wb BR A SE MT eg DR FO 4 Ls ST MOET 9 gE Within 5 Minutes of Everything Worth While | Hotel Breslin, Broadway at 29% St. New Pork An High Class Hotel with Moderate Rates nes Popular priced Club Breakfasts A Cafeteria--the last word in up-to-dafpness-- just opened RATES Single Room with bath Double Room with bath - - $3.00 6.00 'Was B Me. Aluyobuld wot on r. Joba ald 's A of hair, Al Mes, ly long lied Many other prove is reliable. bear ofl and other ht ingredients. LKO fs for men's, women's and ple . You may obtain & box of genuine Kotalko ot any busy drug store. Or mail 10 cents for k ha cwth AT COMPANY, Lid HB.8, TORONTO FAGE DISFIGURED WITH PIMPLES ItchedandBurned. Scarce- lySlept. Cuticura Heals. ins Pimples affected my face. They were large and always festered, and they were scattered all over my face. They afterwards €) turned into scales and Ry when they fell off they left big marks until my face was disfigured. They itched and burned so that g I scarcely slept at all, "I had been bothered for nearly two months before I started using Cuticura, and after I had used three boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuticura Sosp I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss L. Bs St. Basile, Que., June 6, 1918. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet Diatment 285 and 508. Sold fain Se Paul St. Montreal. Soap shaves without mug. ons | L A change of time will be 'made on Sunday, Janu- ary 22nd, 1922. For par- ticulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY, C.P.and T A. G. T. Ry. KINGSTON, ONT. UN RD ANCHOR I ANCHOR-DONALDSON AebULAK SK VION Fortiand--Halitax--Glasgow m Portland From Halifax . 2]Apr, 13 ssandra Mar, {|Apr.1§ 30 Apr. 1 ow Algeria ® and Hambourg : "Jan. 23/Mar. 9 Saxonia Ap . Caronia 'cuxarn CANADIAN SERVICE SUMMER SAILINGS 1922 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL May 6/Jure 10/July 15 .. May Hilise 24jJuly 29 July 8|Aug. 12|Sept. 16 Montreal to Plymouth, and Londo y 13 Ray if _ NN. GLASGOW (via Mcville) D 21 Feb. 28]Apr. 1 Algeria 5 2 HE Ausonia herbourg n Jjune 17{July 22 ....Andania July 1llAug. § Antonia Y. iH 5|May 6lJune 3 ...... Cameronia to Q'town and Liverpool b. Fe 2 Cameronila t Gi w, N.Y erbuurg, Shmptom Fe, Trot: 28{Mar. 1 T, 21 .Aquitania » Plymouth, Cherbourg and i Hambourg 2 ¥iar. oossiiarerinsinis Saxonia $i{May 13|June 17 Caronia Does not call at Cherbourg. to i erry, Liverpool and 4lapril 18{May 23 . POR BUSINESS MEN Returns all your inoney -- | and more at maturity, in i- to protection for the aig THE The Story of Carol Kennicott By SINCLAIR LEWIS ™ a Carol sprang up, whimpering, |patted her 'Oh, they didn't' do that!" They| waistcoaf, didn't poke fun at my feast, that I| went down to look at the furnace, ordered so carefully for them! And! yawned, and clumped up-stairs to! my little Chinese costume that I bed, casually scratching his thick | was so happy making--I made it{ woolen unders secretly, to surprise them. And|- Til ue bawled, they've beep ridiculing it, all this|coming up ro bed?" yawned, wound the clock, ! . : } "Aren't you ever | she sat MAIN STREET | head,' 'unbuttoned his! i i ™ a hirt | i DAILY BRITISH WH Ee -- miapo-- . 7 Lan aN o\ a N Sah ARNRNEER We / 7 0p - 2 i a / ANY LEANN ne fd ONS INE / HS an ad i ES aN } ea i ~ Loli REY N TWN ' > +R ~ / ANRTRAREL aa 2 MNT es SN NH < . NN 8 = = rs 7 1 JR AW tN NN WS TNA on IRR RN ana RN SRY AR Ta a WY MR nt Wa BONS 3 DIE a nN . 23 ahs : Am *\ 1 Ade : A N, ~ Wer x oy ! LE el, Pal 0 I ---- ---------- convin. | Cone while!" She was huddled on the couch: Vida was stroking her hair, mut- tering, 'I shouldn't----+4" Shrouded in shame, Carol did not {know when Vida slipped away, The jclock's bell, at half past five, arous- {ed her, "I must get hold of myself | before Will comes. I hope he never {knows what a fool his wife is. | Frozen, sneering, horrible hearts." {- Like g very small, very lonely girl {she trudged up-stairs, slow step by istep, her feet dragging, her hand {on the rail. It was not her husband {to whom she wanted to run for pro- {tection--it was her father, her smil- |ing understanding father, dead these {twelve years. III. Kennicott was yawning, stretched {in the largest~chair, between the [radiator and a small kerosene stove. Cautiously, "Will, dear, I wonder if the people here don't criticize me sometimes? They must. I mean: if they ever do, you mustn't let it bother you." | "Criticize you? Lord, I should {say not. They all keep telling me | you're the swellest girl they ever saw." | | "Well| I've just fancied---- The | merchants probably think I'm too! {fussy about shopping. I'm afraid] land and Mr, Ludelmeyer." | "I can tell you how that fis. I didn't want to-speak of if, but since] you've brought it up: Chet Dash- | away probably resents the fact that | you got' this new furniture down in| the Cities instead of here. I didn't] want to raise any objections at th: time but---- After all, I make my money here and they naturally ex- pect me to spend it here." "It Mr. Dashaway will kindly teli me how any ciyilized person can furnish a room dut of the mortuary pieces that he calls--* She re- membered. She said meekly, "But I understand." "And Howland and Ludelmeyer--- Ob, you've probably handed 'em al few roasts for the bum stocks they carry, when you just meant to Joily 'em. But rats, what do we care! This is an independent town, nct like these Eastern holes where you have to watch your step all the time, and live up to fool demanis and social customs, and a lot of old tabbies always busy eriticizing. Everybody's free here to do what he wants to." He said it with a flourish, and Carol perceived that ae believed it. She turned her breath of fury into a yawn. "By the way, Carry, while we're talking of this: Of course I like ta keep independent, and I don't be- lidve in this business of binding yourself to trade with the man that trades with you unless You really want to, but some'time: I'd bs just as glad if you dealt with Jonson or Ludelmeyer. as much as you can, instead of Howland & Goul?, who €0 to Dr. Gould every last time, and the whole tribe of 'em the same way. I don't see why I should be paying out my good money for groceries and having them pass It on to Terry Gould!" "I've gone - to Howland & Gould because they're better, and cleaner." "I know. I don't mean cut them out entirely, Course Jenson. ix tricky--give you short weight and Ludelmeyer is a shiftless old Dutch hog. But same time, I mean let's keep the trade in the family when- ever it is convenient, see how I mean ?" : "I see." "Well, guess it's about time to turn in." He yawned, went out to look at - | shoulders. I bore Mr. Dash way and Mr. How- |. uEnioy) ing. ---- | on CHAPTER IX | 1 i She had tripped into the meadow | {to teach the lambs a pretty educa-| {tional dance and found that thel |lambs were wolves. There was no | | way out between their pressing gray | She was surrounded by| | fangs and sneering eyes. | She could not go on enduring the! {hidden derision. She wanted to flee. | | She wanted to hide in the generous | | indifference of cities, She practised | |saying to Kennicott, "Think perhaps | I'll run down to St. Paul for a few | days." But she could not trust her-| self to say it farelessly; could not | abide his le questioning. Reform the town? All she want- | ed was to be tolerated! | She could not look directly at peo-| pM. She flushed and winced before | citizens who a week ago had been | amusing objects of study, and in! their good-mornings she heard a | cruel sniggering. | She encountered Juanita Haydock | at Ole Jenson's grocery. She be-| sought, "Oh, how do you do! Heav-| ens, what beautiful celery that is!" | "Yes, doesn't it look fresh. Har- | ry simply has to have his celery on| Sunday, drat the man!" , { Carol hastened out of the shop ex- | ulting, "She didn't make Tun of me | Did she?" We i In a weék she had recovered from | consciousness of insecuriw, of shame | and whispered notoriety, but she kept her habit af avoiding people. | She walked the streets with her head | down. When she spied Mrs. McGan-| am or Mrs. Dyer ahead she crossed | over with an elaborate pretense of! looking at a billboard. Always she | was atting, for the benefit of every| one she saw---and for the benefit of the ambushed leerin did not see, She perceived that Vida" Sherwin | had told the truth. Whether she] entered a store, or swept the back | porch, or stood at the bay-window | in the living-room, the village veep- | ed at her. Once she hail swung | along the street triumphant in mak- ing a home. Now she glarced at] each house, and felt, whea sho was! safely home, that she had won past | a thousand enemies armed with rid-| |icule. She told herself that her sen- sitiveness was preposterous, but dai- ly she was thrown into panic, She saw curtains slide back ints inno- cent smoothness. Qld women who had been entering their houses slip- ped out cgain to stare at her---in the | wintry quiet she could hear them tiptoeing on their porches. When she hal for a blessed hour forgotten the searchlight, when sha went scampering through a chill dusk. ! happy in vellow windows against | gray night, her heart checked as she | realized that a head covered with a shawl was thrust up over a snow-ti ped bush to watch her. | 5 eyes which she | P- | nate \ " NV N CI TITRESS PAN 1G. YHURSDAY, JANTART, 19, 1500, = ea. a REE. SRNR RRNA TN = ARRAS A --_-- AI TI RR NT RR W SAN = © ION Sig Aw - IRR = AN \ LAN YN Wh AA TINEA NLL SRW La RR ET ato Na A HEE ARNT EER AN SNE J TE Nae Ss nn No \ TA \ 4 Say wi TN Ww \\ ae x hike 1p 0 b> 1 im SF ae ORY Wy A \ MAR > SLR 1 N SW ~~ » AN vy AN LY . R 12 Zo wY, ¢ Yrs. . 5 N hi it { Wy \ A ' \ AN "HBG our winter-time dairy Blizzards cannot delay it -- nor storms retard its delivery to your kitchen ~ Fa io, BLIZZARD! Ice storm! Roads blocked! Milkman delayed! NO MILK!" Aren't you in danger of that sort of thing every day in Winter? Can't you just remember days when you honestly didn't know how to 'a through--because the milkman hadn't come? : But if you had a few tins of ST. CHARLES MILK on the pentry shelf--yon could afford to smile at the storm! Delicious! Who'¢some! Inexpensive! Good for every purpose milk is required for! and THERE! Ready at hand! Waiting for you, storm or no storm. Be sure you have a supply of ST. CHARLES in the house this very day. Order from your grocer. ? Do you get tired of the same dishes? Then send for the Borden Cook-book, t's fll of new and delicious recipes. FREE upon request. The Borden Company Limited, Montreal ' CHARLES MILK With The Cream Loft In" She admitted that she was herself too seriously; tka: v gape at every one. phy. elmeyer's. The grocer, his been giggling about They halted, babbled about onions. guilty. That evening when Lyman Casses, their hosts flustered at their arrival, 80 hang-dog, Lym?" The tittered feebly. was certain. She knew the thermometer, slammed the door, WARNING! Unless you see the name not getting Aspirin at all, Accept only an Aspirin," € "unbroken package" of which contains directions and d physicians during 22 years and proved safe Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. ts, you are 'Bayer" on table Why take chances? yer Tablets worked out e by millions She became plac- id, and thought well of her philoso-| But next morning she had a| shock of shame as she entered Lud- and neurotic Mrs. Dave a ed of no doctor's wife." They often looked embarrassed, | "14: One man's as good as another Carol cott took her to call on the erach Kennicott jovially hooted, "What makes you taking | ould not control her suspicion, illagers | cOUld not rise from her psychic col- " "|lapse. Bhe alternately raged and flinched at the superjority of the merchants. They did not know that they were being rude, but they meant to have it understood that clegk, they were prosperous and "not scar- had tet | 8nd a darn sight bettér." This Kenai. | BOU0. however, they did not com- ety | eR to farmer customers who had seemed | 124 crop failures, The Yankee (merchants were crabbed; and Ole Jensen, Ludelmeyer, and Gus Dahl, Cases from the "Old Country," wished to ibe taken for Yankees. James Mad- Except Dave Dyer, Sam Clark, ana | 1500 Howland, born in New Hamp- Raymie Wutherspoon, there were no merchants of whose welcome Carol that read mockery into greetings but she shire, and Ole Jenson, born in Swed- en, both proved that they were free American citizens by grunting, "I don't know whether I got any or not," or "Well, you can't expect me to get it delivered by noon." It was good form for the custom- ers to fight back. Juanita Haydock cheerfully jabbered, "You have it there by twelve or I'll snatch that fresh delivery-boy bald-headed." But Carol had never been able to play the game of friendly rudeness; and now she was certain that she would never learn it. She formed the cowardly habit of going to Axel Hgge's. (To be Continued.) she ------n in eo VERONA NEWS BUDGET, Several Burials -- An "At Rome" Held in Grant Hall. : Verona, Jan, 16.--The body of the late Wilklam Grant, Watertown, N. Y., was brought here for buria: on Jan, 11th. The funeral was held. from the home of his niece, Mrs, A. Mrs. B. M. Yorke fell one day last Week and was removed to Kingston for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. F. Latohky, Cleve- land, Ohio, spent a few days at Mrs. Arthur Ryder's of by for the holidays. The hosts were Mrs, W. D. Percy, Mrs. L.. H. Craig and Mrs, S. Asselstine and an enjoy- able evening was spent in games and «dancing, after which a' dainty repas; was served. Wilfred Craig and Fenwick Cur- rea have returned to the Dental Col- lege at Toronto. The funeral of the late John Gre- ham was held at the Methodist church on Jan. 7th at 11 am. The body will be left in the vaul: unin spring. Mr. Graham had many frienas and had been an Orangeman for the past forty years. He leaves three sons, Roy, John and William, all of Verona, atid one daughter at home. The remains of the late Mrs. r. Blackhurst, Gananoque, were brought here for burial on Jan. 10h, Mrs, Blackhurst was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Grant, C. A. Percy, of the Parham branch of the Merchants bank has been transferred to Pembroke branch to a senior position. Mr. and Mrs. Zara Ball spen* Sunday at John Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Danford Lakins, Petworth, spent Sunday at G. A. Lakins'. Gen Reynolds, Parham branch of the Merchants Bank, spent the weex end at home. Messrs. Dillon and Mills have begun shipping a quantity of fedspar from their property at Faur- teen Island lake. The ka Wnt and Spar So. is loading fedspar on the siding. Mrs. James Hosey, Nap- anee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Ryder. John Welsh, Dover township clerk has resignéd, after forty-five years' : RTT SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL hooping Cough, MATHITU'S SYRUP isa vas of Cert ; when Solas, of suchagrave tr aferior preparation. MATIEU'S SYRUP fs the putation hag hw miy Important Re Your Storage Battery Now that the cold weather has set in we wish to announce that we are prepared to look after your BATTERY for tho Winter, 2 TELEPHONE or WRITE and get full particulars as to What is needed to be done to your Battery. Experts on Generators, Motors, Magnetos and Lighting Systems. Give us a try-ont. We guarantee our work. ~ Willard Service Station. I. LESSES 19 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1340, The San Francisco mint coins ap- proximately 260,000 silver Qolign] daily, = A dummy for use in dancing in struction is one of the latest inven tions