Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1922, p. 5

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\ MONDAY, JAN. 9, 1922, THF DAl v RRITISH WHI -- -- - -- FOR CHOICE As NEVER FELT r by rT = | m= mr = wars | ie gpg LI ingston and Vicinity RAIN PROTECTION -- She Took the Veil. ! had been a bandsman in the | all concessions necessary to the do- for long life, for warmth the Cedar S ingle Since TokING "FIU-a-tims™ | sto Svc boruo rime | Ein ey Saame, , g Ue, for mpm g -G-l1Yoe t f fio was buried at Kenora. The late |the work of the delegates' was a | has all its competitors beaten. inion status asked for. They say | receive veil at the commun FIRST QUALITY The Famous Fruit Medicina 5 o~ ph. Toronto, on Thursday, Mr. Hicks leaves a number of re! a umph in Irish diplomacy inasmuch | No other xoof covering, dollar for dol- --_---- tives in Napaneee to mourn his sud- | as it secured more than any previous il 3 s WESTERN BEEF P.O. Box 128, Parsssoso, N.S, Passed Examinations, len end untimely death, {Irish leaders ever were able to bring lar can compare with the Wood Shingle. "I suffered with Rheumatism for F. W. Torrance, son of Dr. E F ---- -- about or even expected. The posi- . : : five years ving it so badly at times Torrance, AlMred street, succes Shibley-Nixon Wedding. j tion of the Sinn Fein as expressed by | Prices are dow n. J was table to get up. f passed. his Ohristmas examina- 'he n lage of John A. Shibley | de Valera is an untenable one, they ! TRY B. V. McGeein om rent bn. rea [Ort Bn Fa | SM Nw ES | S. ANGLIN & CO. LJ * do~Hzll, Toronto ; and"was treated by doctors bat the ' : On a se.' 94 | . ---- n on Dec.' 24th, to Dorothy Married at Regina, | Woodworking kactory and Lumber Yards, fay and Wellington Rheumatism always came back. | Raisgek | May, eldest daughter of Harry Nixon, {| In Regina, Sask., Tuesday, Dec. 4 EYRE . 282 PRINCESS STREET 10 1916, I saw in an advertisement | We w Frocia Beduition, entire ge : ao was_perform- | 27th, a marriage was solemnized at Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory PHONE 1182 that "Fruita tives" would stop Rheuma- stock of men's and boys' winter over- | ed by Rev. R. Imrie. After the cere- | the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Bruce Phone 1415. tism and took a box, and got relief; | 551s at a 'great reduction in prices. | mony Mr. and Mrs. Shibley left for a | Jonah, by Rev. Archibald Young, ~----------| then took "Fruit-a:tives' right along | Some of the overcoats we will sell for | short honeymoon trip to Buffalo. | when" Miss E. Winchester Russell, . . for about six months and I have |less than wholesale price. What we Upon their return they will reside on fourth daugater of Mrs. Alec Russell, | Kingston Transfer Co never felt my Rheumatism since". {advertise we do Prevost Clothing, | Perth avenue, Toronto. The groom | Cobourg, Ont., became the bride ot | | ,JOHN E. GUILDERSON. | Brock street. is a grandson of George W. Shibley, | Dr. Thomas James Gray, Regina, | FOR MOVING OF 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢, | Napanee. Bask, ' | | | Nin | i | } i Freight, Furniture, Safes, Planos and | : { And No Place to Set It. i -- * Cartage of every description-- i Jsuen by) Seu Jostraid 1a husky young fellow named Petit, | The Officers Chosen, Was Badly Hurt. You Will ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Bought some limburger cheese and M. N. Empey, Napanee, was elect- Miss Anna Brennan, while walking | 877. 153 Wellington Street. -+ | . : Phone 377 gto ee Beet it; {ed president of the Dairymen's As- |in Carleton Place, fell on the icy side- | 4 : : | | njoy PIAN TUNING When his wife raised a yell, | sociation of Eastern Ontario, at the walk, Tuesday afternoon, dislocating | DR W WINNETT O At the horrible smell. { final session of the convention 'held | her ankle .the injury was very pain- | A . i Plano Tuning and Repairing. "Forget it!" says Petit, "Forget |in the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. ful. She was removed to her home | \ - 7 For a meal you will enjoy. Also Organ Work. ier" | Other officers elected were: W. J.|east of the village and Dr. Rossiter ¥ Visi: our Restaurant, and you DENTAL SURGEON, All Work guaranteed, | Newman, Lorneville, first vice-presi- | was summoned. The injured ankle | 4 . - will not be disappointed. PETER D. BROWN ; f Hastings County Wardenship. | dent; W. H. Olmstead, Bearbrooke, Was 60 swollen that the doctor at | Si 43 Our Service is excellent and 12 Markiang St. Phone 2397m. The defeat of Thomas Naylor for | second vice-president; James R. An- | the time was unable to ascertain if | \ a R our Prices ses ac | the reeveship of Deseronto will leave | derson, Mountain View, treasurer, | any bones were broken. A later ex- | ! | and T. A. Thompson, Almonte, sec- amination will be made when the { LIMB the wardenship of the county of | | - ERS UP YOUR | Hastings open. Mr. Naylor was slat- | retary. swelling is reduced. | AFE jed for that position this year, and his | ------------------ 1 Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 { feat will be much regretted by ere's tho Latest J PETER LEE» PROPRIETOR Y. Wau h SORE S Jo | de . Too] Here's tho Latest. anunary in the Highlands, ana > > 2] : - 9 | those who have served with him io | A Kingston lady telephoned the | Take a week or two in January and #22 Princess Street Twe Doors Above Opera' Ihinyt 2. to 2 am. Dentist WEATHER exposure and hard | 0 County council for many years. | Whig office Saturday morning and {spend them in Algonquin Park, Just | \_ J 1068 Wellington St. Phone 256 N= -- work bring pains and aches in tgs ees asked one of the reporters if he | the out-of-the-way sort of "Brace to S---- muscles re joints, Have a An Advertisement, lls your | Nard about a load of hay being | dispel the cobwebs from the brain | - bottle of Floas's Liniment handy and Only . few lines; juat tes YOUr f qumped into Memorial hall, at the {and build up your system. Any one ROYAL OAK GREETS 1923 apply freely, enelrales without rubbin , |story--what you can do or what you |... i : wh i : AT { ng city buildings | 0 is TeCOVrIng from an lliness will with a better tire than ever. The mew Royal Oak, 30x31 fabrie | er 'ou will find at once a comforting | want done--gets action with both | "Vn EY 2 ; > 0! 8 No, what's the idea?" replied the | find the air in this wonderful region tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the com- ' . sense of warmth which will be follow: t ; rould d h ne | i ove S e airs by a relief from the soreness and ihe anes ho would : Ong 1a bre reporter. | better than any tomic. The "High- pany); price, lower than ever before. See them before buying at; stiffness of aching joints who would Love one. I> "| "Just to feed the new mayor on," {land Inn" owned and operated by the EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBI ER co. : . i se at 0 vill, us prove B 10 | uns Ne rik + | TERN CA) g (RCO. Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Alo relieves rheumatism, sciatica, | te & og will p © [said the sweat voice at the other end | Grand Trunk Railway System offers | A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontarlo Street. . Phone $00. Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. meuralgia, sprainsand strains, you--we can! of the line, | comfortable accommodation with | We do repair work right and guar- For forty years pain's enemy, Ask | - rr ------------ {Guisine. Skating-Ski-ing-Toboggan. | {=---- antec satisfaction. : we neighbor, 35. 2 Trusty Old Wheel, Railton Model Cheese Factory. |ing and snowshoing among the sports | 197 Wellington Street i BE ra--d5c, 20c, $1.40, | Some of the coupes and sadans in Notwithstanding the exceptionally | you can indulge in. Billiards in the | . 9 | town have nothing on the trusty bi- dry season and with the rapid falling | evening or a game of bridge. Pure ex- SOWARDS KEEPS COAL jcycle of William Kelly, Ellerbeck | of the price of cheese, the Railtgn | hilarating air in thi§ territory which 1! Ca) | street. He rides his wheel the whole Model with its few patrons received jis 2,000 feet above the sea level. --and-- { C. | year through, snow or rain, fog or | jast year 1,691,679 pounds of milk | Bring your camera along. IMustrated | WA J J S . C street and saves 'ime and trouble by [And manufactured 146,132 pounds of | booklet may be had free on applica- COAL KEEPS SO'w ARDS | so doing. It's only a one-man-power cheese making an average of 11.57 | tion to any Grand Trunk Agent, or P 1 ' { -- bus but it gets there just the same' pounds of milk per pound of cheese. | write to N. T. Clarke, maneger, High- PHONE 153. ¢) | and the expense bill for gasoline and | The cheese sold for $25,976.62 or |land Inn, Algonquin Park Station, | y Ne NAR Rhs.ss hia Gi ropes BUILDING ? [revise 1s not a purse mre mor. $17.77 per 100 pounds. The patrons | Ot UPTOWN OFFICE--McGALL'S CIGAR §10RE oris | al a en received $23,294.36 on an average PHONE 811. 177 Wellington street, BEPAIRN UR ALTEHATIONS? Painfully Injured. of $1.37 per 100 pofinds of milk. It a" ved inthe office ot 'the. tiyars, | 210,04 2.786 pounds of whey but. | Death of Button Patmer, | SQWARDS COAL COMPANY Fresh flowers and plants daily 0 A kx d & ployed in the offico of the Hydro-| ter fat for $717.05 or an average of | After only two days' illness 10 Funeral designs, and wedding || » AYKIoy Son [ Electric Commission shop on Bridge | $25.73 per 100 pounds, | lowing an- operation, the death of | bouquets to order. Phone 1763. 2! Main Street, Phone 1670. | 0 Belleville, met with a pain- --_-- | Burton Palmer took place at fhe Res, 1137. ful accident, owing to the fey walks. Belleville Hospital, on Dec, 30th, = : [She was proceeding to her home Dies in New York, aged fifty-three years, Burton Pal- | . T ° Cuticura Talcum [when in front of Mr. Elvins' store, Mrs. W. J. Cornell, formerly Miss | mer was born at Solmesville, Sophi- I = | she slipped and fell in such a man- | Clodin Seymour, Cape Vincent. N.Y., (asburg township, where he moved to | WINTER P Ped died recently in New York city of | the Sidney front, about three miles ner as to suffer a compound fracture ar as ) 8 Alwa S Healthful of her left fore arm. pneumonia. She was born forty-two | west of Belleville. He was the son y -- vears ago, the daughter of the late [of the late Cornelius Palmer, who Soup. Ointment, Taleum, Be. each. Sold bare. Antoine and Sarah, Seymour. she | died some thirteen years ago. His Can. Depot: Lymans, Limited, 85. Paul 85. g : Soa . Severely Injured. was married. twenty-two years ago | mother, who survives him, resided | |W. J. Jeffrey, ex-reeve of Hunting- | had resided for some years in New| with him. Burton Palmer was a DAVID SCOTT | don township, was seriously injured | York. Besides her husband there | kindly Christian gentleman, beloved Plumber | by a falling tree while at work in survive four ' sisters, Mrs. Char.es by all who knew him and his sudden Plambing and Gas Work a spec- | | the woods. The tree had lodged and Merritt, Syracuse, Mrs, Charles Ran- | death is deeply mourned by a large lalty. All work guaranteed. Ad-[/Mr. Jeffrey undertook to cut away | dolph, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Thomas | circle of friends, relatives and wy | | | | dress 1435 Frontenac Street. {the lower branches, when it dropped Flake, Cape Vincent, and Mrs. Ar- | quaintances. His wife formerly Miss Phone 1277. { unexpectedly end struck him across | thur Cook, Chaumont; and two bro- Ella Vanalstine, Napanee, and one | the back of the neck. It was feared i thers, John Seymour, Cape Vincent, | daughter, Winnifred, survive and Ar r-------------- | for a time that his back was broken, | and Antoine Seymour, New York. have the deep sympathy of the com- 2 He 13 | but such, fortunately, was not the munity in their beréavement. also survived by three brothers. MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES | Hicks, Jr., was injured while felling | de Valera for his tactics in obstruct- Running expenses never appear to | J case, Local Irish Against de Valera. Ww R McRae & Co. ------------------ Prominent members of the local Ethan, of Picton, George, of Bello- ye Fatally Injured. | Self-determination of Ireland League | ville and Harry, of New York city. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. | Laxatives | Arthur Hicks, son of William | are strong in their denunciation of | . " ° i Re laced Va tree at Kenora, Ont, on Dec. 1st, | ing the acceptance in the Dail of the | suffer from engine trouble, nor are RSE P land passed away the following day | treaty drawn up by the authorized |they ever stopped by a blowout. i 7, } | from the injuries recéived. The de- ( deleizates at London, and which has A girl may be shy of views and yet ° ® | By the Use of Nujol ceased was twenty-one years of age | been generally regarded as granting "add quite a little to the view herself, ' Nujol is a lubricant--not a medicine or laxative -- so » . { cannot gripe, When you are constipated, there is not enough lubri- cant produced by your sys- tem to keep the food waste ' 1 soft. Doctors prescribe Nu- Jol because its action is so Cholcest quality of Scranton | close to this natural labri- Coal. No other kind sold by |! cant, Try it today, us, BOOTH & CO. =i Nujol [ler] Wd FOR SALE | Sous PSE | in Our Sale of Double stone dwelling, three % storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. | { Automobile Hood Good A See A | Household Linens W. H. GODWIN & SON manufactured by us, Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 || Affords a splendid opportunity to | R H. JONES : , > replenish Sr Yer a Yo | | = FRixCRS vn BES 3 high quality goods. All Pure Linen Tablecloths, Table Napkins, Towels, Hand and Glass Towellings, Single and Double Bed Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, etc., of the best British and Car adian makes at specially low prices. y W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. Landed a WhoPper. bait for he hooked a whopper of a Sump.er Bradford, Carleton Place, | pike, and after a few. minutes Hard MD Sydenham Street, Kingston More people would come in out of journeyed up to Black Point to try | work had ¥ lying out on the'ice. It Phone Sosed. : 1 the wet if it was ouly easier to bor- |. his luck fishing through the ice. Sum- | was just ome quarter of a pound - row umbrellas, on ha ; ner must have used the right kind of short ot weighing fifteen pounds, ~---- Nome Sepyeihe 138 THE PLAY MAN'S GAMES : Hlluscrated by TWEDDELL'S C. H. Winner By E. D. ANGELL 131 Princess St. (One door below RandolphiHotel) | DID YOU EVER TRY |/*-- Ao | yee tenis. | Ask For i! £0) pt WAEStaf's Bramble Jelly, i | We also have a full lin t F'*fother reiaible makes of Mame. || fo find the fuolades, Jam and Jellies for sale || Fi erman, the Raat ps "" "» | "BON MARCHE GROCERY || [| "Mark of Sepremacs, Cor. King and Earl Streety on every ttle of License No. 5-27140 | emulsion that you buy. i This means that you will always ask for SCOTT'S EMULSION Seott & Bowne, Toronto Ont. ----ALSO M 1S OF in Sewing Machines, Phonograph, i 3 AKER Guus, Rifles repaired and refitrey, Parts suppited. Saws fled, knives, || -M Scissors and edge tools srounud. Locks repturcd. lieyy fitted to Lawa Somers ssepenca anaes: || § rom INDIGEST} paired. We can PAE any tal -- that is repaicabic, Ta lee---- af -- J. M. PATRICK : ir fl IE] Mg its HH fl HT i Li pi ih EY ii 1) { fesk fpeh iff fH ! is fer (i : i Ez f fag fh apt £3 i i, ip Hi ii haf} HH hai : frst fil If i E ihe i Pel i Hi U hie

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