10 SP ms CATCHING. WHAT? THE HABIT: "FOR RECORDS ° JUST LIKE A COLD TRY TREADGOLD'S FIRST" When you get it, you'll be able to always 80 home with the latest re- cord hits, for we do have them first! A Very Few of the New Ones Just Received: Who, Cry Baby Blues, Bimini Bay, Cheeks, Monastery Bells, Everybody Step, Dapper Dan, Wim- Rosy ; ' min, Haunting Waltz, May O'Brien, Down at the Old Swimmin' Hole, ete, A ---------------------------------------------------- A -------------------------- ee, So THE FOUR BIG HITS -- Hortense, Tuck Me To Sléep, My Sunny Ten- nessee, Ten Little Fingers. Full stock of SYMPHONY RECORDS for the Symphony inclined customer, WIRELESS TELEPHONE CONCERTS are now being broadcasted amateurs and friends. All records played Any record you like, you can get a duplicate Wave length 200 for the benefit of all come from our store. by coming to us. All the new hits will be hé¥rd metres. STEEL NEEDLES "TREADGOLD SPORTING F GOODS CO. PHONOGRA PHS--RECORDS--SKATES--CAMERAS PHONE 520 STREET - - - - - 88 PRINCESS "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 2 ee ea 5 Ecdeee Es Frame House on Alfred Street--6 rooms; electric lights; 8 piece bath, good location, Price 3 $8,000. 4 Stone House, Hen House, Small Barn and One Acre of Land | inside city limits. Price Solid Brick on Barrie Street. M. B. TRUMPOUR 111% BROCK STREET PHONE 704 or 1481w. | a sa pr rtssps aa Keep Out the Cold Make by using your Doors and Windows Storm and Weather-proot BRONZE WEATHERSTRIPPING Easily put on all Doors and Windows yourself, Supplied complete with directions and nails, and at very reasonable cost. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STRIET SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Irons, Toasters, Desk Lamps, 167 PRINCESS STREET Garden is probably oft for Rickard would not Msten to demands -made by Kanse: The proposed match between Rocky Kaneas of Buffalo and Lew. Tendler of Philadelphia in Madison | In the World of Sport THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | | | RECORD CROWD his es | a Is To Attend Monday's Game in A . Body, After their d WOULD HASTEN PLAY IN TENNIS MATCHES | The New English Rule Seeks | (RH EXPECTED MONDAY, 4 inner on Monday ev-| ening, the Kingston Kiwanis Club | will transfer the scene of their merri- | to Speed up the Game. When Queen's and Frontenacs Start the Local Interme=- diate O.H.A. ment to the Jock Harty Arena to wit- and Queen's. The members have promised to attend the game Monday has been set aside by Queen's Athletic Directorate tor al | Citizens' and Students' night at the | Jock Harty Arena. Og that occasion | the intermediate 0. H. A. season will will support with cheering. After have been holding in the Frontenac get away to a flying - start when | #ining room each Monday, they make Queen's and Frontenacs meet. a valuable support to one team or Both teams are confident of vie | the other. It has been proposed tnat tory, from the mascots up to the | they cheer one team the first period, presidents of the clubs, and the game | the other team the second, and in will be as good as any ever put on th last period follow their individual by these two aggregations, which js | inclinations. saying something. In previous years | Queen's usually started out well but | TOTAL OF 447 HOME RUNS | Were worn down and beaten out by | |a small margin on the round by 'he | dogged persistency of the city play- ers. This year ti | they will go through without troub's 10 less thai 12, | While the wearers of the Blue any Piled up | White are just as sure that they wii | turn out victors. registered, and 649 of the hits were | The race is all the more interestin ; 800d for three bases. {because there are 'hree other teams The number of home runs made |n the running, Cornwall, Brockville, amounted to 477, a mark never be- and Belleville. Last night Fronten- | fore reached in any one season of the {acs were in Cornwall and the results Organization's history. An average uf of the game on Monday will form an | more than 20 hits per game was {opinion of how Queen's will shape ub made, of which more than five wers |against the intermediates of the rac-|g00d for extra bases. ory town. Cornwall has beaten| The Detroit Tigers made more hits Brockville, as has also Belleville, and | than any other team, being oreditea these two teams will be about eveniy | With 1,724. The Indians made 1,055 matched. Monday night's game, |hits, and the Browns were third witli therefore, will open the key to how a total of 1,655, The Yankees made [the land lies in the group, as ail 1,576 safe wallops while bringing the iness the game between Frontena.s in a lawn tennis player in England, who {body, although it is not ye: known |URder the stress of a gruelling match Which team this crowd of huskies Seeks to delay the progress of the the strenuous rooting practises Sn frequently (if he wears IN AMERICAN LEAGUE [book of English lawn tennis rules, During the 1921 American Leags |gives the umpire power to disqualify | race a total of 616 games were play-|a player under such conditions, after | e tri-color men think ©d and in that number of contews|a preliminary warning has been giv- | 525 base hits were |en, and subject to the discretion of | HH The New York Trivune says: The v game by stopping to wipe his eye- | them) | or by kicking the ball by "accident as he stoops to pick it up, or by walking slowly around in a wide | circle back to the base line each time | before commencing service or getting | ready to receive, or by any one of the | many other subterfuges now in vogue | is going to be out-of luck in the fu-| ture if he attempts these things. | The new rule just placed in the | the referee. We have a few players | A total of 2,140 two baggers ware | of the delay, linger and wait class in | this eountry who would suffer were | this rule to be in effect here. [ Another Billiard Star Erik Hagenbacher, German oue adept, is in New York, training for exhibition matches, in which he hopes to demonstrate his skill at 18:2 balkline billiards. He is cro- dited with a run of 768. Hagenbacher, who arrived from Germany on Sunday, is 26 years old, and has played billiards about eight years. | | the big game. | teams will have participated in one or | more' games. Queen's have many players out, | all eligible for intermediate O. H. A. | | end the team will be picked from tna! following: McKelvey, McNeill, Rit-| | che, Carroll, Campbell, Cleland, war- | chford, Woodruff, Stewar:, Wrigat, | Gibson, K. Quinn, McDonald, Brown, | Swartman, 'Poyser, Affleck, and otu-| | ers. | Frontenacs will probably start | | with the following line-up: Goa, | | Whitney; defence, Lloyd Brown and | Brouse; centre, Trousdale; wing, | Brown and Smith; spares, Nickue, | Derry and Lee. Most of these players | are well-known here. ,Trousdale and | Lee turned ia fine performances ir [the county hockey fixtures last win- ter, Lee, for Sydenham, and Trous- dale for Verona. There is a rumer that "Dick" Spoor will be out with Frontenacs this year, and, if it is! | true, they will have a forward line man hard to beat. Queen's rooters are preparing for Last night they heid a mass meeting in Grant hall to or- i | ganize for it and it is unders'ood that the Rooters' Club is reserving a block of one thousand seats for this game. Kingston fans will be out in force to support Fron'enacs and a big night will be the inevitable re- sult. Opinions will be based on this game by the spectators as to the re- the eyes of thousa n them, the epeed artists on both sides will put forth their best efforts. be no smoking permiited but the fans will be too excited to smoke, so that's all right. LAKE PLACID ICE RACE MEET FIXED Dates for the Lake Placid Diamond trophy championship for amateur outdoor speed skaters are announced as February 9th, 10th and 11th. The new event, which is in effect a word championship for the International Skating Union of America at its an- nual meeting at Pittsburgh December 10th, and is looked forward to by officials of the International Union, the Adirondack Skating Association, as marking a new era in amateur speed skating. Barely Lived Through It. A terrible experience had Edw, O'Connor, of Sault Ste. Marie. From boynood he writes: "I have been a constant sufferer from Asthma and Catarrh. My nosé and throat was of- ten stopped up, dnd I had disagree- able droppings. from my throat. When an attack of coughing came on, it seemed as if I would barely live through it. I would gasp for breath. Catarrhozone made me well. It'« goothing, healing action was ex- actly 'suited to my case." To those who suffer from Catarrh, Asthma throat irritation and Bronchitis, Ca- tarrhozone is highly recommended. |GROH 18 lative merits of the teams, and wisi There will | 'la visit to New Orleans, championship of their league to 'he | Polo Grounds. It was a tough seas- on for pitchers, The Druggists All Agree That "Putnam's" Is Best The oldest corn remover on the market is Putnam's Corn Extractor, and it is the best. Your corns will all drop out adter a few treatment~ with this painless remedy. Failure { impossible. Refuse a substitute for "Putnam's." 25c. everywhere. NOW MEMBER OF WORLD'S CHAMPIONS Heinie Gro. Wednesday became a full-fledged member of the New York National League baseball team, The former Cincinnati star, secured from 1922, " SATURDAY, JAN, HHT LUMBER We are again on the ground floor with sy fresh stocks of Pine, Hemlock and Spruce, at prices that mean business, Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 Victoria Street 0 STOCK TAKING FURNITURE We have a few lines to clear before Stock Taking. SHAVING CABINETS-- regular $10.00, for .......$4.50 and $5.00. LIBRARY TABLES from $15.00 10. ive irre... 37500 CHESTERFIELD SET--3 pieces, Cane Back, Loose Cushion, Stripe Ve- lour Upholstering . . . ....$150.00 up KITCHEN CABINETS ..$25.00 to...... vein reee 385,00 Robt. J. Reid & Son UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALME 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Call 577w. ni 2 1 ces ae a Mike McTigue has set sail for a next month now that Johnny Wilson match with Harry Greb at New York | has refused to meet the Pittsburger. the Reds in exchange for George Burns and Mike Gonzales and a cash bonus, reported to have been be- tween $50,000 and $100,000 signed a two-year contract at the office of tna Giants. John J. McGraw, vice-president and manager of the team, refused to state the amount of salary involved or whether Groh received a bonus for signing. He said the terms of the contract were between player and club, adding that agreement upon de- tails of the contract required only a few minutes' discussion. An Old Time Player. George W. Ballard, the newly-ap- pointed crown attorney of Hamilton, is a former football star and one of the organizers of the Inter-Provinclal Rugby Uniom. Mr. Ballard playel rugby at Varsity and was the captain of the intermediates and later man- ager of the seniors. He was a close student of the game and when the | Burnside rules were adopted by the |O.R.F.U. he developed the snap-back game for the Tigers, for whom he { played quarter-back to such perfec- 'tion that the Hamiltonians were prac- tically unbeatable in Canada. Mr. Ballard's work at quarter was so perfectly timed that it made possible the gerat passing runs of his clever associates on the back division, viz., Ben Simspon, Sep DuMoulin, Art Moore and the late Dave Tope. Me. Imeemal To Buff vs. Wilde? Johnny Buff champion flyweight of the Un'ted Sttaes and holder of the bantamweight championship, ho)es soon to meet Jimmie Wilde in Eur- ope. If he beats Wilde he will be tho holder of both the flyweight and bantamweigh* world's _champion- ship. Haynes To Ride in France, Trainer Eugene Leigh, who has one of the largest stables on the French turf under his care has, aft r signed up Joc Everett Haynes to take back to #rance wi'h him. Haynes has been with the Pelican Stable for some time, but owing to increasing weight has only ridden infrequently. Skating on the Harbor. On Friday afternoon a number of people were seen skating on the har- bor. Had the snow stayed off a few days, there would have been a perfec: sheet of ice. Two months' treatment, one dollar, smaller sizes 25c¢. and 50c., at all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., of | Montreal. Pawnbrokers are able to sco the silver. lining of your clouds. nufactured by 8acco Cor Spvv 0s CAnaca Montesa. Canana rd 17% olbhers vex Q 3 sims Fortunately for the average man brains are not on exhibi'ion. a | Sc Nery BY GEORGE McMANUS I'VE J