FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1929. | THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS]: E. P. JENKINS MUST RAISE CASH QUICKLY AND TO DO SO IS OFFERING HIS ENTIRE $30,000 STOCK OF Men's and Boys' Clothing, "A SALE THAT WILL STARTLE THE PEOPLE OF KINGSTON AS NEVER BEFORE. COME EARLY! COME OFTEN! BUT IT WILL PAY" YOU. Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Etc. TO THE PEOPLE OF KINGSTON AT PRICES IN MANY CASES LESS THAN ACTUAL COST You Must Come Early To Get the Cream of the Bargains, As the High Quality of the Goods and the Remarkable Low Prices Assure a Quick Selling of This Stock. SO COME EARLY AND OFTEN : NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT IN CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS, YOU WILL FIND IT HERE. WE HAVE IGNORED THE FORMER PRICES. WE WANT TO TURN THE STOCK INTO CASH QUICK. | i Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 21st, at 9 a.m. PRICES THAT WILL MAKE COMPETITION CRINGE, BUT WHO CARES? COME AND SEE. IT WILL BE WORTI{ WHILE, READ - $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Odd $7.00 Men's Heavy Wool Pants $7.50 Men's Fine Pants . . $4.50 $4.00 Boys' Wosl Sweater $2.50 Boys' Wool Sweater J [I] ACT . 75c¢. Fine All Wool Rib Hose -- Maroon and Cream $1.25 Boys' Fine Shirts . . .69¢c. $2.50 Men's Flannelette Night Shirts (soiled) $7.50 to $13.50 Men's Silk Shirts : $5.75 1 $2 and $2.50 Soft Felt Hats ...$1 98c. | 35¢ Men's Cotton Work Sox 19¢. Come See For Yourself $1.25 Men's F leege-lined Under- $1.75 Men's Fleece-lined Under. $ | 50 Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers $1.00 Fine All Wool Rib Hohn: Black, Brown and Grey . 69c. 50c. Men' 8 Wool Sox, heavy 29c¢, 65¢. Men's Sox, Llama finish 39¢ $2.00 and $2.25 Men's Fine Shirts $1.13 $2.50 Men's Fine Shirts . .$1.39 | $3. 00 Men's Fine Shirts, woven Stripe--$3.00 line ....$1.69 $1.50 Men's Work Shire .89c¢. $1.85 Men's Work Shirts . $1.19 Your Gain The Sterling Reputation of fo Our Loss Which This Store Bears B Bo of Yor ny Which Th BE SURE OF THE PLACE "THE SALE OF SALES" Men's and Boys' Clothing and Everything Goes . '- Why We Are Holding Having found our stock of Clothing, Furnishings, etc., too heavy by thousands of dollars, we have decided to conduct a sale that will be the most de- cided, the-most drastic selling event of its kind ever held in Kingston. This sale will in- clude every article in our store and we have marked the prices so low that the most skeptical buyer will say THIS IS A SALE FORMER PRICES ARE ENTIRELY IGNORED You will be doing yourself an injustice if you consider buying Clothing, Fuurnish- ings, ete., of any kind without first seeing the values in this Sale. We expect Big crowds, so our advice to you is to "COME EARLY AND BUY FOR FUTURE NEEDS, as these prices will never be so low again. 'Every article sold is guaranteed Big Value and Sat- isfaction or YOUR MONEY BACK. (Signed) " E. P. JENKINS KE. P. JENK a BE HERE EARLY SATURDAY MORNING BUY $2.50 Men's Overalls . $1. 691 $1.25 and $1.50 Men's Assorted $1.75 Men's Scotch Knit Wool Gloves, Woollen $1.13 | 50c to $1.00 Men's Mufflers 25¢. $1.75 Men's Wool Shirts--34, 25c¢. Stiff Collars, 1.1 $2.50 and $500 Men's Combt $3 Men's Sweater Coats $1 75 $20 Men's Tweed Suits $12.85 15¢c. Men's Hardkerchicfs-- i 3 for 25¢. | $30 Men's Tweed Suits $16.85 Only a Few Items Mentioned Here $1.25 Men's Caps' $2.00 Men's Caps 75¢. Men's Mitts, lined-- and Worsted Suits ._,.$24.95 All Men's Overcoats . Half Price $9.00 Boys' Suits . . ... $15.00 Boys' Suits 50c. Men's Ties $1.00 Men's Ties $1. 50 Men's Ties aisleinin a New Specials Daily Come $7.00 Heavy Wool Sweater Coats A Genuine Sale? Nota Sale To Clear Out a Few Has-Beens and e Store Will Be Sold At Such Re- ye , And See For Yourself!. Odd Lines, But E 0 ductions Well, First. : es |"THE BETTER VALUE STORE" +35. 00 and $40.00 Men's Tweed All Boys' Overcoats , Half Price.