THE DAILY WHIG. BRITISH -- NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS HOW TO MAKE MONEY. ZW women are averse to making pin tnoney. It doesnt ma whether they need it or not. T here is special pleasure in spe pg money one has made through one's own initiative ang resouy g here will appear on this page one of & series of Sugg aking money. Kach article will Bive women readers ot V5hig an idea that may La turned (nto a moneymaker. No. 67--A Venture in Window Dressing. left a wid- and began to use her spare of happy time in making large artificial married life, .was confronted flowers, ferns and vines with with the problem: "What shall which to enhance the. color. 1 do now to earn a liviihood? scheme of | window displ : Doctor bills and incidental ex- set apart one room in the cot- penses had used up all the sur- tage to be used for this work. plus funds; the cottage in the She also engaged a girl to as- suburbs of Denver was free of sist on the simpler creations debt. and to answer the 'phone in Before her marriage, Esther her (Esthef"s) absence. A had been employed in a mil- supply of te aan crepe linery store and was familiar paper was bought and fashion- with the process of making ed into scrolls, wreaths, sprays cloth flowers; knew how to and foliage. In this work Es- make 'aniline dyes in order to ther's aptitude for making ex- secure delicate tints that cloge- cellent imitations of nature's ly resembled natural flowers. products served her in good Thrown upon her own re- stead. Various pieces of bric- sources, her first thoughts a-brac, consisting of stars, were to take up this work crescents, shields, anchors and again. She applied for a posi- emblems were designed and tion at a number of stores, but made attractive by the addi- found no place. tion of rock crystal, foil, gold While scanning the daily pa- and silver flitter. Papier- per one day, she chanced to see mache receptacles painted in an advertisement that called imitation of earthenware for some person to dress win- flower-pots, vases and jardin- dows once a week in a small iers that telescoped into each dry goods and notion store. other, easily carried in an or- Although not claiming to be an dimary suit case, were secured expert window trimmer, Es- as convenient accessories. The ther answered the. advertise- outfit, used in connection with ment and was engaged to do store goods, for an alcove win- four hours' work a week for a dow ten or twelve feet wide, stipend of $2. This amount could be placed In two suit would not suffice to keep her; cases and carried to destina- but with the job an idea came tion on the street cars. Some- surging info her head and lat- times Esther's fixtures were er evolved into tangible form, used for the window display; Esther soliloquized thus: more frequently they were us- " 'A half loaf is better than no ed to supplement the goods bread," perhaps there are other handled by the store, In case Stores not doing sufficient busi- - where she gets an order to ness to ustify them in keeping dress a window completely a regular window trimmer for with her own equipment, she the purpose: if I could * find charges for her, services ac- three or four such stores that cording to the distance, as it is would be willing to pay me. $2 then usually necessary to en- a week, it would assure me a gage an expressman to haul = living wage and y€t leave time the outfit to and from the for study or other work." Aec- Store--large natural potted tion followed thought, Esther plants, ferns and palms often began making weekly trips in- forming a part of the decora- * N. 7. 'will arrive in town on Saturday | to the retail shopping district, tion. After using trimmings 0 visit their daughter, Mrs. Ross | taking along a note book into in one store they are transfer- Livingston, Johnson street. | which she copied diagrams and red to another--used until Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilmos will | wrote plans of novel or strik- they become too much soiled come from Ottawa this week to visit | ing window displays that em- or frayed to nfake an attrac- the former's mother, Mrs. F. Wilmot, | bodied ideas which might be tive appearance; thus she gave Clergy street. utilized in stores remote from each store the advantage of a } Trial Package to Make : * This Amazing 3-Day Test Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Telephone bs 185L of 'the 1724; Private phone 857w. i fra er Miss Florence ted Valmont, ow after two years Misses Waldron, Barrie Esther Tam. in Chrisallian, SOIN¢ t * . » J The usual Monday evening eu held in the Re ation hall of > House of Providence under 'he au Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers, pices of the Orphan Guild, was ; i treet, will return to Bishop decided guccess "The convenors, Mi an school, Toronto, this week. J. Bieof and Mrs. A. Martin recéive. Miss Helen Fraleck and Miss Dor- | With the president. The ladies othy Grant, Belleville, will arrive in | dng were Mrs. P. Milne, Mrs. J. T town on Friday to visit Dr. and Mrs. | &her, Mrs. R, Edgar Thompson and Ernest S arks, Stuart street. the Miss»s B: Bedore, A. Bradd~i Miss Nora Connell reh street, re- and G. Darragh. The convenors of turns to Havergal College, Toronto, refreshment committee were Mrs. P | this week ! Grattan, Mrs, A. McConville and Miss | s + a I. Shaw. The ladies' prize was won by | Mrs. H W. Richardson and Col. | Mrs. McGuire; James Donoghue win- |and Mrs. T. A, Kidd, who have been "ning the .entleman's prize. | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ri~| . yu chardson, Winnipeg, are now 1m ng, | Chicago on their way back to King-! worth, is spending me Kingston Mrs. W. B. Shuttleworih wife of the General Officer manding Miltary District No Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Rogers and Walter Hose, wife of the-director of | their son, Malcolm, have returned to i naval service; Mrs, F. G/Pinder, rep- | their home in Rockport, after spend- | resenting the Canadian air forces; {ing two weeks' holidays in Toronto, #nd Mrs. G. L. Jennings, daughter of | Ottawa and Montreal the commissioner of the Royal Cana- | * 5 w dian Mounted Police, will reveive ti, Mr and Mrs. Leo J. Howison, 200 ' guests at the ball to be given in the | Montreal street, have returned home i Chateau Laurier next Tuesday even- | after spending the New Year with | ing. when the hosts are the office Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Howison, 59 | resident in Ottawa on the active lis St, Denis street, Montreal. | of the navy, militia and air forces and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Pearson and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. their baby daughter, Honorine, Bar- $8 2 fie street, roturned home Saturday after spending New Year's with Mr. { and Mrs. J. E. H. Howison, 59 St. | Denis street, Montreal. { Mr. and Mrs. James F. Moran, ton Clears Complexion Piles Mone ond Fe igh cm Tin fo To. troubled with humiliating ing skin blem- the iron eeded to make it rich, ishes? eg on tinge du you feu] the need of Vienne re ph, fed ud y i more energy or "pep" 80, coupon irom, as in Ironized Y. bring their below for the uasing TasoDay FREE Trial results just twice a8 QUICKLY. ie at, heir good Treatment of the wonderful Ironized Yeast Vita- I : : 3 y mine Tablets. Try these remarkable tablets--two you want to banish skin eruptions and qu with each meal. Then get ready for a surprise] | Acquire a fresh, youthful, rd flesh and increase yous ! Watch The Results! : energy so that work will be a pleasure instead of o Pimples. blackheads, boils, ete., begin to disap- Hi i 1 "while you wait." You will feel an ian fry Sud Yan Once. very likely be days will Mrs. R. J. Rodger, Bar! strect ras | the hostess of a small tea on Mon- day afternoon for Mrs. Harold '3. | Olark who is leaving this week for | «Windsor, the news of her departure | "Elmwood Farm," are the guests of being the only drawback [Mr. and Mrs, J. E. H Howitson, « fant hour spent in Mrs flodger's rose | Montreal On their return home shaded drawing room. Mr. and Mrs, | they will spend a few days with Mr. | "Clark have made many friends duz- {and Mrs. John J. Moran, Brockville, | ing their stay in Kingston, by whom | ." + » they will be much missed Miss Helen Strange, 2s |street, will entertain the Lady | pridge club this afternoon. { Mrs. Karl McBride, who has been | 0 the pleas- Sydenham Tuesday | Lady Macdonell, Kingston, ! Falconer, Mrs. Alexander Primrose, Mrs. Vincent Massey, Mrs. C. H. Mit- | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, T. + Ohell and Mrs, C. A. Corrigan, Toron- | Sutherland, Frontenac street, re-| 30. are patronesses of the University [tyrned to her home in Woodbridge | Veterans' Association military ball, on Saturday, | 'at Hart House, Toronto, on Jan, 13th, Mr. and 'Mrs, J. S. Coey, Newark, | * pear almost immediate increase in your ability to tackle ? hard work or play. And asfor putti . Day FREE Trial Test. You will wark or play asior puttingnew, firm flesh J at the Spapie A i on your bones-- le rt from five to : L nine pounds on the first package of Ina Yeast; Show in you. Test is absolutely FREE! Mad Nothing introduced in recent years has met with Sapon tuday, such overwhelming popularity as this great new tonic. People all over the country seem to have just ome wild" over it. For they know that Iron- 1zed east is one tonic that is guaranteed to make good--that will do everything that is claimed for it. The famous Day Test will con- vince you! Yeast Best With Iron Ironized Yeast supplies thin and run-downfolks with the three vitamines, which though vitally essential to health, are lacking in the modern diet. But more than that, it supplies your blood with (RONIZED Yeqs, _ Tablets 2: Only One Trial Package to a Family HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VITAMINE TONIC a ly Ou Teint Pasiate to a Vauitly Note:--Full Size Packages of IRONIZED YEAST Are Sold at Al Drug Stores Sales Representa ! . tives: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Ltd., Toronto | major benefic, blessing with increase ness, provided they keep good con , The ladies of Queen's Badminton Olub met in the gymnasium on Mon- 'day evening. Much interest is be- . ing taken in this new club and it. is expected to be a cource of much en- { Joymen: during the winter. ¥ * * * o| | Mr. and Mrs, Harry Seale ana fa mily leftvon Tuesday for Ottawa Where! they will take up residence. Seale having been transferres the Kingston postoffice to the Biaff of the chief inspecior at the tal, Important! Ironized Yeast is pleasant to take and will not cause or in way affect the stomach as it contains & specielly cultured yeast which is grows amir thine & #8 ik Scinal 1 isto proof ed 1a wrapped air-tig moisture i Sanita There is only Sn An ny pry od ome is one east. or inferior imitations, Mail the coupon today--New! ® Free Trial Coupon Harold F. Ritchie & Co.,Ltd. Dept. 2 | 10 McCaul St., Toronto % readme famow THREE DAY FREE TRIAL | Name, the business center. Out of a weekly change at a minimum. book borfowed from the public Several of her exclusive win- library she gleaned many sug- dow designs she - had photo- gestions that enabled her to graphed and printed on circu- develop unique and harmoni- lars which were distributed to ous combinations. One month a list of prospective customers 3 after getting her first job as selected. from the eity direc- window dresser, she inserted tory. the following advertisement in a Sunday paper: "Esther Valmont, Artistic Window Trimmer: small stores $1 to $3 a wjndow; write or 'phone for particulars, Main 1729. Two engagements came as a result of the advertisement. Esther was elated oyer the prospects; with three stores paying her $5.50 a week, she would have enough to meet current expenses by exercising rigid economy. She run the advertisement again, gy | What the, Editor Hears Qv That Dr, Helen MacMurchey save A Mrs. Harold J, Clark, Syd- ) ys, Mr. nd Mis. Haro y "a family of five should buy three | apartments, are leaving this Siam partments ore Mr, o Bi quarts of milk before they buy "has been transferred to the staff cf |Meat. ; Canadian Bank of Commece, ) ig . Miss Jean and Miss Grace Brym-| That Quite the smartest costume ner, West street, have returned from |&t 8 famous New York firm's manne- Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Col- | 44in parade was a suit, its short, ex- 4 visit to ceedingly wide skirt, both circular and pleated, and its jaunty little Jacket opened at the front and at the wrists-to permit of Tuches of pleated | organdie in soft bisque, while the | Jacket was semi-fitted and buttoned | across the lowered waistline, 1 One year ago Esther started the work. Six stores now have windows trimmed on regular days every week; others at ir- regular times, subject to call Several patrons within easy distance from her home gave her permission to "dress their windows on days when most convenient. This arrange- ment allows her to accept all spasmodic or rush orders which might be lost if she were compelled to ask them to wait until next day. Address ° City... Prov. 'G. A. Harker, Los Angeles, Cal. Was a recent visitor in town. . Miss Florence Hiscock, who spent 'the holiday season with her motner, Mrs. J. Hiscock, Collingwood street, " "has returned to De'roit. tf Miss Marion Thomson, Oitawa, is h Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Brymner, ' West street. ; | Mme. Bdward Moore, who has spent 'weeks with the Misses Waldron, That Many people have been ask- street, left on Monday for her | ing Why the men who are getting un- Frau von Rochow, widew of a colonel me #n Thorold, employment relief, are not put to the in the Danzig huzzars, is engaged to Torrance will return to | useful task of sanding the walks, to | the former kaiser. Frau von Rochow 0p Strachan school, Toronto, this | save their fellow citizens from brok- | js now at Doorn, but strongly denies after spending the holidays |en limbs, and the eity from Paying | the rumors in circulation. Dr. and Mrs, E. F. Torrance, Al- | bills for damages, | street. and growth all affairs end accentu- | trol of themselves and avoid litiga- ating the! prospect of financial return | tion, A child born on this day should for earnest effort, There is éome | be fortunate in ftg undertakings, and likelihood of change in the endeavor | should rise in life to good position. HOROSCOPE to launch new projects, and these i By Genevieve Kemble should prosper if the Martial im- 4 petus toward rashness end haste be > T y ; curbed. Avoid quarrels and litiga- WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11. tion, and attend strictly to business, This should be an interesting and 3 and all should flourish, fortunate day, according to the as- Those whose birthday it is have j e | trological testimonies. The predomi- | the promise of a prosperous year, That every Girl Guide in Canada Nooqwerd ity darmela Company. to12 nant Influence is from Jupiter, the | with increase of fortune and of busi- has been asked to contribute one cent . towards a wedding gift to H.R.H. ] LL 1 TR EY TR TA fn I sii 111 Princess Mary. There are 20,000 Guides in Canada. That the organist who plays the wedding march for Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles will receive crime for which she will pay heavily 1 $1,000. | in the days to come. es { To-morrow's - Ra ---- HARMLESS MEANS OF REDUCING FAT Many fat people fear ordinary means for red Cing their weight. Here is an extraordinary method. Extraordinary because while perfectly harmless no dieting or exercise are necessary. Mar- mola Prescription Tablets are made in accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription. You reduce steadily and easily, with no ill effects. Procure them from your druggist at one dollar for a case or send price Theat Berlin gossip insists that Never use water which has bees standing.overnight in the teakettle, In the morning fill it with fresh water, boil and use at once, A little white sugar dissolved in hot water makes a good stiffening for delicate laces. . exactly That the woman who serves plain, wholesome, economic cereals and vegetables eo badly cqgked And sea- soned that the family gets a distaste for them has committed a nutritional * - * Mrs, Henry Joseph, who will come n Montreal thie week to address a ot of the Women's Liberal rvative association, will be 'he WL TTT RT m I Se ny | A "balanced diet" may sound confusing to many people The facts, as explained + here, are simple. The secret of a "balanced diet" is to have food containing all the elements needed for proper nutrition, These elements are protein, to nourish the tissues; starch and sugar to furnish energy; fat to supply heat; and mineral salts to provide the material necessary for building nerves, brain, and tooth and bone structure. Grape-Nuts, the nourishing cereal made of whole wheat flour and malted barley, served with Cream or milk, is a complete food for young and old alike, Go to your grocer today and get a package of Grape-Nuts. Eat it with milk or cream for Every member of the family will relish this Grape-Nuts--the Body Builder # "There's a Reason" | r Made by Canadien Postam Cereal Co., Lc, Windsor, One bk as Skating parties are being planned for the Jock Harty rink. WOMEN MAKE STRIDES, London Leaders Point Out Britain's Feminine Progress, London.--Women leaders admit Britain was slow in taking up woman suffrage, but they declare the move- ment made more progress here than anywhere else in tie world after it got a start. . And to prove it, they point to: Twelve British cities with women '| mayors--or mayoresses, as they call them over here. Scores of cities where women are sitting as town councillors--that's Britisa for aldermen. " Ten women magistrates who hold commissions signed by the King nim- sell. All three political .parties--Lib- eral, Consorvtive and Laborite----each with a strong women's organization within the party, And, of course, Lady Astor and Mrs. Thomas Wintringham, the two feminine M.P.'s ------------ SAYS PRINCESS WOULD. : PREFER AN ADDRESS The opinion of Hep Excellency Lady Byng, wife of the governor-gen- eral of Canada, is that in view of the extent of unemployment as an gfter- math of war conditions in the old land, and the general depression. the most acceptable wedding gift the wo- men of Canada could to the Princess Mary would be ga address of 'appreciatiod and good wishes. "That Warm, Comfy Feeling" These are Hot Milk-and-Shredded 'Wheat mornings. Start the day right and get that warm, "comfy feeling" by eating Shredded Wheat With HOT Milk ~~ Heat the Biscuits'in the oven to restore their crispness; pour hot milk over them, a adding a little cream and salt, Nothing so nourishing, all the\ strength-giving nutriment needed 'work ata costof a fewcents. The per- fect food for children or grown-ups' --ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. "I's All in the Shreds" TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat cracker -- a real whole whest toast -- and is eaten with butter or soft cheese. A y ' or sweeten to suit the taste. . strengthening or satisfying. Furnishes for a half day's