Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1922, p. 12

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THE DAIL BRITISH Y THE PEOPLE'S FORUM re -- AR WHIG. _ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1029, the Triple Link Club, in connection CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 11 WANTED GENERAL Fiist icsertion, 1c a word. Zach con-| == BOARD AND secutive insertion thereafter, half, " d private family. Ap- cent a word. Minimum charge for : 3 ¥. Al one Inger 'ion, 25c, three irsertions, + La WISHES Apply to 59 cents. 1 The abyve rates are for casn only when charged they are double WORK ON good with ntarin Street. REPAIRING -- HOW ABOUT your roof? Does It need repairing' We use Argus Roof-proof. Lrop a card to F. Coveutry, 5 Barrack St MAN WI experienc Appl x WARD MAID FOR KINGYT eral Hogpital. Apply to the rom. . WOMAN FOR HOUSEKEEPER; $V family, near Gananoque. Ajj Box T-18, Whig Office COOK-GENERAL; REFERENCES RI quired. Mrs. Hodgins, Villa Claire Apartments, Barrie Street Phone 1176J. ttm resem eee EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENKF Housework; must be good, plain cook. Reference. Phone 1450w Corner Kensington and Union, TWO GOOD, THOROUGHLY EXPERI-| #nced dining room girls, and - | man for upstairs work. Wages $2; per month; yeferences required. Ap- | _ BY The New Dunham, Cobourg nt. | ROO¥ ALL SITUATIONS VACANT MAN OR WOMAN--DO NOT REMAIN unemployed; handle well known line household necessities; tremen- doug demand; territory arranged; work pleasant; pay liberal even for e time; experience or capital ui necessary Gargetson Brantford, Ont. PROFITABLE all year commission business of our own livery property owner | needs some of our nine hundred | var.etles of hardy Red Tag trees | and plants No capital needed. ! Complete equipment and: instru, - tion free. Write Dominion Nurser- ies, Moutreal. | WANTED--A NUMBER OF LADIES TO | color Easter Cards at home. Light OTK for ladles and girls. En lose | 3c. stamp for particulars, Ladie Supply Co, Cumstock Buildin Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT HOM $15 to $60 id weekly for your spare efme writing show cards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supp! you with work. West-Angus Show | Card Service, 17 Colborne 'Bid, Tou-| ronto. © ROOM, WITH BOARD IF D d, all conveniences. Apply 21 King street, or phone 2267. FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE! rooins now occupied by the I. @. O F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith -------------------------- FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all Improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 248 University Ave, | NEAR CORNER LEBEN . Hay, R ON WANT a RELIABLE SALKs agent for each uniupresented cou ty or territory. Execiusive sclling rights; good pay to energetic rep resentatives. Our agency is valu » able. Write Pelham Nursery Co | Toronto. Ont. | GOUD WAGES FOR HOME we need you to make socks on fast, easily-learned Auto Ce unnecessary; distance rial; positively no canvass- Ing: yarn supplied; particulars, . stamp. Dept. 1¥-C, Auto Knitter C Toronto. tna. WANTED -- RELIABLE MAN (NOT necessarily experienced insurance man) to represent one of Canada's most popular Life Insurance Com- panies. No one neéd apply unless able to earn at least $2500 per ear, Apply to Box S-18, Whig Of- ce. wE GARAGE, Apply D. G. c and Bagot y WOR Ko I, Kingston. Phone 100 r 23. ri -- t R. | A NINE ROOMED STOXL HOUSE, | 146 Moutreal St, all improvements. | Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant Apri | 1st. | SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, electric' lights, gas, ete. Apply H I. Norman, cement factory, Patr.ck/ Street. NEW FURNITURE AND clean and dry:~ Mc- 86 Brock Street STORAGE FOR merchandise; Cann Agency, Phone 346. | STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU STREET, | §¥ rooms; iree piece bath; furnace, | BAS, suitable for one or two famii- ies. Apply 47 Rideau street Phone 1296. WANTED SALESMEN AND SALES- ladies who are willing to learn and 20 work on a commission. Age Years or over. Previous experience hi STORAGE FOR §1 RNITURE, CLEAN ary, airy rooms and spaces: your vwn iock and key. lrost's City Storage, 299-305 Queen St. Phone 526. Hes. 939w References required 8, "not essential. « Apply Room Chambers. - WANTED Twe intelligent, energetic men fo act as our security salesmen, and later an permanent road rep- Royal Bauk SEVEN ROOM SOLID BRICK HOUSE, Just completed, on Victoria Streat all modern improvements; with garage. Possession 1st of January. Apply D. E- Wathem, 143 Nelson St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath room, Hat, hot water heating, gas two minutes' walk from Opera House, 2 Colborne St. ---- ROOMS or single FIRST CLASS for light Company, | resentatives, Salary and commin- alon to right parties with a prom- fslng successful futare. Married men preferred. Apply KINGSTON FACTORIES, LTD FURNISHED ROOMS, WARM AND comfortable; hot and cold running Water in each room, and all modern conveniences. Apply 406 Johnston corner of Fhontenac. Phone 997J Close to car line, ONCE, A NEW house and barn on North Alfred; al- 80 on North Alfred street, a good SEVEN ROOM brick house and eight acres of and Apply to J. D. Boyd, 322 University Avenue, phone 1083 POSITION. WANTED. HXPERIEN CED CHEESEMAKER DE- res ctory for coming season ly W. Smith, 230 Earl St. TEACHERS WANTED. QV. 1 TEACHER FOR S. 8. NO es: salary §600 per year. Pro- | | testant preferred. Apply to W. i Head, yhe, Ont. UrHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot 8 W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street J. t. ¥. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OoR- der in all popular shapes and sizes, Upholstering and repairing done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 1833J. ANT QUALIFIED TEACHER 8. 8. No. 19, Township of Pitts- to FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re- paired promptly and guarant Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer. 84 Arch Street. KINDS, GLASS WORK, yO it aL Showcards jisplays a 1ty, by Snaw at 213 ---- PERSONAL MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc., re- moved germanently, Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after othsrs have failed. Goitre removed, 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer A Lake, Xye, kar, Nose. Jhroal Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 30 CIVIL ENGINEERING, PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES kL 8. Scott, B.A. B.Se em. Eng 123 King Street. Phone 163J. CUNNINGH SMITH, BARRIST- LEGAL \ AM & felt. 79 Clarence i of King on A B. Cunning- fi Tr Smith. B.A, STER w office, corner of ve! RoXal Bank, = to Pl 9. 4 TEACHER oF . Soloist, Syden- athadia Church. 191 lor dina Rang Crane + ,.s . " . ; . | Grade Anthracite | : Have you tried it lately? : 'Even better than before. Inst. MARRIAGE LICENSES ADAIR, CATARAQUD Foarriage licenses. CHARLES F. ont, issuer of Phone 2367 r 1 - FOUND UNIVERSITY AVENUE, A se weight. Call at office \lian Lumber Co. AUTOMOBILE TIRE CHAIN ON Princess street. Apply Gas and Service Station, corner Princess and Division, SMALL CLASS PIN, ENGRAVED » P.CL. Owner may have same 7' by applfing to the Sexton, St. George's Cathedral. A PURSE, WITH SOME MONEY, and a railway ticket. Ownar may have same by applying 140 Johnson street. WHITE VOILE BLOUSE FOUND on Brock street, between Wellington and King. Owner may have game at 131 Prin- cess street. SMALL SUM OF MONEY ON Tuesday. Owner may have same at 10 John Street. A CRANK FOR CHEVROLET auto. Apply by phone to 450, or cail at Tax! Service, corner Clarence and King streets, BIC CLE FOUND JOCK | Harty Rink may have same at the rink. FENTLEMAN'S GHEY GLOVE, on Princess Street. Owner may have same at this office, INGTON STREET CARS, one cameo Eversharp may have same by proving property at Street Railway Uffice. A LOW BROWN RUBBER, Bk. longing t> a wentleman's left foot. Owner may have same by applying to 192 Division Street. ON AT Owner ON FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything wishing to reac and h the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver tisement will be printed in this Culun free of charge. "Found articles" (ves not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. Those, If lost, may be ad. vertised for in the "Lost column, FOR sSALR | BABY CARRIAGE IN FIRST condition; stylish, Reasonable price. Box W-20, Whig Office 1 1 { |4C i Le to freshen this month. Apply ter R. Lloyd, Brewer's Mills. Phone | Gananoque $10 R 1-3. | SEVEN PASSENGER CADILLAC | tomobile; 'just overhauled sale cheap for cash. Apply to P O. box 2086, Kingston, Ont. WALL PAPER AT PRE-WAR PRIC Get 'our special prices on decorating during January anc February. Hancock, 155 Bagot 3t com FING SCALE, CAPACITY 1bs, computes from cellent condition $70.00. ery, 5% ES. Brock Street | COAL-- CHESTNUT AND STOVE, at car, $15.50 delivered; not later than Jan. 18th. on track every week G. W. Richardson, Phone 1353J. HOICE YOUNG DAIRY COWS, DUE! nr 4c. to 60c.r ex 3 - For quick sale|€nt8," Mr. and Mrs. Apply at Hopkinson's Groc- to arrive Two cars she is Order from Bossie Henry, Brock street, After | tlre business session, a pleasant soc- {1al was spent and refreshments were CLASS served. i | At the annual meeting of the Gan- | 1 anoque Board of Trade the~election of officers resulted as follows: Pres, Dr. J. P. Sinclaire; 1st vice-pres., G A. Smith; 2nd vice-pres., G. A. Webb; sec,-treas., J. H. Sampson. Jan. 18. --The weekly meeting of | | with Harmony Lodge D. of R., was | held last evening at the home of Miss | FRANZ MOLNAR'S MASTERPIECE PRICES---20e¢., ~ ALLEN 'Last Time To-Day GOLDWYN SPECIAL "POVERTY OF RICHES" A Picture ot 1 Miss Pauline Byam, who has been | spending the last two months with | |friends here, returned to your | On Saturday. 1 Mrs. | Sound, William Juniper, came down on Saturday to 20 spend several weeks with her par- | George Mastin, | Brock street. day, will be pleased to krow that getting along nicely, ------ NUKOL--YOUR WARMEST FRIEND -- | Orders car arriving next week taken, Price $14.50 delivered $13.76 from car. Sales for casi C. W. Neville, 149 Collingwood St hone 2362M. . Bood second-hand furniture ana stoves. J. Thompson, bay highest prices. Phone 1600w, 433 Princess Street. SKATES, SKATES, SKATES--SI{ATE sharpened and' holloy groun Adults, 25c.; children, 15¢. Special price for hockey teams. Al} kinds of baby carriage repairs. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-3 King St. East. SEVERAL COUNTRY Stores, in good villages within reasonable distance from the city Also two blacksmith shops, one af Inverary and the other at Syden- ham. Apply The' Carroll Agency, Kingston. ee ROOMED, DE 'ACHED, NEW pressed brick Louse; newly redeco- GENERAL a SIX -- -- ---- SILVER NAPKI Ri ! N eral Hospital. Finder please call a 127 King Street West for rewarg. ------ LARGE DIAMOND AND EMERALD in shape of a Set in gold brooch, Shamrock. Telephone ward. 139. Re BRONZE STAR OF 1914, ON SUNDAY hame and number of owner o back. Finder please return to "B Battery Office, Tete du ont Bar racks. | eet i oLD;| HOUND PUP, TEN MONTHS black, white and tan, with m Spots on legs and body. h. N. H. McCullagh Phone 2090k 37 Sixin Street, same alier this n cuted. ottle otice will be prose == A = : FOR SALE. MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS, 421 Barrie or phone 1512J. GOOD TIMOTH Whitney Hotel, 29 Brock St. SINGLE AND DOUR of bob sleigns; all good eap. W, J i LINKD OVERCOA ter collar; cheap. App T ; 800d as new; iy by phone, No. 54 tet emis -------- A LARGE STOCK OF ARM: BLANK ets for sale at a reasonable price Call at L. Routbard, 2x Princes or phone 1723. ----------------------e TWENTY-ACRES LAND NEAR MUR vale with barn; also cedar timber on same. Apply A. Smith, 152 Frontenac Street, Kin ston. Reward Anyone harboring APPL) ¥ BALED HAY. APPLY LE CUTTER, PAIR | sture | 15 Quebec St H 07. will sei) 3J. and KE ge: rated; three plece bath; electric lights; gas; urnace; excellent lo- cality. Reasonable price; easy ms. Address Box J-10, Whig CARTING. REMOVED ON-SHORT TM EST NO- Apply Charles Andre, carter, . ontreal street. Phone 538J. i : J DENTAL. | DR. A. B. KNAPP, DE 258 Princess Street. EY DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. ee eet et eer DR. RUPERT PF. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phone 1850. Open ST. OFFICE Phone 652w. d i ; evenings by appointment. DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, UAS RR. sumed practice at 92 Princess St, fier Bank of Nova Scalls. Phone » . FINANCIAL WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY send a Dominio n Express Money Order. 4 MRS. H. 8. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO- mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 Karl street. Phone 1762M. STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1560; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. OU .ice 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society, Incorporated 1861. President W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. e Cunningham. Money issued on city and Jarm properties, municipal and couniy debentures; mortgages purchased, investment bonds for sale; deposity received and interest allowed ACRE FARM, three miles west with or without and machinery. VanLuven, owner, }* of Kingston stock, implement Apply ortsmouth, McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER; roadster; Saxon Roadster; truck; Ford touring; Overland tour ing cord Quen Phone 410J and Bagot MITCHELL, CHUBB & makes of all kinds goods, mitts, gloves, cushions; all made t Scott & Duberry, Phone §19J. of leathe o order. Appl FARM, PART OF LOTS NO, 23 in the 2nd Concession of the ehip of F road; 84 acres miles above Mallorytown known a. the Wilson C. e farm, barns, ice house, milk shed, ood wells and a wind-mill. ress Mrs. 2, Mal Town Ad lorytown, Ont. ------ ee / ANTIQUES 20% DISCOUNT ON ANTIQUE FURN]. TURE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHoP We buy all kinds of Furniture. Phone 1045w. 507 Princes: Street, ON LAKE SHORE, to R. ud FORD Ford xchanges made. Geo. Palmer, streets. COMPANY'S hand bags and 53 Beverly St. and 24 ront of Escott, on the main of land; about two House, two Wilson C. Lee, R. R. No. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. s MEDICAL, C. . ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARR Street. Hours 10.30-12 am, 2 p.m. 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 1846 DR. P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTON Street, Kingstun, Office hours: 11 to 12 am. 2 to 4 pm. and 7 to & \ evenings. Telephone 456. ) m= FANCY GOODS. HEMSTITCHING, PICUOT EDGING, AC: cordion. knife and box pleating Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. B.A. Card, 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. posite Artillery Park. Tr . MILLINERY. MRS. McLAUGHLIN, Willlam Street, wil! for making trimming Ing hats. 112 LOWER take orders and remodel- $ CHIROPRACTIC. Cw Ph. C, Cor- rie Street: WM. A. MARCELIS, D. ner Princess and Bar floor, Barrle St. entr: nce, Kingston, Unt. Consultation free. Telephone 822J. Hours 9 to 12 are. 1 to § pm. GEORGE F. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A, Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 219 Bagot strest, between Princess and Brock. Tele- Phone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am.. 1 to » and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and consultation free. Residential calls by appointment. RECITAL DR, ROE LTE carevE University Avenva. Phone 1598w. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, -- i 1 : FOR $3,000-FRAME; 8 ROOMS lar and large = wit garden. AME; ¢ ROOMS garage and doub -- ' a il Cas Wie ms; mprovemen > Sooreitor foxros. ments -- 26150 -- ir To Hants: % » r % nN Heater: h. out; large : dle. S IMPR ments; le lot. END; Ww. floors th $2.000 would LE. ROOMS; u. good | GOOD CEL- | th fruit and 9 hardwood | MM AoW: NEAR foce bath; slactric | * cellar Under the Direction of Mrs. Wagner Leopold Godowsky (Werld Famous Pianist) CONCERT RECITAL, CIty HALL | { 1 i | | ! ove. Friday Evening, January 20th } Tickets $1.50, $1.00 and 73 cents, Reservations may be made through rs. Wagner, 178 George St., Belleville For these stubborn aches and pains,' Skilled anatomical and physiological engineering. It re- Stores the human machine to &ood running order. When {ndi- Cited we also give High Fre- uency, Sinusoidal, Diathermy or q Auto - Condensation Electrical Treatments, DRS. ROBERT and EDNA . ASHCROFT | 204 King St. between Earl & Gore 12 Yes Success in i | WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we wily 1 x | Mrs, Everybody Busy at Adolphustown, Adolphustown, Jan. the snow and ice have made good |travelling, the men are very busy hauling hay and straw to Picton, getting out wood, etc. Mr. and Mrs. {Wilkie Dorland, Kingston, are re- |newing acquaintances this week. | | Miss J, Buchanan, who was visiting {her niece, Mrs. R. M. Roblin, has re- turned to Picton. C. Price, teacher | i/In 8, 8. No. 1, was a recent guest of | Lawrence Magee. Arthur Bogart | | visited friends in Picton lately. 'Mrs. | | F. Loyst is recovering from her sev- | ere illness. The debate between | Hayburn Young People's Union and | the Adolphustown M.Y.P.A., which! was held in the Adolphustown | Church ones Saturday evening, was well attended. The interest in the! | Ladies' Aid social evenings continues | lively, judging by the number who | | were present at Mrs. Humphries' | home on the evening of Jan, 6. The {next one will be held in the church | | basement cn Friday evening of this | week. : | Elginberg Personals, Elginberg, Jan. 16.--A committee meeting of the Ontario Sunday School Association was held in the {Méthodist church here last week. | | Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin have re- | {turned from Toronto after having {spent the holiday season with their | | daughter, Mrs, W. Barclay. Mrs. H, | L. Kiell, Joyceville, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Reid, Sr, Mrs. Fred Porter and little son are home after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Tolls, Inverary. Mrs. John Reid, Jr. is visiting her mother in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grass are the guests of Mr. | and Mrs, 8. Jackson. Mrs. J. Clogg is | | visiting Mr. and Mrs, Walter Clogg. i | BALL Mrs. J. Silver and children spent the | week-end with her mother, Mrs. | Pixley. Mr. and Mrs. Grant are to- | day leaving for places in New On- | |tarto where they will visit friends. Parham U. F. O. Event, | | Parham, Jan. 16.--The U. F. O. | held an oyster supper and dance on] Friday evening. James Smith is the | guest of his brother, Gordon Smith, {In Smith's Falls. Mr. and Mrs. T. E.| | Wagar, spending a few days at Odes- | |sa, have returned home. Mr. and! W. Cousins, MacLean, are af| Mr, and Mrs. De-| Fred | Mrs. | {Frank Wagar's. witt Leslie at W. E. Clow's. Barr is home from Niagara. | Allan and daughter are visiting at! {Ottawa. Mrs. M. Cronk bas return- | {ed from visiting her son, Dr. Cronk, | { Belleville, 'A number from here at. tended the hockey game at Verona. | "Jack" Campsall had the misfortune | | to cut his foot. | -- | Prince Edward Agricultural Society. | Picton, Jan. 18.--The annual | [meeting of Prince Edward Agricul-| tural Society was held at Shire Hall. The secretaty"s report showed the society to be in a good condition, with a snug balance on hand and al membership for 1921 of nearly 2,000 members, The following oficers! i were elected: President, H. H. Hor- | sey, + Cressy; firgt vice-president, | Fred Hubbs, Bloomfield; second! vice-president, I .F. Fraser, Picton; secretary-treasurer, , Picton; directors, H. B. Bristcl, | W. J. Carter, W. H. Gough, Morden | Gilbert, Dr. Edward Herrington, 1.! R. Leavens( Carman Metcalf, Fred | Newman, Edward Purtelle, M. Grant Thompson, Andrew Welbanks, Ar- | thur Wright and Sidney Welbauks: ! delegates to fairs convention at Belleville, Benjamin Leavens; at To- fonts, Fred Hubbs and Edward 3. Purteile, i Reports From Caintown, Caintown, Jan, 16.--Fred Tennant | is confined to his bed suffering with | a bad attack of the flu. Mrs. Mary A. Hayes, New York state, is visiting hor sister, Mrs, Martha Moore, who is! quite fll. Mre. Coville, Montreai, is | visiting friends and relatives through this vieinity. Mrs. George Leoder en- Joyed a holiday in Brockville recent- | Iy. The farmers are taking advantage i of the sleighing and are getting out | their wood. William_ Gibson, At)-| ens, spent a day last week at W. Al Graham's. Giles Powell, Rochester, | N.Y., was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles Weston for a few days last week. The many friends of Mrs. T. Weston regret to hear of hor seriuos Parry | { The many friends of Mrs, Hugh | Wilson, who was injured on Satur- | if Montreal | GRAND The Rex Stock Co. Presenting "THE DEVIL" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN THE ACTS 30¢., SOc. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 GALLERY 10e, mr Thar --Fil. Sat. The Star Without a Fallure | ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN | { in . | TheWay of a Maid Thur. , Fri., Sat. BETTY COMPSON it "The LITTLE MINISTER" LAST TIME TONIGHT "QET-RICH-QUICK WALLINGFORD" 16.--Since| ° TO-NIGHT "TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" The Greatest Heart Iuterest Drama Ever Screened THURS, FRI, and SAT. ADDED ATTRACTION, 1.0.0.F., International Convention at_Teorouto, "September, 1921, given In the Gardeam Hall, All the latest dances for 1022--every night from 7 to Dall by appointmenta--iiy Brock St. Mra. 8, Cohen, In. structor. Hail phome 337, Renldence phome 1878, rm c---- INSIS® ON THE BEST Crossed Fish AAA AANA AANA PNA AANA CLOSING OUT | SALE Having decided to close our Branch Store at Kingston, and wishing to give the patrons and public the benefit of bargain prices, our entire stock of Grocer» ies and other lines will be placad on sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 19th, 20th and 21st, at prices that will mean money saved for those who take advantage of it Store finally closed on ldst day of sale. E One large Tayloy Safe, one Na- tional Cash "RegTster, Counters and other fixtures also to be sold See Posters for Special Prices. Sardines THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL = Provincial Bye-Election TO THE ELECTORS OF KINGSTON AND PORTSMOUTH: ladles and Gentlemen. Acting on the request of a large num- ber of electors and friends, I hereby an- nounce myseif as an Independent can didate for the Ontario Legislature in the coming bye-election. If elected, | womise to give my hearty support to all measures that make for the com- THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE Co., Lid. Notice to Creditors Te the Seal ls Frese, NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the estate of HAROLD FREDERICK RANDALL, late of the Township of Pittsburg, in the County of Frontenac, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of November, 1921, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid to Cunningham & Smith, 19 'larence street, Kingston, solicitors for the administrator of the estate of the said Harold Frederick Randall, deceas- ed, on ot before the 28th day of Jan- uary, 1922, their surnames and chris- tian names. addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of thelr claims or demands duly verified, and the nature of the security /'f any) held by them AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said 28th day of January, 1922, the said Administrator may pro- ceed to distribute the assets of thé said estate amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims or demands of which he shall then have received notice, and shall not be Hable for the said assets, or any part thereof so distributed, to any per- son or persons of whose claims or 'de- mands he shall not have received no- tice at the time of the distribution thereof. DATED this 10th day of January, 22. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Solicitors for the Administrator \ 1 Dominion Taxi Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service --------- The Halifax Herald states fhat it Is "informed that one hundred Mari- time Provinces athletes are slated for investigation." He knows how many grains go to a bushel of wheat. GRAND CARNIV mon good and welfare of both city and province, irrespective of which parly introduces such measures. RH. G. ARMSTRONG. W. KENT MACMNEE Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock sand King Streets. Phene 701 or 13374. General Insuramce Agency Writlng:--Automobile, Fire, Accident, Bickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. Representing Only Reliable Companies. and Plumbing GEO. NOBES Phone 986M. 17 Division Street. ~~ HAY A All grades of Hay in ton or car 10¢s; at lowest possible price. POTATOES Two cars P. E. Island White Pota- toes running, best stock procurable. Or. ders taken for delivery on arrivél of cars. | COAL A few cars good Anthracite Coal--nut and stove, at reasonable prices, Office Phone 203. Residence 654, E. G. DENNEE 32 BROCK STREET : DOMINION "| MEAT STORE OPP. Y. M. C. A. o mn FOR PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 12687, A A ET TTT -- Judge W. P. Archivald, dominion parole officer, is dead at Ottawa. A E---- & i Hj ! » JOCK HARTY ARENA WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7.45 to 8.15---8kating in costume, skating. 8.15 to 8.30--fast 8.80 to 8.45--Hockey match (Frontenacs vs. 8.43 to 9.15--gkating in costume D.15 to 10.15--General Skating. Fast skating: 1 -- skating Thowe in contur: wormer * will Others at * A 4 to 16 years, 16 to 18, 18 and over. must be made before Wednesday * ADMISSION No passes or season's tickets will be accepted on Wed, purchase tickets reh Street. 18th at 7.45 PM. Queens) picked teams, (udging). Entries for fast noon, 25¢. Evening. tS ime

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