FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 10292, | From the Countryside | spon ng here -------------------- a. few days with el | ker. FRONTENAC | Neil Somer- York have BUNKER'S HILL, Jan, 10.--8leighing is now in the back country. Warner zer is-on a businéss trip country a business trip' to: Godfrey, on Sunday last. COLE LAKE. Jan. 8.--The recent improved the sleighing reopened after the holidays, ors: Mr. and Mrs. C. nedy, visiting at William Kennedy's; Mrs, A. Sturgess at W. Shillington's; Mrs. Jo¥Freeman and Mrs, C. made a business trip to Mrs. Frank Kennedy made trip to Harrowsmith, " DONALDSON. | Jan. 4.--The recent snow made sleighing at last. reopened with Miss M. Johnston as teacher. Willam Kennedy lost a valuable house last week. Mrs, [ Hanneh, Sr, is on the sick list Dr Goodfellow is in attendance, At a dance given by Mr. and Mrs. George Thurston on Friday evening a v ry valuable table cover caught fire from a cigarette and was partly destroyed Some of the boys, in thelr effort; combat the fire, had their hands severely burned das Lo LAKE OPINICOX, Jan, 7 School has opened again after the Christmas holidays. The farmers are having their threshing done, The hum of the sawing ma- hine is heard in this vicinity. Miss Mabel Darling is spending a few eeks at her home here. C Ennis nd family and Mr. and Mrs. J.~Lin- plater, spent Sunday at D. J. Hugh- pn's. Mr, and Mrs, P. Wright and phildren have returied Rome after pending Christmas with the latter's parents at Ottawa. Dr. M. R. Kerr, Uhaffey's Lock, spent Sunday at K. Darling's. HOLLEFORD. Jan. 9 --Cutting wood is the order Pt the day, Mrs, Stanley Babcodk bd son, Russell, also Mrs. George Babcock, have gone to Springford bith. the latter's sister, 'Mrs, im, Mr. Metealf returned 'c Galt iter spending a few days with his ents, Mrs. J. Metcalf. Mr. and rs. VanAbrame have returned home fter spending some time with her arents, Mr. and Mrs. Cox. School reopened with Miss Kennedy as acher, Geneva Oatman, who has R very iH with the chicken pox, is Bproving slowly, Mr, and Mrs, her Burnham' at John Martin's. | tar Bauder and Fin¢ Murphy at 8S. artin's, OATES, Jan. 12.--The mild weather io fuch appreciated after the recent | Did spell. An Ulcer Lost ~ me 6 Months Pay "Four years back, writes fir. R. bi oward, of Bracebridge, Ont., "a scratch, on my leg turned to an awhil ulcer. It took six months treatment to cure me bd all the while I was laid up, never ning a cent." . "Recently, an injury started inflam. mation and ulceration on my other leg. ing about Zam-Buk, however, this ime I acted very differently. I used -Buk aloge, and not only was the speedily and th: healed, but I didn't aday's work whi Was in progress." Get this grand hea ! All Drug Stores, ik., or Zam-Buk Coy.. Toronte Dh | That I'd used Z22mBuk Before A number from here ai- ir... | Ee LOWS CONDUCT LAST x ODDFELL Photo shows the body of dd ellows, iarehs militant who stood good | Misses Swit- in the back! school Sandford Leeman went on! bith There Was a meeting in the Friends' church and Eilen storms have | order of the day. School has Visit: Moon, North- port, were recent visitors in this Vic-| 'he time of writing is | inity; Joseph Buttertll, Kingston, all 'ith an occasional light snow fall, | Thomas Butterill's; Miss Julia Ken-{ a plenty of high winds, Ball Kingston. a flying School haa | Cur- | LA to their home after spend- gitellows, being carried from Old Si. Andrew's Church, Toronto, following the funeral bnducted there by the order on Tuesday. y past two weeks, | irs. J. L Heler . Ne s E resume i 2 Keon's Perrin's have returued : al j Leeds ! Marie Lt holidays, with Mi returns teacher Kingston the hoc Maric vent, day I deys at her . spent { A number of youne ple enjoyod | Flgin | a pleasant evening at Edward Hing- | returned y's recently. Cutting wood is the] h hom | parents, | Henderson made a visit trip Brockville on Thursday. J. C. Judd left on Monday for Toronto to spend the winter, recent visitor at WESTBROOK. 12.--The weather quite at I Jan here ho J. N. Somervilieg. Miss Lor-| ------ | their Cpr a. | An eyeful of perfection outweighs a MOUTHFUL yourself to see the great VALUES offered in this Gigantic Clearance Sale. sale of more than common meaning. The fact that School has reopened after | s3 Owens again Some from here attended key match at Elgin on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dean New Year's &t A. Rooutree's, | Miss Jennie Hendersos has to her studies at Brockville | after spending the holidays with her | Burt Somerville and B. N. | to | Miss Ella Smith was a ONE LOOK IS a quality stock in Men' pute, each article be ment of unusual significance. of clothing at the: tention to purchase or not. ILY BRITISH WHIG. BETTER THAN TWO sires to practice economy, will find in this sale price of the POORER. We invite your inspection whether it is your in- great values need no volume of print to paint them. ly want you to. If you're #clothesly" interested, of PRAISE. That's why we want you, . t This sale pa we have a reputation of carrying stric y i the products of only the firms of best re- perior workmanship, makes our sale announce- inating person who insists upon the best yet de- a rare opportunity to purchase the better sort Behind this statement is all na Sproule, nurse-in-trai g, at the | General hospital, is visiting at her] home here. Miss Alice West, King- | ston, spent the week-end with Mr. | the weight of our reputation. That's what this sale means to you and all the "blast" and and Mrs. Frank Morley. Mr. and| Mrs. Babcock, Glenvale, have moved into Mr. Fisher's residence. The in-| | tant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W L.} ) Grass passed away on Sunday morn- | passed off quieily, ing. Kenneth Wartman, Collins' | council re-elected and | Bay, visited at W. "Shillington"s on Strathcona, in Fred Sunday. We are glad, to report that | Place. our deputy Reeve, J. L. F. Sproule, was again elected for 1922 Miss Katie Sheehan is visiting in King- ston, the guest of Mrs. D. Fallon, Al-| fred street. H. Dennison spent Sun-| LW day with Mr. Frink Bay. | Party given Migs Margaret Grass, who spent the | and on Dec holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ww. L. [ed Grass, returned to Albert College, | Sick list. Belleville, on Tuesday. of 'B Monday ST. LAWRENCE, Jan. 9.--Playinf hockey is * the jing their uncle, order. of the day in this vicinity. | Perry has gone to Cloyne School has reopened, with Miss Katie | winter months. 4 Doyle as teicher Mrs. R. Berry, |: who has been very ill, is slowly re- | Lennox & Addington CENTREVILLE. Jan. with the Mr were elected by acclamation, Methodist church on New night was a decided success. here by the Collins' 3 26th was largely attend married Wesiey. Weese, was H. Wariman, ter to E.. H. Perry. James for the 4--The elections on Monday old | Toner, | McDonald's | The reeve, Johnston Hanna, | and-the deputy reeve, James Fisaer, | Enterprisa | Miss Annie Breault is on the | Miss Marion Weese, daugn- on | Peter Kellar, Manitoba, and 'Waiter | Clarke, Ernesttown, have been visit. | "buncombe" in the world, all the shouting and beating of drums couldn't mean more. MEN'S EXTRA GOOD SWEATER COATS | The tee! Reg. $2.50 value. Sale Price meeting given by the ladies of 'he Year's | |. $1.75 BM MEN'S HEAVY GREY I WORKING SHIRTS Reg. $1.50 value. Sale price | . 9c Less than cost of manufac- covering. Allen Hinderson, Calgary, is visiting his brother, C. Hinderson | Miss Lillie Irwin, who has been LANARK ture. | | | | | MEN'S GOOD WEIGHT BLACK RIBBED HOSE Sale Price 29c¢ pai | All our MACKINAWS, | | | All lines of HATS have been ;- marked at prices that will | bring quick thinkers a very | large "money's worth" of | hat satisfaction. MEN'S GOOD WEIGHT CANVAS GLOVES dc pair Coat. and Short, Grey Freize COATS to be sold at a sacri- fice in this great sale. | -- | and | being as ow- Every OVERCOAT SUIT in the house is sold at less than cost, ing to the backward season | EXTRA SPECIAL!!! | we find ourselves heavily | | We are selling one line of Men's Overcoats for $10.95 Less than cost of material overstocked and must sacri- fice same in order to make room for our Spring goods. ['epending the holidays with her moth- | | er here, has returned to Sydenham to | jattend school. Miss Clara Gillespie | is 'visiting friends at Marysville. W. | Jag Joslin, Kingston, spent his Christmas | nals holidays with his parents here, Miss { Burke left LAVANT STATION. 9.--Mr. and Mrs. on Monday for Joseph ie ic: {accompanied by the latter's sister, Irendq i Paar, Samed Mrs. Robert Ferguson. School opened ! er 3rd with Mr. Fleming, Elgin, J. Walker of Queen's University, conducted service . here oh Sunday last. George Lashley, Watson's Corners, visited his daugh- ter, Mrs. J. E. Lee one day last week. has been spending te holidays with By Jan. : : her parents, has returned to Kings- | 8% legeher. W, ton to attened school. R. Kesler and | daughter, Arlowene, spent a few days last week at Robert Horne's, je und ry. Seorge Noman |p, on Jan. 1st to Mr. and Mrs. jand Mrs. R. Bullis spent Sunday at Sonn Thomas, a daughter, IS | W. Gillespie's, The Ladies' Aid will 98 SProule and baby Irene have : re er I 2 in € he be held at the home of Misg I. |Feturned to her home in ¢ anonto, af. | Horne on Tuesday, R, Holiday and | ter Visiting her parents', Mr. and i Mrs. N. M, McDougall, Mrs. George ily spent 1 ; at the hd [family spent Monday at the home of I Erisco, Carleton Place, is visiting her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKin> | - . non, HARLOWE. | Jan. 6.--The roads in this vicinity | | are very icy, caused by a recent | rain, and sleighing is the best it has | been this season. Harlowe school, 5 and 6 Barrie and Kennebec, has re- | opened, with Miss Mary Cox as | teacher. Many attended the Har | lowe Christmas tree, which was a Jan | complete success. Mts. William Me. | Dolan | Wade has returned, after spending | week with his mother, Mrs. Richard | Christmas with © her parents in| Dolan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison, Smith's Falls. "*E. Young bas left Wellington, are spend a few days for his home after spending Christ- | with Mr. and Mrs. Halton Spey | mas with friends here. F. Thompson |and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. | made a business trip to Arden one | Charles Kemp entertained a large {day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles | number of their friends on New | Mills spent Thursday evening at | Year's eve and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | Percy Whiteman's William Mec- | Parliament entertained company oa | Wade is at Thomas Thompson's. Fox | Wednesday eyening. Miss Verna | hunting is the order of the day in |Carnrike is visiting friends in Osh- { this vicinity, with" the result that awa. At the annual school meeting, | foxes are quite cleared out. Ollier | C. C. Wannamaker was re-elec'sd Thompson was at Thomas Thomp- |truetee, D. H, Vancott was again son's Sunday last. Basil Gray, at |chosen as caretaker and Walter Mar- Henry Black's; Claude Parks at J. [shall took the contract of getting tae Perry's; Oral Miller at J. Gray's; { wood. Mr. Dyer, Pontiac, Mich., is Mrs. N., Mills at Thomas Thompson's; spending some time with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zufelt have | Eastcourt Dyer. Owing to the absence of Rev. J. G. Robison at Enterprise on Sunday, C. C| Wannamaker con- ducted Sunday services at Satem, Hillier and Consecon. Among recent ' an - -------- ees Prince Edward _ SALEM. 6.-- Mr, and Mrs. Charles ing Christmas with the latter's par- ents; W. Clancy at Scovial Peter- son's; Arthur and Fred Parks are RITES FOR GRAND SIRE. the late Joseph Oliver. grand sire of the Independent. Order of The casket was borne between two ranks of their | | Lucena Bates, who his been visiting | Rome at Sharbot Lake. They. were shown their appreciation, Nevertheless hundreds of ne matter what your requirements minute guaranteed staple merchandise. Some articles less than the THE LION "Look for the Lion in the Window" Where Jennings S hoe Store Was. The good people of Kingston and vicinity have even at this early stage of this great sale and many of wonderful bargains still remain. It is therefore your opportunity, the remarkable values have already been selected. Furnishings, to buy up-to- may be in Men's Clothing and cost of manufacture, CLOTHING HOUSE 356 KING STREET a, Peo visitors: Fred Purtelle and sister at | | Mrs. Richard Dolen's; Miss Viola | | Reddick, Wellington, at W.. Red- dick's; Fred Hamer, Toronto, Chas. Sager's; Mrs. Burgess Weeks, | Powers. Consecon, and Miss Neva Carnrike, Trenton, at E. H. Wycott's; Mrs. |the normal | Merrit Huycke, North Lakeside, at J, | Reid's. ---- and children spent Christmas | | GANANOQUE | | | Jan, 12.--The Winona Mission of | Grace church on Tuesday evening | celebrated their tenth anniversary. | Supper was served and about forty members partook of the fare pro- vided, In the centre of the tables was a large birthday cake, with its {ten lightgd candles. After supper a very excellent programme was en- joyed. The body of the late Mrs. Cosier, who passed to rest at the home of {ber daughter, Mrs. John Shields, Fort William, was placed in the vault at Gananoque cemetery on | Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Cosier afd {her family were highly respected | residents of Gananoque for many years, She leaves one daughter, Mrs. J. Shields, Fort William, and one son, Frederick, Hamilton. Her | husband passed away some years | go. The funeral of the late Abraham Street took place: this afternoon | from his home on Oharles street. Service was conducted by Rev. R. Spencer, of Christ church, and the | body was placed in the vault at Wil- lowbank, A large attendante witnessed the game of Mockey Tuesday night be- tween the Independents and Bat- tery, with C. B. Davis, Ken Lasha and R. G. Gardner starring for the Battery, and C. Slack and Bert Mills for Independents. The Battery won by 8 to 2. Mrs. James McLennan" Brock street, feel! on the icy pavements re- cently and fractared ner arm. Mrs, 8. Sheppard, King street | west, is unable to attend to her du- | ties, ving receivefl injuries from | o fafl while working in her home. | Official denial is given to the ru- mor that the Banque Nationalle, of Montreal, is in financial difficulties, and that its absorption by the Bank of Hochelaga is imminent. The old-fashioned man who used '0 get a lot of excitement breaking in the colt has a son who gets his teaching the new car to climb a telephone pole. : No _womdy #8 such a man hater that she is not tickled to have ple ty of "iron men" around. Even if he has a singls purpose in life, a man does not always remain eter settee mee at the salute with uplifted swords, single, , Picton Personals, Picton, Jan. 10.--George Bongara | has bought the house on Mary streo: at feast, formerly owned by H. W. Kerfoot has gone io [and Mrs. [Ottawa to assume his new duties a' | his sister, i school. | Nt ti ey Cherry Valley, has bought A. aq. Waghorn's residence on Paul street. { Rev. C. A. Fox, North Chill, N.Y,, Mrs. W. R. | has been a guest of his parents, Mr. C.G x, Consecon, and of | Royal hotel before he Mrs' C.'C. Wannamaker, | Nelson Parliament Rev. A. V. Brown is taking | guests. the classical studies at ate until Mr. Cooke, the arrives by February 1st. was tendered Mr. the ocoltegi- principal, A banquet Kerfoot at ne left town. Hon. was one of the Manly Scott, | Salem. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES