WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 192% Theatrical "A Bachelor's Romance" at Grand. The Rex Stock Company will pre- sent on the last three days of this 'week at the Grand Opera House the famous Sol Smith Russell's quaint comedy in four acts "A Bachelor's Romance." This comedy is something entirely different from everything so far presented by this favorite com- pany. The title role is particularly well suited for Rex and we all kno how he can handle a good comedy | part, and promises you two hours of laughter each night. The scenic end "of this production is going to be es- pecially attractive for, the play par- ticularly the setting for the last act. New vaudeville specialties will be presented by the ever popular Sey- more and Williams, and the Park Kid | dies.--Advt, Allen To-morrow, Iron," starring Charles "Scrap Ray and released as a First National | attraction, which will be the attrac- tion at the Allen Theatre for three days, beginning Thursday has been acclaimed by critics the best picture | in which this popular young actor | thes ever appeared "Scrap Iron," has plenty of com- Bdy, but the story itself is a grip- pingly dramatic one, strongly tinged (With pathos, Ray plays the role of John Steel, whose love and respect for his invalid widowed mother, bring him to scorn before his fellow workers. and his best girl. His prom- dde is not to fight, , but he finally breaks it when starvation is In pros- pect for his mother, The fight is the best which has ever been showih on the screen, and it leads to a climax totally unexpected. Among those who are in the cast supporting Mr. Ray, are Vera Sted- man, Lydia Knott, Tom Wilson, Tom i Notice to Creditors of Harold Frederick all, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to @ Revised Statutes of Ontario, that wi persons having any claims or de- 1s against the estate of HAROLD In the Ei Rn man FREDERICK RANDALL, Township of Pittsburg, in the County Frontenac, deceased, who died on or &bout the 24th day of November, 192) &re required to deliver or send by post prepaid to Cunningham & Smith, 9 "Clarence street, Kingston, solicitors for the administrator of the estate,of the Said Harold Frederick Ri ndall, fleceas- ed, on or before the 28th day Jan flary, 1922, their surnames and ris- tian names, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of thelr claims o demands duly verified, and the nature Of the security 'if any) held by them AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that ter the said 28th day of January, 22, the said Administrator may pro- ed to distribute the assets of the said Ato amongst the persons entitled ereto, having regard only to the elaims 'or demands of which he shall en h&ve received notice, and shall ot be liable for the said assets, or any Prt thereof go distributed, to &ny per ison ersons of whose claims e shall not have rece the time of the di ithereof. %.PATED this 10th day or de ed no- ibution of January, late of the| Stanton Heck "and Claude Jerkely.-- At The Strand. * love, father love, the love 7, the love of money, the tion--all these phases of I passion enter {nto William newest Paramount picture, tle," which will be the he Strand theatre for beZinning tomorrow, written by May Wil- Lyman, and Lambert ctor, made the adap- "The | feature | three day {The story wa | moth and Olir | Hillyer, the di | tation. * | ~ Mr, Hart appears as Robert Evang, {& factory worker and has a wonder- I tany strong supporting cast. Steadman, always a favorite, has the leading feminine ro¥--virtually the, only woman's part in the picture, Tt is a rugged story, one dealing with {human souls and the hearts of men |and women, making and breaking. "Three remarkable child actors al- !80 appear in the picture. The chfld- j ren should see it.--Advt, GRIFFIN'S THE #TRE. i ---- | Millions of People Will See "Ten ! Nights," "Ten Nights in q Barroom," the L. Case Russell pholdramatization of the old-time success, is arousing |the attention of the public all over | the world, Its preliminary present- ation at Providence, R. T and other | Bastern cities, was received with great applause, Multitudes flocked to the theatres; ministers of the church wrote in applauding the pre- {sentation and many people claim its {effect on the public mind léd to wae | Eighteenth Amendment. This may no! be the case, but at |any rate it is certain that "Ten | Nights" for sixty years hms had a | vogue all over the world, which cer- | tainly has drawn attention to g grea: | social evil. It must be borne in {mind that "Ten Nights in a Bar- | room" as presented to the public :o- {day is not a preachment of aay | principle. It is a very strong hum- fan, heart-interest story dealing with |a man's fall and his redemption by { the spiritual agency of a little child, { There are many interesting sketches {in offering and some great and spec- tacular interludes; notably, the very | exciting struggle between some of {the characters on logs on the rapxis {of a great river, make the fortune of any photoplay, (In fact, it believed by many | shrewd Judges of motion pictures [that in this respect '"Ten Nights" is | probably 'he most thrilling and sen- | sational picture ever offered to the | public; fpf | John Lowell in the character of | John Morgan is an outstanding suc- | cess, and does full justice to the im- {portant character with which the di- [rector entrusted him. As for Baby | Ivy Ward, her pathos and tenderness (a8 well as her child-like beauty de- | mand universal interest. Oscar Ap- i fel directed the picture and has car- ried out his duties'to perfection pro- viding wonderful scenic views and a mee] Charles {appreciated by audiences as Myrtle! This alone would | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG erated to put over a' marvelously dramatic and beautiful affair. * It shiould not be overlooked that | the music to the picture has been | very well selected and will be much there are many old and familiar airs in the offeri Wherever shown the picture ex- cites great interest. Rhode Island, Connecticut, parts of Canada, have already acclaimed. if. It is only a matter of time when ft wij] be seen over the whole of the United States of America. This remarkable nine-reel super- special will be shown at Griffin's the entire week of Jan. 16th. Watch for further announcements. THE POLICE COMMISSION ------ Makes Two Appointments -- Police | Service Reported Efficient. The police commission met last | Friday and heard the report of the | chief of police on the administra-| tion of his department. Crime sta- | tistics were presented and the work ! | of the police as outlined showed a | high 'standard of efficiency. A | Statement will be available for pub-| | lication, showing complaints, arrests | and convictions. | | Among the matters dealt with was/ [the appointment of Mrs, Conde as | police matron. Thomas Garrity, who | | has been on the force since the sum-| | mer, and who has given most satis-| factory service, was appointed permanent force, The members present were J Lavell, ex-Mayor Nickle and J Farrell, police magistrate, -- Farmers To Oppose Meigheh, Word was receive of the U. F. 0. here last nighg, | that A. K. Patterson, a farmer| near Kemptville, had been nominag- ed by a Farmers' convention yester- day to oppose Rt. Hon. Arthur | Meighen in Grenville county by-| election. ------------ | Napance Murder Case. | The Upton boys and Fred Bryant, | charged with the murder | stable Richard Beard, at Napanee will be handed over to Chief of Py. lice Barrett, and taken to Napanee for | the preliminary hearing, which' will | Coiimence at 11 o'clock on Thursday. | morning, to the 1 udge | . Mj d at the offices | | | For this week-end we sels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Spinach, Rhubarb, Parsley, Onions, Head ang Leat Leeks, Green Peppers, Hors [ete at Carnovsky's. Celery, © dadish, ! The mystery surrounding the find- | ing of a barrel of molasses in a barn on Montreal street, has not yet been solved. A couple of men have been charged with the theft of the molas- 8es, but in the police court on Weqd- neslay morning, the case was en- larged till Friday, Mrs. E. C. Hubley, 96 Lower Bagot Street, was taken to the Hotel Dien JOINT INS fA. Cathcart; | G..Allen; V, Grand, IRS VG, F | +H. ot ing and seconded by W. | raqui Lodge Early Vegetables, | offer Brug- | Green | family of o Lettuce, | Our great order, TALLATION HELD, By the Three Lodges of Oity Odd Fellows Tuesda Evening. On Tuesday 'ewening the installa- tion of officers of the three lodges, Cataraqui No. 10, Kingston No. 59, and Granite No. 363, took | place in the new Oddfellows' lodgo | room over the King Edward theatre, | by D.D.G.M. J. Bradford, Harrow.! smith, assisted by D.D.G. Marshall | J. E. Chatterton and P.G.'s Rauther-| ford, R. Caughey, W. Hipson, T. Bon. | ner, J. Cruise and James Lessife, The | | | following is the Mst of officers: | Cataraqui No. 10--J.P.G., A. E. | Hunt; N, Grand, Walter J. Fergu-| son; V. Grand, W. Cooper; Rec. Sec, | treasurer, WwW. Mac- | W. Monk; L.8.N. : R8.V.G, A R. Stone; J. Bearance; Warden, W. Mallory; conductor, D, Coulson; chaplain, E. Pearson; RSS, H. E, Watts; L.S.8., Bro. McLeod; 1.6... Bro. Holland; a6, 17. % Rogers; Physician, Dr. H. Angrove, Kingston Lodge No. 59--N. Grand, T. J] Cherry; Rec. Sec, B. I. Gilbert, P.G.; Fin- Sec, R. J. Diack, P.G.; Treas., R. Stafford, P.G.; RSNG, 8 Vv. Caig, P.G.; L S.N.G., C. PF. Snowden; Matthews: L8.v.G., C. warden, N. McMilan; con- ductor, W. G. Burns; chaplain, KE, Harris; 1.G., H. Pratt; 0.G., Georga English; R.S.S, R. Hallett; LSS, a, lean; R.S.N G., G., H. Hunt L8.V.G., F. Davidson: ! Tail; physician, Dr. Harold Angrove, Granite lodge No. 363--N.G., Ww. Lane; v.G., p. H, Johnston; Rec. 'Sec., w. T. Harkness: Fin, Sec., K. .N. H. McCullagh; Treas., 0. W. Daly; R.SN.G, T. Donne)- ly; LENG, J. Allmark: 18.y 2) C. Godfrey; warden, Bro/ Mounteer=: conductor, L, Pollitt; chaplain, w, Hussey; 0.G., James Harrison; 71. G., M. Frazer; Physician, Dr, J. H. Fisher. The following resolution of con- dolence -was moved by R. J. Diack, J. C. Allen and Bro. Harkness: "Resolved that Cata- No. 10, Kingston Lodga No. 59, and Granite Lodge No. 363, 1L.O.O.F., assembled in joint meet- ing, desire to Place on record an expression of the feeling of our Breat loss in the removal by dea:h of our beloved Grand Sire, Bro. Jos. Oliver. We would convey to the wi- dow and the other members of the ur late Brother, our sin- cerest sympathy in their sad bereave- ment. We know that the loss they have sustained can never be replaced. of which he was head, has in the er, lost a devoted S@ counsellor and the distinguished death of Bro, Oliv member and a wi guide." A thirty-year veterans' presented by grand master, P.G., of Kingsto Jewel. was the district deputy to . Charles Baiden, n Lodge, No, 59. First strawberries from . Florida Me- | Sixty-Sixth Annual General Meeting Report of the The Net Profits for the Dividends Nos. 158 Reserved for Taxes Transferred to Offic Written off Bank Pr tion has beein going om. ment as Auditor, The Direct the eth of April la appear promising, « Notes in circulation , Dec_o-'ts bearing interes t, men Deposits Balances due to Balances dus to Kingdom an Sparterly Divid ividends unpaid Gold and 8i Pominion I"otes held Notes of other nks ©heques on other Bank Balances due by Banks The sixty-sixth Annual General held at the Head Office in Teront On motion the chair was taken by the President, Mr. W. G. Gooderham. The General Manager, Mr. John R. Lamb, was request Hargraft and Major A. Bi Duncanson, The Secretary read the Annual Re The Directors of The Bank of Toronto beg to pr 30th November. 1921, accompanied by the Statement the operations for the year. The Balance at credit of Profit Year, after maki debts, and deducting expenses, current discounts, amounted to the sum of... This sum has been appropriated as follows to 161 at Twelve per cent. per annum ., ., emises ....... . Carried forward to next year . The year has been marked b: In view of this, The Head Office and Branches have bee The Auditor appeinted by the Sharehold amination of our Head Office and principal Branches an Statement presented herewith. Mr, Clarkson's name wil ors regret having to re -operation were always freely given. Four new Brdnches of the Ban closed, leaving 157 Branches now in operation, All of which is respectfully submitted GENERAL STATEMENT other Banks | Banks and banking correspondents d Foreign Cou Iver coin current Deposit with the Minister for the purposes Meeting of the Stockholders of The Bank of Toronto was 0 on Wednesday, 11th January, 1922. Asgjotant ed to act as Secretary, and Mr. George R. D.S.0., were appointed Serutineers, port as follows: esent their Report for the vear ending of the Bank's affairs and tite results of PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. and Loss, on November 30th, 1920, was ng full provision for all bad and doubtful posits and rebate om 3 986,354.27 SAWN... interest accrued on de. "eo... $8 600,000.00 $100,000 00 25.000.00 150,000,00 . Ne 75.000. 00 1,037.479.45 -- $1.912.479.45 S-- y steady lowering of prices. and quiet but effective liquida- the business of the Bank has been well maintained, 0 regulgrly inspected by Bank's Inspection fication of cash and seturities has also been made. ers, Mr. G. T. Clarkson, F. C. A. has made his ex- d his report accompanies the General I be submitted to you for re-appoint k were opened during the year, and eight, which did not W. G. GOODERHAJI, President, 30TH NOVEMBER, 1921. LIABILITIES, " $6.442,048,00 % Cans 78,966,977.77 anada. .. 885,927.93 150.000.00 1,100.00 ntries 1,268,774.58 00.0 -- $87,270,356.30 $5.000,000.00 6.000.000 00 . 1,037,479.45 -- 151,100.00 450,456.01 12.057,479.45 $99 307 R35 75 ---- $14.719.720.78 262.479.69 462,175.00 5.927,784.91 $21 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, this afternoon. t 797,419.55 10.216,407.39 3,680,321.08 271,563.73 4,552,913.9¢ 500,000. oday at Carnovsky's, in Canada Solicitors for the Administrator. fing supporting cast who all co-op- Dominion AAA Ar AA ceed ebentures, and Stocks and Short (not exceedin. Canada oo $41,390,786.09 53.624,728.44 ' 274,770.49 ---- §2,899.498.93 450,456.01 3.567.094. ons Es elign and Discounts. IB anads fuss rebate of foter: es 840, . Overdue Debts (estimated loss Provided for)... Liabilities of Customers under Letter: s of Credit, as per contra. . Bank Premises, at not more than co ? ot, less amounts written off. w. G. GOODERHAM, oe 1a ent, Tordnto. 30th November, 1921. AUDITORY REPORT TO THE THOS. » HOw, General Manager, SHAREHOLDES, 'ko cash and verifying th November 30th, 1821, my apinion. such Balance correct view of the state of the Bank's affairs aAcgording to the best of my in "'swmatinng nto and as shown by the béoks of tha Bank. In addition to the examination mentioned, the cash and securities at the certain of the Principal branches were checked and verified by me during the be in accord with the books of the Bank. All information and explanations required have been She Bank which have come under my notice have, in my opi nk. chief office and Year, and found Fiven to me, and all transactions of Bion, been within the powers of the G. T. CLARKSON, FCA. Chartered Accountant. President. Vice-President, and the General Manager, Mr, Geoffrey T. Clarksagn, F.CA., was a ointed the Stockholders were extended to the' Prost General Manager an for their yao le rnam, iam Stone, Jotun Macdo ", .-Gen. F. eighen, a . Gear, Paul J. ariand, James rod Chaplin, M.P. W. G. Gooderham was re-elected President and Toronte, December 19th, 1921, The meeting was then addressed by the The report of the Directors was adopted. Auditor for the current ear, and the thanks ot den Vice-President, an Directors, also to-the services during the past year. : The Jotlowing Directors e $ -Col. Gooderham, Jose enderson, Br Myler. A. H. Campbell, W. R. Bawit John I. Mc At a subsequent meeting of the Board, Mr. Mr. Jeseph Henderson Vice-President, d other officers, were elected: W, G. All Overcoa Ls Half Price ttt NN, B. J. Barcasky, who fell from the water tower at Rockwood hospital for the Insane, is getting along nice- Iy at the General Hospital. * Every hope is held out for his recovery. A el -------------- A, a] Pl | * ¥ . ° GEO. NOBES | Phonie 986M. 17 Division Street. AA ct LOWER CANADA COLLEGE HEADMASTER AT R.M.C. Pays a Visit to Study System of Training and Academic Faculties. An interested visitor to the Royal Military college on Monday and Tues- day was C. J. Sosbery, headmaster of Lower Canada College, Montreal, who is studying the system of trafn- ing and academic facilities at this institution. He was a guest of Gen. eral Bir A. C. Macdonell during His stay here, and was given the oppor- tunity of inspecting the college ia sll its departments. | address to the 'assembled cadets, o Tuesday, and also had a personal That with the old boys of Lower Canada at the college. It is understood that DOMINION | MEAT STORE OPP. Y. M. C. A. 3 ' FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 1288J, W. KENT MACA [Bank of Commerce Bullelng Br King Streets. Phone 701 or 1 Generni Insurance Writing: --Automobile, Fy Sickness, Plate Glass Bur, Hepredenting Only Rella path 'ment by watursl | ra- | methods, Health without EVERY SUIT AND OVERCOAT ON SALE. No RESERVE. ' EVERY GARMENT MADE BY SEMLREADY. SALE STARTS THURSDAY. 213 PRINCESS STREET a is t A drug ¢ heals the wound and knit the Sralen ih I Therapy Twelve Yearw Success in Kinguton DRS. "ROBERT and EDNA 204 Ki St. near Karl, ng Phone 447 RE -------- Dr. D. E. Mundel), coroner, was called to Cataraqui with the d. cided that died of apoplexy. Premier King arrived fn Ottawa Wednesday moraing, | PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service