Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jan 1922, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 10u2, ee -- : Advertising induces a first sale Bu "Quality alone orp gn Dent Kat alone Permanent custom LAD TELA IT LLT¥ & TILL p lh EERE ETT, MAIN STREET. == a" E ; . + EMI Bin} Ti? gO 3 : t The Story of Carol Kennicott CF | HERE : : By SINCLAIR LEWIS | : $914 1} i : es 3 i i Every one in town took an interes: | agree with Reverend Zitteresl in ; | " . 4 ; ge p B6 a P : { iin the refurnishing. The carpenters | thinking that the great trouble with Set re ! g Once tried, is never forsaken and painters who did not actually as- | this nation today is lack of spiritual the windows and exclaim, {heaven knows what all. But still 1 Sealed packets only Blacl,Green or mixed - {Looks swell!" Dave Dyer at the drug $store, Harry Haydock and Raymie | do think that one trouble is this Wutherspoon at the Bon Ton repeat- | terrible waste of money, people foil Bist crossed the lawn to peer (hough | faith--ao few going to church, and | 'od daily, How's the good work comni- ting that they've got to have bath-tubs H2e6 "Fink: people automobiling on Sunday an | -------- ing? I hear the house is getting '0 and telephopes in their houses--. I "be real classy." | heard you were selling the old farm- © Mven Mrs. Bogart. |ture cheap." . . Mrs. Bogart lived across the alley | "Yes!" {fom the rear of Carol's house. Sue | {was a widow, and a prominent Bapt- [own mind, but I can't help thinking, |#st, and a Good Influence. She had so | when Will's me was dwn here koep- ¥ reared three sons to Le |ing houss fer him--slio used to run riotian gentlemen that one of ther | in to 86e me, real often!--it was {bad become an Omaha bartender, one, enough furniture for Ker. But '"Well--of course you know your A) mre IERIE ---- Notes From Inverary, | [the home in the west. Inverary, Jan. 10.--The skating rink is in good shape, and the youn People are having plenty of "sport. Mr. and Mrs, Melvyn Williams have returned from their wedding trip and Will be at Dr. A. E. Freeman's until the 20th, when they will leave for Miss Edna Garrett has returned from spending a g | are, Robert Arthur has recovered Tolls for a couple of weeks. Miss Gladys Gerrett ig visiting at the home of her gran!father at Sunbury, from an attack of pneumonia. . We Lindsay $s reducing the number of woodplles with 'ha engine and saw. Miss Olga and Warren Arthur, of Sydenham high school, opent the week-end at their homes here. GIFTS FOR PRINCESS AND FIANCE. & professor of Greek, and one, Cyrus) are, there, I musin't croak, I just Bogart, a boy of fourteen who was wanted to let you know that when Mave ; F Batteyso: y = ives : . a mrs ei (08 Vl mem | you finda You ont Dons o, YB Eleven boys of Battersea, London, ndined Harry, and eleven girls, named Mary, gang in Boy- [of these gadding young folks ke the | presents of a decorated eigar box and a handsome kerchief to Viscount - Lascelles and Sn. | erdocks, and the Dyoms--and heav- | Princess Mary respectively, at Buckingham Palace. The photo shows them at the gates. ¢ MMe. Bogart was no' the acid 1YD4 | on only knows how mu money | : ] Good Influence. She was of the soft Juanita Haydook blows i Rh 3 Yair J . ADA MAY DO A B ----------_---- bp; fat, sighing, indigestive, cling- | --why then you may be glad to know | CAN MIN, A DE depressingly hope!a! that slow old Aunty Bogart is always 2 TE ORTH TLANTIC FISHERIES pind. There are in every large chick- right there, and heaven knows--" A | yard a number of old and indig- | portentous sigh. "--I lope you and it hens who resemble Mrs: Bogart | your husband won't have any of the | i when they are served at Sundey | troubles, with sickness and guarvel. Di dinner, as fricassesd chicken | ling and wasting money and ali that | h thick dumplings, they keep up |so many of these young couples do | "the resemblance, have and--- But I must be running | "Carol had noted that Mrs. Bogart (along now, dearie. It's been such al from her side window Lent an eye | pleasure and-- Just run In and ae | upon the house. The Kennicots.and | me any time. I hope WHli is weil? 1 | Mrs. Bogart did not move in tho ------ - A bell in a rectory in East Had- dam, Conn, bears the date 803, Anthracite coal was first discover- ed in 1808. week with her friend, Miss Campbell, Verona. The many friends of John Taylor are pleased that he will be reeve another year. Mrs. Fred Por- ter and baby have been with Mrs. carry of the toughest Ifyou havea gore, irritated throat, or a istent ¢ --Yyou will find immediate relief in RCINNAFORM PASTILL dissolve like candy in your mouth, and destroy ious germs which are constantly settling in your throat. Cinnamon flavor. Excellent also as a preventative for Colds, Quinsy or Tonsilitis. 20 Sold Everywhere. 50c. a Bottle. Smalier 8ize, 250. | thought he looked a wee mile poaXk- NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED le sels -- which meant precisely | ed." 6 same in Gopher Prairie as it did| It was twenty minutes later wnen | Mrs. Bogart finally oozed out o: the front doer. Carol ran buck into tue wheezed in, sighed, gave Carvi | iving-room end jorked open the win- | . ; ' ee : | 8 pilpy hand, sighed, glanced shar)- | dows, "That woman Los left dump | . 7/5 : A 2 i is . thy © dy at the revelation of ankles as Car- | finger-prints in tho air," he vy Bl crossed her legs, sighed, inspoctod | » Carol was extravagant, but at least i i new blue chairs, smiled with a(cha ddd not try to clear "herself of | feats Thee wi jie Pa ect a5 ROP Mehing sours cn © oo, vo 8 blame by going about whimpering, | Good beauty to the complexion. Perfect di. i "I've wanted fo call on you s0{"I know I'm terribly extravagant | $ 1 k gestion =u ston of ng ir 5 (oORs necessary to ensure perfect health, For mean relieving ailments of the: digestive good Health on Fifth avenue or in Mayfair. But 2 i good widow came calling. TASLE oF FENTAL FERED PORTS TO ramet. gong, dearie, you know we're neigh- | but I don't seem to be able to help | powers --gsuch ag biliousness, con. Hore, but I thought I'd wait til} you |.» innit j i i i settled, you must run in and see | Kennjcott had never thought of | The above chart, indicating the chief fishing banks of the North Atlantic--the richest stipation, sick headaches, flatulence-- Beecham 's Pills have proven their worth Ee how much did that big chair | giving her an allowance. His mother in the world--demonstrates the strategic advantage held by our maritime provinces in to" bgd never had one! As a wage- | relation to these harvest fields, and shows why Canada is in a position to dominate this ¥ "Seventy-seven dollars!" earning spinster Carol had asserted | vast fishing territory. to countless thousands of women for - many years past. They are convenient, gentle i on and positive in their ex. : "Sev--- Sakes alive! Well, I sup-|to her fellow libra Ss at wigs i > Pose it's all right for them that can she was married, shé was going to "endl * vat) HEAD and NOSTRILS Jere | CLOGGED UP cellent results, Ny A A NS Nr ring Png, building, and put its owner in St. Vincent de Paul hospital at Brocik- ville with severe burns on his face and hands while attempting to ex- tinguish the fire. His condition is afford it, though I do 'sometimes have an allowance and be busfness- | Kennicot; and commanded, : lke and modern. But it was too [to see you upstairs." much trouble to explain to Kenni- "Why--something fhe matter?" cott's kindly stubbornness that she "Yes!" {think-- Of course as our pastor said once, at Baptist eMurch-- By tho Way, we haven't seen you there yet, le was a practical house-keeper as well He as a flighty playmate. She bought a budget-plan account book and made her budget as exact as budgets are likely to be when they lack bud- gets, For the firgt month it was a honey- moon jest to beg prettily, to con- tess, "I haven't a cent in the house, dear," and to be told, "You're an ex- travagant little rabbit"® But the budget book made her reaMze how inexact were her finances. She be- came self-conscious; occasionally she was indignant that she should always have to petition him for the money with which to buy iris food. She caught herself criticizing his belief that, since his joke about trying to keep her owt of the poorhouse had once been accepted as admirable humor, it should continye to be his daily bon mot. It was a nuisance to have to run down the street after him because she had forgotten to ask bim for money at breakfast. But she couldn't 'hurt his feel- ings," ehe reflected. He liked the lordlness of giving largess. She tried to reduce the frequency of begging by opening accounts and having the bills sent to him. She had found that staple groceries, of course your husband was rais- up @ Baptist, and I do hope he "t drift away from 'the fold, of we all know there isn't any- i, not cleverness or gifls of gold anything, that can make up for hility and" the inward grace and iy can say what they want to about P. B, church, but of dourse of 80 _chuoh that bas more Or has st od Be on prin- boo chard beiter. than the it ehurch and-- In what church you raised, Mrs. Kennicott?" *W-why, 1 went to Congregationai, 188 a girl in Mankato, but my college Was Universalist." *Well--- But of course as the bible 78, is it the Dible at least I know I heard it in church and every- admits it, it's proper for the } bride to take her husband's sel of faith, so wo all hope we @ee you at the Baptist churcn As 1 was saying, of course I CZEM ic a eog for Bozema and Ski & « It reliaves ones. Irrita- purchased at Axel Egge's rustic gen- eral store. She sald sweetly to Axel: "I think I'd better open & chargs account here.' ~I don't do no business except for cash," grunted Axel She flared, "Do you know who I am?" - "Yuh, sure, T know. The doc is good for it. But that's yoost a rule I madé. 1 make low prices. 1 do business for cash." * °° She stared at his red impassive face, and her fingers had the undigni- fied desire to slap him, but her son agreed with him. "You're quite {right." You shouldn't break your rule for me." Her rage had been lost. It had been transferred to her husband. She wanted ten pounds of sugar in a hurry, but she had no money. She ran up the stairs'to Kennicott's of- fice. On the door was a sign adver- tising a headache cure and stating, "The doctor is out, back at--" Na. turally, the blank epace was not filled out. She stamped her foot. She ren down to the drug store--ithe dootor's club. As she entered she heard Mrs. Dyer demanding, "Dave, I've got to have some money." Carol saw that her husband. was there, and two other men, all listen- in amusement. Fire King Heaters a "0% Nener Nickie Plated Showers Bilpinis and Tollets ; Lumber, Cement and Corrugated "1 Cohen & Co. "875 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 VOID PER OF DYSPEPSIA Most everyone has gone through misety of a sleepless might from "No, #t won't! I've got to some underclothes for the kids." "Why, good Lord, they got enough row to fHl the closet =o I couldn't find my hunting boots, last time 1 wanted them." "I don't care. They're all in rags. You got to give me ten dollars--" Carol percefved that Mrs. Dyer was accustomed to this indignity, She perceived that the men, {Dave, regarded i as an excellent {Jet She waited--she knew what would come~--it' did. Dave yelped, "Where's that ten dollars I gave you last year?" he looked to the gh. They laughed. Carol walked up to get $ sugar, flour, could be most cheaply ti Dollar be enough?" | particularly | clumped after her, up stairs, into his barren ofrice. Before he could get out a query she stated: "Yesterday, in fronf of a saloon, I heard @ German farm:wite bag her husband for a quarter; to get a toy for the baby--and he refused. Just now I've . heard Mrs. Dyer going through the same humiliation. And I--I'm in the same position! I have to beg you for money. Daily! I have just been informed that I couldn't have any sugar becausé 1 hadn't the money to pay for it!" "Who said that? By God, I'll kill any--"* v % "Tut. It wasn't his fault. It was yours. And mine. I now humbly beg you to give me the money with which to buy meals for you to eat And hereafter to remember it. The pext time, I sha'n't beg. I shall sim- ply starve. Do you understand? I can't go on being a slave--"" Her defiance, her enjoyment of the role, ran out. She was sobbing against his overcoat, "How can you shame me $0?" and hé was biubber- ing, "Dog-gone it, I mean to give you some, and" 1 forgot it, I swear I won't again. By golly I won't!" He pressed fifty dollars upon her, and after that he remembered to give ker money regularly . , . some- mes, (To be Continued.) stl] i 1g | i £ 7 i fi i g 1 i hI fx bri TH i! 1&9 it be ie FF i jit | 1 i He 3 Eiad shall i i 1 x 5 Er COULD SCARCELY BREATH E. When you become all choked up and"stuffed up with a cold your head becomes thick, the nostrils become so clogged up you can hardly breathe, a feeling of weight or oppression in the chest and the cough rasps and tears your lungs and bronchial tubes. This 'is the ¥ime'to take 3 PR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP before things get to be too serious. There is no, remedy to equal it for clearing up the cold, making the breathing easy, loosening the phlegm and soothing®and healing the lungs and bronchial tubes. ~ Mrs. Edward Kincade, 60 Bryden St., St. Johm, N. B., writes: --[ wish to express my hearty thanks to your valuable remedy Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and what good it did me, Last fall I contracted a severe cold, the like I never had, my head and nostrils were so clogged up I could gel no vent, and could scarcely get my breath. I tried remedy after remedy until at last I thought I would try "Dr. Wooc's." After the first dase I felt relief, and by the time the bottle was finished I was all bet- ter. I will always keep it in the house." Price 36¢. and 60c. only by The T. Milbu Toronto, Ont. | DISTRICT NEWS | To Organize Club, Perth will organize a community club. A team win canvass the town for members. : a bottle; put up ra Co., Limited, ---- Counsecon, has sold n street to John Vi- ant. Mr. Way intends leaving for the west soom Mrs; Way will ra- main with her deughter, Mrs, Arnold Mastin, for.some time. To Paint The Ice. A new white paint, invented by W, A. Farmer,i Montreal, formerly of Perth, will be usel to paint the fee in ti curling rink in the latter town, Curlers say the painting 1s a decided improvement. . Sold His William Way, his home 6n Mai + -- ; Died Im Mexico, News has been received in Almonte of the death in Mexico of Rev. John Mordy, aon snowy in that distric:. mother ore her marriage, Miss Hannah Metcalfe. had cousins in Hutley. Before cross- ing the border he was Presbyterian minister at Niagara, - FF 25 serious, Another Still Captured, License Inspector F. B, Taber and Provincial Officer A. E. Rae seized a duantity of mash, used in the manu- facture of moonshine whiskey at ne residence of a man known as "Slim" Heaslip, about two and halt miles from Gananoque, on the Seeley's Bayw road. The still had been removed. Mrs, William Farley Dead. After a few days' illness. with bron- chial pneumonia, the death of Mra. William Farley took place a: Picton, on Jan. 3rd." Mrs. Farley, in her seventy-fifth year, was born in Well- ington, where she lived until her hus- band's death, four years @go. Since that time she hes lived in Picton with her only son, William Farley, who survives her. Other surviving rela- tives are four brothers, Joseph and Marshall Jenks of Hillier, William of Trenton and Arch of, Wisconsin, also one sister in Saskatchewan. Take Be echam's =i Pills 25¢--40 pills: 50c--90 pills Lighting The Streets, There is at present 1,200 horse power generated at the Renfrew plant. Of this 300 horse power is used for domestic lighting, 100 tor street lighting and the remaining 800 is taken under normal conditions by the various power users in town. The revenue from street lighting, which benefits every resident in town is $1,- 400 a year less 4han one cent a day per light. To supply this Mght one twelfth of the producing capacity of the plant is required. It is estimated that it costs $4,000 o year, or $40 | per horse power, to light the s'reets. The new rate as proposed by the committee on the recommendation of Engineer Robertson is that. the charge for s'reet lighting be placed at $4,900 a year an advance of §3,- 500 over the present figure. a ------ o Bi oN Regular $7.00 CLEARING AT 37-00and $7 LADIES' KID an CLEARIN Moffat Way Is The Better Way Do your cooking elec- trically. Install a Moffat Electric Range. Safe. Economical in uge of power. Heats fast. Easy fo élean, Moffat's are two to. € years in of all others. Sdvance Write for b you, klet ¢ Moffats, Limited, of Were Ontafio. \ \ For sale at the Public Utility Hydro Shop, Kingston, Ontario. el a -- wl Rubber Boots Repaired Rubber Soles and Heels Vulcanized On. ATTWOOD & DINE Aces in Vulcanizing Tires and Tubes and $7.50 LADIES' BROWN CALF HIGH LACE BOOTS LADIES" GUNMETAL HIGH LACE hoe Store 184 Princess St. {i Phone 4 | Ow. @ Rs BOOTS vas iene 34.98 d GUNMETAL BAL. | C........ 09 8 Sawyer 8 ¥

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