/ 4 WHIG. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1922, THE BRITISH WHIG 89TH YEAR. ee ------ ---- : l BBLE THOUGHT FOR 10-DAY WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD:--And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in theff Synagogues, and preaching the g0s- | pel of the kingdom, and healing all | manner: of sickness and all manner | of disease among the people.--Matts | { hew 4: 23, THE DAILY BRITISH feet, end the construction of power |dams piabmed to convert from the | rapids of the river 5,000,000 horse | | power of electric epergy. Having | | taled to convince the members of | the commission by scientific demon- | strations of the impracticability of | the project, or any considerable | body of business men or transporta- {tion authorities 'of its futil ty, this |- group with wonderfil ingenuity | | turns to the public _in an endeavor {to convert patriotic sentiment to A CONTINUED IMPROVEMENT, A pleasing and significant news despatch from Detroit appeared in the Whig the other day, It told of Bow the merchants in that city were once agath willing to accept the Can. adian dollar at par, "after having, for the past two years, discounted it to the extent of from ten to twenty per cent. This is a sure indication that Canada is making a steady' gain {In its trade and financial dealings 'with the United States, and this gain {ls best reflected in the fact that the | their purpose. official discount on Canadian funds | The Montreal Gazette of Jany. {In New York has dropped to a figure | 14th, contains a lengthy article writ- | A {less than six per cent., the lowest it {ten by B. D. McConnell, M. RE. 1. C., {is _-- uz Lave laws Rimmed. has been since December, 1919, jon the "Georgian Bay Canal Pro- | In this old world's it's hash, | when the exchange rate began to | ject." This %is presented as a coupter | But then, 6h, boy! the thing " soar. \ . jproposal, the chief advantage of | \We surely love is cash! This gain is a fulfillnient of the Ho y | which is that the route is an all-Ca- hed Delly and Sewi-weekly by Prediction thet an improvement in i in nadian the construction of THE Shihis LaMITED WING the trade balance with the United | which will not be "in association | the exchange Een --_ ree ont | States would reduce with an alien government." mau A. Gofla LL ae and rate. For the past six months the | Mr McConnell" describes the pos- Xa aging-Directoe| balance against Canade has steadily | sibilities of developing a twenty-two alnvia Office or TONES: ea] decreased, and °if the rate of im- [foot channel via the Ottawa River, itorial Roomy ..,.. +-+329 provement is maintained the doMar | Lake Nipissing and French Rive to ot both' countries should be on an | Georgian Bay, over a distance of 440 miles, of which approximately BIBBY'S ' | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | | TR = rp AL = | wy BY SAM HILL - Observations of Oldest Inkabitant. I kin remember when the milkman j carted his milk around in big cans {and measured it out with a long: | handled dipper for the customers who j came out to kis wagon with pitchers | and buckets. one, 100 Men's and Young Men's models, splendidly tailored garments; all new models; no has beens in the lot. Sizes ~ 34to 44. Dressy dark Grey Cheviots, dark Green Cheviots, some plain Blue This Date in History. 2h ule Four thausand nine hundred and BUDS CRI TION BATES, | equdl basis by the time the birds re- | ninety-elght years ago to-day y ons | 4 3 20 rd ® year, deiivered in city . turn in spring. {100 miles will require construction. | Conference for Making the 5 oes] One year, if paid in advance i # mo wn 4 % { More Miserable, held in Oshkosh, near | One yoar, by mail to rural off The improvement for the month | There will be twenty-eight miles of Babylon's present site. the income tax | One dr er Bg |of November, as indicated in the canals and sixty-six milés of improv- Was deoilded upon as the most satis. | iv year, hid mall, cash ., $1.00 latest figures made public, are of a ed river navigation. After the whole factory scheme for making men rave | a a 50 | io fini ; ne Year, to nied siti aav nee $130 sumciehiy significant nature to be | scheme is finished we would be just ---- WN REPRESENTATIVES | WOrthy of comment, The imports Calder, 2% SL John St. Montreal! from the United States into Canada WW. THamPLon nici Kieg St W. | decroased by $3,606,000 in compari- the Editor are ans son with the month of October, baie of the which had shown a substantial de- crease over September, showing that dob (hig figire is steadily declining. ©n " [the other hand, the exports from The circulation of THE BRITIsn | (21%d% increased by nearly a million WHIG is authenticaced br the | and a helf dollars over those' of the ABO r | Drevieus moat. Ths Bay am : | the 'lo esired change is king Audit Bureau of Ciebations. | place. a is buying less goods ; | trom the United States, and is, at the OUT-OF-TO FP. Letters to cnly over the actuai writer. Attached is one of the best printing offices in Canada. | where we are now with the St. Law- | | rence, except that we would have an | additional water system for vessels |of twenty foot draft, while the big | lake carriers would continue to ply Arthur and | between Port tawa River from Montreal, When the New Welland is finish- ed we will have deep water naviga- tion between Port Arthur and King- | ston, and with proper transhipping [elevator facilities at Kingston we | | would be in a position to take care of Canada's grain trade without the Buffalo | {making two trips to one via the Ot- | nd swear. | | | | They Keep 2 Death Grip on That, "You don't see many of the clinging | type of women any more," mused the! Old Timer. * { "Huh, you'll] still fina clinging to your money," growled | man who was paying alimony. | { them all the | Extra Special Values "Excuse. it, please." . "Wrong number." in [ ey rty does not answer." | ? | "Your party does : Real Overcoats | Mistakes Will Happen--But on Whom, | : Then, Was Tom Calling? | Wards Most Frequently Heard in Ameriea To-day, "Line's busy." Serges and Fancy Worsteds, / J 1700 Shirts to choose from -- $2.00 and | $2.50 values for | $1.38 |Our Shirt Sale is in full values for $3.00 swing. $1.98 (Marion County (Ky.) Advertiser) | | In the recent Issue, the news item | | from Kermit stating that Thomas | Shortridge was calling on Mifs Pear] Davis was not correct. Our corres- pondent evidently misinformed us. { same time, selling her more of our ii How would it do to fight the next] Canadian products. This would {expenditure of one ddllar on she ar with poison hootch? [seem to indicate that Canadians are | Georgian Bay route until further | buying more Canadian made goods | deepening of the St. hawrence Riv- and that our industries arp gaining (er canals should be decided upon. | ground in the United States market. | The distance from Kingston to Mont- | This condition is a very satisfac- | pea] js 175 miles as compared with | is tory one, and it should act as an | 440 miles from Georgian Bay to | | impetus to the people of Canada 10 | Montreal via the Ottawa River. When [continue this improvement, Can- | we consider that cheap water-borne | freight rates depend upon the speed {at which vessels ean navigate and {upon the draft of the vessels, there | Life In------You Finish the Head. 18 Mo argument that can be advanced | , ; ; | * in favor of the Geongian Bay route. fe ears have ta Sa vei | One year's interest on, say, $100,- For soon it will be time e es d ers £000,000, the lowest possible eati- | To buy her Easter hat. . ; » i ae So A politician is a statesman who 25 ad for oil and etruck gas: The Only Thing Big About. Them is the | Price, } the slic | SENNE--_ A A A A An -- Guess | i The city will know how to hize with Kingston township ar. 'ympa- tl "The original potato was | of a walnut," says a news item. most of the grocers in this neck of the | | woods are still selling the original | | brand of tubers, then" i ne ly from the There are plenty of ynenmployed |ada will benefit, not only from 0) : | y lew, but als owadays who would strike for a job [change point -- Yigw:y ar almost any wages. Om the viewp s pon : Nothing will do more to stimulate -------- | i . Be Science proposes to remove chance | Canadian industry than a whol § E poker, but mist players declare | €arted r = olve to cut down HEpor ' | y they never had one. | fron' the United States to thie lowest | possibile figure, and to transform the | mate for the construction of the . Reference to a man who is ""mgsily | business which formerly went across | Georgian Bay route, invested in | a so iin Sugwiioun. See a man; touched" generally' refers to. his the line to our own native Canadian transhipping elevators and harbor | burning with hdignation should you / Pocketbook nowadays, industries. | improvements at Kingston would be call the Fire Department to put him | ~~ . ! a far better investment during the | wut? No, let him burn, it won't hurt | next twenty years at all events. The | him. | government is not confronted with | i the problem of making a choice be- |! tween the two routes, but with the Rupture Expert | Permanently Located-- No Periodical Visits We are always here. .For forty years we have been fitting Trusses in Kingston. No need for you to go from your home town for expert advice about your individual case. We have the best appliances that are made, and we guaran. tee to secure your rupture and make you comfortable, Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 348 THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. | Wanting Anything done in the car, a. tery line, KE ates given on all kinda Ww work: alse hard kinds. An wrdery t Attention, Shop - are using the Skates that we are offering to the sport and pleasure seeking skaters, Vital statistics show that the most | hazardous occupation # that of be-| ing an innocent bystander f And another reason why men are idle is because there are not cnough * white-collar jobs to go round. : READING THE ADVTS. * Two Kingston women were dis- | cussing newspaper advertisements, "When I turn to the advertising | ; golumns in the British Whig," said | 9u€stion of developing the fullest | Mrs. A, "I read them just as care- | Possibilities of the' present existing {tully as 1 would a description ot i sav eges River, re: 3 5 lace where, by diligent | Fe alu Birth control is g .. m™he {TOW Pp het ee us Boor don't-bellave 1 it, and ihe ch | arching. I might And a bum of gh fers 52 30 qadurion waiver, need the i is Teh | money-=the cold cash Further- [ *8 first duty is to make adequate e come exemption, | more I am not guided'by what I provision for the handling of grain It Debs goes to Russia he wil | Tead at the moment. Itel see some- 2% Jue 100% ot Soap wales when the have an excellent op rtungt b +| thing offered at a price which I know | © and js nished, and for DRONE to 0): | means money-saving, I go to that |Ulis purpose transhipping Slometars | | store with the purpose of buying it [oui Sreeted at Kiagston in aec- a man | 8nd putting it away until my present Jo 8 With plans already approv- hen ho | stock of it is worn out or exhausted. | a termatt : worry (A good bargain is a good bargain at ; So % Satin] c agracter of the ~ lany time. I buy ahead when tig} b= a ne ireat Lakes system saving 'warrants it." 1aXes it incumbent upon the Cana- Mrs. B, confessed that she was not | 4121 government to hold the busi. so forward-looking. 'My reading of [7% belonging to it by providipg | 1 the advts." sNe said, "* is for the [PTOPer facilities, as failure to do go | throu ---- It Surely Does. "Still waters run deep" quoted the ITizhbrow. | 'Yes, and still waters these days | come steep," retorted the Lowbrow, | who bad just closed a deal with: al Footlegger. Our Skates are without an equal. of Soa Our prices without a parallel. Our Health Deparfment. i (Questions answered by the famous Dr, | Quack) | ACH. E--"My throat is raw, what | should I do for it? Try baking it | in & hot oven for an hour or two. | That will probably make it well done. HOCKEY STICKS, PUCKS, STRAPS OUCH--"It hurts me to breathe What would you suggest?' Just sop} breathing. | ARK.--"When I sgeeze, which 1 } ! serve his theories im operation. We have a Club Rate for Hockey Sticks. MOORE'S "PHONE 815 » -- It frequently happens that 'thinks he is a philosopher w '1s merely too darned lazy to The anti-tobaéco crusaders would "De happy if they knew how a good * 'oigar tastes when a fellow has a bad cold : Le i ; t | Will enable American carriers to be- i ; a JTeposs Ot Siding yam 1 Sun ol come feeders for American railways There's one fine thing about |; right mow. Somehow I have # |and American ports, Peace, One can cuss France for her | : "folly without being accused of treas- | fe0ling Yiu @ werehuut ia always ion. TE i trying 'to sell me something whether Vr " {1 want it or not. I always make up » rr rrr , {my mind to buy only what I need " There are always two sides to a end mot to yield to the blandish- « Let us confess frankly that|ments of the announcements about Sun never sets on the English | bargains, I read and shop for the | day only." an Xt. Aa enti | In effect, Mrs. B. regarded adver- 'Bven in a world safe for demoe-§ t ents as temptations. , Mrs. A. », the law and the evidence look | hooked upon them as opportunities. Rictia embarrased in the presence | Of the two, Mrs. A, is the more effici- of a fat purse, b {om housekeeper. Her use of the | fly out. What is the remedy this? [Either quit sneezing or have | frequently do, my false teeth alwaye | | | { | your teeth glued in. { { | told you be. prescriptions D. R. Y--No, I have we cannot issue gh this department. -- News Is News. (Parkers Lane Social Item in Mec. Creary County Record) Ar. and Mrs. P. P. Walker attended | church at Greenwood Sunday. x -. If some of the people we know Walt Mason | were to aigend church the papers, ve > » ore, IN Queen Ntreet. We have consider- . Ns able private funds to nn MoGnARY* Ss loan on real estate , am! Wy Fever pis" 2 only, at lowest cur. rent rates, '7 That makes ug frown, T«J. Lockhart For those . or that's the thing {Weep there is @o comforter like! That keeps up down. ¢ | Real Estate and Insurafice 858 Brock Street, Kingston | { sleep, Sometimes we <hink, wnen| + + --Cincinnati Enquirer, N.B.--We have removed our making hay, there'll be no finisn (0 office to 58 Brock King Street. Would get ott an extra instead of |THE POET PHILOSOPHER glving them just a two-line notice. % nt BALMY SLEEP, | and we are tired and hot and dry. And you are won | | advts, is the same that the manager Ns wag for evening and repose, hat | Youll find the twe | of eny big business makes of his | this long day will never close. And Fou are ona. . : orl Th information concern- Vt the longest day will end, ths --Hastings (Neb) Tribune, | ing conditions that may or Dally Sentence Sermon. affect his undertakings in the future, You can't beat the other fellow's| She makes her money go { in ; » the Y ke him (pla urs. he ws ~ further | plumber doffs his workday garb: the game, so ma yp y yours 4 Ts, B. possibly can. Mrs. A. edvanced another shrewd | | night ds theirs for slamber deep, and News of the Names Club, | there's no comforter dike sleep. This| We should thik they would put observation. "The merchant who ap- | life &s like g Summer day, and we|O. Gemes, of Hughes H. &. Cincin- peflis oftenest to my desire to shop | STOW Weary baling hay. The hours] nati. In charge of athletics instead of for the future is the man who runs | @re, our burdems all, making hm an instructor of English. the best store and offers the best goods, He is availing himself of two We learin that Carl Valentine lives at Bellview, N. M. Is he a comic? asks H. 8, who sends In the name. markets--ito-day's-and the future's. ; = . Adds Others to Em, 31 Ive bua seuss Souk ie do fat, Jo A doctor Bag mu Dearth bas ability run ore on the He finds in all our ills beat Hmes., 1 favor the merchant No cause to weep, but just who advertises oftenest, with the '0 fade a little when sub-| greatest regularity, and in the great. Jare mentioned. : jest detail. From my reading of ad- the day; the sun is lagging in the sky, | 4rd when you're wed Street (near s ------ "Those who deplore tho lack of rty seem to think # should be as to got money out of a bank as is to put it in. a hick is any man, even a wise who lives in a town smaller that inhabited by the foo] who the talking. ---- 'The dollar's buying power judged L Pre-war standards, jumped from to 65¢c m 1921; eo the vear did, 0 good turn, t ---- es © Bade nations put on when greed to scrap battleships AT REDUCED PRICE BUNT'S Hardware, King St. Toe tish National Theatre Society was forme@ with the object of establish- ing a purely Scottish tdeatre in Glasgow, Death of David Bigg. David Bigg passed away at Picton on Saturday. Mr. Bigg had been &t- tending to his business up to Wednes- day when pneumonia developed and the end came on Saturday. The: de- | ceased was in his sixty-sixth year and was born in Prince Edward coun'y. Better Keep an Antidote Handy. A AA Acts, "I see they have threatensd the life of & prohibition commissioner," ob. served Brown. "'Smatter, have they demanded x y Thay he sample all the bootleg liquor SARE ; re . < -. e captures? asked Jones: Had Thirty. Cleveland, . Ohio, Jan. 18.---Mrs. Mary Di Gregorio, of Cleveland, claims to be the mother of thirty The Greatest Problem of the Breakfast Table is COFFEE Use our Java and Mocha Blend and the problem is sat- istactorily and pleasantly solved. Roasted on the premises -- ground daily -- and the price 0 cents, Some one always spills the beans, wo Bet the worst of every deal, ana we not Beal, and so We grumble through the day, in our Poor foolish human way. But night | approaches amd the dark i out all the cares that cark: no more we'll labor in the sun and count ths | Wages wé have won; no more well sow, 10 more we'll reap; the great est comforter ds sleep. ~--WALT MASON. He could drown you in & spoonful of water, 1 > fish till it gets \ ES, our coal win make you merry in January and also in February #d you will forward Mareh to April in a pleasant framg of mind if you burn oar coal, Now that is promising a lot but you just try it, A chance to gemd us bills. i | vertisements I know enough about We Pass a Greok stand|them to understand thet the store y are stacked with the red | which puts out sloppy advis. or Out and all nicely polished, we | which adventives at irregular inter-- vals fm a hit-or-miss way is the store most apt to give me hit-or-miss goods," : ---------- OPPOSING DEEP WATERWAY = SCHEME, The opponents of the deep water- Way are starting their propagande in Canada to prevent parliament gc- coping the proposal of the Interne- tional Waterways Joint Commission for the deepening of the St. Laws rence River to a depth of thirty-five Do not bless gs to the land, ! Physicians declared rid's record fn moth- erhood. \ Mrs. DI Gregorio = was morried when sixteen, she declared. Her oldest child is twenty-two and her youngest nine months, she said. known to -------- It's no secret that's three, Be London, Jan. 18.--At a meeting held in Glasgow yesterday s dect-| | sion was' reached to continue the movement aiming at the develop- ment of the Scottish national drama. movement was launched some threak of the war, - : the meeting yesterday the Scot- : b . | | Crawford Scranton Coal Phone 9. Foot of Quesn Bt. 3