Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1922, p. 10

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J TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1922, 9 HEADS THAT ACHE | AND PAIN [FIRE PREVENTION | { It is hard to drag along with a held ! that aches and pains all the time. | n nine cases out of ten, persistent | y Mesdastos are due to poisoned blood, | Canada's Losses Are the Hea | the blood being rendered Impure viest in Al the through some deranzement of the | World stomach, liver or bowels, but no mat- i . ter which organ is to blame the cause must be removed before permanent relief can be obtained. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS At the reguie meeting of the | Board of Trade on Monday evening | J. G. Elliott, Kingston's delegate 'to Which has been on the market for the | the annual meeting of the + | Past forty-five years, removes the / Tre it~ cause of the headache by starting the a arte. of oe held 32 Sua | organs of elimination acting freely, "NOY, - » | 8nd when the tmpurities are carried | MOst instructive report upon | Oft from the system, purified blood | Work accomplished there. One of eirculates in the brain cells, and the| the very important matters given at- | . aches and pains vaniih. 5 tention was a resolution presented i ' , C m- AL 6 . i | ~ mr " po nt es os | ATI Stnty run Jews and my blooy owt appealing to the government to give oo ----_--_ of order. suffered a great deal from severe pains in my, head, which 2. or Meare of support to fire made me feel very miserable. After Mr. Blo in asking the Soard i having tried other remedies I pur- ttle of Burdock Blood Bit- | ®Ddorse the resolution said: Shised 4 bo "The Ontario Associated Boards ters, and was very glad to notice a of Tradé have, in common with decided improvement in my health. 1 took another bottle and it has done other commercial organizations, me an enormous amount of good. I 8018 on record from time to time as have recommended it to some of my strongly favoring the most active steps being taken by the Dominion friends, who were in a similar condi. ticn, and they all say it is a wonderful and Provincial governments to pre vent fire, believing that in no one remedy." > 1 manufactured only by a may & greater national sav- B. B. B. is abe 7. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, ing de effected than #1 the roduc ion . of fire waste, and in 1919 expressed their hearty approval of the meas- ures which had been adopted by the Dominion and Ontario governments | to bring about a reduction in ouch | Waste. These measures included, emongst others, the passing by the Ontario legislature in 1914 of the Fire Marshal Act, under which the Fire Marshal Office was organized in 1916 and the formation in 1918 of the Ontario Fire Prevention League in effiliation with the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office, In speaking at the second annual meeting of the Lea- Sue last year, the Provincial Fire Marshal pointed out that while the Investigation of fires had been the supreme purpose of the Fire Marshal Act when pessed in 1914, investiga tion, not only here, but in other countries, had revealed that the vast Ar a a, and, ia co-operation with other bod- les, to daculoate tn the minds of the people that it is a necessity and a common duty to do everything pos- sible to minimize the great losses from fire. Notwithstanding these efforts, the fire losses in this prov- ince continue to be extremely heavy, as is shown by the following figures: Fire Waste in Ontario Exclusive of Forest Fires, No. Fires 10,279 9,681 9,588 9,936 Year 1916 1017 1918 1919 Losses $16,520,208 10,365,539 14,856,329 10,514,232 1920 9,296 11,771,718 *1920 7,415 10,831,946 *9 months to Sept 30:h. The present rate of fire loss in On- tario means a tax of from $5 to $6 per capita for every man, woman, and child in the province, or approxi- mately $30 per year for a family of five. It means that the fire waste of Ontario exceeds $30,000 every day. According to figures published by the Commission of Conservation in 1918, there wes @ loss in Canada {since Confederation of the enormous sum of $350,000,000 exclusive of forest fires. There was spent in elp | * | According to A. J. Cummings, whe | | writes in the London News, the Ques | tion for the British public to note | with regard to the Channel tunnel is | "Can it be built?" or even | "Ought it to be built?" but "When ig | the work geing to begin?" | net Proof That onized Yeast Builds ew Firm Flesh The danger is. that the tunnel | | scheme has been bandied about 00 | | long between Parlinment aad the | promo' irs, Britain and France, | | military oxperts and Governmoat | | departments, that the public may | | coase to believe in it as a practical | | Proposition. The lessons of the war, | | the coming of the airplane and our | | own industria! diffeuition, however, | | all contrive to give the subject a new | jsad immediate importance, | For many decades plans | entertained for eonstrugt | means of transport between } $24 France that should be indepen | ent of wind, weather and waves, | The idea of constructing a tunnel | beneath the Channel was seriously | considered even before rallways wers | in existence. During the negotiations | which resulted in the Peace of Amiens, in 1802, a French engineer named Matthieu laid before Bona parte (at that time Consul) and Mer. ox an ingeniously conceived pro- | Posal for such a tunnel. It aroused | | the enthusiasm of both Napoleon and ! Fox. A peculiar and interesting fea | ture of the plan was the suggestion | to break the tunpel half-way across | at the Varne sandbank, with the ob | Jet thereby of securing good venti. | Iatfon and fairly satisfactory light~ | ing. For this purpose the large sand- | bank, lying about fifty feel below | the surface, was to be raised arti. | cially to the surface level and some what above it, to give the tunnel fa | * this way an opening from the top. | Fresh differences between " France and England put an end to this fan tastic project; and though similar Schemes were put forward on dif ferent occasions, it was not until 1856 that there appeared the first | | scheme which had been thoroughly tested and was accompanied by ests day toilet your skin, The Soa, You Look Your Best Make the Cuticura P to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, and the Talcum to powder and perfume, Hr Ointmant26 sud 50 i Trio your every- preparations and watch hair and hands improve. 25 and Sc. Taleum 25¢, Sold ini Depot: majority of fires (estimated at least 75 per cent.) were preventable, and that a relatively small proportion were due to arson, incendfartsm or design. Consequently, it was con- cluded that the main purpose of the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office should be not the investigation of fires but the suppression, first, of the evil minded ones, and secondly, the fn- | TY TORE TR AGENCY FOR ALL culcation of that carefulness and moderation which would eliminate the vast majority of the fires, and it 4s interesting to note that the duties of the Fire Marshal, as outlin- ed in the act as it stands today, place prevention first and investigation second and permit the Lieutenant- Governor in Oouncil to direct the payment out of the appropriation made by the legislature for salaries thet time $1650,000,000 in maintain- ing fire protection and there was Raid for fire insurance $197,000,000 over and above the sums that were returned for losses. These figures in the aggregate represent the direct fire cost to the dominton and show that, during a halt century, the rav- ages of fire have taxed the people of Canada to the extend of nearly $700,000,000, The Commission of Conservation is also authority for the etatement that during the four years from 1912 to 1915 the average fire loss in Canada was $21,250,000 Per annum. In 1916 the Goss wae $25,400,000, while the averages for the past three years Was approxi- mately $27,000,000 per annum, It has been conclusively shown by the experience of England and other European countries that proper mea- ing and mates of the cost. The author was again a French- man, Thome calculated the cost the water the idea én up. Bir John Hawkshaw made borings on the English side which demonstrated that the construction of the tunnel sible, 6overy a special Channel Yas promoted in 1878. The French llament later accepted Money was obtained, a sunk at Sangatte, and everything Seemed .to be going well when, sud- denly, ment refused its consent to the un~ dertaking, eloquent advocacy, and the great in- vasion scare was born. It de Gaumond, who of the undertak- On both sides of was seriously tak- at £6,800,000. Was. technically pos- and on the strength of his dis- The Sore tion Pereniction of 18 pounds > FRONTED Yr any bulls weight, makes in a company the plan, a French company was formed. shaft was in 1876, the English Parlia- in spite of Gladstone's was that nes TRAST, and substitutes, can ings vitarnie sonds WARNING! certain value. Not all will yoast bring the desired results, which have insioing oo ROVIZES Beautifies Skin and Gives New Ene Thin, Run-down to olks is your with each meal. the Quick Results! believe te and how . You will notice an not eyes whea you see how almost et aimed appetite and . And as for Fi Te Yeait Best When Ironized The reason IRONIZED YEAST i READ! MCatned 10 Posi Free Trial Couvon Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Lta., Dept. 63, 10 McCaul 8t., Toronto, fear of invasion which, from the '70s right down to 1914, frustrated all schemes for linking England with the Continent, whether by a tunnel or a bridge. It would be accurate to SAY now that as the result of the war, political objections no longer exist, that the afrplane has destroyed the VITAMINE TONIC | City fetish of isolation, and that the engi- Sales Representatives: HAROLD . RITCHIR oronte ™ neering {incultiea have been com- : ' 00, Liv pletely | overcome. Furthermore, | Full Sised Packages Plans for the tunnel have been' re- | drawn by Sir Douglas Fox, and it rt ------------------------------------------------ has now been placed at such a depth t as to render groundless the fear of CAPTAIN BLACK INJURED, | ( ------ 1s ting destroyed by submarine SPECIAL PRICE ON BRISCOE TOURING CARS © In November, 1919, a large and tn. | fluential deputation organized by the We offer THREE ONLY ne Ww, model 4-34 Standard Black Touring Cars for PRICE of $995.00 each, delivered Kingston, Parliamentary Channel Tunnel' Com- mittee, met the Prime ster, and free of all charges. This is a reduction of $600 a car---equal to or lower than a pre-war price. on behalf of the com ttee, Bir | Arthur Fell marshaled the argu- | Sixty of these Cars were fold in Toronto, at this price, in two days. ments for the immediate construction of the tunnel,~the work on which, he We have only three and they will be sold to the first three buyers. said, could be completed in five years, See them at our Garage, 14g is provided by a shoe invented by and the cost of which would be £32, a Canadian with lacing which cross- ANGLIN 'BROS. 000,000. The Prime Minister made es and extends farther afound the - a fairly sympathetic, but non-com- foot than 'ordinarily. BAY STREET . - KINGSTON, 'ONTARIO mittal, reply, and said the question turned on the advice that might be More convenient to use than a -------- mitten and almost as warm is a re- . given by the military advisers of the Government. Replying a few weeks later to the Prime Minister's speech, cently patented glove having three fingers, the last enclosing two fingers of a wearer's hand. Francois-Marshal, the then MOTHER ! French Minister of Finance, declared Your Child's Bowels Need that the British military staff no "California Fig Syrup" { Ml. NEXT SATURDAY end expemses in connection with the act of a grant to any association or league or soclety incorporated for the purpose of fire! prevention. The Ontario Fire Prevention Lea- gue has, since fts inception, render. ed invaluable services through its extension work, surveys and: inspec- STROUD TEA refreshing 109 Princess St. .08 A QUICKEST RELIEF rrr pri 10 (omits Cher. call) ..." Caronia serene 3.36 NADIAN SERVIOR OuN i SAILINGS 1922 In to MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL wha lion. i Jon Albania Colds and catarrh yield like magle | bie ' 3. Ti teonia| | to sobthing, healing, antiseptic cress | Pom Preventa causes, enormous . Ausonla 8, &, antiseptic ¢ losses have occurred forest te Plymouth, Cherbourg that pemetrates through every air a he from Es and fo passage and relieves swollen inflamed | fires. ve been made 4 inne jli3uly 23 ....Andania | | membranes of nose and throat, Your from time to time giving $8,000,000 May 37lJuly 1lAug. 5 Antonia| | clogged nostrils open right up and|to $15,000,000 per annum as an you can breathe freely, Hawking and 8 ADy Ya Mev) ota snuftling stop. Don't stay stuffed up June 3 Cameronia| and miserable, and biversgol i Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream 3. Albania] Balm from your druggist. Apply a little in the nostrils and get instant reliel. Millions endorse this remedy known for more than fifty years, GS IN THE STOMACH 1S DANGEROUS Recommend Daily Use of Majphesis To Overcome Trouble, Cu Fermenting Food and Rela Indigestion Gas and wind in the stomach sc- companied by that full, bloated feel- ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the of excessive hydrochloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be- cause too much acid 1 PDCEAN STEAMSHIPS Sures of prevention had immediate. ly beneficial effects, As an indica. tion of the difference which exists i countries where proper precau- tions are taken, the total loss by fire in the whole of the United Kingdom, &part from fires caused by the enemy, amounted from August, 1914, to December, 1916, to $41,- 000,395. During the same period, losses in Canada, exclusive of forest fires, amounted to $62,027,000. The value of prevention work is also de- monstrated by the per capita losses from fire waste in 1917, as follows: England ,. .64 74 28 .55 Please send the famous free trial - treatment of IRONIZRD TRAST 7 Name ..,, Address, , IRON iets AS For particulars apply to:-- J. P, HANLEY, - UNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON HbaU LAL SAV AUS HEA XG] ow From Halifax 1 andra Mar. 4|Apr.15 br A Ea iaandr . Apr. 1 Phone 840. Yukon Member-Elect © Had Ribs Broken in Auto Mishap. Dawson, Jan. 17.--With two ribs broken end a severely bruised hip, Captain' George Black, newly-elected member of parliament for the Yu- kon, who was hurt in an automobile | wreck, may be delayed three weeks before resuming his journey south, according to & message from Mayo. Captain Black's automobile Jumped down a fifteen-foot smbankment and was smashed to pieces. The other twq passengers escaped unscathed. 23 Mar. Support for the foot without bind- ger, though the truth is that War Office opinion, which is rarely abreast of common-sense opinion, is still for some unexplained reason in- clined to a conservative view. M. Francols-Marshal also pointed out not only that the tunnel was a means of security for England, but that if it had been in existence in 1914 it would either have prevented the war altogether or greatly modi- fled it in duration and suffering. The enormous advantages of a solid Hok between England and France for the traffic of both countries are so tang ible that it is hardly to emphasize them; nor can the profit- able character of the Jngekrise be Questioned. The tunnel, as M. Fran- coils Marstial asd other sthuaiastic Frenchmen have sho : Vastly increase the' Yaide | and volume of .&oods between gland and the whole of Western Europe, befween England and the Oriemt. It will bring a mew era in ¢ommereial de velopment. Now is the moment for x on sides accuracy. - Such es ve been made, however, the merchantable tim. been destroyed. They enormous, but inealcul- thal val 1 HHH isl Watch for Friday's paper to see complete list of Candies and Choco. lates to be sold at our lc SALE It will be well worth 'remembering. ments and sours, ereating the dis- tressing gas which distends the stom- ach and hampers thé normal tions of the vital intetuar organs, ha Ly : a, p

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