Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1922, p. 1

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A pair = The Baily British Whig = KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1022. LAST EDITION rere eee -------- Ee reser. omer epee ete ep = "eter NEW PROBLEM ™""% 5x o THE RETAIL - Regarding the extention of Sag) | tor the marking of foodstuffs. { That it fs in the'interest of the {public that ever ended fire insur- ance company shall he eligible for | Alice Brady and James Crane| : {Ten Arrests After Two Bodies | v ] N S-HOUR D AY peor in toe Canadian Fire Ta. | OF CRIMES Have Finished Their Ma- IN IRELAND Drift Ashore at Biloxi, | MEN INE » i { derwriters Associzlion, and that ey-| trimopial Career. Mass. - : 4 ery licensed agent have free access | | L to the records and information from | 4 . ; = . : ey { New York, Jan, 18.--The last fr Biloxi, Miss., Jan. 18.--Discovery | {the Fire Underwriters Association ! | . . yi | : fo : [chapter of Alice Brady's love story | Be ot the bodies of two men, apparently Addresses i Retail Merchants Desire to rons &52 duly authorized by + In Southern Ireland Calls For 5. been written in the ion Irish Regiments Will Not [toreign sailors, on the beach here, | Are Giv- e . | pr L older. { | . | . ! | 5 courts. She has been given an in- {has led to ten arrests by-the local | National - Be Free of Minimum | ere | Strong Measures From |teriacutory degree from ner ne | lurned Over to Sinn IE The Soe oe ie loki ae) And Busi W. e Act. SHALL NOT MARRY. : Gov. ment. band, Jimmy Crane, actor, and the | Fein. : ed In a fight which followed an at-| ness Topics . ag | Wisconsin Man's Commandment 10} ern {son of Dr. Frank Crane, philosopher | tempt last week to hold up and raid! . | ) ' y " | | { { The convention of the Retail Mer- | ia His Children | London, Jan. 18.--"The spirit of? essayist. London Jan. 18.----The stopping of |& liquor smuggling: schooner at An eloquent plea for a united Can- chants was concluded at noon Wed- Madison, Wis., Jan. 18. -- "Thou [eXtreme republicanism still flames in| Closed doors and sealed PAPers | recruiting for Irish regiments is an!8Achor near the coast. ada was the feature of an excellent _ Rosday 'after dealng with twenty-|snal; not WArrY," yas the commana. | the south." says the Times' Dublin | ¥ithheld the evidence presented by example of the numerous adminis-| The police theory, it substantiat- | aad rem by Major-Gen. Sir A. C. Mac- seven resolutions of great import-|ment Hartwell Farwell dictated to-| correspondent, who intimates tha: actress from the public. trative problems which will have toed: will disclose what is said to beldonell, in proposing the toast to ance to the trade, and electing offi-|his household, police said today. | followers of de Valera may be engag- | The divorce is the natural cuimin- be solved somehow with the Irish|the first instance of attempted Piracy "Canada" at the banguet given to bers. Honry Watters, for several] Farwell forbade his sisters sons |ed in stimulating disturbances. | obi or the unhappy relations of the | Pree State functioning in real ear-|! connection with, rpm running on (tne Retall Morchants Assoclation™by Years president, was re-elected and land daughters to marry, and handed "Large bodies of armed men re-|° hildren of two Manhattan's best hho {the Atlantic coast. the Kingston branch in the Y.M.C.A. the other officers are: First vice-| down the heritage of: enforcing celi- | fuse to accept the treaty between ire. [knOwS citizens; n .| The British war office has no in-| About the middle of the past week, | geembly rooms on Tulsday even. president, A. Goulet, Bourget; sec-|bacy in the family to his bachelor |and Great Britain," he adds. "There 1 ny aud Alice," as Broadway | tention of rejecting IrisEmen for ser-|according to the police,"a Cuban fish- |g ond vice-president, W. Y. Mills, [eon, James, {has been an epidemic of robbery and |KReWw them. were considefed ideally |yicq with the British army, but|ing smack, rum _ laden, dropped | ww. y mp, president of the King- Kingston; third vice-president, A.| The son confessed td the murder |other erimes of violence in Dubiin | mated soon after their marriage two something has got to be done about [anchor in the vicinity of Dog Keys {ston branch, occupied the chair and Sweet, Winchester; treasurer, John of Philip Housten, when he was and in rural districts, which demands | Y®ars ago. Atte; the wedding Crane the eight existing Irish regiments of (and the captain made an agreement [fois 400 merchants representing ell Collins, Ottawa; auditor, Alexander about to marry Farwell's sister, strong measures from the govern- | was env in "Obportunity, pro [in ry and three of cavalry, as fOr a party of Biloxians to come to [Hnes of trade, 100 of whom were Phillips, Ottawa; delegates to the | Aico, ment, | Suce : n B Dilerilaw, Willtam 14 (7 regimental depots are in Ire-|the smack in gasoline launches to from outside points, attended. The provincial board: Mr, Patterson, | Another sister who married was os- | ------ ru Tas 8 Mie Fady ended a long |land, some in the new Free State [Carry the liquor to the mainland. {dinner was served by the Ladles Brockville, B. G. Crabtree, Ottawa. |tracized by the family. Owen O'Duffey Appointed. {Tun 3 "Forever Alien! and return- i. oa | On Friday night, police assert, the | Auxfliary of the Y.M.C.A. Besides The date and place of the next con-| The elder Farwell hated the ins i. | Dublin, Jan. 18.--The appoint. |°d io the eo | The Inniskilling Fusiliers, Royal PaTty made the trip to the Cuban |Major-Gen. Macdonnell the other vention was left to the decision of |tution of matrimony and declared it {ment of Owen O'Duffy as chief of | 8 © was Considered the hardest | Irish Fusiliers, and the Royal Ulster | boat, but instead of paying for the speakers were Brig.-Gen. A. E. Ross, the exeoutive. was only justified to escape from |staff of the republican army in suc. | Working ploture star in New York, | Rifles are all headquartered in'|liquor, they overcame the crew of the | M.P.-elect, Henry Watters, district .. Votes of thanks were tendered to|starvation. cession to Richard Mulcahy, mint. | 0d Stiruiaved mn her Syatiget that | 11ater 50 can remain on the army list! fishing smack and brought about |president of the association, R. J. W. ¥. Millan (he Rirgiton cuir "I've onougl mibney to "ake Sate eo Maer. oa ay today. jer. fin prod ue fiosts Shosld foow las long as the northern province re-|100 cases of liquor here. | Rodger, Major 8. S. Corbett, Mr. for the splendid apartments and the of my children so they will not have He is thirty years of age and was [Ach other in such a manner that she | nains out of the Free State. But Most of the liquor bas been cap- |Zeeman, Preston, Ex-Mayor Patter " hel | i tcer in Ulster | WOuld not be idle. She is said to | . 6 tured, the. police declare. {son, Brockville, W. C. Miller, provin- 1 . the {to marry," he often declared. Sion Fein liaison office Poet oe the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, 6th In- ' p | ' A , sntertalument given while 'in {have earned $1,000,000 through her | What became of the foreign boat |cial secretary, Toronto, and Bryan since the truce. | niskilling Dragoons, 8th Royal Irish; city; the Y.M.C.A.,, Bell Telephone -- i Co. A spesial vote of appreciation i? : - | Hussars, Connaught Rangers, Royal | after the fight in the outside waters | White, Ottawa. A splendid musical "as extended to the press for effici. ASK W I The break came last spring when | jo Regiment, Leinster Regiment I$ NOt known. The police believe programme was rendered by the Ki- | THE WESTERN WOMEN | Miss Brady learned of her husband's |and Royal Munster Fusilers, all |that two bodies washed ashore were wanis quartette, composed of Messrs. ervice, Th solutions wer | | . > ent service 8 re ons wers GOING 10 D0 ABOUT Nl ON BIRTH CONTROL | Attractions away from the home orf ve their depots in the south and! Members of her crew. |H. W. Newman, A. Lemmon, W. Me- ------ {own efforts. , as follows: |cle. A partial reconciliation was ef | a lh Te 8 el} | The first body was found Friday|Callum and F. J. Wilson; Stat | [fected by the parents, and Mr. and jorpeb hin her ke Banded oY land the second Sunday morning Green, baritone, Ottawa, J. Saunders Resolutions Adopted. { Motion at Alberta Farm Wo- Mrs. Crane sailed for Europe. They | 0 the Free State military author- > | , ' ki he legislat to gi | | |ities or be "disbanded. Under the Near the same spot. Each appeared land Selisbury's orchestra, 1 & oats : ant th . air. NOWapaper Says Mew. . York| men Convention to Remove returned in September and. Miss Bra- | terms of enlistment no sold! . i o | about twenty-five years old An | A nterpre on ac efining e -1 . i % er in a 5 | : ferent "trade sections. { Has a Competing and All Barriers. J on: ber basouny at eae Jock. ac. {Irish regiment may be transferred to ®utopsy showed the neck of each | Canada's Cémtary. That before any manufacturer fix- | Shorter Waterway. ---- [then they have not been seen togeth. | 0 English, Scotch or Welsh regi-| man had been broken. | Major-Gen. Macdonell described 18.--A reso- | i : es a retail selling price he should | - | Calgary, Alta., Jan. | ment against his will. Canada as the greatest country in submit a copy to a committee of this| New York, Jan, 18.-- Wha. le {lution on birth control {s to come be-| si.o Brady's health has not been There fs no possibility of these THE PATIENTS SAD I |the world, and the present century -- | association in order that the inter-|New York going to dg about it," asks [eore the convention of the United | the best for a year. She was | UPItS being turned over bodily to the! was certainly her century." We have 9st of the retailers may be consid-| the Tribune this morning comment- {Farm Women of Alberta, opening to- stricken a week ago at the matinee Sinn Fein government, as the War | [ot lots of vacant spaces and we will ered. {ing upon the report of the Joint = {gay A resolution passed by Alix performance of "Drifting" at the | Office would refuse to part with | I ! see people pouring into Canada in That retail merchants report the ternational Commission on thé Great | Local asks the conventon "to urge | Playhouse and her father announced { records and the Sinn Feiners would | the next decade to make their homes operation of Suit Clubs In any town, | Lakes-St. Lawrence waterways. Tne (yo speedy removal of all barriers| she would be unable to return to the | Probably Want to change their here. The question is, are we Can- city or district in order that action Paper calls attention to the fact te | sue to legal restrictions, tradition, | stage this season. jnames and organization. Soldiers R it Doc i adians men enough fo absorb these may he taken against their illegal State of New York owns a competing |. o1 dice or ignorance, which NOW| Crane is a member of the cast of | desiring to do so will probably be And as a Result ors in| v citizens? What steps are we operation. | waterway from Oswego to Mohawka, | prevents parents from access™to SUCH | "The Varying Shore," a Sam Harris | transferred to Irish depots in Ulster, | Hamiiton Are in taking to absorb them and mould That Armistice Day be observed |@nd thence down to tide water, and {sctentific knowledge on this subject|production. Which will leave the Ulster regi-| Trouble. them into real Canadians? The or- os November 11th . regardless of °laims that "this route is shorter, | "UTIL Sl by the medical pro- ---- lL ments very much over strength. | : iginal stock of British and French Thanksgiving Day. *~ { capable of operation for a longer per- |, jon" WOMAN STOWAWAY CAUGHT. The Irish Guards have their head-| Hamiiton, Jan. 15 Several Ham. Canadian' citizens js the greatest That the act taxing billiard tables | lod each year, and is the short Foute |= 4 nother resolution asks that mar- quarters in London, so there will ito doctors whose right 10 ivsae | ASSet any country could have and we ' be amended to remove present injus- | to foreign ports." While flatly oppos- ried mothers be cared for at the|Om a British Ship--Turned Back to | Probably be little difficulty about nS escriptions has been "sus. | have wonderful natural advantages. tice in the act. [ed to "Going to Caneda in search of | Bremen. | their continuance, but there is liable, |dU0F Pr P o |The impression he received of . t's expense at any Rospit- . ree of the {SOVernmen » : __, | pended went to Toronto to-day to. Recommending the registration of & ReW outlet for the commerce o! the govern-| New York, Jan. 18.--The transfer [to be friction over the famous Royal | Leal to the license board. They French Canadian loyalty and here- A | " al during confinement, manufacturers' liens which apply to | lake omIou, the Sap ims nt {ment also to make a grant which in midocean of a woman stowaway {Dublin Fusiliers, who, Ironically | oo thelr appeal on two grounds. |!Sm as demonstrated by the famous contracts for goods bought on the | the NeW York route is not pe " |would provide help at home during|from Antwerp to another ship head- | enough, have their headquarters at| 248 that they the victims of | 220d battalion in the war excited his instalment plan. { La ---- |the mother's absence. ed for Bremen despribed yester- | Belfast. The retention or heTise | heir patients, -- secondly. that jirohe admiration for our French Sakon to arty hg. Sithipons dug] Bortemitn Fron) Germany] Comm win, © Beer Gan (Ce pen Ee War et Jn aa t,o Bos Then Camtie oi ee wie a pts carry the eight-ho y 2 - p 3 ; x noid LC Reh claim is that they observed the i¢gu« \ "Regarding the government of / % . in the Ontario and Dominion par- 'Took B P d On New Year's day, three days - * lation Himitiag them to issue a cer: Wéments for all manufacturing, pro- Ottawa, Jan, 18.----Hon. A. B. Cou, | cauty ow er Tom Atwery. & as, Sloth. OHIO TO VOTE ON [ tatp number of . prescriptions per {SOUNMY 1 want te Jp stivg well ducing and distributing classes. secretary of state, today lesued a | ' oars Pha a rh wid | | month, but their patients saved up." cau od, n . ", Ie That any attempt to make the warning to investors not to purchase | And Now He S Dead » Was discovered in the m =| REPEAL OF DRY ACT srescrptions that were fssued ope SOYOrnments rest on force, e he Workmen's compensation act appiic- Canadian securities owned in Ger- ship bunker, exhausted. {month and presented them the foi [TM time to time loose statements A | Revived on deck she said she wal that should not be permitted to pass. able to the retail trade be opposed. > cath f peace and 3 W, aders Carry ie Tukind Seiate Tatil in a and Toronto, Jan. 18.---Andreson [Lizzie Schlitz, a native of Louisville, ot Leade Fight to|iowing month, when the patients cman bas said that the untrain ' , {seemed to figure that their symp- Minimum Wage Act and United States at greatly reduced Buchanan, : law student, 228 Ky. and recently escaped from Rus- People Under Terms of | 8! 3 YIP" | soldier was as good as any oh Asking the government to omit Prices. The view is taken that the Riverdale 'avenue, died this | sia, where she had been governess of Referendum Law. | toms would be worse than when 11ey | y estern front, There never was the retall trade m the operation |transactions cre illegal and contrary | porning affer taking "Beauty | Bolsheviks. Her story told of flee- |a Russian countess expelled by the SH yap juiers = ae liquor |. oh an animal on the western front! i oe | { ad pine, |for all men that ever got there had | of the minimum Wage act, | to the provisions of the peace treaty. { Powder." The powder arrived |ing through Germany and of unsue- lowe, Jan. 13-4 fabt. ta The result. was that although the to go through a year's hard training That the dominion board watch { - by the morning mail and is sald | cessful efforts to get a passport from Irpea ie . Yoisenn aot aM peruit {doctors issued only the prescribed pesore being permitted to reach | attempts to establish investigation | Fire at London, Ont., | to have guaranteed to 'change |the American counsel at Antwerp. Nat o wil a mer and {number month by month, there Was [there." Regarding proposals te info the profits of retail merchants Did $250,000 Damage' his complexion in' twenty-four The stowaway wes given a uni- (8 delay In "cashing" them and the reduce Canada's militia I would say 4&5 existin y 1 voters of Ohio this fall under the 3 % g in the United States. } hours" form belonging to the first mate of ¢ ft ' 3 {delayed precriptions of one 1aonth. you canmot improvise the staff in That the matter of smuggling be! Load Ont. 3 3---Fie ail . sid the Gasconier and when that vessel terms jet eam Ww, accord. {added to those of the following time of war and I would give a word Brought to the attention of the sou. | ndon, Ont., Jan, 18.--; i 1] Passed the steamer Tasandrier, two | "8 to Captain am M. Stayton, | nonth, went Over the total allowed | of caution to those who would wipe ernment In order that methods be| 7S completely destroyed Cowan's & days later, she was transferred back | Menaging vice-president of the Na- [by the litense board bt he devised to stop th el {hardware store this morning end | To Be A Reduction, fi Sion ; | tional Association Against the Pro. | . out men who might needéd | in Regards He ree op. income | 22used damage to stock and building | In The French Army| 3 '4 hibition Act. _-- |S a ak, In Be ol devs | | amounting to a quarter of a mithon | ; Circulars were circulated and a NEWS OFF THE WI ern Canada was only settle bo rig: So alive dollars. _ Trafford's furniture stors Paris, Jan. 18.--Andre Maginot Stars Awarded Keepers, Sidrous campaign will be waged. |' IN EE im ores ooo hou te "land Morrison's shoe store also suf-| . Ei fwt y| Cape Vineent, Jan. 18.----Roscos' [Stdyton came to Cleveland today to | joause the in-coming people i i) inister in the new is cation. {fered, and the total damage is ert. | PLONE wai mils " the Dad | House, Buffalo, N.Y., superintendent | formulate plans for carrying on the -- {force thére. Some people say Expressing disapproval of Mant-| mated at four hundred thousand | dy 0 reduce fier army | Of lighthouses In the Tenth"district, fight. : Tidings From Places Far and |wars are over md 1 hope the facturers holding retail sales. | dollars. RAGES iis ro French | dire | has notified W. B, Monten. kerri 7 tr, are daring the drys to fight Near Are Briefly {for no man who has gone thr Endorsing the action of the dom- | ha LL after the Anglo. Sues dition 1~ | the Tibbetts Point light, and Halsey |us on open ground," Captain Stay- | {one wants to go through another inion board regarding the manufac- | pact has been signed. candition 1+ . i " : Recounted. | more than a 'dentist wants hie Germany Makes First MM be th aint ce b: | W. Crappo, keeper of the lights on [ton sald. "We feel that public opin i turers and wholesalers selling to re-| Million Mark J a oy 4 2 GR eats of | the breakwater 'and at Mile Tres |ion has undergone a change and we : : {pulled. In conclusion the G tallers' customers. Payment of 31 on mar S | England o > ay t said | Point, Carleton Island, that they hava [have come to the home of the Anti-| The Citizens' League scored a de- (said, "I want to seé Canada work Asking that all false advertising sin {army corps, Mag 20 ad, eq | Deen awarded the efficiency stars for, Saloon league and into a state that | ¢isive victory in Hull municipal el- her own destiny and be herself be seht to the secretary to be dealt| Paris, Jan. 1S Germany made , Tha New War minister aunouns {1921. This is an honor to the two |was dry before the national amend. | ection. {the end." ) with by the dominion board. her first payment to-day of thirty- |that a reorganization of the French there were only seven determine whether we ar A new type of locomotiva to be £7 ny i | keepers, as e W 3 ment to determine ther we are | , A one million gold marks, according (army, which shortly will be discuss- stars awarded in 'the district right wr It ini has [Elven ninety days' trial on M.C R. ! 1d include the: 8 2 gt or ORE, Opinion: has Brig.-Gen, Ross' Address, to a decision at Cannes, providing (ed by parliament, won - changed in Ohio we will proceed in | line in Ontario & 1, oe. Dr. Ross received: a warm greeting Against Guessing Contests. for payment every ten days pending [larger use of black troops. | Hon, James Murdock is to be un-| other states.", x | New order to be known as Sisters {when he: tone. to respond. He con. -- of Service is planned by the Roman | _ : " he opposed by the Kent farmers in the ¥ gratulated Gen. Macd upon Endorsing action against guessing the decision of the reparation issue, | = Bestowed uU. 8. Medal ! = L( Catholic Church. | | by election. | oronto colored citizens form an | ¢ f i & wg J and lottery contests. Rélating to mail 'order business 3 T . : " " Cork jail wardems were held nization to assist Bullock at be running trades on the Cana- | " and rates. 'NEGRO LYNCHED BECAUSE Upon Malian "Unknown"| The Cork jail wa organiza Buller: ot] pant suming trades on the Srna (said he, ~aihoR poopie ok oie rey , '|up and the prisoners were taken!Hamilton. ! g Bapressing opposition to any fn- {up Pp | A bill has been presented in the day accepted 12 1-2 per cent wage | the world would have been con erease in telephone rates. | : 4 Rome, Jan. 18.--The United Sta- | 4Way. : k | reduction, | within very narrow .limfts indded:" ; That manufacturers mark their | tes today, through its ambassador | By Juss Favelle is willing to german Reichstag to dismantle Two men held up the cashier of | We can best describe Canada as the "goods firsts and seconds so that the | {Richard W. Child, bestowed the con- remain at G.T.R. chairman. ora, {the Provincial government saving | COUNEry with the largest wheat fields, - {grossional médal on the Italian "Un-| ___- nn {bank, at Winnipeg, and escaped |DiEEGSt bridges, and greatest power public may discern the difference. ! . "That all rulings 6 by 'the gov-| The Deed Occurred on Sunday |, oun" who sleeps beneath the na- i Ml lopttems In the world aa wo rae ~ cramonts should conform to the act 8ix Miles From Oklahoma, jtion's shrine in the city. A battalion Feo i : KL: | alexander Metiean and James |80 on and include tramsportation to which they apply. ! Okla. fof United States soldiers To §} | 1osan pleaded guilty at Detroit to |30d Other features and continue to THat the excise tax on the sale of | * {in the ceremony. # | robbing of Canadian mail truck last "5 the same go, + ol is a the hlcoNol to druggists be reduced so as' oo yoo News was) : if : : | | October and getting away with $2;,- ETeatest example of Enalish coloni- fo enable them to manufacturefand| nan. ant { Turkish War Minister | ; [000. |2ation and to what do we attribute r received here today of the lynching FOrmer ] i this result? We owe it to the char- [ proparations at prices In keeping | J Lo] 4 4 P| elk preparat rices | 0f Jake Brooks, negro, Sunday nigh", | Captured in the Caucasus v Ea 3 Ottawa. Dies. |3€t6F of the Immignation' Gahaar h the proprietary medicine hous- i i ; : ho Pp : {six miles from Okiahomp City, Oka | tr a Ottawa, Jan. 18--Joseph Kent, ® With our system look a that of president of the Cantral Canada Fx.|SPaMm our greatest * gompetitor. es, | It is statded that the off&sice which hat Londgh, lan 13 --Mnver Pasha | a hen_the government takes iy 'siieged 10 have committed was | gq, Turkish minister of war,| | { ! : mples of goods Bh wal be re. working as a strike breaker in 2 er ro Te shortly atter | [MFT : [BN | . [hibition Assocation, and a eandidate [PAR When a void Sane. sate sor, anerated lo the value o e packing plant. Another negro ee close of the war, has been cap- YR . a for the mayoralty of Ottawa two, od back the Moors and Jews. So cods. | lynched at Mayo, Florida, yesteruuy. tured in the 'Caucesus, says a de a : ; weeks ago, died yesterday in a local | 20 France, but E d shedurag. acre "AMOS 3 opuich trom. Constantinople today. | || HEE ¥i b 1a 00 me ome or" Conse" sy [o4 1 caso an ave prints HUSBAND AND WIFE. | |: women Dima i CAE RE known lacrosse players. od Sy a ay np ph -- | Moatrony oad Woman's Xame.: | New York, Jan. 18---A - goversi| | riRiSEY Se : [Pritisn cettioment In America ontreal, Jan. 13.----The body off aiarm has been seat to police all over : 3 5 Would ' Examine Walters, | treatment the: women, found dead beside the the east to watch for Mrs. Ella Bull, . 3 3 J Watertown, N.Y., Jan.' 18. Phys. | a' phe th Teg aug tata " | body of Harold Baylis in Lincoln | wit. of a Ridgewood, N.J., bank tell. . sR Fa ical examination of waiters, wait- |. country we have today. apartmonts last Monday, was identi- er. who has wandered from home > ; x ¢ . resses 'and those handling food In ghanieh colonfits {fed to-day, but the Attorney-Gen- while suppusedly sutfering mental } gd : ET "public eating places was recommend- | eral has given permission on the re derangement, according to her hus- 3 x 8 | Quest of a sister, who is to be married | band, Anbrey H. Bull. He said she soon, for the morgue authorities to} was accompsnied by her seven-year- y -- | | withhold the name, ) » {oid daughter and Ralph Costa, 17, F. : + [should be made at least annually, i ------ son of a wealthy neighbor. He sald pail § Dr. Allen proposed. | Charged 'as War Expenditure. » i bo ic Ages ep | Montreal, Jan. 18.--The charges oo Found His "Girl" Married." ' that part of the cost of the Stefans- | : F30 «3 . 'Windsor, Jan. 15.--A dejected- Son Arctic expedition of 1914 was ----rT . ie . y [looking man = waved put down to wer expenditures, be- ; 3 Sta +3 g. ro ae A Theat I | sansa. the estimates for exploration , nusband never hears me (ail: were so much exceeded, wes made ¥R, county ; courts 3 : by. will he 8 reading w paper. --4{by Prof. O'Neill, geologist of McGiN by ] ; i . . the i = i "What'll I do with this ?" he asked, (an Imperial pa { University, who has taken the side | wha A Supsiderasie $ here seen with the Ear indignantly, "I can't use it. 1 el a tendency 'of Dr. Apderson, of Ottawa, | named as._co-respor dent in the ain my gift is already married." . 1 (Continued 3

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