Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1922, p. 16

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(ADULTERATION PRACTISED FOUNDED 1847 Livingston's Annual Discount Sale During January 209%, off all Men's and Boys' Overcoats 20% off all Men's and Boys' Suits 20% off all Ready-to-Wear Clothing 20% off all Men's Furnishings. Collars and Jeager goods only ex- cepted. | By Milk Producers @. G. Pub- | low Tells Eastern Ontario Dairy Convention. | { { | _ Ottawa, Jan. 6.--At the Eastern | G. G. Publow, Kingston, Chief Dairy | Instructor for Eastern Ontario, gave a short address. "We hear a lot about factories having to shut down on account of the regulations of the Dairy Standdrds Act," said Mr. Pub- low, "but this is all rumor. There have been only seven factories closed through legislation in the history of the dairy industry in Ontario. ,The i concerns being erected at the pre- sent time are meeting all the condi- tions called for in the ect, while the ones already in existence can, with a little expense, be put in the same position." Mr. Publow explained that it was the intention of the gov- ernment to administer the act with judgment and to make every effort to get all interested to see the justice of the legislation and to approve of same. The testers to be used by the government would have the confid- ence of the public, he assured the convention, amid considerable ap- plause. That there was need for every bit lot legislation already in existence was amply proven by this speaker, who claimed that the quality and reputation of Ontario dairy products were suffering for lack of enforcing the law. 'Eifty to 60 per cent. of the cheese shipped from eastern On- | tario to Montreal at a certain period during the past season," he stated, '""'was under grade, open and off-fla- vor, and I am convinced 75 per cent. of the defects can be placed to un- | Ontario Dairymen's convention here, | TELLS ABOUT JAPAN rs. J. G. Dunlop Addresses Syden- ham Street Church Society. | There was a large attendance at | the meeting of the Woman's Mission: ary Society on Friday afternoon at Sydenham Stree: Methodist church The president, Miss Daisy Chown, oc- | cupied the chair. Mrs. Dunlop, wife of Dr. Rev. J. G. Dunlop, a missionary in Japan, addressed the gathering. Mrs. Dun- lop, although herself and husband | | are affiliated with the Presbyterian {church in Japan, stated that she had | received her first missionary inspir- | ation in Sydenham street Methodist | church one Sunday morning when as | a child she attendeda service at which | | & missionary spoke. She had a dol- | lar she had earned herse!f and which | no one knew she possessed, and she : donated that té the missionary fund i that morning. Mrs. Dunlop is now living in Kingston for the purpose of ! enabling her son to attend Queen's university. Dr. Dunlop is still in Jap- an. Mrs. Dunlop read a meseage sent | by her husband from , the foreign | field, and it wes certainly very in- spiring and appreciated by all. Mrs. | Dunlop told of the advancement dur- | ing the last ten years in Tokio, where she and Mr. Dunlop were stationed | for a time. Heavy trucks are now | travelling over roads which were built for small two-wheeled vehicles | which were drawn by the civilian po- | pulation, The Japanese women. are | adoptfhg the American style of dress, | They are also taking a very active ! part in athletics, and some of the | girls are expert tennis players. Mrs. R. Williams took charge of the devotional period, and made an earnest appeal for more workers, and for the consecration of the ones Who are now engaged in the work. Mrs. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. [=] " | + SATURDAY, JAN. # 1022 ee m---------- ee ------ > 1 SAL STARTING 7.30 O'CLOCK For the after-supper shoppers we have prepar- ed a host of special bargains at prices away below the regular--prices that are really worth taking note of, v * 75 PAIRS CHILDREN'S OVERSTOCKINGS _ | Black and Scarlet. Regular 85c¢. to $1.25 TONIGHT .......... cv coon. 39 PAIR 75 pairs of Children's heavy, all wool Overstockings--well made strong--in colors Black and Scarlet. pasteurized whey. The loss from this cause alone in the same section amounts to over one million dollars annually." Mr. Publow explained whey in these cases is returned to the farmer, who hauls it away in the whole-milk cans. The whey, when unpasteurized , develops bacteria which ruins the quality of the cheese and ts transmitted to it through the Sly - : | All goods marked in plain figures. All Sales for Cash. E. Treneer sang very. delightfully, accompanied by Miss Bessie Rogers. ° a that the . a No approval. Sizes 64, 7,75. 1. No exchanges. :0 DOZEN CHILDREN'S MITTS Regular 65c¢. to 75¢. TONIGHT ................49. PAIR 10 dozen Children's Wool Mitts--Mitts that are well made, out of heavy wool yarns. (Colors: Grey, Brown, Green, Scarlet, Cardinal. Come in and investigate. LIVINGSTON' 75-79 BROCK STREET, : "If Off Your Route, It Pays Te 'Walk' milk cans. Ordinary washing can- not a660P8y the germ. "Compulsory pasteurizing ob whey has cured this damage (somgtimes amounting to 50 per cent. of"the output) in three days, stated the speaker. "And at least a quarter of a million dollars will be saved, over and above the cost of the work, when this practice becomes general, besides halting the spread of tuberculosis among hogs through the same agency." "There has been a lot of hostility to pasteurizing, factory men claim- ing that their present equipment is inadequate to handle the work, and | that the expense of installing new machinery is prohibitive, This criti- cism was also answered by Mr. Pub- low, who claims that any boiler large enough to operate a cheese factory was large enough to pasteurize the whey, and that there was more st wasted by the average factory in the course of a year than would be re- quired to perform the work. Something akin to a sensation was caused when the speaker stated that PRINTERS there were 65 outstanding cases of adulteration of milk during the past year and that if the inspectors had HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR pushed this sort of thing at least | en ay 400 convictions would have been MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. made. "As a result of this pernic- fous practice and the other causes al- BORN. ready mentioned {it now requires HOWITT--On the 6th January, 1922, to] 11.27 pounds of milk to make one Mr, and Mrs. Fred as thee : ~Neille uneco! Je . | pound of cheese, which is just .27 of MAKER-.At Napanee. on Dec. 21st, tof a pound more than has ever been Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maker, | previously recorded," stated Mr. daughter. 3 n i - i ' NAGLE--At Portsmouth, on Jan. 7th, | { Publow. "This loss in one year 1922, to Mr. and Mra. H. J. Nagle. | amounts to over $250,000. : (nee Florence McGeein), a daugh-| The speaker said that he was ter. | A A A A A A tA ashamed to announce that it was now MARRIED - | well-nigh impossible to find cheese BRUMMEL PATTERSON « On Dec. | without a defect in eastern Ontario. 28th, at, Figton, ktaelwen Patter | sen to (P p Graydon rummel, In closing, Mr. Publow asked for hoth of the county of Prince Ed-} co-operation on the part of all inter- ward \ { ested. "Give us the same quality of PEMILL---LUNLEY-0 Dec 28th, at | os *ieton, essie vira Lumley, to] milk you poli to Sho SonSUmOr or the Earl Wellington DeMill, both of creamery," he stated, "and we w the county of Prince Edward. | he cheese indust I - | FRASER--PERRY--At Napanee, on! DO Bouse du i apres 25th Dec, Miss Rhea B. Perry, of Napanee, and Sperry H. Fraser of; a North ied a0 { 1 NEW DAIRY BUSINESS 15 ONLY, CHILDREN'S CAP ANCL SCARF SETS Regular $2.50 JONIGHT .................... 3105 15 only----Children's Brushed Wool Cap and Scarf Sets--these are very warm-----come in pretty colors--regular $2.50, REV. T. W. PATERSON Rector of Christ Church, Deer Park, Toronto, whose resignation, after min- istering for fifty years to the congre- gation, was accepted with regret. AFTER SUPPER 2X I DAILY MEMORANDUM. Skating at Palace Rink to-sight. 3] 3 = } CHILDREN'S VESTS A Regular 85c. to $1.25 TONIGHT ............. ....... BOs Children's Vests and Drawers--natural color--fine rib -- a correct weight for winter wear. . Anderson Bros. LIMITED BIG WEEK-END SALE TO CLEAR AT FOLLOWING PRICES - NOTE THE SAVING SEA AND LAKE FISH 1,000 bs. Whitefish ....18c. 600 lbs. Lake Trout .... Halibut--whole or half-- British Columbia Salmon-- whole or halt aresvsvprenassses B00 Ib) Sheed 25c. Ib. SHoed ov sovns son Bc. I | S68 Herring--large size -- 500 Ibs. eadless and dressed ...... . 123e. Ib. 12%ec. Ib, 400 lbs, Fresh YELLOW PICKEREL 18c, 1b. These fancy Yellow Pickerel caught and chilled in the | same manner as the Whitefish; they are chilled so quickly | after being taken from the water that you may see them } * kick when thawed out. These Fish are just as fine in flavor as Black Bass. +++ + 10c. 1b, Large Smeits Smoked Fillets--Smoked Haddie--Ciscoes Smoked Kippers ..8 for 25¢c. .Smoked Salmon Snacks, 80c. Ib. OYSTERS Sealshipt Brand. Sold in Glass jars and bulk, NOTE-- Better place your Fish order Thursday to ensure early delivery. , This would be helpful to our patroas desiring frozen fish, which takes w little longer in preparation. GREEN STUFF---Lettuce, Rhubarb, Celery, Iceberg Lettuce, PRIBIOY. casts snnneces sosninnsn iv GROCERY DEPARTMENT Groceries At Real Money-Saving Prices 5 1bv. Granulated Sugar ..38c., HONEY--PURE CLOVER 500 sacks Pastry Flour.. ' No. 5's .. ...95¢c. each 12% ......000. 9880, each No. 2%'8 ..........58¢c. each 300 1 1b. tins Salmon 5c. each No. 2% Buckwheat 40c. each > 100 4-1b. tins assorted pure $1.00 LAUNDRY SPECIAL os a Jane each qua es Catsup -- 5 bars Comfort Soap. cenish wra¥vsaa 06, each 3 tins Old Dutch Cleanser. 500 tins Corn ......2 for 28c. 1 pkg. Washing Soda. Baked Beaus, 1'y -.- 3 pkgs. Ammonia. Sizes 2 years to 14 years, 5 DOZEN LADIES' BLACK WOOL TIGHTS 4. Regular $2.00 and $2.25 TONIGHT ....................; $1.25 5 dozen only--Ladies' Black Wool Tights--fine rib----ankle length only--regular price $2.00 and $2.25, HENDERSON-DAFOE -- At Napanee | on 28th Dec.. Miss Vera Dafoe and | Herbert J. Henderson, both of] Hungerford township. DIED FARLEY---In Picton, on jan. 3rd, Mrs William Farley, in her seventy-fifth | year. TOBIN---In Kingston, at the House of Providence, on Jan. $th, 1922, Mary Tobin, aged $2 years. Funeral (private) on Monday morning y to St. Mary's Cathedral. where a . H. Fair, the proprietor, who has solemn requiem mass will be sung established this énterprise, has done i 9 o clock for the happy repose of | SO at very great cost to himself, act- i F tenga pg acquaintances kindly in- ing upon the best advice of milk ex- : r vited to attend the ness. ¥ 5 perts in Europe and America. | We understand the quality of milk | CARD OF THANKS produced is equal to the highest stan- i) ! i ghey Superior and Sisters of | ote - dard of-certified milk, which sells | 10,1) i itise rn to thapk very and n Toronto, at 45 cents per quart. | other friends who so kindly and Sane | To do this, the producers must live | STOUSIY remembe aaron af Chrlstmag up. to certain government regula- | tions, which experts claim has been New Year. strictly adhered to by this enterpris- stricly adhered to by this JAMES REID There is no doubt this is a great |, The { Be PRI. opportunity. for the citizens of King- | Phone 147 for Ambulance. ston to secure a reliable product, , the best that can be produced at a nominal price. This milk has been known to keep sweet for seven days, because of its purity under ordinary conditions, -------- The Protest to Proceed. The decision to protest the King- ston election announced some time ago has, it i learned, been confirm- Excellent Purity of Milk Sold by A. H, Fair. We have much pleasure in recom- | mending to the citizens of Kingston, | for consideration, the Hemlock Park | Stock Farm's advertisemen; in an- other column of this issue. «+. 28c. Ib. HR -------- Look At These Values For Women Who Want High Shoes te eh seca Ladies' Brown High Shoes--- military heels . . . . . $6.00 Big Girls' Brown High Shoes --flat heels ...... $6.00 Undertaker aud Emaimer Undertaniug Paniors, Zon trincess Si. Awvuance Phone 1832, EN A Ar JUHN CUORNELIUS 200 tins ..... ...10c. each 'White Beans, hand picked-- 410s for ...........80n 4 tins Sardines ........ 25c. 500 Ibs. Prunes at ....12¢, Id, Two lines--remarkable val- ues for winter wear. - AY Lockett's . : - \

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