Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1922, p. 5

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922. i FOR CHOICE MEATS and "FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 OTICE Chwiches, Sunday Schools And charitable !natitutions of ail denomi- mations will be supplied FREE OF CHARGE 'omc evening each during » er With remm and sleigh for drive ® party. » on Transfer Co. DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streew Phone 363 282 nr Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 Angrove's Repairs ~ Beales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc, We do repair work right and guar- antec satisfaction. 197 Wellington Street. A WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1187, WR McRae & Ca COAL Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 % FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three etorey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good harn. Rents for $44 per mouth. [Price $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Breck Street Phone 424 AAAI po Bt ft mdm DID YOU EVER TRY Wagatafy Ginger Marmaiade. Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagntafi's Bramble Jelly. We also have a full line of other reiaible makes of Marma- 1ages. Jam and Jellles for sale STOVES q F3uateg and Fire King Heaters 'Nickie Plated Showers Basins and Tollets Lumber, Ce > ted Lumber. ment and Corrugate L Cohen & Co. 3 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 J \ NIGHT COUGHS ng on the system fis Terribly wea comes at night and the cough that prevents sleep The constant coughing keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition that they get no chance to heal, You will find in DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP a remedy without an equal, for sooth- ing the lungs, loosening the phlegm, ftrengthening the breathing organs and fortifying them against serious pulmonary disease, Mrs. John McKerney, Lower Mon- tigue, P. E. 1, writes.---- 'About | three years ago I caught a very bad cold accompanied with a sore throat and hoarseness, and was so hoarse i yon could hardly hear me speak. 1 | could get no rest at night with the {terrible annoying, hacking cough. I tried several remedies, but they did me no good. Finally 1 saw Dr. tised; got a -bottle, and at once it gave me relief, and after using four {my cough had all gone. Now I al- ! ways keep "Dr. Wood's" in the house | and shall recommend your wonderful "cmedy to others." } Price 35¢. and 60c¢ | dealers. | burn Ce., Limited, Toronto, Ont. rn PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St, Phone 2397m. BUILDING ? ! REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670 NEN 't Automobile Hood Covers '{ manufactured by us. 'RH. JONES 300 PIUN SS STREEY Phone 133. AAA A it Saturday Specials Choice pot roast Other roasts Btewing cuts 5 to 10c Ib Fronts of pork ..;....20¢ Ib Legs of pork Fronts of veal. , Veal chops Stewing cuts of lamb 12%c¢ Ib Lamb' chops Choice butter and groceries of all kinds, Quick's Western Meat Market 112 Clergy St. Phone 2011. | | | $ ~ ------ The Mutual Life of Canada This is a Mutual Company, The policy holders own the Company entirely. There are no stockholders to share in the profits; all profits go to the policy holders, who therefore receive "insurance at net cost. This is the only Mutual Com- pany in Canada. It is 50 years old, and has 225 million dol- larg' Insurance in force, "Be a Mutualist." S. Roughton District Manager The Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street KINGSTON Phone 610. | Wood's Norway Pine Syrup adver- | a bottle at all | Put up only by The T. Mil- | BLUE SERGE SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR OUT We have about 35 Blue and Black All Wool Serge Suits-- regular price $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00. To clear them out SALE PRICE $25.00 Now this is a real opportun- ity to get a good Suit and save a lot of 'money too. 1.ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST, Sufferers' {rom . chronic headache should have their eyes and their teeth examined by oculist and den: i THF DA ) TTY RPITISY WwW HIG. Kingston and Vicinity | Part of the Service. The store ads are a part of the sefvice a store and a newspaper rend- ers you, and it is a helpful service Don't miss a word of it. | Flag Flying at Half Mast. On Thursday and Friday the flag on the Frontenac Club was flying a: half mas: out of respect to the | William B. Dalton, a member of th club. aie Belleville Veteran Dead. ville of the death in Detroit of Ed- ward Lowe, a resident of this city i who served overseas. He was gassad | at the battle of Paaschendale. He en- !listed at Barrie in the 75th battalion; Back To Routine. The staff and 'members of the lo- jcal Y. M. C, A. are now settling down {to their regular routine after th¢ | sirenuous period of the Retail Mer; chants' Association two days '"'own | ership' of the institution. Secks Endorsation, William Fleet, nominated to con- i test the Kingston by-election for the Ontario government, is seeking tha endorsation of the Traces ad Labor i Council in order to swing the weiglt of organized labor behind him. Had Too Many Coons, Charles Davis, Elizabethown, {fined a total of $23 and nineteen | prime raccoon skins which 'he had in his possession illegally, were confis- {cated. The complaint was laid by J. {| H. Phillips, fish and game overse.r, | Smith's Falls, v | Our Annual Sale. | Before stock-taking we have de- {cided to put on sale our entire stock lof ordered clothing, ready-to-wear [clothing and Gents' Furnishings at | prices that will meet or beat any oth {er houses in the trade. Prevost, | Brock street, Not Alarmed, government employment bureau, a dressing the Belleville trades and | labor council stated that unemploy- ment, while it was not of the moat cheerful type, as not of an alarm- ing nature. "It is not a disgrace to be out of work," said Mr. Green. Are Looking For Work, On Thursday when it was nounced that the Kingston Ice Com- pany was going- to commence work at cutling the ice a large number of men who are out of employment Thin, watery blood is no more nourishing than thin, watery milk ~--skim milk. But you can soon enrich thin blood, overcome the anaemic con- dition and build up the whole sys- tem by wsing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. F. G. Simmons, 42 Cur- tis St., Brantford, Ont., writes: "For about eight years | suffered from anaemia. My circulation was poor, my gums and lips were pale, and my hands and feet ware always cold. 1 was nervous and unable to sleep well. I had frequent headaches, seemed restless and easily worried or irritated. There was a buzzing sound if my ears, Indigestion was alto one of \my complaints, and I often was attackell by weak spells. 1 weat to a doctor,{ who told me | was anaemic, but as Hid not get any bet ter | decided to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and afier the first box I felt brighter and my headaches completely disappeared. | continued using the Nerve Food for quite a while. | am quite well now, and cheerfully and Futefully Secommend Dr. Chaat 4 Nerve to people suffering as | did before I wed this splendid meine." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Headaches Are Usually Due to Constipation i Word has been received in Berso- | was L. ¥. Green, superintendent of tne | ans: ay ! waited upon the management and asked for an engagmement. What Advertising Will Do. They been taught through advertising, chew gum. We don't belive he chews but it goes to show what ad- !vertising will do. This newspaper gets remarkable results. = much Liberal Meets Liberal, Samuel Jamieson, president of the! Frontenac Liberal Association, and Joseph Duff, a member fof the execu- tive, were in the city on Thursday. They met a number of city Liberals and discussed general 'political con- ditions, Ice Sixteen Inches Thick. Local merchants have started har- vesting their ice crop, and in one of the storage houses at the foot of Queen street, a considerable quantity lias already been stored away. The ite is about sixteen inches thick, but contains a good deal of "snow" ice, Looking for Them. Guy Carr-Harris, who is with a well konwn financial firm in Toron'o, Is spending a few days in the city While in Toronto he witessed some of the big games at the arena, and is looking forward to the time when the Kingston teams play in that city. | A New Feature, The introduction of lectures on business and civic problemé into tae curriculum of the Royal Military College is an entirely new feature at the institution across the bay, and is another proof of ¢he progressive and matter-of-fact policy of the presen: commandant. Mild Weather Helped. The mild weather recently has en- abled the workmen employed at the shipyard to rush the repairing on the steamer Keybell, and the job is now progressing most favorably. Practi- cally the entire bottom will have 'o be repaired or renewed before the vessel will be serviceable. A Slushy Harbor Walk, "short-cut™ across the harbor I Military | { The from the city to the R: | College is far from idea weather has made the surface very slushy and at times the pedestrian sinks almost to the ankles. A freeze- up would be greatly appreciated by all those who usée this "highway." Asking For Aid, The - indigent committee of the W. C. A. is asking the Beileville | council for a grant of $3,000 wowaris the work of keeping the needy of the |city, in addition to $275 to cover a deficit on last year's work. Last vear the council gave $1,500. The exeeu- tive recommended a $1,000 grant 'o apply on necessary reMef work. | | If the "Price Events" Of the month are told as interest- ingly as the news of the Washing- ton Conference has been, it wil in- teres: as many people and the enter- prising merchant will treble his clien- | tele in short order. Our readers look for the interesting news in the ad columns, and our advertisers are got- ting the "pick" of the purchasers. Doing A Good Business. | The tea room rum in connection | with the Jock Harty arena, is doing {a good business. The tea room has {been finished up nicely and citizens | take advantage of getting a cup of tea or coffee during the intermis- | Slons in the hockey games. M. P. | Reid, who is in charge of the tea | room, has a number of men who go | through the crowd and "sell "hot { dogs' and other eatables. In A Serious Condition. Tripping over a small ohstruction | jon the ground while working on the erection of the J. R. Bax'er Co. plant, Brockville, Edward Monahan infHei- say the Prince of Wales has | to} as the soft ! | year the hospital cared for a total of | {1,091 patients, an increas of 63, while 420 received outside treatment. { To overcome the crowding dqiffi- | culty it is proposed '0 take the pres- | ent nurses' home for private wards | and construc: a new nurses' building outside the 'hospital. The surplus for the year was $3,862.36. JTwas A Pleasant Event, The euchre given by the Ladies'! Auxiliary of the Hotel Dieu on Wed- | nesday evening, in the nurses' re- creation hall, was a decided success, |and was marked by the large attend- {ance of the series. Mrs. Devlin anu | Mrs. Lovett were the convenors, and they with Mrs. J. Sowards, Sr., re- {ceived at the door. The card room | was under the charge of Misses | Frances Devlin, M. Mooney and Mrs. | O'Connor. They were assisted at! serving refreshments by Mrs, Har: | man, Mrs. Logue, Mrs. Jerome, Mrs. ! {Lyons and Miss Mary Costella. The {lady's prize was by Mrs. Frank Me- { Avoy and the gentleman's prize was | won by Capt. James Mahoney, Every Citizen Shonld Read This | Notice, | It will pay you to come miles to this gigantic clearance sale Our en- tire stock of mens suits, overcoats and winter goods are being sacrific- {ed at less than cost. The extreme | | mild weather and lack of space for- | ces us to make this sacrifice. It wil. | {pay you to e miles to this great sale. Remetnber nothing in this! store is over ten months old and ail | | bought on the new low price in the | first place, which was low then, Be (sures and pome a surprise awaits you | The Lion Cclothing House, 356 King | | Street, | -- | Interest Still Lags. | Very little interest is beM@ shown | | | | | in the sitting of the court for the reo- | vision of the voters' list which are | being held at the court house this (week, Up until Thursday morning {at eleven Judge H. A. Lavell sta'ed | {that he had only added 'thirty-five | | names to the city lists. He had a| | number of applications from patien's {at the Sydenham hospital and tuey | | will be dealt with in the very near | | future, en i It has been suggested "hat if tae | | Liberal and Conservative parties had | | candidates in the field more peop. | j would apply for registration. {expected that nex: week the | parties will announce their men. Of- iwo | ictal nomination takes place on the | | 26th, Have you heard about Peps? Pepsisa scientific preparation put {ive treatment for coughs, colds, chest | and throat troubles. Peps contain certain medicinal in. | gredients, which, when placed upon the tongue, immediately turn inic vapor, and are breathed down the air passages to the lungs. On their jour. ney, they soothe the inflamed and irritated membranes of the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls of the ait passages, and finally enter and carry relief and healing to the lungs. | Ina word, while no liquid or solic can get to the lungs and air passages | these Peps fumes get there direct | and at oace commence healing. FREE TRIAL Cutout thi : article, write across it the name dnd date of thi: | paper, and majl it (with lc. stamp t«¢ pay return postage) to Peps Co. | Toronto. A free trial packet wil | them be sent you. All druggists ane It is| up in pastille form, which | provides an entirely new and effect- | ANTARACITE BRIQUETS Hard Coal Screenings pressed into moulds about the size of a hen's egg, make a very satisfactory fuel for stoves, heat- ers and furnaces. ' We have a popular size; about equal to large Chestnut or small Stove Coal. It is clean, burns to ashes, no clinkers. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Gay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phoae 66. Factory Phone 1415. nn -------------- er -- A Dinner You Will Enjoy: . For a meal you will enjoy. | H/ A Visit our Restaurant, and you m will not be disappointed. Our Service is excellent and » our prices are right. mn From 8 am. to 2 am, 222 Princess Street - pe Two Doors Above Opera House ------- ROYAL OAK GREETS 1022 with a better tire tham ever. The mew Reyml Oak, 30x3% fabrie tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the com- pany); price, Jower tham ever before. See thei before buying at: EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phope 2060. v i Frame house, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, 8 piece bath, This is a real bargain if sold within Price $2,600, 'M. B. TRUMPOUR 1113 BROCK STREET PHONE TOK or 1461w. private driveway. 10 days. Good location. A fl | MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 'TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotei) ed a slight injury to his right leg be- i tween the knee and cnkle. No at- [teaon was paid to the injury for a |day or so, but it gradually grew | worse and has developed into a seri- jous case of blood-paisoning. | removed to St. Vincent de Paul hos- | pital where he is under care and .s suffering considcrable pain. Returning to Military College. | | Lt.-Col. C. F. Constantine, D.S.0.. | | has returned from England where he | was attending the staff college at Camberly, and resumed his duties af | the Royal Military College, where he | is professor of artillery. Lt.-Col, W. | G. Beeman, D:8.0., who held shis ep- | pointment in the.absence of Colonal | Constantine, sailed for England on | January 13th and he will also attend | the staff officers' course in Camberly. | Both these officers are graduaies f | the R. M. C. and had distinguished careers during the late war. | To Visit U. 8. Hospitals. The Toronto board of contro! auth- orized City Architect Price to iczom- pany Property Commissioner Chis- holm, Government Architect James Goven and Dr. Ryan, Kingston, on a tour of inspection in Boston, New York, Baltimore ad Ann Arbor, to in- spect reception hospitals io get pointers to be of use in planning the institution to be erected in Surrey Place, Toronto. The plans as original- ly drafed involving diagonal wings was unsatisfactory, and a block building four storeys will be requir Home. of the Brock- 1 necessitates tho consideration of iding more ac- commodation it was pointed out at the annual meeting of the board of povernoss aud members. During last He was | Within 5 Minutes of Everything Worth While Hotel Breslin An High Class Hotel with Moderate Rates Popular priced Club Break fasts - Wn A Cafeteria--the last word in up-to-dateness--just opened RATES Single Room with bath Double Room with bath in 3.00 6.00 is Nature's first aid to 'the pak in ney o Scott & Bowne, Toronto. Ont. ALSO MAKERS OF <r -M Na 3 White Cottons Nainsooks; Madapolam and Bridal Cloths At Very Special Prices All the best makes Canadian and Eng- lish, including the celebrated Horrockses' White Cottons at 15¢c., 18c., 20c., 25c¢. to 50c. a yard. 4 Nainsooks at 25¢c., 30c., 37c., 50c. to 90c. a yard. > Madapolam at 35c., 45c., 50c. and 60c. a yard. Brida Cloths at 35c¢., 40c., 50c. and 60c a yard. Balloon Cloth, very fine; looks like Silk and wears better; 40' wide at . . 75¢. a yd. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. ~~ Women were called in to aid the Soft foods, especially National Counell of England, the are blamed by an eminent predecessor of the House of Lords, |for the great number of a5 long ago as 670, cases in the United States. .

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