* _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a __ SaTURIAT, ax. 7, some. > movies, they are mestly clean, and a Coron Po | inet humor-- Don't you think that M A I N S TREE T | HEART WAS 50 BAD 1% rs ero ar | Honest Adverti sin g. Many women get weak and run {'muen.™ said Carol. [ov and unable to look after their He. shook his finger at her. "Now | t ° . . 3 i he heart | : | 3 The Story of Carol Kennicott eater, mimes he BOUT | ow. youre ton mater: Ls sure. we HIS is a topic we all hear now-a-days because so many people are inclined to ; o , {can all see that you have a perfectly . o +h : 1 | nervous system unstrung. A a " By SINCLAIR LEWIS | Nature intended women to byjeorking suse of humor. Besides, Dr exaggerate. Yet Be S59 Jiyssien oy I ey eo Slated i bo {strong, healthy and happy instead of | Kennidcott wouldn't marry a lady that remedial To rties for etche s astoria ust as em. e won't answer 1 |sick and wretched. But how an a didn't have. We all know how ho! Pp pe . "Oh, of course there's a lot of Fede fad Browse. Tie Back red [oman De si rong and healthy ove hig Jour oy is t ourselves, we know what the answer will be. ' cran| the farmers same ag [before tire buggy ® -| day é "You . I'm a jokey o ird. | : . : 3 in § 3 EiaPe 70 armors 413. ites. Linton 13 | render, thon wom blopied to Sutra arough the.same routine of WOrk.icome op, Gagrie: iets sedi 11." re-| That it has all the virtues to-dey that was claimed for it in its early days is som. these kickers, a fellow'd |grayness. Cattle came in a long line |8Weeping, dust ng, 0p DE, Washing, |, red Kennicott. | sd . . . + ; think or the farmers ought to run [up to tho barred gates of the farm- [a 3 Je any wonder On te heaht Raymie implored, "And what is | to be found in its increased use, the recommendation by prominent physicians, anc : 8 : g C py - . | . . . . Ls WI) 120 NS ovina" | Sure wind Ysr the Testing land was | oO A ory. os lv Bots (eit our cottyn liste fnterest, Mrs! our assurance that its standard will be maintained, : match -- probably if they had théir (a dark glow. Ly {faint and dizzy spells, smothering and | Kennicott? . . i. . H +] way they'd fill up the legislature Dural hay {ound Te nn 2 {sinking spells and can't sleep at Aware that the travelling Fletcher's Castoria 1s strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. ones 3 with a lot of farmers in manure-cov-"| greatness ich ha T iB |night. sales 1 murmured 'Dentistry', nn : 1 : fi th its 30 f ha I --yes, and they'd come tell | Main, street. | ang ual women whose heart is weak (she desperately hazarded, "Architec.| advertised as such, without a claim for more than its over 30 years of use have amp Sted hoo yey, 5 lary now, and IL {and whose nerves are unstrung we ture." " i a1 wan hired on & wixry A Baby' bies. And adult' dy for all the famil couMn't fx my foss! That'd be fine| THI they had a maid they took | wenld recommend "That's « real nice art. I've always| PIOVED: aby's remedy for Babies. not an | s remedy for e famil for you, wouldn't it!" Sha O98 dinner andviz o'clock mp. | AND NERVE PLS [Se!d--when Haydock & Simons were | and al] the ails that human flesh is heir to. "But why shouldn't they?" ,_ [per at Mrs, Gurrey's boarding houss. | the best remedy to tone up the |0RISBINE the new fron: of the Bon - "Why? That bunch of-- Tellidg| Mrs. Elisha Burrey, relict of Daa- [system a or, the ol Ton building, the old man came to C = me--Oh, for heaven's sake, le's quit co: Gurrey the dealer in hay and | organs. me, you know, Harry's father, 'D. h id e n Ir 0 r arguing. All this discussing may be (grain, was a pointed-nosed, simper- Mrs. Daniel Besanson, Loganville; |H.", I always call' him, and he asked i r . ail right at a party but-- Let's forget | ing woman with iron-gray hair drawn N.S, writes:-- "As I was troubled [me how I liked it,"and I said to him, it while we're hunting." #0 tight that it resembeled a soilad {With a weak heart for nearly two |'Look here, D. H.' 1 said--you se, "I know. The Wonderlust--prob- | handkerchief covering her head. But | years I am writing to tell you what |he was going to leave the front pra:n, ably it's a worse affliction than the |she was unexpectedly cheerful, and {your great remedy, Milburn's Heart [and 1 said to him, 'It's all very well Wanderlust. I just wonder--" her dining-room, with its thin table- jandl Nerve d uss, hay dose for Be to have modern lighting and a big She told herself that she had cloth on a long pine table, had the loonie hot ig > had a nig) x og display-space,' I said, 'but when you every*hing in the world. And after | decency of clean bareness. aris toni, or voak I aol [get that in you wast to have some 2 iling, methodi- | pelis, 8 80 weak I could . : ; each self-rebike she stumbled aga'n In the line of unsmiling, | I tried two |8rchitecture, too," I said, and ie {not do my housework. on "I just wonder--"' cally chewing guests, like horses at a {doctors, but sot no results. A friend | }8ushed ahd said he guessed maybe The yate their sandwiches by a manger, Carol came to distinguish {advised me to try your pills. I used |I Was right, and so he had 'em pu: on prairie slew; long grass reaching up [one countenance: the pele , long, | six boxes ayd am completely reliey-|a cornice." out of clear water, mossy bogs, red- |epectacled face and sandy pompa- led. I thin they are the best rem-| "Tin!" observed the travelling winged blackbirds, the scum of 'a dour hair of Mr. Raymond P. Wuth- |edy for heart trouble there is.' salesman. splash of goldgreed. Kennicott |erspoon, known as "Raymie," profes- Price, 50c. a box at all dealers, or Raymie bared his teeth like a bel- smoked a pipe while she leaned back [gional bachelor, manager and one jmailed airect on receipt of price hy ligerent mouse. "Well, what if it is N in the buggy and let her tired spirit | half the sales-force in the ehoe- fons - Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, | 4,» That's not my fault. I told D. 11. get . 3' be absorbed in the Nirvana of "io |deparment of ha Bou Ton Bowe, : fren rene to. make it of polished granite. You a lating thelood nO Special Care of Baby. | arable sky. | "You will en oy per . rrairie | . make me tired!" ling tl x ry lurched to the highroad aut | very much, Mrs. Kennicott," petition- (on a dandy minstrel show la: | "Leave us go! Come on, Carrie, ET is a Sy Sod have ated jet Ma aged, Jo.x so | year." ' $ oke from their sunsoaked drowse |ed Raymie. His eyes were liké thoso |y SRY leave us go!" from Kennitott. BL. at the sound of the clopping hools. [of a dog waiting to bede' in out of | "It's nice .you're so enthusiastic." Raymie waylaid them in the hall i M a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of They paused to look for partridges it | the cold. He passed the stewed apri-| "Oh, do you really so think 50? {and secretly informed Carol ht or : that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would a rim of woods, little woods, very cots effusively. "There are a great Lots of folks jolly me for trying 19 she mustn't minthe travelling sales Mher #9 be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. clean and shiny end gay, silver bir-imany bright cultured people here. [get up shows and so on, I tell them | man's coarseness--he belonged to the ine: eo ! Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be pre- Al} 8 | "ip IHks. t Science | they have more artistic gifts than | i than ches and poplars with immacula.e | Mrs, Wilks, the Ohristian an |hwa pollwa. A ; green trunks encircling a lake Of freader, is a very bright woman -- [they know. Just yesterday I was sa7- | Kennicott chuckled, "Well, child, pared with even greater care Baby's food : sandy bottom, a splashing seclusion | though I am not a Scientist myself in |ing to Harry Haydock: if he wou'd |how about it? Do you prefer an ar- A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged demure in th, welter of hot prairie. | fact 1 sing in the Episcopal choir. |read poetry, like Longfellow, or if he | tistic guy like Raymie to stup:¢ boobs by improper food. Could you for a momeat, then, think of giving to Kennicott brought down a fet red | And Mies Sherwin of the high school | would join the band--I get so much | like Sam Clark and me?" | your ai/ing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for In- squirrel and at dusk he had a drams- | __ghe is such a pleasing, bright girl | pleasure out of playing the cornet, (To be continued.) 4 fonts and Children? Don't be deceived. 4 00 tic shot a flight of ducks whirliag |__| was fitt'cg her to a pair of tan {and our band-leader, Del Snafflin, is 3 . 4 | down from the upper air, skimming | gaiters yesterday, I declare, it really {such a good musician, I often say he | . - - Make a mental nate of this:--It is important, Mothers, that you the lake instantly vanishing. . was a pleasure." ought to give up his barbering ard { NOTES FROM WELLINGTON n " should remember that te function well, the digestive organs of your They drove home under the sun-| «Gimme the buiter, Carrie," was became a professional musician, hs | . Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the set. Mounds of straw and Wheal-|Kennicott's comment. She deficd {e.uld play the clarinet in Minnea- | Entertainment at Methodist Church a desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily pre. | stacks like bee-hives, etood out in |phim by encouraging Raymie: _|polis or New York or anywhere, but | Big Success, fl pared for grown-ups. - startling rose and gold, and the green "Do you have amateur dramatics (--but I couldn't get Harry to see it Wellington, Jan. 5.--Mr. and Mrs { tufted stubble glistened' As the vast and so on here?" {all and--I hear you and the doctor | Roy Smith and daughters are at MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA | girdle of erimson darkened, the fyi "Oh, yes! The lows fue. fun of jwent out hurting yesterday. Lovely Pore Hope, Mrs. Wilson, Toronto, is i led land became autumnal in deep | talent. The Knights o PU: |country, isn't it. And did you make | Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Freeman, E. ASTOR IA Sea ! [some calls? The mercantile life isn't | Glaex, Hillier, has purchased Sal, 2: MO! p GENUINE C ALWAYS os inspiring like medicine. It must he | Wellington and will build on it ij 0 vid : wonderful to see how patients trust [the spring. Miss Winnitred Piorer a bo NAAN Bears the Signature of you, doctoi." Toronto, spent Christmas under the SLL R, 40 "Huh. It's me that's got to do all | Parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Williaa ----" the trusting. Be damn sight more Allis vers at Toronto on Christmas k : wonderful 'f they'd pay their bills," ; W16 guests of Mr, and Mrs. D, G. grumbled Kennicott and, to Carol, he Jackson Metin Guillett, Toronto. Exact Copy of Wrapper. o methin ch 8 ed | Spen ristmas with oh ispered Some Rise wick ounded Sioa. a Ati] ie honey and THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. But Raymie's pale eyes were wat- | Christmas at her daughter's. Mr. and ering at her. She helped him with, Ne ieRan, Mri, William Clinton EE "So you like to read poetry?" spen ristmas at Toronto, the at : S *'Oh, yes, 80 much--though to tei! | Of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Farley, A I Pe VISH L the truth, I don't get much time for | Osborne was at Fred A. Corey's on ESTLESS Always Ready to S e You reading, we're always so busy at the | Christmas. Harold Landsburg. store and--But we had the denies: |Queen's Univesity, spent Christmas HILDREN > * . ° professional reeiter at the Pythian | With his parents here. . Miss Rema I HE AUUMES ARE SUFFERING FROM Morning, Noon or Night RM: N - Sisters sociable last winter. Tait, Toronto, spent Christmas at tae OF WORMS. ANIEFFICH hy fh Ro THE SYSTEM OF THESE Siren, 3 + om . - Carol thought she heard a grunt © Of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E THAT 18 PLEASANT ° O TAKE. ano Come in any time and you will find us ready with good Irom he Uavelling salesman 3° the D: aye Tuts. Mr ad Mrs. ¥. 0, c CONSTITUTION is "UND IN meals prepared under the supervision of first-class cook " 9 i end of the table, and Kennicott's | Dazlin, Toronto, spent their Christ- = - » s R WARNING! Say Bayer when you buy Aspirin. Jerking elbow was a grunt embodied. | mas holidays at her former home, Mr. Ee - The surroundings and our 1abie linen are always kept . 7] ' She persisted: and Mrs, Harold Fitzgerald, Toronto, ER "clean and in Al condition. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are spent Christmas with hi garner" WORM "Do you get. to see many plays, * not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chances? Mr. Wutherspoon?" The Misges McDonald and broher | A . ; He shone at her like a dim blue |Arthur, Belleville, spent Christmas | J | CROWN C FE Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of March moon, and sighed, "No, but I'| With their grandparents, Edgar and = ~ Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by do love the movies. I'm a real fan. {Mrs. Noxon. The Christmas tree an-| Tie a sign that he isn't married io OPEN FROM 7.30 AM. TILL 2 AM. physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for One trouble with books is that |tertainment held by the Methodis: | the right woman if a man sits up and 208 Princess Street. =: Phonn{1303 they're not so thoroughly safeguard- [church was a great sutcess. The pro- | takes notice of every noisily. dressed PHILIP TQY, Pro Colds Headache Rheumatism ed by intelligent censors as the mov- | ceeds ahounted to $97.66. There was | female that passes. T : N iti ies are, and when you drop into the |a very large attendance. Miss Med- Albania was first settled by Bieu- oothache Neuralgia neuritis brary and take out a book you Ms the guest of Mr. and Mrs, ville in 1702. i i never know what you're wasting your | A. Petiingiil. James and Emily] Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain time on. What I like in books is a {Mandeville spent Christmas with | ' Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and J0-Druggista. wholesome, really Improving story, their meuher, Mae. L. Broad, Flethor- Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono and sometimes-- Why, once I started | ton, and Mrs. road, Torouto, sister ! Eras G8 SSRIS The Punilc Shutars Fre rs Hester by By mens Borer |40 SOX by this fellow Balzac,that you [0f Mrs. Dr. Broad are spending their be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer pa read about, and it fold how a lady holidays at "he latter's home. Miss ~ : > wasn't living with her husbane, 1|Rita Mandeville will leave shortly for F . mean she wasn't his wife. It went |Buffalo, to enter the hospital for into details, disgustingly! And the training &s a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. od ' English was real poar. I spoke to |OCollier, Picton, were the guests of ROVINCIAL the library about it, and they took it | Mr. and Mre. Willlam Donovan, and off the shelves, I'm not narrow, but sister. Mrs, Wannamaker, who has I must say I don't see any use in this been in "he hospital at Picton, has B 19 deliberately dragging in immorality! [returned homse much improved in Life dteelf is so full of temptations health. Mr. L. Dorland and daughter Electoral District of Kingston that in literature one wants ouly | Bessie, will spend the winter at Lon- what's pure and uplifting." don, Ont. NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICER [| Sacra esis" "0" fam Gat." 7 ™ yarn? Where can I get hold of it?" ----_ Take notice that sittings of the REVISING OFFICER for the giggled the travelling salesman. NEW SPORT RECORDS, purpose of hearing complaints or appéals with regard to the voters' Raymie ignored him. "But the London Expert Makes Run of 1.274 «list to be used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending in English Billiards, 1 for the Electoral District of Kingston, will be held at the following . T. Newman was considered as times and places, viz.:-- ! Buckley F res The holding a new world's record in Eng- hd lish billards by making a run of 1,- CITY OF KINGSTON, at the Court House Opening Shot 274. The former record of 919 wa January 16-17-18, 1922, from 9.80 a.m. to 12.80 p.m. and from Ia whirlwind campaign to ond made by H. W. Stevens in 1912. Lm i 2,00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Newman's former record of 844 was - jira Bronchitis made fn October, 1919, g th On January 10.30.81, 1932, from 0.80 a.m. to 12.30 pn.; from £00 oral ial offer | He made his long-run on Saturday Keepin e Roof n pm. to 3.30 p.m., a from Jom. to 9.00 p. Seas a fres tial -- night while playing against C. Falk- Would you consider that a man grrdised good judgment if he used the roof VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH, at Town Hall. ough and cold in Saaadh ib deoned 1 cin ad or or raat ae of his house fou fusl to keep iam *N 7 would go a thing jibe that you January 16th and 17th, 1922, from 7.80 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. -- . you lo oa in th Nghe plonéhdp to WHiiam Smith of Darl- on ! 2eshapt no, pr Fed fo ities of li the : \ ' --to0 try absolutely ington in 1920, . hear complaints as to list of voters for all b-divi- of " -- ---------------- these unfortunates must To r compla polling sul Bronchitis Mixture, he , Ey sions in the City of Kingston and Village of Portsmouth, respectively. Plevna Notes. : Jan. 4.--The lumber camp owned That Judge Lavell will be the Revising Officer for said City ot by. Fred Armitage has opened up lon and Village of Portsmouth, and his Clerk for the City of ' ; ; again after being closed for the ton will be W. W. Sands, Esq., M.D., whose address is City igati Christmas holidays. Born to Mr. and Kingston, Ont., and his Clerk for the Village of Portsmouth Mrs. Thomas Kring, a daughter. be James Scally, Bsq., whose address is Portsmouth, Ont. The Misses Loretta, Grace and Win- i . nifred Gore are returning to Toron- And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain : {o this week after spending & coupie . that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on of months u r the parental roof. |' To. list has been omitted from the same; or thatthe names of any | A dance was in Plevna hall on d z a : THE . 008 who are not entitled to be voters hive been entered thereon, | Friday evening last and a very en- iy on or betore the 10th day of January, 1922, apply, complain, ; Joyadie tise was spout. Sufiday viai:- { ' ippeal t0 have his name or any other person entered on, or re-- | iar pri iho an ai : : from the list. 'and tamily at Mis. J. Ward's; Mr.azd aa INSURANCE COMPANY And further take notice that such appeals must be by notice In Hi Name ...cvoussmmristrernuncnsinsusasparesssnios | MPS. J. Shuliz and sons at J. Derue's, in the prescribed form, signed by the complainant in dupli- ||| 1a nfraih Son wet 1 Heap Orrice, and "given ; to the Clerk of the Revine ny for i City or Address Asnerenetienaaniiiiieee. canrennonet sae at . . a g' ley Kring at hrs MG JOHNSTO $ -- Manager Kingston, Ont Age as the case may be, or left for him at his address as stated Dreggiers) oihers 3 > : : a - . : S . TRTEARLEN tiara nee . - I ------------ Not the slightest ray of light penae- Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Sol au Bagot by a. AL Satgeats fool. .- led this 4th day of January, 1922. Mahoal's Drug Store, ¥. J. Hoag, oy oo sm p-- A. G, Ha i. B. Meooh. i 1bany, , was charte n trates the Ocean at the dépth of 200 © 7 Tem interested is your proposition. Without acy shiigation, will you kisdly send me your chart. dL : Address. A