WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 192% SALE STARTS THURSDAY 12th JAN. Reno tmmis ess) CLEARANCE SALE $60,000 -$60,000 336 Princess Street THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. LOUIS ABRAMSON'S = Kingston, Ontario OUR 10th ANNUAL SACRIFICE Sixty Thousand Dollars of Mens, Boys' and Children's Ready-Made Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Boots and Shoes SALE CLOSES SATURDAY JAN. 28th 16-DAYS CASH SALE ONLY-16 WE NEED THE MONEY AND MUST HAVE IT IN 25 YEARS OF BUSI J ER -------------------- OUT TE "New Overcoats Boys' Clothes $8.95 25 Men's Overcoats. These are wonderful value for $20.00-- while they last $13.95 50 Overcoats-- all sizes, good variety of Cloths -- every Coat new this season. You have never been offered this kind of Coat at such a low price $13.95 EER Pants $1.59 Men's Tweed Working Pants --about 10 dozen to choose $17.95 50 Coats that were formerly $40.00, broken lines, so we are réducing them for less than cost. To clear out for . . $17.95 150 pairs of very good quality Tweeds and unfinished Wor- steds, a very fine pair for the cost of cloth only $3.95 RL AN $1.95 Heavy Tweed Pants -- a big Every Boy'sand Child's Suit and Over- coat reduced from 20 to 60%. Reduced from $7.00-- Juvenile Suits, in home-spuns and Tweeds . .. $3.49 Boys' Suits--sizes up to 35--odds and ends of lines $4.95 $6.95 150 Boys' Suits; wide assort. ment of cloths, all sizes _ * Overcoats Blue Nap Coats, ages 4'to 10-- first come, first served. Reg. $9.50 , . $4.95 Boys' Overcoats Suits - 50 Men's odd Suits, broken lines --priced as high as $25.00. $10.95 Hundreds of Suits in Young Men's and Standard -- values up to $45.00 NESS WE HAVE NEVER OFFERED SUCH VALUES . $ 1 5.95 A wide assortment in each size | 1 --Young Men's styles and color ing--all 1921 garments -- were originally priced at $35.00. Sis ana va sy l.....$1595 100 standard makes of Suits--- regular up to $30.00 . . . $12.95 Underwear 69c¢ Penman's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers 69c¢. per garment. Heavy Ribbed Underwear--Penman's and other makes, 95¢ garment Boys' Underwear--sizes up to 32 Half Price -- on Ladies' Under- 45c¢. 100 odd" Caps--only one to a variety of shades -- all sizes-- i well worth $4.00 .... $1.95 Values up to $15.00 $8.95 wear--Half Price. customer, 29c. Ne GLa SCS ER wo _ Thousands of Bargains Not Mentioned Come Early Our Space Is Limited Cid ae 250 fine Shirts--big variety of stripes-- all sizes--values up to $1.75 . , . .. 79c. 69c 50 odd Work Shirts, striped and plain materials . 69c¢. $1.69 Fine Shirts, every Shi aranteed -- reg. values up to $3.00. XL. $1.69 $1.09 "Striped Work Shirts in Black and White --regular $1.75. For $1.09 Heavy Grey Flannel and also few odds in other shades -- well worth $2.00-- wonderful value for rT i Everything in our store reduced to $2.95 Boys' Boots 500 pairs Fine Heavy Boots, sizes | to 5 --Black and Brown $2.39 Girls' Boots 300 pairs--sizes 11 to 2 -- Black and Brown 200 pairs of Men's Working Boots to be slaughtered out for { oP Overalls and Smocks 150 pairs of Striped Overalls and Smocks, a good roomy Overall and well made--regular $2.50 Sweaters All kinds, all colors--50% off --for Men, Ladies and Children. $4.95 Men's Boots Brown Saddle Straps, Goodyear welt; also a big assortment of other fine Boots --values up to $10.00 ~~ $3.78 Men's Boots Long lasts--regular $7.50 and $8, $3.78 a Hk ---------- Socks! . Socks! While they last--only 100 pairs--Black, Fibbed > 19c. Cir apa sway below cost to realize ready cash. yo Heavy G All sizes Heather Hose English, all wool--all sizes 9 Ladies' Boots - All Boots up to $10.00 -- Black and Brown, Sacrifice price $4.45 Grey Kid and Suede and 2-toned. These Boots can be dyed Black or Brown -- | regular $7.50 78. Oxfords $3.89