7 pe sires CO UL i i ~ Miss Dorothy id i ~ NEWS AND Life's So cial Side | Editor of Women's Page, Telephone 1724; Private phone 837w. . 2 rowstorm oi: Wed- crowds ol visitors nto Mrs, J. lLeon- rose-decged In spite of the s mesday aflercoc found their way #rd Jercice's pretly, growiag rovin on where this popular gir! ®t for the first time since her riage, wearing her lovely wedding Bown of kittens' ear satin and Bel- ®lan lace, her bouquet of ophelia - oses lending a faint touch of pink. ived with Mrs. Peter Devlin, who roce in mauve 'Wer daughter, was gownnd Satin und georgeite, her 'Bouquet being fragrant ointy. Bweeikeart roses in a gi baskat fgentred the table in the dinlug ruom where Mrs. Ii. G. Andrews made the ea, Mrs. J. W. Gauvreau, Ottawa, \ §poured coffee, and Mrs. W. C. Baily assisted Miss Kane argaret Bailey, dainiity mdmitted the visitors, en - Miss and Miss by Bessie Littia {re "Sout the ices, W¥rances Deviin. ket ! Miss Kalle and Miss Nora Birm- Jingham, "Otterburn," were the host- 'asses of a jolly tea and miscellaneous fshower in honor of Miss Helen Mec- IKay on Wednesday afternoon, when {Mrs. J. Carl Murchie and Mrs. J Fitzgerald Preston made tea at the tractively arranged tea table in the lining room. The guest of honor Was presented with a basket all k and white, containing a re- Those mbrance from each guest. ent were, Mrs. H. K. Hill, Miss; * Mlaura Kilborn, Miss Doris McKay, iMiss Helen Strange, Miss Doris and Miss Gwendolen Folger, Miss Harriet Gardiner and Miss Doris Browne. LA SE The Badminton Courts at the Ar- mouries were crowded on Wednes- day afternoon and several tables of 'bridge were in play fin the cosy room. Among those present were, "Prof. and Mrs. P. G. C.. Campbell, You Fat? Just Try This Thousands of overfat people have ba- come slim by following the advice of doctors who recommen: scription Tablets, those harmless little fat reducers that simplify the dose of he famous Marmol: Prescription. If 00 fat, don't walt--gp now to your ist and for one dollar which is the the world over, procure a case nf Be tablets. If Preferable you ean ire them direct by sending price to the Marmola Co, 4612 Woodward Ave, Wetrolt, Mich. They reduce steadily lly Without tiresome exercise or oh filet, and leave no unplea- 4 00 PR MARTEL 'S FEMALF PILLS FOk WOMEN'3 AILMENTS 25 years Standard tor Delayed and ntul Menstruation. Sealed Tin ckage Only, all Druggists or direct mail. Price $2.00, Knickerbocker . Co, 71 B. Front 8t., To- ronto, Canada. OE Pa atom? a0, Simple i] teed fect tone 'is uaraniee perfect- ha to both the r an lin. mien such 1 hd ze8, & genuine. Free 1 106. with this neluratl F and helpful as' an L CRto 0 Bair, » » qyuhoun, - ilton, Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Mrs. ety. | | Not for many years has the Capi- | a Marmola Pro. {Bleakney, Col. and Mrs, Norman Leslie, Col. and Mrs. B, Dunbar, Col. and Mrs. stockwell, Col. and. Mrs. G. H. Ogil- vie, the Misses Ogilvie, Major and Mrs. Lafferty, Col. and Mrs. Bever- ly Brown, Prof. and Mrs. Callander, Capt' and Mrs. Colquhoun, Miss Col- Mrs. James Millar, Mrs. Douglas Jemmett, Mrs. James Ham- Camp- jbell Strange, Prof, and Mrs, Hicks, Col. and Mrs. Sehmidlin, Capt. and | Mrs, Forth, Miss Mollie Cartwright, { Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Miss Aileen Rogers, Mrs. W. Gordon, Col. Foul- kes, Col. Greenwood, Capt. Preston, { Capt, Carruthers. > *. » a ital witnessed such an enchanting {scene of brilliancy and color as that presented at the Chateau Laurier Tuesday evening when the officers of the garrison of Ottawa entertained at a military ball. This was the {first function of the kind to be given since pre-war days, the units of the raval, military and air forces of the city taking part. Mrs. W. B. Shut- tleworth King, who was one of the ladies receiving, was handsomely gowned in midnight blue and silver {lace. Mrs. W. P. Wilgar was among the Kingstonians present, - * » Mrs. William Nicol, Albert street, | was Jthe hostess of a pleasant bridge {on Wednesday afternoon, 'when the |prize-winners were Mrs. W. Hebart Dyde, Mrs. David Murray and Mrs. | Arthur Ellis. : * - * E. J. Bidwell "Bishop's is giving a small tea this af- Owen Mrs. { Court", |ternoon in h®nor of Mrs. F. | Hodgins. | * - - i Mrs. J. K. Robertson, Lower Al- bert street, is entertainihg at the tea hour this afternoon. - . * Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, is entertaining at bridge this after- noon, Brig.-General King and Mrs. W. B. Shuttleworth King, "The Tower House," returned from Ottawa to- day. Mrs. Thomas Dowdell, Trinity Church Rectory, Merrickville, ar- rived in town today to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Alfred H. Fair, West street. Miss Mildred McLoughlin, who has been with her sister, Mrs. Eric Phillips, Union street, returtied to Oshawa this week. Miss Lillian Fair, West street, is with her uncle, Rev: Thomas "Dow- dell, Trinity Church Rectory, Mer- riokyille. * - * A meeting of the Woman's Cous servative association will be held in the Garden Hall, 111 Brock street, on Friday, Jan. 13th, at 4 p.m. Ad- dresses by Mrs. Henry Joseph, Mont- {real, and Miss W. Gordon. | _Brig.-Gemerall and Mrs. . W. B. { King, of Kingston, had the honor ot {lunching at Government House on | Tuesday, the guests of the Gover i nor-GenSral and Lady Byng ot Vimy. Mrs. William Randal, William street, gave a jolly party for the young friends of Miss Dorcas Ran- dall. Prof. P. GQ, C. Campbell, Queen's University, left today for London, Ont., where he will give a lecture in French tonight before the French Alliance. While in London he will be, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Athol Carr-Marris. Among those chosen for the Ox- ford hockey team to play in Belgium and Switzerland during the Christ- mas vacation was Kenneth Taylor, Kingston, the Rhodes scholar from Queen's. While in Brussels he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart formerly ot Kingston, Red Cross Programme. A ogting sa itd reapdnaibility pre- nst great disasters the Canadian Red 5 gp Toss is tak to assist the tive committees in organization. Miss at once for he the various pro- vincial headquarters of the soctety. Each provincial division of the Red Cross will, it is ize an emergency department in ac- co -wish ite fecllities and pos- isble needs. No danger of disas- One form or another, and when catastrophe 1s too big for loca and existing conditions, thon Red Cross emergency sor- ¥ io conie into play with- - Clothing, general sup- enrolment of both train- workers must all come 800pe Of the new depar:- ready at any 'ime to ny situation. The gea- gait § Fis i {2g 4 | | | { y }| | | THE DAILY BRI TISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922, What the Editor Hears That the Flongaley Quarte:te had |a great success in Massey Hall, To- { ronto, That the latest royal engagement | | reported is that of the Duka of tira- i bant, son of the King of Belgium, |and Princess Yolanda, eldes' daugh- {ter of the King of Italy | That the hardest time for ihe | poorer people are. the long colg! {months after the Christmas fare haa | | all disappeared. | | : ar § | | That the girls and Yboys, home | from the various schools and eol-! | leges for their holidays, have retura- | ed to school and work after mueh | gaijaty, . iil That Holland has three women | | members of parliament, one in the | | first chamber and two in the second | | chamber, | { a That the Fisher girls of Donegal (are knitting while wool frocks for | the Princess Mary's trouseau. | | w--t ! ! That Kingston has some very good | | women curlers. | Phat the Spanish shawl has besn | one. of the popular evening wraps | fof the present season, usually shpw- jing a border ' of embroidery al | [ovat the edge, heading the fringe. | i The Useful Remnant. vi | Some of the "remnants" of velve: | KS ~~ | brocade. etc., that can be picked up| | in the January sales may be utilizes | | t0 good advantage in a jumper waist, | {svhich, while not so now as the tunie | | blouse, requires only about half the | | material, or even less. The jumper | | Waist, coming down several inches |over the top of the skirt, gives a | better line than the tuck-in blouss, [and with colors judiciously manag- [ed gives more the effect of a who'e costyme. A good model Jumper to be worn a8 a semi "dress | up" garment, has an uhder slip of |ciffon to which are attached | wide and long sleeves of the chiffon. This part may be the same color as | the sleirt, while the body of the jumper may be of some brighter col- or and richer material, as yielded by the aforesaid bargain remnant coun- ter. Or the jumper may be of the skirt color, with the under-slip and wide sleeves of bright colored chif- fon or georgette. One such arrangs- ment, eking out a black separate skirt, has the jumper of black vervet, and the sleeves of henna-red ninon. The jumper is slit dowh the front for a few inches and bound round the edges showing the henna slip un derneath, di ---- Fruit Cup, One cup of powdered sugar, ome- half cup of orange juice, one-half cup of grapéfruit juice, ohe-third cup of water, ohe-half cup of cocoa nut, one-half cup of cherries, one pineapple, Mix sugar, fruit juices, water and cocoanut and stir until well mixed. Remove the pits from the cherries and dice the pineapple. Save the pineapple juice and add to the others, Place the fruit in cups and pour the Julce over. Keep very cool until served, -------------------- The lottery for the enefit of ihe Red Cross in Spain was opened by Queen Victoria. for the | The prevailing use of jot to orna- ment the season's frocks and hats is varying types. ~ Red cashmere and black satin are effectively combined in the dross at the left, The wide black satin sleeves ane fulled into narrow red cuffs; with the exception of a panel portion at the outer arm, which is left to hag loose and is beaded in jet. The same jet beading roeppears un the collar, which" is simply "fold ot sain high at the back and filet at the sides of the neck, The black satin note continues (n the form of marrow insects at the back and front of the dress. 'These insects are flanked on either side Ly To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kemble FRIDAY, JAN. 19TH. Strongly adverse conditions rule on this day, according to the lunar transits 48 well as the mutual as pects. It Is a day for working quiet ly and patiently along the lines of least resistufice. Those in the em- ployment of others should bo parli- cularly careful lest they give offence to superiors. A similar amtious and meade, social and affectional mat- ters, Venus being under lunar af- fiction. Those whose birthday it is have presage of an anxious and per- plexing year, both in business and domestic affaire/ They should pur Sue their course quietly, and take Cate no' to put their business in je.- pardy., A child born on this day should be given careful training in tenacity and perseverance, in order that it may be fitted to cope wih ob- stacles with fortitude and courage. ------------ Tips for Housewives, "Clear up as you go. Have a "Baking Morning." Beware the Instalment Plan. Stainless steel knives save clean- ing. Leose leaf notebooks ar\ conven- ient, 2 cipes? Learn something every days abou: "Your Job." today's work. Don't use next month's income fr this month's expenses. . The dining table can be 'cleared' in three minutes. Did you ever try a fibte dishpan for fine china, oo The best managed house seems io manage itself. It goes like clock- work. Putty, paint and whitewash save a lot of work and dirt, The floor is not the place to keep anything except furniture. . Don't 4ll a room too full of furni- ture. Leave room fof the peaple. We do not always needs a table cloth. Try "runners" or "doilles." cs ------ Mrs. Mary K. Edwards, an Ohio woman, who was the first missionary sent out by the Wo- men of America, ts still living in South Africa, at the age of 90 years, and with a tind still, keeti and ac- tive. : {llustrated here ir its use on widely | unfavorable state holds sway in do- Have you a card index for re-| Don't use temorrow's strength for] === THAT FEATURE JET Jet Is Highly Favored Asa Trimmin -- Well as Dresses Jet Trims Both of These Smart Gow nis, two flat pleats in the cashmere, held down by several rows of red stitohing at the hemline of the skirt, A smart jet girdle completes the effect. Black silk plush forms the bocom- ing flared hat, whieh shows a single jet ornament at the side, A contrasting type this time uses tiny jet crystal beads on a back- ground of white crepe. The embroid- ery is in poinsetta design, with the beads applied more heavily toward the bottom of the skirt, The design lightens perceptibly as it nears the neck line. Jet bears outline the bateau neck and form a heavy rope girdle at the waist, A casoade of black Jace heightens the effect of the straightline gar- nent, Just. what you rm, g for Hats as VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS AHH SUF y jpn py o | (iH a ol eT A TEA YOU'LL ENJOY In } and 1 pound cartons' =F 3 For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria el RT LI For Over Thirty Years AiO BRT ILE LR mL TL Toe. LL GASTORIA THE BERTAUR GOMPARY, NEW YORK oITY, " 4 Ri vacation of four weeks with full pay, and six weeks at half pay, "in event of motherhood." : Gladys toy, ono of the most dar Ing of women flyers, ls out to estab- lish a record as a sky Jumper and will attempt a 17,000-foot parachute Owing to the shortage of horses in. Petrograd, the once thriving cap- ital of Russia, women now act as por- ters and with sleds haul baggage to any part of the city, The usual contract of a Berlin stage favorite contains a clause to California Associated Raisin Co. Membership 13.000 Growers Dept, P-847-88, Fresno, California leap from a plane, the effect that she will receive : --N------ -- mn Had Your Iron Today?' 5¢ 70 Raisins in Little 5c Packages to "pick you up" when tired" ( 'A new-idea. Three hundred million pack- ages already sold in England and the States! have wanted--renewed energy between meals when you feel tired, seedy or just a little hungry. = - * Rich in food-iron--good for the blood. Seventy-six per cent natural fruit-sugar-- pure Sierglaing nutriment in practically pre-, ~ digested so the extraordinary. refreshiis np ing effect is felt almost immediately. Delie=™ ious little stoneless raisins. : Good and good for you. Try and see. ° LITTLE SUN-MAIDS "Between-Meal Raisins" A Buy where you pockege. So the Cot ome mow, »y.