MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1022, ------------------ , } 8CA00OL [OR BRITISH WHIG HUMOR k w . ° * STUDY THE JUN PLAY i '@ ir Wg Automotive Equipment SPORTS BIGGEST LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD R | i Su? BE yr BD Tourists' Burean Masufeer Sere Axes Aceessurics ii 4 a i - ~ " - d 7 Phone sisw =. _° We Cam ern St. Kingston. Oat. G. V. DREDGE B. R. KYRES ONE REEL YARNS [ll pr avING BASKET BALL .-. FORWARD | V ALBERT L. CLOUGH THE GETAWAY -- "No, I'm not going anywhere to- ST EE ------------- Tire-Chain "Tips" 3 ys sa WRK Tay ez i » DIEDL" said Phil carelessly. "I have y -(00PING Sea ! Overtight Chains Work Havoc With Tire Treads = 1 PLUMBING WORK DONE RIGHT a lot of problems to do A BACKBOARD BANK] sl BALL "s_ 4 en 1nd Heating Equipment, let ua give a price oa your to stay up in my room -- J 2 EVER, ON ANY CONSIDERATION, adjust a chain so tightly that | Contract and Job Werk siven first-clase attention. 7 N ETON . N= How about you?" . it is not perfectly free on the tire and able to Creep around ft, | Thal hg OE He imributing the er Sus io cross-chain action Svar the sutire ft H : AP P L read, ins cotcen ng this at definite points on the ru rT, { 417 PRINCESS STREET Phone §78w, books a chance. So long. See you to their serious detriment The J : = pram ; later." enough by drawing an LOE ocdnm Brtuthed Bud: | the aid of tools, the as went in 8 room, "I'm of Sow roe Ae that, but 1f Z oR / itrouma --a i 4 I said 1 was going out with some TOPY Y S other fellows he'd be sore, Ns ah A WX rT ; SBuiSucs in ere Aln, length, Sh A ways around together. e - ARR Y & been been leave a out. He's such a stick- x OO s x aoe it hiv be found that he, dachains Frame house, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, 8 piece bath, around." ) 5 is difficulty can be Overcome ad a Phi ant owe to wait 8 fow mia. RCO) So 0 | up trom toe B wire to each sidy c} on private driveway. This is a real bargain if sold within utes," his wraps still on, un wag] ¢ { A plece of telegr&ph wire is a handy thing to ha 10 days. Good location. Price 600. sure Stanley was inside his room, By A. F. Hommesfahr wing 1¢ ee Mase: to wine it cap be used to replace a broken lnk in a sf y - | inks, down the hall. He and Stanley had T 1 . Ball. Shae! Da Anite st take a shorter, or foilow- chain in service. The been chums in '\bigh school that ge eb x ind ow Ri President Athletic Officials + The follow-up shot should | menders are very handy articles. as by their use , Amocciation, Chicago Distiier used after a long shot only, | repaired very readily, on the road, with an ie M 53 ' ! RI IMPOL R however. Foliow all of your shots. RE G NOISY a . GEARS BROCK STREET . . paoNg 704 or'ygetw. » I'm going to stay home and give the . ~You don't have to be wonder- The best shot for the basket is made _ to "diten" urting fully developed physically to start from the cheat and upward. It is the 1 feelings, Playing basket ball," ie || hardest for an opponent to guard. The Thinking he had waited long || Hammestahr, figure on the extreme right of our pic- enough, Phil opened his door ocau~ ture shows how the ball is held. Get tiously and peeked out. As he aid so, &et out with the other fellows and your hands well in back of the ball so the door to Stanley's room started to help put the ball in your team's you get full results from the force of : open. 80 Phil ducked back. He didn't || basket" your push, ; Th i want to run any risk of his friend |! . Take Much Exercise e, ese rings . ei h hou) | fitt, a all pif Ta. [he SoS, oUt fOr a Should you be preparing to play the Practice dribbling. Do considerable od ATA ay For ty Attractive Govern ment Again Phil waited. Then he opened | Position of forward on basket ball running to develop your leg muscles. -- h smokes very and Munici al Bo ds the door and looked again. The coast | 198m, a8 many moments of your spare Jump rope; swing clubs; exercise with running very Pp n - He got his hat, and lime as posible Should be uttlized ja pulley weights; go through setting-up CR. C : 1 have an ola | "ewly e. How do you 5 . shooting ote. orward's main | exercises that combine arm and leg or rd the timing / In view of the Pronounced Bara of high grade bonds, our new 1st, then backed out, very slowly, closing duty is to do the scoring for his team. movement; take all kinds of exercise " A : The oil ing rin the door quite A steppin, scrap 2 aon Quite, Srv; Sud . on At first, practice should consist of | that will limber you up, for if any genre ot ae wir Hever beer Which you refer to ig ciated to bo 0 He thought he heard something, and | throwing the ball through the loop at [player on the team must be quick of had A a The company which | finction properly only when In- a selection of forty Government and Muni. he whirled about quickly, There, at | close range. Pick out an imaginative movement, it is the forward, | mtit 12 1s no longer in business. ( *tMled right side up. 1s it pos- ci ; should prove of unusual interest the end of the hall, Stanley, stil} | spot on the backboard and throw at There is a type of forward who, real | Can you make any suggestion about | ®ible that Jour mechanic made the . to in tors wearing his wraps, was tiptoeing to- | this spot so that the ball will rebound izing that it is his duty to do the replacing these gears? Mistake ol butting these rings in ves rik J . wards the stairs, "ihe Jitohe and fall through the loop. | scorns wit flatly refuse to pass the Answer: Before fitting new gears, | "UPside down" with the ofl grsorn This list includes several Provincial issues as The little black cross on the back- [ball to another player even though { be sure that there is no looseneas | Pointed the wron ? Using the well as a number of attractive long and al Ontario board on the right side of the above fhe is so closely covered by the oppos- | in' the beari of the cam-shaft : HE PARTED HIS HAIR IN THE MIDDLE {llustration, 1s the spot picked out Ing guards that his shot at the basxer | 2d ae of at any)" and is term bonds issued by subs q eo idle Municipalities. % by the basket shooter. The ball should | will be uselses. none in the bearing of t f bounce from this spot through the Don't be that kind of a forward. Boar, If thépe fo oe * Unies this 1s And redness in the bot 4 baaket, Let some one else have a chance at done, new gears will not run Quiet- known instances in which this was Copy gladly mailed upon request. v// Practice Long Shooting, Too the basket if you see that he is more ly. If you cannet obtain, from done successfully, Practically all Th next step is to learn to shoot a | likely to score than you are. thme of the parts concerns, gears ihkines smoke a little after having de to fit this engine, basket without having the ball touch | (Next week Mr. Hammesfahr will wers ma idled for quite a while. because the board. there are many companies that will suction in the combustion > the back write the last article of this meries. | abou pilot baskets from a |The subject. wil he the position of Mike urnish you. Bellon oijer. and is very stronk and proionmeda when radius of about fifteen feet. p Guard.) | of compressed fabric | the throttle is so nearly closed and gears. gears mp there is a strong tendency for ofl ot pro | or other non-resenant material, or to be sucked up by it. onto the middle figure of the picture shows a TO-DAY'S PUZZLE 3 ination of eal ang Rive | Piston heads, where is vaporized. loop shot. It is a shot especially well | Curtail a kind of feather and leave quiet results. Possibly, you could aihpted to a gymnasium which has [a fruit. ' replace one of your present train & high celling. Curtail to frown and leave a kina of gears with a gear of non-reson- Long shooting is the mext thing to {of boat. ant material and obtain satisfac. practice. Stand twenty-five or thirty | Curtail a portable lodge and leave a tory results. In ordering new to give all dimen- c--- , feet from the basket and toss the ball. [ numeral, fears, be sure Never make a long shot without fol. Solutions to-morrow. sions and other specifications ac- . curately. The advice of an expert : ' : machinist would be valuable in < AN D AD WAS MAD Fair Exchange. this cennection. 1 1 Many striking instances of the sagacity of animals are given in Mr. hn Li 1L > i k FL Liaw H. T. Massingham's pew book, Dogs, - - J m Ie QO Birds, and Others." The fo lowing hg : us 2 t aa out o Wh, are given as true stories of a une It Is Expensive And Scarce, But It Burns Completely dng amootriy f ier: Billy, who w - Sond. dad. to Lute Hector ae er: B ie ab Rn TJANY OF THE LARGER CITIES, there fs obtainable a grade of erably larger proportion of readily Fl. k "] next door and is regularly supplied gasoline, which contains a consid. ood with bones, while Billy 13 cxpected to ALS one lead the simple lite on smal! puppy biscuits. The two dogs apparently way to bur toi together and . od 2X od a rer hoses together an alrang & some pains and the supply of it is too limited to make ed a regular system of exchange of n " continued vi bfoper any suggestion as to its general use, but nevertheless the motorist ts Jd . m -- : diet, which h < Gown ' Six months to their mutual fatistac- v le ob , 2 3 ceived them with "evident gratitnde, or" . rs and, trotting off, returned with five ppl for there i 38, doubt : HE'S Ou 1 © u biscuits, which he laid at the operat resul Td \ Te . - hi A lH le loday pay his benefactor. A truly gen- Use brings about, there is a substantial decrease in engine wear and BROCK STREET, Be » erous rate of Ment. At another | tear to be credited to fis employment, which goss far to offset its higher ~N pay a time Billy developed a habit of sav- per gallon cost. It is of Interest to recall that this high test gasoline is, - someon, ing from his supper two. biscuits practically speaking, the ordinary gasoline of ten years ago, which he presented to his master and BATTERY CHARGING done to avoid such a ? tolled. | mistoen when they came down to | : RECTIFIERS Answer: Ir the rr ould To pasRus dad, | Firierd iies Fad HELE EE SCCCIAL PRICE ON hy ~ i. you ve ha ongt bie bean acking In hompriin pou ed w 3 oo : BRISCOE TOURING. CARS L) " 0 stalled, ' ) oO 4 * tion. One day Billy was prasente® by Flere only a col - (wt) J : hus triend's mistress with two spe Re Ta cially luseious chop-bones. He re : Beating may well : : h use, sonsider 3 three biscuiis, and the visitor had her share as long as she remained. We offer THREE ONLY new, model 4-34 Standard Black SOMe ---- . 1 Touring Cars $905.00 each, delivered Kingston y - H. W. F. asks: How can elec- | : . S 1 h free of all charges. This is a reduction of 600 a car--equal And the bettem at a up of joy 3a tricity from a 110 volt -alternatt: red up, be tak. : to or lower than a pre-war price. } of' tov Youn lector: lle oe current circuit be converted told. . Ki se we Seldom far from the top, reduced so as to be suitable for . 5 i "e charsine a six volt battery -- two bid of these Cars were #old in Toronto, at this price, .in nswer: the use of any one of the various forms of rectifiers, * We have only three and they wiil be sold to the first rs. == 1 PLAY MANS OAMES sewn] | siffgidieg ™ 3 AEE Sr re the supply departments of electric light and power companies. Recti- fers of the vibrating armature type / : - Tor of the hot filament type, for] WW Ly charging a single battery, are not 4 : . BAY STREET o - KINGSTON, ONTARIO . Your light com; y can no doudt furnish you with & satis' factory rectifier. PRECA 8 DI UTIONS IN DRIVING OVERHAULED ENGINE RUSH DELIVERIES WITH A FORD SPEED TRUCK When a customer 'Phones in a rush order do £4 you deliver it 'ag Soon as you can" or "right away?" / 1 + There's a world of difference in the effect it hay 3 the - These "as soon as you can" de- from my home. liveries are all rights for your competitor; bye of the cylin- re is mighty poor business Tor you, . iI oh A a . of the leakage of A Ford Speed Truck with Canopy top body and be crankcase, 20-25 miles an hour galt, will ensure every order 0 general interest to Me column. space Hr f i i Why should a tax collector have 5 high opinion cf human nature? | i- s fie ~~ i A afi gr phi it arith;