THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1022, ------ ? | | Hickey's Will Cure Any Cough 25 Cents L. T. BEST Prescription Druggist, gd | Years will not dimi | I the brilliance of a fine | | Diamond Our stock of these | precious stones is very extensive, and uncommon words-- maybe, buy very common causes of HEADACHE We have glass.s that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the phyel. clan, before using medicin s -and drugs, come and see us, It your headache is caused by eye strain we cure it THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Optometrist and Optician, 226 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House we know that. . the quality and prices are "the very best." We can show you Diamonds set in nat- ural Gold, White Gold or Platinum, ac- cording to your de- sire, SMITH BROS JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 King Street - Kingston Sem eee Ts The Linewood, Ont., U.F.0. | assigns, owing to heavy buying and peak prices. Paul Bloom, aged gets a prison term for bigamy ut Ot- club seventy-four, ta wa. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, DATION Inspector Stuart Recommends a New School in Rideau Ward. the meeting of the Board of ication on Wednesday night In- Spector Stuart in compliance with a resoluion passed by the board at iis November meeting, - submit a report with respect: to accommoda tion in the public schools, and the prospective ' requirements arising {rom the Adolescent" Attendance Act fe report wes a very lengthy one The following are extracts from the report: "Exclusive of basement rooms, here are sixty class-rooms in the public schools." One of these is re- Guired for the Model School, which 1s new placed in Sydenham sc hool, as there is the least pressure for school accommodation in that local- ity. This leaves 59 class-rooms now all occupied by p ic school classes The average d attendance for November was 2.514, or an average attendance of 42 per There were thhirt ) I¢ with an 'average attendance exceed ng forty, land fifteen with over forty-five If, therefore, it were po le to distri 'bute the pupils equal among all the class-rooms - the attendance would be In excess of what is] 2 ly permissible An ticn is aimed at, and the 1 Phe proximate equ: ¥, but the require- nents of a graded system and other u! controllable condition I>ct equality in the 'impossible. We have room yoms conditions have exis To prevent plained tha attend e given ah average d. ly attendan rumber gf pupils enralind The ¢n- rollment is, of course, greater than the average and amounied to over forty-six per teacher in teu the enrollment exceeded years, Ve ret to the of not not while Added Three Ro wis, "In view of Robert Meek School in Septemner last, the fact thet the a'tendance per teacher is still excessive calls for ex- I'kanation, It must be remembered that this school made a net addition of only three rooms This reduced the average daily attendancas per teacher from fortv-four to forty-two, | The chief gain from the new school lay in the abandonment of the vary inferior accommodation of the old Cataraqui school, and two basement rooms in Centra] school, which are {not suitable for permanent use on "sanitary grounds | "The addition of recent years | have considerably improved the aver- the statements | r to} the addition of the 'question of additional school accom- modation; have apparently assumed t no new building can be Justified Ss it can be shown that popula- i and consequently school euroll- nt, have greatly increased. The iblic school enrollment has, as a itter of fact, increased consider- 10iy In recent years; but the fact should be gresped that Kingston has ill a considerable arrearage before 8 public school accommodation, either with respect to quantity or {uality, is equel to the minimum standard prescribed by law. ably exceeded. It would be' neces- sary to provide about six additional | class-rocins and teachers to perniit | classes no larger than those fouud elsewhere. ; . "In addition to a sufficient number of class-rooms for ordinary classes, accommodation should be provided | for auxiliary classes under the Auxil- {lary Classes Act, and also for the in- | resulting from creased attendance tho Adolescent Attendance Act, which, since September, 1921, has made the attendance of pupils over fourteen compulsory up to sixteen ! years of age; and, after September, | 1922, will require those who, under 'any' of the exemptions permitted by | the Act, have not made a full attend- ance up to sixteen, tendance up to eighteen years of age, "It is difficult fo. estimate closely what additional accommodation will be necessary to makeg full provision for adolescent attendance; and, since ! it is the policy of the minister to bring the Act into force gradually We cannot be certain, until the final step is taken, quired, An Industrial School, i . "As has been intimated, an indus- trial school is designed to give voca- tional or pre-vocational training % boys and girls who have qualified for admission to the CoMégiate Institute. | | Only a small number of others could be accepted as practically qualified to undertake its courses. The insti- | | tution and menagement of #n indus- { trial school will be under the control of the Industrial Advisory Commit- tee. It is, therefore, a secondary school matter and I have no wish to | discuss the subject except as it is related to the public schools. Stich a schodl will admit only a small num- J ber of adolescents below Entrance standing and it will not, therefore, | to any considerable extent, provide for the increased attendance which will result from the enforcement of the Adolescent Attendance Aét. Mr. Sliter will doubtless show its import- | ance in a neglected field of second- | ary education, | "The additions to school accom- modation called for to supply exist- ing deficiencies or to meét new con- In al-! most all the. cities of Ontario this | standard has been complied with and | in mest of them it has bepn consider- | to compensate | for the deficiency 'by a part-time at- | of all that will be re- | r PROBS: Friday, mostly fair and cold. 5 | EEE 0 1] } SEE} | [3 FRIDAY | BARGAINS! | At Steacy's Sensational ~ January Clearance Sale To-morrow is an important bargain day, as the values we are offering are of exceptional merit. Follow the crowds of thrifty shoppers and make Steacy's your shopping headquart- ers this month, as every day is a bargain day, Treble Discount Stamps From 9 to 2 O'clock SHOP EARLY AND SAVE 159, This special feature attraction with the following ex- tra special values should make to-morrow one of the bus- lest days of the month, : o ditions resulting from the enforce- ment of the Adolescent School At- tendance Act may be estimated as follows: | = The greatest Dress Sale cas rooms 10 ae he. sve | JT of the year-Friday . tendance per teacher within the re- | Regular $16.50 up to $50.00 Dresses age quality of the schools, but in | Rideau and Louise schools, and prob. | ably in Sydenham also, we have ab-| | solete buildings of a type inferior to | { anything to be found elsewhere in | | the cities of Ontario. Much better ! | buildings ave been removed or! | abandoned in other cities and we { cannot regard conditions here with | | satisfaction as long as the limits of | reduce the attendance per teacher to accommodation force the use of these | the average of the twenty-two cities | ; : buildings, constructed in times of | ©f Ontario would require ten new N J ° | smaller resources, a more restricted | class-rooms. z A | ' [ outlook, and before the ventilation | 'The replacement of such schcols | 3! a | | and lighting of schools had been jas, Louise and Rideau with modern | ; 3 | sefentifically investigated, and, in a | buildings creditable to the city. or) 3 quirements of the law. This would | call for at least six class-rooms. To Homes, garages, barns, stairways, floors, chairs and many other things need brightening up--need renewed protection--need good paint. Keep the-paint subject in mind--re- member to drop in to see us. You'll find here GOOD Paint for every purpose. hould your walls need repapering or recoating with Alabastine, come and choose your pattern or color. If you meed experience and qualified Painters and Decorators to do the work and give you satisfaction, measure, standardized, | "Adequate accommodation ! school | manual training and household | j : 5 buflding .reacts on the children at- |8clence classes. Two centres for each | 4} tending it. The influence of the [Would find full employment Row, | AY 2 a . | Kober Masks sonsel ro, OL, the uould Sud tell emp of the Adoles- | ; This is the most extraordinary Dress Offer to th Id Catars i school the | cent Attendance Act this number will | ' 3 * | rear ra 3e Hs [ultimately be found insufficient, It Syer made h Kingston- "Every dress IS from [of the pupils furnishes an object les. [should be noted vial this Sstimate our regular stock and marked in plain figures. | 80m as to the moral and social value [has reference to public school re : 3 Ay | quirements only. Peterborough, This is a real Steacy Clearance Sale. The val- ues are exactly as quoted. We do not mark up #2 then down for sale purposes. "The 'quarters appropriated to | Brantford, Windsor, S'ratford and SATIN CHARMEUSE, CREPE DE GHENE | manual training and household | Other cities have already engaged ad- | | science have been pronounced unnt | ditional manual training and house- J we Te "The character of the Just 'phone 287 or give us a personal call, stating your {for their purpose by the depattment- | hold acience teachers for their pub- | BH requirements. We are reddy--always, {al inspector. These premises were |lic schools. Windsor has three of | SER jaccepted avith the expectation thar |each, Qttawa, with less than three 43 GE, : : 9 * . [th i ld be only te ry times the public school enrollment McKel é & Birch, Limited lon ee bivin departments. would | 88 Sombated: with Kingston, has | AND TAFFETA AF TERN( )( IN, STREET ; i seven of each, . 5 ey ; VEY oy oater_reriden ror Stet, ia ING GOWNS he vn pn ROC REET when new construction wes under "Additional as RE household science de- | auxiliary classes necessary to prot nal pupils, (b) the Adoles- all » x PHONE 237. | taken. The | { partment should be placed at some | vide for (a) subnorn oo pn A -- | convenient school centre, | part time pupils under --- | cent Attendance Act. : { More Class Rooms Needed. | "There is not sufficient data a= | [ "Almost all the enquiries made, as | certainable to permit a close calcula- | | well as public discussions of the |tion of what this last requirement | i ~~ | will amount to but after reviewing | | Th ' DRIVES PIMPLES * |the facts available, I see no reason | e Home | FROM SKIN rier Ger" x] ea. or e equivalent of an 8g i of Goo . : Furniture In pastel shades, Navy, Copen, Brown and Black: new styles with smart trimmings. ' ' SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Marked for a rapid clearance . .......... . FRIDAY, $8.95 | The Wonderful Influence of Stuart's | Calctum Wafers to Beautify the | by Ridding it of Pimples, | Boils Rash, Blotches, Muddi- | ° | ness, Ete. { When you use Stuart's Calcium roomed school. | : -------- New School Needed. "The programme outlined will seem large to those who have not in- BED COMFORTERS To clear Friday less 3313% * Regular price ........... crvesnae. $3.50 to $38.75 Remarked from ...... .. . resvee.... $2.33 10 $25.83 75 Imported McLintock and domestic Comforters in a wonderful variety of patterns in Chintz, Sateen and Satin. Your unrestricted choice . . . -Friday less 33 1.39; Wafers you go directly after those vestigated the. subject of school ac- blackheads commodation. Compared, however, : {with the standards maintained in \ ' | other cities, and in view of the re- quirements of the law, it is not ex- travagant, The first step should be a new school in Rideau-ward, large enough to replace Rideau and Louise schools, and supply some addi- tional accommodation. This school should not be located too far west to serve these purposes. An ideal loca- tion would be the west end of Vie- toria park, on Albert street | embarrassing pimples, We are offering excellent values | just now before stock-taking. Every- | thing needed for the Living Room -- comfortable Chesterfield Suites-- up- holstered in Tapestry, Mohair, Ve- i lours and Brocades in all the popular shades. Prices within the reach of all, Special 3-piece suite, $150; and up to $390.00. ~ : A complete stock of holiday Re. 'cords for your new Victrola, also Piano purities that cause pimples. The Rolls. Come in and hear them, + I caleium goss to the SenPeS.,, The stimulates i | TF. Harrison Co, Lied Pe 9 and other such blemishes. It is not , 4 round-about way. You get results } i . every minute. You are sure of it in a few hours. They clear the blood, they drive from the system the im- .