' HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1922. CANT RIPHSERUTLRE | 3 IN IRELAND'S AFFAIRS red en Many Fear Crisis Will Be Pro-| longed and Solution | Troublesome. i Dublin, Jan. 11.--The boldest pol- | ftical prophets hesitate to forecas* | even the immediate future in Ire-- | land, 'while nobody is confident en- | ough to attempt to foretéll later ay- | ents. There are not a few who fear that the crisis will be prolonged; and | Pe exceedingly troublesome to solve. ! The Freeman's Journal political | correspondent writes: "The way is #ow open for settling up the Irish Free State, evacuating the Britis: & army and taking over the entire ma- | ehinery of government by representa- | tives of the people. This is not Bo- | dbz to be a simple matter, and it re- i Muires the co-operation of every good | Irishman. ! Zs "The attitude of 'he bulk of the People is already assured, but the Policy of the minority in the Dail is | @nuch less certain. The result of the deliberations at the meeting of Mr. | d, Valera's supporters on Sunday | : was not made public, but in view of | * de Valera's speech at the Mansion | Hew¥e yesterday it appears too much | to hope that his supporters have | agreed to accept what not only is wre | desire of the people, but also the de- | cision of 'he majority of the elected | representatives of the people, whom | they thus invited to disregard the only constitutional and patriotic | course. | "If obs'ruetion is continued and | forced to the :itmost degree, it will «mean embitterment of the situation, and may lead to a great deal of ais- order and unhappy consequences. 1° will achieve no other object, and wi! disappear in the course of the nex' two or three months when the peo- ple will ba called upon to elect tne first parliament of the Irish Free State." x i pi Masters in Own Land. | 2% he Freeman's Journal says edi- | - ®orially: "The Dail Bireann ig de- | wlared by Mr. de VValera to be the | Wwovereign authority in the republic. | Will its decision be respected or will | At be defied, as its constituencies have | Ween defied? That remains to be | €oen, but the Irish people have re- | covered their freedom and are mas!- | ers in their own land. Let them-not | forget it. They can be driven into | "War only by those who rejeot the | pw ople's will, | = "Meanwhile, Michael Collins' ap-! 'Peal to maintain peace and public or- | ger will be responded to by all trua | S¥ichmen of every party. The 'ruce | a continue to be religiously ob- | $erved. There is but one court of | @ppeal against the decision of the | Dail, if there is to be an appeal. That | court is the Irish. democracy. ror | the sake of democratic principle and | honor in Ireland let the appeal ba made, if it is so decided, as befits a pation confident in its future." The newspaper makes emphatic demand tha' the symbols and oppres- glons of British authority disappear and cease, adding: "There is no sha- dow of excuse for getaining a single Irishman whose alleged offence was gommiitted for a political object. Let the prisoners be released immediate Iy." Substance of Freedom, The Irish Independent, expressing gratification at the passage of the treaty, says that it does not contain lal that the people had hoped, but Ireland is given the substance of freedom, and the Dail did right in pcepting a treaty under which Irie Men can manage all their own affairs Without outs'de interference." "The situation," it agds, p more assuring if the majority hal | been greater, and there is no doubt that, if effect had been given to tho | wishes of the peopled it would have been overwhelming for acceptance. "would 0.8 'PHONES PER 100, da Second to United States, Which Has 18.6. Ottawa, Jan. 11.--Canada in 919, the latest date for which sta- istics are available, ranked second ly to the United States in the mber of telephones per hundred population. The United States d 13.6 telephones per 100 of pop- tion and Canada 9.8. Italy, with phones per 100, was lowest, sta- ics issued by the Dominion Bu- au of Statistics show, Iatheioal} hder year 1920, there were 856,266] phones in use in Canada, an in- " of 10 per cént. over 1919 and per cent. over 1913. Increases rural telephone campanies and ral telephones contributed largely D the general increase. The wire piloage in use was 2,105,101 and average persons per mile of wire 4.2, HOPE FOR BALD-HEADS. Food That Grows Hair, Chicago . Doctor Advises. enton, Jan, 11.--There is new for the bald-headed man, It revealed to the American Acad- of Applied Dental Science in lmvention here. Dr. 8t. Louis of Chicago, first vice-presi- it of. the International Institute | Applied Psychology, it was. who the delegates how even the pro- 'billiard ball no longer need [If you are bald grow a new crop hair," said Dr. Estes calmly to astonished dentists. Eat the sort : that grows hair, he went on [8 baby were fed on cooked foods im the start of his lite, he would have any hair," he continued] - paton, gi g physician told his hearers ¥ "do not have any ideas, because [the damnable food you eat. ™. THAT TURNS THE TIDE OF FORTUNE The people of Kingston are now face to face with the crisis of un Idleness and poverty is spreading despair and sorrow in many h precedented depression and strife. omes! While this deplorable condition is world wide, and the suffering is more intense in other cities, it rests with us whether we wait for reconstruction to take its course or get together in spirit and strength and start the wheels of industry going! Idle money is as useless as idle hands. wanted fruit of good-will and prosperity! This appeal carries to you the unusual o ing your spare idle dollars do great service to your f ellow men and increase your own a steady growing income! ; Business Proposition Open to All of Sane Reason And Pruden WhatWeHaveDone We have turned an idle flat of several thousand square feet into a modern clothing fac- tory. We have installed 60 power machines with 50 more to go up all equipped and ready to manufacture Shirts, Overalls, House Dresses, Pants, and all other articles of clothing. ~ ASSURED SUCCESS !! WHY » It is generally known and admitted ¥ that the fandamentals upon which depends the ultimate success of a manufacturing business ares CAPABLE MAN AGEMENT LOW OVERHEAD SALEABLE MERCHANDISE fi QUANTITY PRODUCTION These vital points are so well cov. ered by The Kingston Factorles, Ltd. that success is assured. The Managment In Mr. Bernard Sky as president, the Company has an energetic husi. ness man, with 15 years' experience In every phase of the Clothing in. dustry, including retail, wholesale, exporting, importing and nianufac- turing. His ability and Integrity are known In many industrial cities.' The Factory superintendent is a skilled mechanic, for many years employed In a similar capacity in 7 Torento factories, | Low Overhead Having secured a long lease at a very low rental,-and good labor con ditions, Kingston Factories, Ltd., has Its overhead down to about 1.8 of similar factories in large cities. Saleable Merchandise The variety of articles that can be manufactured by The Kingston Fac. tories, Ltd., cover everything that is made by sewing machines. Not new Inventions of doubtful marketing value, bat staple sure necessities of wearing apparel with a Dominion. 'wide fleld for its markets, Quantity Producion In volume of production Kingston Factories, Ltd, will rank among the largest Facories in ansda, the 110 machines when In full operation are capable of producing over A mil. lion dollars of merchandise. To the directors of Sess r ess ssn r an of ee Business Secured Orders have already been se- cured by the company from several of Canada's largest houses which call for 500 doz. Women's House Dresses, 500 doz. Men's Work Shirts, 300 doz. Men's Overalls, also Bloomers and Pants. » First - - - Issue ~ $25,000 "Kingston Factories Limited" Cumulative Preferred' Stock! PRICE .ctxe.ivierinrenesass is. $100 PER SHARE With a bonus of 50 P.C. common stock or one share of i Free with every two shares of paid up prefer- re Dividends to be declared every three months, BAN KERS: SOLICITOR ROYAL BANK OF CANADA T. J. RIGNEY, KG Ee ---- WILL YOU BE ONE AMONG THE FIRST TO BENEFIT? THEN MAIL THIS COUPON NOW! AT ONCE | . . sess sersewiaehaaniint. SEW ssn sess ss nse bins, The Kingston Factories, Ltd, enclosed please find §...... being a deposit of 10 P.C.on ,........ shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of your company, as per your offer of one share of Co every 25 shares of preferred. ~~ NAME mmon Stock as bonus with tess senna Sesssscssutt aterm titans Without obligation on your part our representative will eall at your request, . : Kingston Factories, Limited EEE el . 3 Only the creative power of both bring the pportunity of mak- bank account with t Judgment Possible Earnings Limiting the production of the Kingston Factories to a busi- ness of $20,000 per month. This 'amount multiplied 12 times during the yearly turn- over will earn 10 P.C. clear profit monthly or $24,000 net the first year. AnUnparalleled Investment Opportunity !1! Just figure your earning possibilities on a small invest ment with a growing 4hdus- try! A guaranteed dividend of 8 P.C.jon every dollar of pre<« ferred stock with a bonus of 50 P.C. of common stock ab- - solutely free. The common stoe kis almost certain to bring you from 40 P.C. to 60 P.C. the frist year. Can you possibly foresee what your stock certificates might he worth in a few years? Don't Forget- The Kingston Factories, Lid, frankly admit the urgent ne cessity 'of raising the "capital required at once. Hundreds of women, supporters of families are impatiently waiting for employment, These extraord:nary induce- ments are offered as a means of oblaining quick ction, Kingston Factories Ltd. Extend a cordial invitation to all who wish to inspect their factory and investigate their plans, ' But Do It Now THIS ADVERTISEMENT. WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN