AL Le lenges PRE 3 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TRURRLG AO Me . EE . FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922. dress." 3 Poe ett t {checkers on that Carol S) Saad ¢ could not endure it She drew her | RIG ? E % 10) 210 aTeYeYe) J 7. ; fur coat over the suit and has y } > 3 . fastened the buttons, while the boys Hh ig t | i} y § ] 3 | snickered. LY DUST : nilion | A he 0 pry B : The St f Carol Kennicott || >o sow suerea ner que so nt to the closets : : e ory 0 much as these stg x : 0 all She had t k he ¢ 3 By SINCLAIR LEWIS Fe lo br vv hoor: ) 5 fotntateacs | its Tak a (3 Eb 3 badd estab dpe rae atta --- 1S uke f dzughera £5 A Q Axel was not respectable nnd rude | whispering that € was a poseur : re. flckata limpses of | . ¥ Bn, He was still a foreigner, and he ex-| But what she told herself was that But she wag be = ed sump o { ( hm 1 A pected to remain ome. His manner| Axel Egge's was 'so picturesque and | the Fang of poy 3 botore. vars \ Ht Was heavy and uninterrogative. His| romantic," Twenty ho oki g clzareties, dis. Rt a 2 3 establishment was more fantastic] It was In the matter of clothes | Drug re Bm ey dnd pifiie ) 7S 2 £ than any croes-roads store. No one; that she was most self onsciois. { Playing ig Anh ae 0B ban . save Axel himself could find any-| When she dared to 80 shopping hee a pt ii »" Hoochi Koo . + i he sat a 3 buttons, "w g the ochi-Koo- . . be thing. A part of the assortment of in her new checked suit with the | | ors "ON, you baby. Sk 1d E i, Ee children's stockings was under alblack embroidered sulphur collar, , ah} ang ar passing girl. ? y Qe Cou Jus SU = i blanket on a shelf, a part in a tin | she had as good as invited all ot Go- | ¢ 2h Re er: playing pool in the | . OO y ™~ ginger-snap box, the rest heaped like! pher Prairie (which interested teat , She Saw th behind. Del Suaiiim | 2A Moar. | SN Sie & nest of black-cotton snakes upon i in nothing so intimately as in new | er She : te dice { 3 a flour-barrel whica was surrounded | clothes and the cost' thereof) to in- Dathe op ud shukiag yee Brthe ess Wa < | onva escence Tate wetian Eis. dried vestigate + untamiliar Yo. the dvearM 8 Snickering loro Hater ve roe Requires Wincarnis c or ludfisk, boxes of apricots,| ines 3 ' "| "injey ies' Bert Tybee, the + : : and a pair and a half of lumber- | ging yellow and pink frocks of the| juicy Fin nr er Miaoricen | ou YOWNr_ In a state of convalescence, while the crisis is 7 man's rubber-footed boots. The|town. The Widow Bogart's stare, | Darten A wr . i over, the danger of sclapse may not be over. = d with Seandinav-|from her porch, indicated "Well, 1|House. She heard them smacking u WAS e | A It is then that stre and vitality should be place was: crowded w RERCINAY- ' > oe be. | Moist lips over 'every love-scene at | ~ { 3 restored as quickly as possible. Jan farmwives, standing aloof in|never saw anything like - that be the Rosebul Movie Palace. At the . L : i i k : shawls and anclent fawn-colored leg|fore!" Mrs. McGanum stopped Care| unter of the Greek Confectionery Ni < e ire e = foresh air, sleep and such hutritious srticles of : 'o mutton jdckets, awaiting the re-lol at the notions shop to hint, "My, | te a Se o t He ery THT {(] Lo 5 * food as can be easily digested are required to : firn of their lords. They spoke that's a nice sui. wasn't it terribly | Parlor, while they a ireadfu i restore the lost vitality and repair the wasted 3 Norwegian or Swedish, and looked expensive?" The gang of boys in|™MeSses of decayed bananas, acig me ------ OWN---. 3 Temes. But as the system 1s.too weak to absorb : '&t Carol uncomprehendingly, They! front of the drug store commented, | CPerTies, Whipped creanr, and gela WB I oy yr ream tm ct pears atten the minera] elements that compose the body--it is E: - : {itor Paste: . |tinous ice-cream, they screamed to which they could guffaw. No school-| ed she made forty doMars a week here that WINCARNIS is so wonderful. For it : Were & relief to her--they were not; "Hey, Pudgle, play you a game of | r. "Hov. lo Tone. Bt a " : contains Iron and Manganese for enriching the one anoth Hey, lemm ne } Perris St ests Arter ------ on | OP® Jer, Ya what oo' |BIrl passed their observation Posts when she was on some Job in the blood; Phosphorus for Brain and Nerves: Calcium . Ria a { 'Quit dog-gone you, looka What you | more flushingly than' did Mrs. Dr. Cities, and Ma says she knows poso- Sodium and Potassium prceng Net essential for 3 Kee B rz /e Ho a) | went and dome, you almost spilled | kennicott, In shame she knew that{ lutely that she never made but SH Bone and Tissie-Building--in § form that pro- op Q O, CLAa72 yy {my glass swater," "Like hell 1 did," they glanced appraisingly at her|eighteen a week--Ma says that when | 4 motes their ready absorption into the system. 3 2 "Hey, gol darn your hide, don't you snowy overshoes, speculatin about {she's lived here a while she won't | ; | ick hi 1 Wyo pes, 8 Eg 1 h { Everyone recovering from illness should take > Bo stickng your coffin nail in my i- her legs Theirs were not young go round making a fool of erself, | J | NADRUCO | scream," "On you Batty, how 08 ores Sree Was no youth in all the | pulling that bighead stuff on folks JiNcarvis. oa would quickly Natore You \ I a/d 4 oy . | like dancing with Tillie McGuire, To wp, she agonized, They were | that know a whole lot more than she P xe Sa on id uy 8 tle po eo C 7284 ar [last "night? Bome squeezing, heh, | horn old, grim and old and spying | does. They're all laughing up their C3 WINCARNIS. . E vith Cod Liv i Compa, or | kid? {and censorious, [sleeves at her." 3 : bets fall { By diligent consfiltation of Amer-| She cried again that their youth | "Say, fever motice how Mrs Ken- At all druggists--16 oz. Bottle $1.50 - - . {ican fiction she discovered that this| was senile and cruel on the day ; . | » a 7 ia i . ; o art ang | NUCOtt fusses around the house? I¢s. more 'than a Cough Syrup--beckiase it {was the only virile and Amusing man-| When she overheard Cy Bogart and | Other evening when I was coming oy breaks up colds as well as coughs----relieves con- met n Which gid Junction: {Earl Haydock. . {over here, she'd forgot to pull down 2 gestion in the chest ~heals the throat--Iloosens | that boys who Je gegampounded | Cyrus N, Bogart, son of the right- the curtain, and I watched her for a the phlegm--and quickly stops the cough. hid the gut £18 Miping-camp | cous widow Who lived across the al- ten minutes. Jeeze, you'd 'a' died NH v Excellent for Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. Children | were molly, n¥Rppy. She! ley, was at this time a boy of four. laughing. , She was there all alone, _- like it because of its pleasant taste. | had taken JMted, 'She had teen or fifteen. Carol had seen and she must a' spent five minutes Proprietors: COLEMAN & CO LATED All druggists hase it, [studied t g 1 "but im-|quite enough of Cy Bogart. On her getting a picture straight. It was : NorwicH, ENG. . Ek Prepared by NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL COMPANY | personal pel rred to first evening in Gopher Prairie City funny as hell the way she'd stick . . > 3 OF CANADA LIMITED {her tha nl |r OUCH 'Her. {C¥ had appeared at the head | out her finger to straighten the pic- Canadian Office: 67 Portland St., Toronto. Now #8hé 8 re that they of a "charivar{", banging immensely ture--deedle-dee, see my tunnin' Frank S. Ball, Resident Director, " knew all 'aljout hés; that they were [upon a discarded automobile fender. h waiting for.) some Rffétason over saith ff ers ren | 1t : ' . = k - -- 1Ll o " + HH . a - } H / # 5 5 : J Fy 1 oF & IT I - 1 3: His companions were yelping in imi- tation of coyotes, Kennicott had felc ruther complimented; hag gone out and distributed a dollar, But "ittle finger, oh my, ain't I cute, what a fine long tail my cat's got!" fe, (To be Continued.) | AOI FINI TI IY nn Cy was a capitalist in charivaris, He returned with an entirely new soup, and this time there were three auto- mobile fenders and a carnjval rat- tle.© When Kenmnicott again inter- rupted his shaving, Cy piped, "Naw, you got to give us two dollars," and he got it. A week later Cy rigged a tic-tac to a window of the Hving- room, and the tattoo out of the dark- ness frightened Carol into scream- ing. Since then, in four mouths, she had beheld Cy banging a cat, stealing melons, throwing tomatoes at the Kennicott house, and making ski-tracks across the lawn, and had heard him explaining the mysteries of generation, with great audibility and dismaying knowledge. He was, - in fact, a museum specimen of what ' a small town, a well-disciplined pub- lic school, a tradition of hearty hu- mor, and a pious mother could pro- duce from the material of a courage- ous and ingenious mind, 1 1 1 T Il "The Sheik' [| | By the exclusive Club Royal Orchestra, who also play rd "Dapper Dan," making a pair of Fox Trots that will surely win many admirers for this new organization. His Master's Voice-Victor Record 18831, 10-in. 85¢c. PAUL WHITEMAN ; and HIS ORCHESTRA Play four wonderful new Fox Trots . "Weep No More My Mammy" HHH "April Showers" His Master's Voice-Victor Record 18825, 10-in., 85c. "Everybody Step" "Ka-Lu-A" His Master's Voice- Victor Record 18826, 10-in., 88¢c. Ask to hear them played on the Victrola at any "His Master's Voice" dealers : Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone ; Co., Limited, Montreal . FF © LIT Phone 90 ing Machines and' T. F. HARRISON CO,. LI Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, Pianos, White p Hoover Suction Cleaners. AN 4 oC '| brother of Harry, . | She says she knows a fella that dia." Carol was afraid of him. Far from protesting when he set him mongrel on a kitten, she worked hard at not seeing him. The Kennicott garage was a shed littered with paint-cans, tools, a lawn-mower, and ancient wisps of hay. Above it was a loft which Cy Bogart and Ear} Haydock, young used as a den, for | smoking, hiding from whippings, | and planning secret societies, They | | | | oimmbed to jt by a ladder on the al- ley side of the shed. This morning of late January, | two or three weeks after Vida's re- velations. Carol had gone into the stable-garage to find a hammer. | 8now softened her step. She heard Voices in the loft above her: "Ah gee, lez--oh, lez 80 down the lake and swipe some mushrats out of somebody's traps," Cy was yawning. we are having a "Prize- ending Friday, 27th. Three prizes will be given, The F irst, a Toilet Set, value $16.00, will be given to the chase during the week; Second Prize, Third Prize, a pair of Towels, value $3.00. The prizes to be given away to the lucky winners are on exhibition in our windows, and are open for your inspection. Come and be one of the winners ! Dress materials in shades of Grey, To stimulate the business during the remaining days in January, Giving Sale" commencing Saturday, 2st; customer with the highest pur- Ladies' Waist, value $6.00; and SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK DRESS MATERIALS Fawn, Taupe, Value $2.50. $1.45 yd, Blue, Brown and Red. Navy Blue Serge, 54 ins wide. Value $2.50, $1.15 Navy Blue Serge, 36 ins. wide. To clear 60c¢, yd. "And get our ears bedt off!" grumbled Earl Haydock. "Gosh, these cigarettes are dandy. "Member when we were Just kids, and used to smoke corn-silk and | TOWELS $1.00 pair Huckaback Towels to clear 65¢. pair bayseed?" | "Yup. Gosh!" ! Spit. Silence, | "Say Earl, ma says if you chew tobacco you get coms mpaion," 70¢. pair Huckaback Towels to clear . .45c¢. pair TOWELLING White Turkish Towelling--value 63c, . -30c¢, yd. White Turkish Towelling, 85¢"yd., for . .2%c. | "Aw rats, your old lady is a erank."" | "Yuh, that's 80." Pause. "But "Aw, gee whiz, didn't Doe Kenni- cott used to chew tobacco all the time before he married this-here girl from the Cities? He used to spit. Geo! Some shot! He could hit a tree ten feet off." FLANNELETTE 2Bc. yd. White Canton Flannel .,., 19¢. yd. { Keriped Flannelette, 36 ins. wide, value 80¢. for............ .;..". iy + 20¢. yd. This was news to the girl from the Cities. "Say, how Earl. "Huh ? Hows who?" "You know who I mean, Smarty." A tussle, a thumping, of loos is she ?" continued ' Masoop Bros, x 113 Princess Street x * W. COATES wo (Jeweller) 158 Princess Street, Phone 301]. - 4 x ey > ' _ pr 4 / Vv VN NNR, A Aya mp R. J. RODGER Poe "Agent Victor boards, silence, weary narration from Cy: ~~ Hil Mr. Kennicott? Oh, she's ail |ll H right, I guess." Relief to Carbdl, be- low. "She gimme a hunk o' cake, one time. But Me says she's stuck- up as hell. Ma's always talking (about her. Ma says if Mrs. Kenni- tott thoyght as much about the doe as she does about her clothes, the doc wouldn't look so peaked." Spit, Silence. "Yuh. Juanita's always talking about her, too," from Earl. "She says Mrs. Kennicott tinks she knows if all. Juanita says she has to laugh til she almost busts every time she sees Mrs. Kennicott peerad- ing along the street with that 'take a look--I'm a swell skirt' way she's got. But gosh, I don't pay no at- tention to Juanita. * She's meaner 'n a erab, " "Ma was telling somebody that Victor Records and Needles 132Princess St. AA oti she heard that Mrs. Kennicott claim. 6 only, Navy Blue Berge Skirts to clear 87.50 Girls' and Boys' All Wool Bweaters to clear $1.25 LADIES' UNDERWEAR $2.25 All Wool Vests with and without sleeves ........... . + SLY Ladies' All Wool Drawers--$2.25 for . «$0.75 Ladies' Vests and Drawers--81.25 for ....78¢, Ladies' Vests and Drawers--78c. for .. HOSIERY Ladies' Black Cotton Children's Black Worsted Hose-- Sos, for ...... .......... Children's Black Cotton Hose, reg. 83c., 2Be. pr. Boys' Corduroy Knickerbockers--all i $2.98, for sa.2s Men's Grey Work Socks--to clear . . Men's All Wool Heather Socks--to clear 5c, pr. Men's Wool Heather Gloves to clear... 95¢c, pate Men's Jdned and Unlined Work Mitts: and Gloves, 85c, To clear srddias lL ABe pate DISCOUNT SALE OFFERS SAVING OF 20% ON ALL OUR FOOTWEAR. : ALL SALES FOR CASH, : NO DISCOUNTS ON RUBBERS | pr «+ .B0c, Hose--regular 50c., 85¢. pp regular -- PRIZE GIVING SALE AT McINTOSH BROTHER 101 PRINCESS STREET + vu, ; d ---- . /