Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1922, p. 15

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | SPORTING NEWS | Civil Service Wins Again. Civil Service continued their win- | | ning streak in the senior league by | defeating the Frontenac aggregation | by 2 to 2, in a very close game at the Jock Harty Arena on Thursday | night. Both teams showed semark- | able form, and the play was fast and! clean up to the last bell. Freeman, | Nicholson and Quinn handed out the | fireworks for the winners, while Driscoll and Ahearn put up a good | game for the losers, 'In Teeple and | Quinn, the city league have two | dandy goalies, and with a little more | i experience in higher company would | stand up even better, The teams: 20 On Tuesday evening an- interesting game of hockey ee | Jan At The Allen. other For those who want a sure-fire ro- |'was playe retween the Bachelors ¢ipe for the blues, "The Way of a lend Indeper 18, resulting in a Maid," starring Elaine Hammerste'n, | score of 2 to 1. in favor of the for- will provide # at the Allen theatre | mer. : to-day, where this delightful light | Lanedowne and AM-Stars played com.dy drama opened yesterday. In | hockey on the local rink last even- the captivating role of Nadia Castle- | ing, Lansdowne going down to de- ton ,orphan and society heiress, M.«s | feat in a score of 9 to 3 Hemmerstein added another sucedss | George Cotton, son of Malcolm to her Hst.- I'n nono of her former Cotton, Sydenham street was taken achievements has she established to Kingston General Hospital on herself more completely in the hea=ts Tuesday night, suffering from eppen- of her followers than she will this [dicitls. The lad worked until six evening. An Harold Lloyd comedy, | o'clock, was taken to the hospital | the uptodate Fox News and ths and the operation performed by Frontenacs--Goal, Teeple; . de-! popular "Hurricane Hutch" semai jeleven o'clock the same night. fence, Taylor and Driscoll; centre, ! completes one of the most interesting | Miss Emma Gordon, a student of IC. Woed; wings, w. Wood and | programmes seen at the Allen in a Gananoque high school, was taken | Apegarn: spare, Peppiatt. : } long time.--Advt, jto Kingston General Hospital on | Civil Servi Goal, Quink: ; | Wednesday, Sugg from an acute | tence, Nicholson ang Angrove, { attack of appendicitis. tre, Freem ; " | - At Griffin's. , | George Toner, game and fisheries Moris Lad, Fass Josssoy and} Another delighted audience a ~ | inspector. is undergoing treatment | Retire res Be iin | tended the Griffin theatre last even- | 4 ine Kingston General Hospital, - | ; i ing, where that well known classic | Local ice dealers have begun the | Young Irishmeq Victors. AND ALL NEXT WEEK Ten Nights ina Barroom", was The Young Irishmen ropped | Red 107 Its eight performance Ice harvest and ia is *olieving ®/ '© persent 2 » | quite an extent the unqmployment | through to lean-out victory of 5.0 | GHTER y In this city. As the days roll by an 2] : over Portemoct ry rie SLAU SALE OF LADIES . - OXFORDS and PUMPS situation, the different audiences depart from {of the city league on Thursday even- | For One Week we will make a big clean-up of the theatre the comments heard. oo The W.M.S. of Grace Methodist eatre nis he «(church held a successful tea OD ling the game being played at St. | all eides, are nothing but those of | Mary's rink. The play was : Oxfords and Evening Slippers -- all wonderful bargains. White and Black red f in the church the highest. A prominent Clarence | Inureday afternoon in the Forside BL ON never Brown and Black Oxfords, Cloth, Patents and street banker and hls wife, ator | Parlors. due to the small | Satin Pumps, Gold and Silver 'etithusiastic and thinks it is one of [ning full time, and turning out some | which are the favorites for the city id At the regular mecting "of the defence, Cook and Angrove; centre, de- cen- | SATURDAY--TOMORROW MORNING S 4% ns tna. 4 held i | viewing the picture, stated that they | A very successful euchre was {Tink and neither side could get away | . Ki : . . Less Than & Price | champianship, ' u last evening under the auspices of [for much opem work, as there was were HITS Lah Jotiahtad, au wel} as | 10a Triple Link Club, D. of R. {always someone, of either side, in| ae the story. Anoth r| Alfred Kenny, an employee of the [the way. Some good stick-handling | i ro "Il ets that I was ra- | 'ocal spring factory, has been sent was dished up by both sides, but the | Sp Dio ws take it in |to the Oshawa branch plant, which {Irishmen clearly had the most of | unless something goes 1 95 | Wrong out of the "ken of the fans. RE WE IROT a Black Satin Pumps, $8 to $12 ty an $3. | Logan In goal and Millan;and B. Ap. } Patent and Kid Rumps, $10 to $12 wieinte niet $3.95 grove on the offensive end are ga . : | combination which will take consid- Gold and Silver Pumps, $15.00 reste. $6.95 | erable beating. The teams: 3 : | White Satin Pumps, $13.50. ......... $4.95 Patent and Kid Pumps, low heels, $ 10, $ $2.95 or not" but upon seeing it was mos | is opening. The local plant is Tub- | tho play. The winners have a teain} the greatest pictures ever produced [fifty tons of springs a week. Condenin the Action. Young Irishmen--Goal, Logan; Brown Calf Oxfords, $5.00 for . . ids $3.10 " li " will| The annual meeting. of the South w Tar: a gue il | Leeds and Pittsburg Nelaphvae Some addition to which the of- | pany was held on Wednesday after- an Of the Sovereign Grand | Doon at the eanoe club Batse, Lodge 1.0.0.F, convention at Toron:) last September will also be scree . At this Saturday's matinee vy ohild attending will receive a fro ticket for the following Saturday, when a big special attraction is va Tiades and Tabor council held on |B. Angrove; wings, Brown and Mil- Thursday evenins a resolution was|lan; spares, Devlin and Ahearn, passed condemning the ation taken! Portsmouth--Goa), Montgomery; the bill.~--Advt. { by the Retail Merchants Association, Benen | while in convaaica on Wednesday, kt Spn's advt. for Dee emis & Son's adv tion Act, thé eight-hour day and the Hon, J. ri. Kifig, minister of pub- minimum wags for female workers. lie works in British Columbia, re-jCopies of the resolution passed will cently named for the federal port-|be sent to the Ontario Government. folio of public works, will be offersd - tho nomination in Kootenay, B.C. Special twenty per cent. discount He who lives with the wolf learns | off ware at to howl. aluminum and enamel Lemmon & Son's. E. LUCKIN VETERANS MEAT MARKET Nt i ty. Corner Princess and Clergy Sts. Extra Specials For Thrifty Shoppers WESTERN BEEF Oven Roasts 124c¢ Ib. Boneless Rolls 10c Ib Rump Roasts . 16¢ 1b Choice Young PORK Shoulders . . 20c. Ib. oasts, any weight .. .24¢ Ib. Sausage . . ...20¢ Ib. ---- BUTTER PURE LARD 3 Ib. pails 49c¢. ------ POTATOES Choice, white 29¢ pk. JAM : 4 1b. pails . . . . 57. regarding the Workmen « Compensa- | | defence, Ralph and Graham; centre, { Grant; wings, McDonald and For- | Sythe, | Referee --Ray Marchand. | -- { Junior 0.H.A. Game. | Kitchener 6, Guelph 4. i -- { K. A A A. Were Winners, K. A AA hockey team was the | winner of the senior city league game | on Thursday evening when it de- | feated the Royal Canadian Horse Ap- tillery team by a score of 4 to 0. The game was a good exhibition al- though the play was somewhat one- sided, | Kingston Rinks Tost. | The two Kingston rinks skipped iby M. P. Reid and George Hanson | were defeated in the Ontario Tank- ard competition held in Napanee 'on Thursday afternoon and evening. M. P. Reid lost to Skip Maybee of Nap- |anee by 22 to 14 and Skip George {Hanson who was matched with Dr, | Leonard, Napanee, was down three points. Napanee were winners of the preliminary event, and Belleville put Campbeliford out of the run- ning, so it meant that Napanee and Belleville would play of for the championship, When the Kingston curlers left Napanee, Belleville curl- ers were leading. Picton curlers failed to appear at the rink en Thursday. \ i H. W. Newman Won Game. | A.W. Newmap asa 7, C {brook played in the single competi- j ton at the curling rink on Thursday | evening, and the former won out by a score of 13 to 7. Will Have Strong Team. On Friglay morning it was ane urunced that the following weuld be the Hne-up for the Queen's interme- diate O.H.A. tear which will meet Brockville in the O.H.A. game at the Hasty, arena this evening: Goal, Harry McNeil! ana Brown; defence, McKelvey and MeDhonald; centre, Jack Woodru's: wings, Battersby, Gibson, Campbell and Wright. The Queen's . boys are confident of vie- tory. Queen's Senlov Team, The team whiche, will represent 37¢. Ib. em---------- FRESH EGGS 48c. dozen ------ BACON 29c., machine sliced SUGAR 10 Ibs. 75c. ARREIG CHEESE 24c. Ib. -------- - -- sil TEA Our own blend 33¢ Ib * |Lipton's.....50clb Salada .., ..50¢ Ib Catchup, quarts 23c. BURG Lamb Chop . . . 18. 10c. Ib. ----e ~------1 Pork Chop . .. .23c. 1 Peas, 1 Corn, and : 1 Tornatoes . . 40c,| | Ome-made Savage PURE LARD | Cooked Tripe ..12c. Winers . . .....20e. 16¢. Ib. LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW PHONE 183 Queen's University in "the opening game of the senior Intercollegiate Hockey Union against 'Varsity. on Saturday afterndon will he by no maans the strongest outfit that could have been picked. On Friday morn- itg the following pi.yers were aske @d to be in readiness : to leave for Toronto on Friday noon- Smith, i x Ham- | Black Kid Oxfords, $6.00 for HUNDREDS OF PAIRS TO SELECT FROM. THE BIGGEST PUMP AND OXFORD SALE 4 ean 08a $3.95 WE EVER HELD {mm Er ------------------------ Ritchie, Nelson, Brown, Carroll, yWartman, Stewart, McNeill and rown. McNeill and Brown will be the goal tenders. Harry McNeill "ill play with the intermediate team this evening against Brock- ville, and will take the mid-night train for Toronto.' It had been ex. pected that "Jaek™ "MeKelvey ang ' Jack" Woodruff wou;d have been picked for the sentur team. Nelson and Smith have not bayed a game this season. A ---- Curling Games Postponed, A number of the games in the club series, scheduled to be played at the local rink on Thursday, had to be called off on account of some of the skips and players being out of the ty with the tankarq rinks. One 8ame in the club series Was played, {and resulted in J. Matheson winning from 8. R. Bailey by a score of 14 to | 7. The rinks were: : | Lu C. Lockett T. A. Kidd P. D. Lyman R. J. Wilson {J. M."Farrell S. W. Dyde J. Matheson SR. Bailey ---skip 14. --skfb 7. Game yal Military College rink last evening the K.A.A. senior city hockey team defeated the R.C.H A. team 4 to 0. The soldiers put up a fame fight and showed a big im- provement over their last exhibition but could not, withstand the attack of the more experienced clubmen, At the Palace rink Riversides gave the AO.H.a7t0 0 washout in a sen- lor series game. The team from the east of the city outclassed the HI- berndans in every deparirient and | plied up the score mentioned before their opponents ®0t well started. The R..C erEE fie feed iis 8 { £ is 4 4 i { Fg § i i i i 2 ; : il i HEHE pestis ssbensl : i § 3 E il iy jf" Te -- px; sube., Fredericks and Patterson, { Referee--Mr. Gelley, R.M.C. The junior game, Circle-Six vs. Regiopolis, was a listless exhibition as the winners scored almost at will, The Regiopolis boys are {00 small individually although they deserve great credit for thelr pluck. The Cirele-8ix, even without Arkley, Mac- Pherson and Leggett, who starred for K. C. I. during" the afternoon, showed all their ability with everyone on the ecoring column except "Ping- pong" Macdonald, the goalkeeper, The team is trying to negotiate games with Verona and Sydenham Jundors and also challenge any team 'in the oity with players all under seventeen years. Circle-Six--Goal, Macdonald: de- fence, Hartley and Patterson; centre, Nobes; wings, 0. Morris and Reid; spare, Fdir, fence, Tetro and McCarthy; ceatrs, Fitzgerald; wings, McGrath" and McKee; subs, Gallivan, Referee--"Dude" McCutcheon. BASKETBALL. Two Games Tonight, Two games in the S. S, A A A basketball league are scheduled to be played at "he Y.M.C.A, this evening. In the juvenile league, St. James' aad Sydenham will play snd St. Andrew's and Sydenham wil be matched in St. James' is a aud likely to win the league. Basketball, The Queen's senior basketball team, which left for Toronto' on Fri- day noon to play the first game of the Jatercollegiate basketball league with Varsity in Torouto on 'Bat I The team will be as follows: Ing the trophy. It was reported that United States riders would sugges: a compromise interval of 2 to 3 years, ---- IRISH AFTER CUP, represented the university in yoars For- 'Wards, Arthur Thomas and Haslem: ; centre, Jones (captain); defence, Lewis and Elis; spares, Sterling, Gibson and Clarence Moore. It :s Some years since the Queen's basket- ball team has won in Torduto, bat the players ure quite hopeful tna they will give Varsity a stiff battle. tion in these International lawn ten- COUNTY HOCKEY LEAGUE GAMES| nis matches in the past by such men" |as J. C. Parke, playing on the British It is expected that there will be | ; Isle teams, and, now that she has bumper crowds p nt on Seturany attained the status of a dominion, it* far the three games in will tY 1s tully expected that sie wi take Hockey League. Cetaraqui will ju her place independently in the lists, Likely To Challenge for Tennis Tro- Phy Next Season. » Among the probable challengers for the Davis Cup next season is the. Irish Free State. Irsland hes been reo: Presented with conspicuous distine- Regiopolis--Goal, Lawrence; da | ney to Westbrook and meet a toum from that place. The Westbrook ots oss Cmvosid: and. - a fit id a néw organisation and noth- international t . The-Stet mee ing is Yn Sout 1 d Stromgty, tioned was chosen for the British bmg ud For 8 both these | t®8m of last season, but wes unable teams have been very evenly match- | 10 make the trip to this country. ed. Joyceville will open their hockey - season by playing Sunbury. Donation To Untenrsity, 3 London, Ont, Jan. 20.---Major ota . x Hume B. Cronyn nas donated $3, NO GAMES THIS YEAR. [000 io Western university to estate lish the Edward Blaks Law scholar ship in honor of his uncle. The gow ernors of the university are authoris. ed, if they so desire, to withhold the scholarship for a few years fn onder: to increase the principal. Tae und- versity will establish scholarships for returned men with the earhiggs from the $3,000 appropriation received from the khaki university fund. v England Will Not Challenge For Polo A . The International Polo Cup, 'cov- eted trophy of the mounted classics of former years, will not be at stake in 1922. This became known follow- ing the annual meeting of the New York Polo Association, it was an. nounced that thers would be no chal- lenge from the English players, The British, it was sald, are seek- 1 O. O. F. Attention, ing to have the interval between the The official picture of the LO.OF. ter Cup increased to five years, with tember was seen by an appreca'i . It Pri wi ed States. Such an arrangement Saturday. Don't miss it. ee mmo = eT matches for the famous West Ches-Toonvention hel in Toronts last Sep a 'stipplation that play should be audienceat Griffin's last alternately in England and the Unit-| pe show » at all shows oa members declared, would necessitate -------------------- i changing the deed of gift establish Habit is ali-powertul, even in love, * & * 2 po You Cheat Yourself If You Miss re, -- THE

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