------. ALLEN NEXT WEEK The Queen of Sheba mecca sab WANT SCHOO KEPT HERE es te eee, I DEMENTED WIFE MAY Daily British Whig ALLEN TO-DAY ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN The Way of a Maid ' KINGSTON, "ie ilEas N) TAVERNS "ARIES FOR QUEBEC HAVE KILLED HERSELF Her Returns to Make Search. i Belief that n assistant New York, Jan. 20 ; rs. A. H, Bull, wife of a | As It" Was | | perior Court yesterday. | ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922. MARRIED WHEN DRUNK, | =*./THE PREMIER 1S ACCLAIMED Also Bigamous, clares ,Nullity, 'Montreal, Jan, 20.---Judgment, an- nulling the marriage of Louis John- scn to Florence Hayes was handed down by Justice Coderre in the Su- He | Johnson was the "petitioner. 26th, | declared that on February | THE SUN'8 HOT RAYS | ANNOY THE BLONDES Their Natural Home Is a Cold Climate, Says Optometry | : Expert. | | | | Toronto, Jan. 20.--Science has sclved another riddle. It has dis- LAST EDITION FEARS NORTH YORK FARCE | | 'Will Injure His Chances-- His Opponent Fails to Show Up--Tory Speaker Stages Burlesque. Newmarket, Jan. 20.--As the re- : sult of an offensive speech here yes- | The Arctic region is the blonds' terday afternoon in his behalf by aa | Native habitat," so to speak. They uninvi'ed outsider, J. A. M. Arm- (feel ill at ease, irritate, and some- strong, Conservative, | times quite miserable, in warmer cli- Fiual Action Is To Be Taken covered why blonde women are more {Irritable when living in a sunny clim- ate than when 'they sojourn in the | trozen regions of the north, where | there is only a limited amount of jaunstine, : | Kingston Off onal ean ers Exceptional tel) ri at thy Harriman National dva jank, may killed herself d | ntages mn Training of her sy ed ond Students, to-day by Ralph Costa, who disap- Prof. L. A. Zutelt is engaged | peared with the pair from their ! in (home in Ridgewood, N.J.. two weeks efforts to retain the dairy school in |280. Costa yesterday wired Mr. Bull Kingston because it is needed in from Toronto, saying he was return- Fastern Ontario as a school. It has ling to help in searching for Mrs, had a great influence in establishing {Bull. He reached New York this fhe dairy industry in this part of tue [MOTRINg. Police officials state.Costa 'province, and in maintaining efficl- | said he left Mrs. Bull because ghe l ency and production, The Kingston | threatened to kill him. 1921, before the Rev. F. R. Alinut, i i - on Wednesday {pastor of the West End Methodist | | Meighen Wanted Accla- church, he married Florence Hayes, | . . Next. and added: "It petitioner had the | mation For Premier. i { use of his right mind at the time he | : Quebec, Jan, 20.--If the wish of | would not have thus entered into a Burritt's Rapids, Jan. 20.--Right the Quebec Liquor Commissioners | form of marriage with the respond- (Hon. Arthur Melghen, federal leador and the personal feelings of Pre- {ent, but petitioner was utterly drunk of the Conservative party, stated do- miler Taschereau are upheld by the |at the time, and did not know what | finitely yesterday afternoon that he members of the Quebec legislature | be was doing, may retire | | does not approve the course taken by |at a caucus to be held next Wednes- "Petitioner was already married, | from the con'est against Premier | Mates. And the advice of science to 5, A, Mu, Armstrong' in opposing |day there will be no taverns in the [having been united in Christ church, | Kin The town hall was jammed to | them would seem to be: Keep in the Premier King in the North York by- province of Quebec after May 1st. Hamilton, to Miss Mary Hall, in | the doors and a delirium of applause | Shade and take an occasional week- election. {Already some five hundred applica- |1803, he said Mary Hall being still | greeted the premier when he appear- | end trip to the North Pole. | "That was no work of mine," said tions for licenses are before the com- | alive." ed on 'he platform. This was, in substance, the lesson [the former premier, when informed . POSED AS A CORPSE. district benefits because of the con- | sumption of milk by the school, | 'which has been able to operate with. | - out loss owing to the permanent | PTY Agent Captured Alleged "Bo- market created in the city of Kings- | gus*' Colleague, ton for butter , all of which fs vor | Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan, 20.-- Posing sumed here, Kingston offers exceptional ad- Vantages that cannot be overlooked and there are available syhabic Lulldings for school purposes. A Teport js being made to the depart- ment of agriculture by Mr. Zufelt in order that there may be no delay in - the work and that the winter courses nay be carried on without serious dnterruption. Upon a vote being taken in the classes on the proposal that the school go to Guelph Agri- enltural College to finish out the course, the students were unani- 'mous against it. The government could not afford to pay their ex- Penses to and from Guelph and it became apparent that unless the : Classes were continued here the stu: dents would return to their homes. "ALL HOPE ABANDONED" | Would Rather Jump From Brooklyn Bridge Than Return to Carolina. New York, Jan. 20.--Declaring h2 would "rather jump from the Brook- Iyn bridge," William Whitfteld, ne- Bro, to-day started back to Onslow County, North Carolina, in custody of Sheriff Taylor, to face @ hold-up charge. Captured last June on re- | quest of the North Carolina authori ties, Whitfield waged a long, unsuc- cessful fight against extradition, WHAT WILL FOLLOW Through the ing of the St. ; Lawrence Bea 'Route, 9 Fargo, ND, Jan. 20.--Governor Harding, ot Iowa, told the Tri-State Growers' convention, here, last night that the completion of the great akes deep waterway project would result in the northwest wheat pro- ducers receiving from eight to twelve cents a bushel more for their grain. {as a corpse in an widertaking shop, | Prohibition Agent Arthur E. Kem- | merling captured an alleged bogus | prohibition agent, | Kemmerling said arrangements {were made for him to pose as a corpse when it was understood that | the alleged bogus agent was to come to the undertaking shop to receive "hush" money from a hotel proprie- tor of East Pittsburgh, All funeral trappings, even to | lighted candles, were arranged, Kem- | merling "sald, with the result that he |overheard the conversation of the {men involved, | The man arrested said | William Penrod, of Braddock, Pa. DR. GODFREY IS SUING ONTARIO LICENSE BOARD Asks For Declaration That Segtion 51 of O.T.A. Is J Ultra Vires. Toronto, Jan. 20 which Dr. Forbes Godt was named as plaintiff, |tario license board, K.C.,, W. 8. Dingman and GG. T Smith were named as defendants, was issued at Osgoode hall yoster- day af'ernoon.by Col. T. Herbert Lennox, K.C., M.P.P. The writ asks, 1. For a declaration setting aside the suspension of the plaintiff as a qualified medical practitioner by the defendants purporting to prohibit him from lesuing prescriptions f= 1i- quor when necessary for tne health of his patients or in case of actual need, or when fn his judgment the use of liquor is necessary in 'he course of his professional practice, 2. For a declaration tha: {ha sl- leged ssupension is invalid and un- autliorized. 8.. That the defendants have - no power to limit 'the number of pre- y and he was | | 'the On- | James Hayes, | A. 10«cent increase iu the price of THE POLICE OF BUFFALO MRE TO ARREST BULLOCK =. = mei On : cal Charg | 4. That sub-section 51, ¢ of the 3 Jodi Formalities, Bron | 2a Temperance act is unauthor- perly Observed. propriate relief in the premises. To RESTORE SERVICE. Hamilton, Jan, 20.--It was learn- | | ed this morning that arrangements "had been made by the defence in the d Matthew-Bullock case that if an ap- York and Emden. Peal against deportation fails and | New York, Jan 20.--Clarence H. Bullock is returned to New York | MacKay, president of the Commer- state, he will be immediately ar- | cial Cable Pos:al Telegraph system, rested by the Buffalo police on a announced yesterday that the com- technical charge. This action has |Pany had just completed a contract been taken in order to provide plen- | with the German Atlantie Cabia 'Ly of time for thefdefence to com- { Company, a German corporation, un- |A Cable To Be Lald Between New | ized and ultra vires and asks for ap- These will be rejected, the ! officially informed ling to the liquor law ed at the last sion of the (provin- cial legislature taverns are auth- |orized to sell beer from 9 a.m. till 10 Abuses of all kinds are said to | {have resulted from this system, and | |the idea to give full control to ' the | {commission on beer as well as on | {wines and hard {the five commissioners, | Since their appointment last April | | yesterday witnessed the first meet- | {img of the full commission with the | 't, 'and it certainly proved a | A few minutes before | sioners arrived a delega- | mission, press is Accor adopt- s¢ p.m, liquors is favored by | cabinet, lively one. the eommi {tion of sixteen members of the legis- | {lature from the district of Mont- | | real waited on the premier and asked | for the dismissal of Chairman | | Simard, stating that he did not favor | patronage. Any action to be taken | | was postponed until the caucus, Pre- Taschereau stated, however.) the commission had enforced law 'very wisely." | miér [that | the | {EVWS OFF THE WIRES | IN CONDENSED FORM [Tidings From Places Far and Near Are Briefly Recounted. | Grading of hogs on Canadian mar- | kets starts May 1st. Haniilton's fire-loss for the past |year was the greatest on record, 7 17,879. tea is imminent owing to the gen- eral fallure of the tea crop. Sir William . Mulock is seventy- eight years of age but he says he "feels like. a three-year-old." Holland has three women members {of parliament, one in the fire: cham- {ber and two in the second chamber, | Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, ex- | premier, is not exactly pleased that | his successor, Hon, Mr. King, is op- | posed in the North York by-election | by a Tory. Smallpox of a severe type is ex- istent in Toronto to a degree, which, {although not sufficient to call epi- | demic, attracts the attention of the | health authorities. | U.S. government figures show shoes {are bzing sold for expor: at an avaor- {age price of $3.65 a pair, while do- mestic consumers pay from $9 up, {compared with $6 for good quality in Justice Coderre"s judgment, after reciting the foregoing declaration, | was as follows: "'onsidering that pe- | and unab! titioner has made good his demand At the last minute it was an- | Which might be drawn from a scién- {nounced that Mr. Armstrong was il] | tific lecture on pigmentation in the © to speak. The invitation | human body, which was delivered of the chairman, Howard Cane, did |Dbefore the Optometrical Associg- {Africa is rather {correspondent says. While the news- by proceedings in proof of record, the court d grant the petition and declare the marriage of Louis John- | son and Florence Hayes null and void." : the rear of the platform, "I wiil: speak for Mr. Armstrong." It was none other than Archie Draimin, of Toronto. Mr. Draimin made a good many le votes for the premier. He occupied South Africa's Deficit Less Than Ex- | the platform for fifteen minutes, His pected, | performance was a burlesque. London, Jan, 20.--Apart from the | * Mr. Draimin started well by peer- strike the financial outlook in South | ing under the table with the remark 00K Li | OUTLOOK LESS GLOOMY, | Bless its safe." He followed this by announcing that Mr. Armstrong is papers forecast that the budget will | running for one reason and one only, show a deficit of £4,000,000, an of- | "the Sutton liquor raid, engineered ficial statement puts the figure at | not by men like Mr. Cane here, but £1,750,000. | by some rotten Grits and certainly Thé excess. profits tax vielded a | by Mr. Raney .and\ his spaid detec- £250,000 more than the estimates. | tives." Gold mining leases also provided a| "Were you at Sutton?' similar windfall. | voice. "Yes," bawled Archie POE BENEDIGT IS © | | N DYING CORTON was anticipated, Reuter's Cape Town asked a (Wild Archie turned thea to personal'ies and his accent began to give way un- der the strain. He described in Je- tail Mr. Armstrong's virtues, pro- claimed that he was "no* afraid of a | dozen Mackenzie King's", and sail The Last Sacrament Was Qiv=| that his 'hearers should vote for the en to Him During the | only patriotic party in Canada. Afternoon. A Sad Mistake. Then Archie made a sad mistake. He told 'he audience why they should not vote for the Liberals. "It is Quebec and Quebec is the disloyal section of this coun'ry, They sent no '| mén to the war *hey--'" He got ao further, A wild roar smothered Him. A semicircle of ferocious gentle- men surrounded him from the rear. Fists were brandished menacingly and things looked decidedly bad for Mr. Draimin. "Take it back,' roared a dozen-- "kill him" from another dozen -- "throw him out 'he window" others. Archie tried to smooth it over, but the crowd wanted his blood. Finally he capitulated, apologized and withdrew his remarks. less gloomy than | "I see there's nothing there so I | from | {not go unaccepted, however. A dep (tion's convention at the King Ed- and impressive voice spoke up from | Ward Hotel. - Dr. R. C. Augustine, from Wash- ington, D.C., was the speaker. He [said that the small amount of pig- | mentation in the body of blond per- sons made them extremely susceptroie to the influence of the aptinjc or {ultra-violet rays of the sun. Blond persons ware, in fact, more than any {ether human beings, subject to "'eye- {sunburn," according to the doctor. | The nearer they get to the Equa- [tor the easier they become subject {to the effects of these rays, which are known in medical science to de- |8troy and penetrate every substance { Dark persons have more pigmenta- |tion in their bodies, and this is the | reason they can resist the evil influ- {ence of the rays more successtiily | than the blonds. "I wag | ---- ee ASSAILS THE SNOOPING | INTO THE PEOPLE'S LIFE 'Personal Liberty invaded Un- der Pretext of Progress, Argues Senator, Chicago, Jan. 20,--Speaking at { De Blackstone Hotel, Senator A. O | |getic and impassioned protest {against what he asserted is the tend- ency in America to invade personal | { [liberty under | gress, I 'Wise and patriotic met of all po- litical parties," he declared, " are to- the pretext of pro- day vividly conscious that we stand | {upon the edge of the abyss: that the | | abolition of the autonomy of the 8 means the destruqtion of the | liverty of the citizen and of the life of the Republic." { More than 15,000 bills, the speak- jer pointed out, have been introduc- |ed by the present Congress, "Nobody escapes," said Stanley, of Kentucky, made an ener- | he. | pre-war time. | The National Liberal conference {héld in London on Friday decided to {form a National Liberal council. | | Premier Lloyd George was elected | president and Winston Churchill vice-president. ' ; { The case of Mrs. Louisa Leslie, | charged with murder in connection illegal operation on POPE BENEDICT XW Rome, Jan. 20.-- Pope Benedict is In a dying condition says the latest | information here. He received the last sacrament this afternoon, Previously the Eu- charist was solemnly carried to the Fope and in the presence of eighteen The remainder of the oration of P % Mr. Armstrong's representative did | Everything in the moral, industrial not matter much, because little of it |@nd commercial world is to be own- could be heard. | ed, operated, supervised or censored Finally he saw it was no go, ana | from the birth of a baby to the bur- male a diseree* exit; with the infor- [ial of a corpse, and the worst is not mation that he is to be here through- | yet. out the campaign and that he is "a| "In the ownership; operation or Jew and proud of it." {supervision of the industrial and "Now that the entertainment is Commercial activities of an empire, over," said Chairmahn Howard Cane. vz "Mm telegraphs and telephony. | "we can proceed to business," andi imships and railroads, to the in a neat little speech introduced | -* mination of the boll weeevii and the premier. | the setting of a hen, Congress ha Mr. King, who had been quietly smiling all through Mr. Draimin's efforts, was greeted with a wild en- thusiasm which prolonged into mo- | commissions, boards {ama within ten yeare has actually expended the appalling sum of $3,- |9%1,360,167.55, according to the of- created 100 different committees and | and bureaus, | | that Mr, Armstrong had forced a coa- [test on the new prime minister. | Mr. Meighen intimated th: he nad conveyed his views to the Conserva- jtives of North York. His views was { that he could see no justification for |putling a Conservat've candidate in | the field against Premier King. | Whatever local reasons there might {be for such a course there were no: | sufficient grounds for upseiting an |old, well-established constitutional | precedent that eabl. ot ministers woo ad been elected in general elections shhould not be opposed a few werks «later in the by-elections. The former premier pointed ou that Premier King had been endors- ed by the dominion of Canada as a | whole. He was of the opinion' that t.s %etion of the Conservatives { would injure his own chances in the Grenville by-election in which he is {now seeking to return to parliamen:. Ferguson Also A | Kemptville, Jan. 20.--It is defin- |itely learned that Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, provi cial leader of tha | Tory par'y, were opposed to any pro- posal for running a candidate againat | Premier-elect Mackenzie King n North York. Mr. Ferguson clearly expressed his views on the matter to his followers in North York. The Conservative attitude now will be that the North York development | is purely a local affair. The electors here will be given to understand tha' both leaders frowned upon the step that was taken, but. were unable to forbid it wouthout laying themselves open to charges of dictation and ma- chine-interference. DEPORTED THREE TIMES. | She Loves Him Still and is in U.S, Again, Philadelphia, Jan. 20.--Beatrice Herbert, a young Canadian sténo- grapher, three times deported by {United States immigration 'authori- ties as the result of her infatuation [for William Zinger, district manager of a tourist agency, yesterday faced her fourth experience of the kind. She attracted attention by return- ing from the first of her enforced trips to Canada by airplane a year {ago, dodging the authorities. Alen- ists report she is normal on other subjects than Zinzer, whom she met jon a trip to India, and who complain- ed to the police of her attentions. She pleaded not to be sent back (again, declaring that she had not bothered Zinzer on this occasion, but had conte to Philadelphia last Thursday under an assumed name, land had obtained work here to be near him. | Immigration Commissioner Hughss {said he had no alternative | but to deport her, | 4 sh direct cable munioate with Governor Miller, of [der the terms of whic iT New York state, to assure that Bui- | communication with Germany will oe ments of steady theering. i 'lock cannot be railroaded out of [restored after a lapse of about eight | New York b the Norlina, North | years. | . > Carolina nd without wait-| This contract, which has just been | jury Friday afternoon : : i $l aying of a new ing for the observance of formali- | Signed, calls for the lay | ties: 5 cable between New York and Emden. | : Germany, with the cable touching at | | the Azores. It is to be completed and !in operation by October, 1923. IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE with a fatal {ficial figures of these departments. [Liberals of Ontario "If, however, the more depend- ! Meet M h 1st and 2nd | Elleen Lyons, aged seventeen, To- | cardinals the holy sacrament was ronto, was placed in the hands of the | placed in the Palatine Chapel. Pray- {ers were said in the Catholic schools. | All business at the Vatican has | The premier opened his address been suspended. with an expression of his sincere and In 'bulletins issued by the house- | humble gratitude to North York for WILL BE $800,000 hold and consulting physicians it was | their verdict on December 6th. ne | stated that the Pope's condition was | referred laughingly to the present | rave and that the inflammation, | contest, and reading telegrams tell- { which had been confined to bron. | ing ot { chia] tubes, had extended to right | cabinet ministers said | done infinitely better for themselves [= Respiration was difficult. "evidently the only unworthy mem- | "In 1916 the cost of operating the In Class By Himself, | able estimates of that able and ac- | {curate statesman, Senator King, of | | Utah, are accepted, it reaches the in- | Toronto, Jan. 20.--Active reorgat.- {comprehensible aggregate of §7,- ization of 'the Li party in On- | 560,000,000! | tario .is under y. Following a { | meeting of the On'ario Liberal exe- {cutive and the Liberal members of |the .egislature, a call has been fs- 'sued for a convention of the Liberal {party to be held . Cdnadian For- | esters' hall in Toronto on March 1s {and 2nd next. The circular calling COST OF BUILDINGS Crerar Keep Out, Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 20.--Hon. T. A. Crerar, leader of the National | Progressive party, stated that he would not go east to take part in | the bye-election in Grenville, On- | Transfer of McMaster Brought | Up Before the Con- trollers. » Cardinal Giorgi, apostolic peni- | ber of the cabinet. | government, exclusive of expendi- "£8 Right Hon. Arthur rio, where the Progressive candid- | te, A. K. Patterson, is opposing Meighen, Ey BPS PstreItERNS LOY | | Hamilton, Jan. 420. --If Hamilton | iis to be the new home of McMaster | University, the {nitial sum of $800, {000 will have to be found for the | {erection of buildings, This informa- FOR ROBBERY OF BANK "Toronto Judge Metes Out a | Good Stiff Sentence to tentlary, was summoned to the Referring to Mr. Meighen's candi- pope's 'bedside at eight o'clock this |dature in Grenville the premier sa!d morning, says a Rome exchange | that {Xt was an example of Meighen | telegraph despatch, to recite pray- autocracy in choosing Grenville as | ers for the dying. | closs to Ottawa instead of following | the path of democracy by waiting for | tures for war purposes, was $231. €25,333, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1922, the amount appro- priated for the same purpose, not in- cluding the cost of the war and navy departments, pensions, veterans -| 1 Bandits. ? & ------ Se +! Toronto, Jan. 20.--Impriscnmest Belfast, Jan. 20.--Armed men {in the penitentiary for life was the P took a farmer, named Kelly, + from his home, near Newtown- ¢ |uck afld John Kapalansky for the ards, and shot him in the spine. # | robbery of the branch of ths Bank Ie wil! probably die. ¢ lof Hamilton here on October 18th last. FARMER WAS SHOT. 4 3 LJ PEEP 2 P0020 00 {8am Seniloff, who was also convict- HUSBAND AND WIFE. led. The other twn priserers had | Senilofft had nothing to do w rehbery. . THE VISIT IS POSTPONED | The King and Queen of Belgium } Sead Sympathy to Pope. i Brussels, Jan: 20.--~King Albert {and Queen Elizabeth have postpon- 'ad their visit to Italy on account of [the serious fliness of the Pope They {have sont to the Vatican an expres- #01 of thelr hopes for his quick re- covery. und John Baxter, Windsor. 'widely known as a horse racing official, died suddenly on Thursday following & paralytic stroke. rs y ausbaud aways toaves the {Ont., ofore 1 nak eeting.--0 ¥.L. Your Husband Dé? a | | sentence imposed on Andrew Sach-| The court postponed 'sentence on| will be fully gone into. {made afidavits to tho effect that city would have to assume its share ith the ol the responsibility, | morning, but it | Washington, Jan. 20.--The report | tion was given the Board of Control | lat a meeting by B. O. Hooper, who | [represented the Chamber of Com- merce committee, which has been active for some months in trying to have the university transferred to Hamilton. The board did not com- mit itself, but agreed to arrange for a mass meeting where. the question Mr. Hooper said the negotiations 'had reached the stage where the To Confer With Cabinet. Ottawa, Jan, 20 --The appeal of Matthew Bullock against deporta- tion was before Senator Bostock, acting minister o immigration, this thought that he i will confer with the cabinet before amnouncing his decision, which is not expected to-day. etic Referred 'to Committee, submitted to congress by the Inter national Joint Commission on the * + + * * Sinking Rapidly, Paris, Jan. 20.--The papal nunei- ture here received a telegram at five o'clock this evening stating that the Pope. was sinking rapidly. Only Miracle Can Save. Rome, Jan. 20.~--Upon leaving the papal apartment, the cardinais who administéred extreme unction said the pope's mind was perfectly clear, but that his condition was so grave that only a miracle could save his lite. Sih Sp ------------------ A Sir James Craig to discuss the Ul- ster goyernment in London, Ontario associated boards of trade meet in Woodstock: -------- sin PEP0EP00002 200000 + * + edition of the New York Her ¢ # ald says a match has been made & between Georges * and Ted Lewis for fio ¢ April. 4 # same time he had Fidel 1 esse 0 Wa onl Son BALE ad *teo% ool the people to choose him. t the requested that there be no opposition to Mr. Meign- en. "As a matter of faét," sald 'he premier with a emile, "I'l be very glad to see Mr. Meighen in the house of commons, I want him as leader of the opposition because he is a typical Tory and he serves admirab'y to show the distinction between the principles of Liberalism and Consery- atism." Premier King then turned to Mr. Armstrong's position in opposing his return to Ottawa. He deal: with it wi*h good humor, ' without ramcor and with sympethy. He read Mr. Armstrong's receat statement of his motive in accepting nomination , pointing out that it cou taine' mo mention of national ques-- tions bu: rested entirely on a person- al matter of Mr. Armstrong's Sayu. ec, ltation." "It is persomal, mot pub not local, not national," he sald, "and interests Canada only in so far as it may hinder the cpeedy establishment of government and expenditure of large sume of money in campaign ar- rangements." ¥ France % says Germany must pay in | bureau and reduction of the national debt, is $1,115,617,366, or an in- crease of nearly 5600 per cent. "The difference is, broadly speak- ing, the cest of these commissions, with their innumerable army of agents and inspectors, 1, unprece- dented majority of more than 7,000.- 000 has been attributed to.the lea- Bue of Nations, although the attitude of the candidate was uncertain then and is an enigma now. truth is that the business in- terewts of America accepted in good faith his promise 'to take business out of politics and politics out of business." Talk to me of panics and depressions! The business of Amer- ica is not panicky; it is paralyzed. You ave nagging and breaking the brave heart and sanguine spirit of American enterprise. "Every business man finds an in- Spector at his elbow, a Federal sleuth at bis heels. Houses are searched, homes outreged and the publfe high- the conventior, which is signed hy [Arthur C. Hardy, president of ths Ontario Liberal ecutive, sets forth the object of the convention and the | basis of representation. With regard {to the latter the purpose is to mike the gathering as thoroughly repra- sentative of the Liberal party in «a8 province as possible. Evelyn Nesbit Evicted : New York, Jan. 20.--Evelyn Nes- bit has been evicted from héF tea room at No, 285 West Dit street. The pink tea tabi , and kitchen utensils were the street when she was unable pay the rent. Thaw's former W { sent to friends for money but théy sent none, , ' Halerow Takes Partner. : Hamiiton, Jan, 20.--George @. 'Halcrow, M.P.P., Labor the Ontario jegislature and ex-Cone troller O'Heir have formed a part nership in the plumbing business. Mr. O'Helr says he is through with public He, : 'Makes $3 Week i Windsor, Jan. 20. Declaring that he was making only $3 a week at barbering in Windsor, Orville Jen- kins was. ordered fo pay $2 a week toward the support of his wife and small son by Magistrate W. MH Gundy in police cours, Leader ta