Sands. An | Please do not forget, therefore, to pas hot standard motor driven fire three candidates have a' good follow- [YOte "Yes" for the By-law for Do-| apparatus; Our Reo truck being "2 ing, 80 it is expected the result will [Minion Textile tax exemption on|only a commercial truck and not bo very close. Monday. specially built for fire service. i , It is impossible to get in communi- Yours truly, The fire underwriters in their last : y @ ® ¥ cation with the clerk of the township DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY [two reports have urged this motor t i . of Clerendon and Miller." It is | LIMITED. apparatus when we had two steam- i ; Jeweler = = = = = 132 Princess St. + Q| thought that P. J. Wemsley, Wha was William Cook, Superintendent. |ers. What will they say when : ' §| & former member of the council, and > S---- on - their next :inspection they find A RS Thomas Armstrong, who sat iast| Re Fire Department and By-Law. [nothing done with their recommen en --~ Ti year, are in the field. Kingston, Dec. 29. (To the Edi- | dation and only one steamer that can -- ' David Barr and William Patter- {tor): The by-law to borrow $16, [be used? 5 --- ' _ ton have been nominated for the 500 tor the purchase of motor | Read this letter again slowly and 4 se _-- LL " position of recve of the township of ven fire apparatus spread over ask yourself if we should take any | grorag TATE BLACKSTOCK. KC. W. B. PILLEBURY AEP 3d A : Bedford. ' Mr. Patterson was a mem- | 20 years will give a. net annual cost chance of a conflagration in Kingston LL wads ah ting minal a Dayehology, ver . '§§| ber of the county council for the past |of about $1,125 per year deducting | when we are assured that this addi | night after a lengthy illness at his resi- best equipped psychological tory nN IR {wo years. William Les, James Fitg- [horse keep. The travel of fire appdr- tion is not going to increase our dence in Torontn. In America. Cb 2% aK : : sera, J. Wood, Alonzo Kennedy, J. |atus in Kingston to and from fires | mxes, pear 4s eT % ' : ? J. Donoghue and Mr. Carey are run- [only &mounting to a little over 209 ---P. B. CHOWN, i § He Lost His Money. Girl Guides Work Fé# Poor. 5: F ning for positions on the' council of | miles for the last year, is 30 minutes Chairmen of Fire and Light Com.! The Whig was informed on Thurs- The 10th Kingston pa ; ge or 2 the township, . : work a week. Motors do not cost any- | day about a man Im Kimgston who; Girl Guides did another ( ; : ® . > ' There are two in the field for |thing when idle, yet horses must be ; School of Navigation, had the sum of $240 sewed up in a when they met at the home of their : MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN nd Ih he tows 45d Wolfe ls- |fed and exerolsed Tegakrly. There. | The ninth session of Queens Til: Mee rar aot ¥ string, which be | company mother, Mra. Russel] Pos " . ht SN ' : 'ands. In the tov of Van Archie fore relative costs for the motor $14 versity Navigation School will open carried around his neck. The other! ter, 201 William street, on Wek og : McPherson's Gray, Roert Moeigh 'and H. J. [per year, team of horses $568 per early in January, under the charge day the string gave way, and the | day evening snd repaired ke : . ree riiiury Thompson are running for recve. year for of Captain A. Barrett, under whose money was lost, and although a ing and hosiery for the poor ; +": Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes Up until the presen: time the fol- motor driven fire appar. | guidance the school during the past ¥orough search was made ot the large quantity of which wes ¢ HH - : awing have Leen mombers of | atus ean in any winter road |four year his become most efficient, . man's rooming house and ¢isewhers, fed. The evening's work result Ho Buckled up in a second--ankle support ad- the 'county ¢ "b¥ 'mceliziation: | condi! horses can go and | Last year ty men, most of them no trace could be found of the mas. two large parcels of cold | H Y Wiilinm Gurhrie,. Lou Sbaro: R. A. bogey in Alaska. Ii is there- obtained ecer- ing wad. ee Recently Ned and . Hinchinbroot company hopes to . 2 i 3 ¢ gals wow, i ; Janes H Aa Parts. easy to lace. Call and see them. +H woven, and Davia Gemmii, Palmer. RC. Hawkey, wh" was nominat- ~d for deputy reeve fo, "he township of Kingsion, has deeido: not 10 cone ig8t. He will be a candidate for the of councillor. nie. On Wadoss- | fires, jis Ep

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