Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1922, p. 12

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I SR I rn 12 IM arkets Reports 36 7-8¢; GRAIN QUOTATIONS, 7 Toronto. No Toromto, Jan 13 wheat, No, 1 north 1 i-8, 2 northern, $1.21 7-8: No. 3 a= | No, ern, $1.15 5-8 1-8¢; Manitoba oats=-N > « ook Flax 1-2¢; extra No. 1 feed, 52¢; ) ijew. $1.72 1-4; No . 8 cw. feed, 52¢ cw, $1.72 1-4; No. 3 ew Manitoba barley 1-4, Rye--No. 2 c.w. 80 7-8c. All the above track, Bay ports American corn--No. 2 yellow, §9¢ i No. 3 yellow, 68c: No. 4 yellow, 67! | track, Toronto, Ontario oats nal. Ontario wheat Barley---No. 3 or better, 57 to 60c, freights outside Buckwheai--No. 2, 78 to 80c. ye--No. 2, 86 to 88¢. ° Manitoba flour-- First $7.40; eecond patents, ronto. Manitoba flour--90 per cent pat- ent, bulk seaboard, per barrel, $5. Millfeed -- Delivered, Montreal, | freight, bags, included bran per | inal ton, $26 to $27; shorts, per ton, $23 | $8.25 to $29; good teed flour, $1.70 ¢ $1.50 Baled ton, No. 2, $18. SBtraw---Car lots, per ton, $12 No. 3 50 7-8c¢; 41 1-8¢, N.W., -4 c.wW., 34 rejected, track, 1-8¢. Barley- 4 cw, feed, No. 1 Nomina Montreal. Montreal, Jan. 13.--Oats, ian western, No. 2, {65 to 56c. Flour-- Manitoba wheat patents, firsts, $7.50 No. 2 white, nomi- Nominal extra, test 47 ib Pres, $26.25, according Shorts, $28.25. 01 -- - Chicago, Chicago, Jan, fred, $1.15; No. 4 red $1.12 Corn, No. 2 yeiiow, 48 to 48 No. 3 white, 48¢. Oats, No. 2 36 1-2 to 37¢; No 3% 1-2c¢. Rye, aominal. barley, |57¢. Timothy seed, patents, $6.90, To- wi Lard, $8 82. Rios, $7 i : Minneapolis. hay--Track Toronto, per | Minneapolis, an. 13 $21.50 to $22.00; mixed, | Wheat, cash, No. 1 northern, 1-4 i0 $1.31 1-4; January, il Bran, * --r-- | Corn, No. 3 yellow, Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Jan. 13 --Wheat--No 1 hard, $1.14 1-8; No. 1 nortuern, | $1.13 7-8; No. 2 northern, $1.08] 3-8; No. 3 northern, 98 1-8¢; No :1 82 7-8¢c; No. 5, 85 7-8c; No. 6, 76 T-8¢ feed, 70 7-8c¢; track, $1 09 | "Toronto, PAA a Aer eet eee rn. AA es LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Business Executives BUsiNEss Executives who establish a close relationship with this Bank . find that a number of distinct advantages accrue. To help our clients solve their business problems we are not only willing at all times to furnish sound advice from wi: The Bg standpoint, but when nec we extend ov § accommodation as attendant conditions demand, in keeping with sound business principles. We invite Executives fo form a connection with this Bank, "STANDARD BANK » TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS - Kingston Branch: : . J. F. Rowland, Manager. 1! Ft) 'Are You Thinking of Travelling E Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank are payable (without delay for identification) at all the principal Joints in Canada, the United States, Mexico, West ies, South America or Europe eithe through one of our 535 branches or by the ents who represent us throughout the world. You will find these cheques a very convenient and safe of carrying your fands, oy THE CANADIAN BANK "OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 ; Fund $15,000,000 Rg Branch, S.C 8 Branch }®T: Brymner, RR TI TA j RA i A Savings Account fii] Has Made Many @8 Desirable Invest- "ments Possible n ANY men on a regular income find themselves with money oa %. their hands at the end of each | ore each week, which is spent amounts can be rejected, 34 1-8¢; track +4 ded to each other re, arly until a : Paiance I ar Sables the depositor to take advantage, in a _ substantial way, of the aDpotaenin 2 _ dor ifivestment constantly offering. This 'is one of the best purposes by a savings bank account. ¥ Start one now. 4 42 1-8¢; No. 1 feed, 2 2 feed, 2 | spots, allays :: | cough, Canad- 57 to 58¢c; No. 3 spring Rolled oats--Bags, 90 1lbs., $2.85 to $2.95. 13.--Wheat, No. er seed, $12.50 to $18.50. Pork, nom- ®| Hogs--Fed 22. $1.27 $1.20 | { a g Wh iv. $1.15 1-2. | 11-4; May $1.20 1-4; July 31153: cher steers, good, : ar na ) ium, $5.75 to $6.50: | Oats, No. 3 white, 31 3-1 to 32 1-dc. EEA i 7 : y > ? Flax, No. 1, $2.03 3-4 to $2.05 3-4. | $0.50; butcher heifers, choice, $6 to Jan. 13.--Heavy beet | © $3; butcher bulls, - | er, 67¢ to T2¢; "| Chatham, [5105 8c {loose $11.50 te $30. ; THE When Doss Bronchial | Trouble Begin - To Get Serious ? |} First it was a little throat tickle | severe. | then a cough which grows | This neglected cough travels -down "| the lungs, and it's mighty: hard to treat. To treat throat trouble right uBe Catarrhozone, It heals the sore Irritation, eases the makes breathing clears out the phlegm and frees the , (nostrils from crusts and accumula- re. a) HONS. $1.47 | Keep free from Cacarrh and bron- You can prevent colds, and chial trouble by frequently using Ca- | tarrhozone--thousands prove this every day. Sold everywhere, two months' treatment, $1.00; medium size, 50c.; small size, 25c. a OAS | steers, $7.50 to $8.40; butcher steers, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; good, {$6 to $6.50; medinm, $5 to $5.75: common; $4 to $4.50; butcher heit- {ers, choice, $6.75 to $7.25; medium, $6.50 to $6.25; common, $4 to $4.60; butcher cows, choice, $5 to $6.00; medium, $3.50 to $4.50; canners 'and cutters, $2.25 to $3; butcher bulls, good, $4 to $5.50; "+ 'common, $3 to $4. Calves, choice, | 3 white, 25 ,-4 to 58 to $12 to $13.50; medium, $9 to $11; common, $3.50 to $7; milch cows, choice, $65 to $85; springers, choice, $75 to $95. and watered basis: Selects, $11 to $11.25; lights, $10 to $10.25; heavies, $9 to $9.25; {sows $7 to $7.25. | { Montreal, Jan. 13.--Cattie--but- $6.50 to $7; med- common, $5 to Montreal, 1$6.50; medium, $4.75 to $5.75; |common, $3.50. to $4.50; butcher |cows good, '$5 to $6; medium $3.50 [to $4.50; canners, $2; cutters, $2.50 good, $5 to $6; |common, $3.50 to $4.50. Good veals, 1810 to $11; medium, $11 to $10; grass, $3.50 to $4. Ewes, $3 to $4; lambs, good, $9 to $9.50; common, $8 to $8.50. Hogs, off car weights, selects, $11.50 to $12; sows, $7.50 to $8. | ) . Buffalo. Buffalo, Jan, 13.--Cattle--ship- | ping steers, $7.50 to $8.75; top, gen- erally, $8.50; butchers, $7.50 to | $8.50; yearlings, $9 to $10; one { head, prime, $10.50; heifers, $5 to 187.50; cows, $2.50 to $6; bulk, | $3.50 to $5.25; stockers and |ers, $40 to $130. Calves, $3 to $13. Hogs, heavy; $8 to $8.50; {$8.50 to $9; yorkers, $9 to $9.50; | light yorkers and pigs, $9.50 to $9.75; roughs, $6.25 to $6.50; stags, $4 to "$4.50. Lambs, $5 to $13.75; | yearlings, $5 to $11.50; $6.95 to $7.25; ewes, $2 to mixed sheep, $6.50 to $6.75. Chicago, Chicago, Jan, 13.--Cattle, bulk beef steers, $6.75 to $3.75; fat she Stock weak to lower; bul calves, stockers and feeders about steady. Hogs, top, $8.55; ope load 160- pound average out of line; practical ,|tob, $8.35 on 170 to 180-pound hogs; bulk, $7:30 to $8; pigs, most- ly 25 cents lower; | $8.35 to $8.50. Wooled lam | $12.25; some held higher; | handy-weight fall shorn lambs, ($11.75; tat ewe top early, $6.50; | heavy, $5 to $5.25; feeder lambs, $10 to $10.50; ' shearers up to $11.25, bs, top choice ee ---------------- GENERAL PRODUCE, ------ Wheat.--Belleviile, $1:20; Kiten- ener, 90c¢ to 31; Brantford, $1; Co- bourg, $1.05 to $1.15; Chatham, $1; Hamilton, $1.15; Kingston, $1 $1.10; London, $1; Por Hope, $1.- 10; St.. Thomas, $1 to $1.05; Wooq- stock, $1.10. | Barley.--Bal Brantford, 80¢; Co- bourg, %5¢; Ohatham, 43¢; Hamilton, regular, | feed- | {ers, $5 to $6; fresh cows and spring- | mixed, | bulk desirable, | DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | loose, $28; London, looks 3 17 s - | Port Hope, baled $30, 1 nas, baled $23 to $25 loose $18 to $21; and Woodstock, loose $17 per to $20; | Dose $25, SL, | pe {THE KINGSTON MARKET 13th. + | | l | , | Kingston, Jan Dairy Products. Creamery butter, Ib. Dairy butter ; Farmers' Eggs, fresh, doz, j Oleomargarine Cheese 2 | } - Vegetables, | Beets, 2 bunches | Cabbage, 1b, Lettuce, Ib. ..., ,... . Carrots, Z bunches \. Potatoes, bag | 3weet potatoes, 2 Ibs, . Onions, 1b, .. |. | dean, | Fruit, { Bananas, doz. {Grape fruit .. .. | Lemons, dozen ., ,, ,. oe | Oranges, doz. | Chickens, 1b Hens, dresseg, Ib. .... Turkey, 1b. Poultry. | Barley .75 Bran, ton .. +» «+ $28 to $23} | Shorts «++ $29 to 330 | { Buckwheat, bush. >. 30 | {Hay, baled, ton ..$28.00 to $29.00 | Hay, loose, ten ... $28.00 | (Corn, yellow, feed, bush, .. -. .89 | | Flour, standard (Gov't) cwt | Oat:. local | Straw, baled, | Straw, loose, | Wheat, local the | $4 to $4.20 | 45 50 | $16 to $13 12 $1.00 to $1.10 | Cod, Ib. i Eels, 1b. | Filets, 1b, Chiieneie. nabs 15 to 123 | { Haddoch, fresh, 1b. .. Halibut, Ih. ,... +... 25 Kippers, pair Perch, 1b, Pike, 1b. | Salmon, 1b, Steak, cod, 1b: .. Trout, salmon, Ib. .. 30 to 40 «12% to'15 | 22 that loves to hear himself talk; and will say more in two minutes than he will stand to in a month. Beware of Lavish Promises | Invest your savings with care and foresight--you only have them once, and if you lose them they cannot laced. Aemilius Jarvis & Limited, have f. thirty years been handling iii of Ann of clients. Their ledge of investments is Write for a monthly copy oF "The Tvestment Guide", Before you invest, comsult us. Alarvis Building 08 trees, Toronto, Canade. NVESTMENT BAN a Zmilius J ee -- Romeo: --A gentleman, nurse, Romeo & Juliet, (Shakespeare), ting gentleman who glibly be rep experience and know. at your service. ® S & Co, LIMITED KERS White fish 23 12% Beef: | Porterhouse steak, Ib... | Round steak, 1b. ... | Boiling cuts, 1b. ... Westérn hinds, cwt. ... Local. . . Pork: |Loin roasts, 1b ...... {Rib roats, Ib. .. { Pork chops, lg. | Hogs, live weight, cwt, | Hogs. dréssed, cwt. . | Bacon, breakfast ...... Lamb: 25 to 36 .26 to .35 $9.00 $14.00 .32 | Ib, quarter .. - : - 7 - - "a had Za, ~~ { Loins, 1b . {Chops, 1b .. | Mutton, Ib. ... | smusage meat Ib, .. | r---- | " Mides ana Wool. Wool, per 1b., unwashed ...8 to 10¢ | Deacon &kins , 76¢ each | Lamb and sheep skins, up to Toe. {Horse hides ...... $2.25 Deer skins esses 10c per 1b. Tallow, rendered ,.......7c per Ib. | Ginseng ves «.$9 per lb. { Beeswax, ' clear, 33c perlb. | Re | Hide Market, [Beef hides, 45 lbs. and down 7c Ib. ae =< leville, 65c; Kitchen. | Beef hides, 50 lbs, and up... «Be Ib. 7c per Ib | 10c per 1b. Calfskins ....,. ZITA REACHES ZURICH. | stock and Kingston, 75¢ per bushel. | { _ Oats.--Belleville, 53¢ to 65c; Kit-- | | chener, 58¢ to 60c; Brantford, {ve | Cobourg and Port Hope, 50c; Chat- | + 'Hamilton, 44¢ to 47¢; | Kingston and St. Thomas, 45¢ to Soc; | jrnd Woodstock, 5c per bushel. Eggs.-- Belleville, 65c; Kitchener, 70 to 75c; Brantford, Kingston and | London Cobourg, 60¢; 55 to 6c; and Hamilton, 75 0 84» per dozen, Chickens.-- Belleville, Kitchener, 24 to 28¢; 30 to 45; Hamilton, 35 to 40¢; Kingston and Cobourg) 3va; London; 30 to 35¢; Port Hope, 80¢c; St. Thomas, 25 to 28¢; and Wooa- stock, 25 0 30c per pound, Potatoes--Belleville, $1.75 to $1.- 80; Kitchener, $1.30 to $1.50; Brantford, $2.00; Cobourg, $1.50; '$1.75; Hamilton, $1.75 wo $2; Kingston, $1.65 to $1.75; Lou- iam, $1.50 to $1.65; Port Hope, $1.- 5; St. Thomas, $2 to $2.25; Wood- stock, $2. Beet --- Kiteliener, 14c¢ to 1bc; Brantford, 12¢; Cobourg 8 to loc; Chatham and Belleville, 10¢; Ha- milion, 12 to. l4c; Kingston, 16¢; i + 18¢; Port Hope, 12 to"18ec: St. Thomas, 13 to 1zc per pound. Lambs Belleville, 15¢; Kitchen- er, 26 to 28¢; Brantford 20 to 28¢; Hamilton, 15 to 17¢; Kingston, 18 to 25¢; London, 23 to 5c: Por: Hops, §0¢; Woodstock 18 to 23¢ per pound. ~BeReville, $11; Kitchener, $14 to $14.50; Brantford, $10.50: Cobourg, $8.50 to $10; ChatHam, $9: i Hamilton, $10 to $12: Kingston, $9; London, $9.75 to $10; Por: Hope, Thomas. $9.50 to $10; and Wopdudtt, $10.25 per cwt. Ch la -- ville, baled $27, loose $28; ener, $18 to $19, Joose $15 to $17; atford, baled, $12 to $14, $12;, Cobourg, balea to $35; Cheiham Joose $18 to 'Hamilton baled and loose vg fngston baled 28 to § 5 £5 $20; to $22; [on her son Shortly will be perform- | Swiss, Government to Keep Sharp | Eye on Her, l Geneva, Jan. 14.--Former Em- | press Zita, travelling incognita, with | a maid and handbag, her heavy lug- gage probably coming later, arrived | at Zurich from Basle under the sup- | ervision of Dr. Egger and several | Swiss detectives. She was delighted | to meet several of her children at | the station, Accompanied by Dr. Clairmont, she drove to the clinic | above Zurich, where the operation | ed. re The Swiss papers state that Zita, Who {is considered an intriguer and he head of the Hapsburg restora- tion 'movement in Europe, must be | watched closely during her short | stay in thé country, in order' that the Swiss Government may not be fooled for the third time by ber in- trigues." . The India's most import- ant river, is 1557 miles long, and is navigable for a distance of 850 miles from the sea. h G was discovered and' Dr = "2B 7 : ONE of the oldest, wisest and most beautiful of human @S ~ - E cea B - " Ht TS By 6 ~~ a » She Swift Shi documents, one of the treasures of the human race, is the Book of Job. It sheds a helpful light on some of mankind's most difficult problems. Life, it teaches, is at best, a brief and perilous voyage--from horizon to horizon but a span, "My days are passed as the swift ships," says the ancient book of Job, and the experience of each succeeding generation .of men has verified the statement of - this old-time philosopher. * Would you be prepared for every contingency in the Voyage of Life? No other way of prudent precaution is so easily available as life insurance--especially life insurance which is payable to yourself in later years. Endowment insurance protects those dependent upon you during earlier middle lift and, at the same time, provides for old age, should old age be attained. Would you know the Mistial plas of life insurance--the great behind policy issued by the Mutual Life Assurance ipl of Canad? Send for our booklet "Life Insurance at Cost." | "THE MUTUAL LIFE of Canada: Waterloo, Ontario 8. ROUGHTON, District Agent . Kingston, Ont. a named about the end of the 10th cen- 'ury by a Norseman, who established } a eolony there, Reporters have been admitted to the British parliament since 1835. .p | Possibly Your Own Wife | She may not look so young and | pretty as she used to. If her cheeks | are hollow and pale, if she is tired | and nervous, her system needs a good regulating with Dr. Hamilton's | Pills, 'a real medicine that is noted for restoring the blopm of health to Phome 203, . . Res. No. 653. sickly girls and women. Dr.. Hamil- | ton's Pills tone up the entire sys- tem. Complesion quickly hecomes E. G. Dennee rosy, spirits rise, strength increases 2 daily. Heslts, vigor and, good Joes ------------------ ill soon return. to a faded woman, . M ns uses Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Sold | Mounted on casters a ney bath :uh everywhe! 3¢.. per box, or from | can be' hidden in a closet or an ua- rhe di. Co., Montreal. used room when it is idle. Horse Hay, Cattle Hay and Sheep Hay--1lots of it at lowest possible prices. Orders. taken at my office. ' 23 BROCK STREET GET I1 REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phonographs, Guas, Killen repaired and refitted, Fariy suppited, Saws tied, knives, | sciancis umd edge tools ground. bucks repuiren. Heyy Nited 10 =i hinds of Jocks. Al muses of Luna wewers saarpesed sad Toe paired. We cus regain un) ming mat wm repuiravie, J. M. PATRICK 49 Sydenham Street, Kis, Phone 2056d, aon SE cso SE r. H. A. Stewart, Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed [f! his practice, cor. Wel- | lington and Princess [| Streets. Phoné 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart { nome The first course" in' petroleum on "Two recently invented foun gineering in'Japan bas been estas- {pens carry blotting pads and lished by a mining college. | pencils in their caps. ims

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