Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1922, p. 7

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20, 1022, "ISH WHIG. THE DAILY BRIT F -- Journal Defends the THE COUNCIL OF WOMEN" QUEEN' S AND D. ANCES, tn : The Annual Meeting Was Held ......, x vents of The Students, on Thursday After : a ours play noon. fur of FRIDAY, JANUARY Soeial s notice board die- placards and noth- : that a true expression of liege lif a fair adyertice- f what Gases 't has to offer Or when newspaper headlines read an't Stop 'Fussing,' Dr. s---- / cur 1al meeting of the local Council of Women was neld in the George VanHorne's . noon, Miss' Lillian Mowat, the presi. Te Functions dent, in the chair. After the min- Si minated In Col- / utes had been read and adopted tre | treasurer's report was esented leges" Ottawa Journal, May 16th, Balance for 1920, $49 26; « «sev vvs Half Price 1921)--is a correct impression be- $127.28; disbursemegts, . One-third Off ment ety receipts, ing conveyed of life at Queen's? In $63.84; balance on hand $63.44 Special hort, is our reputation among the fund, balance, $69 30; disbur undergraduates of other universities ments, $16.95; balance, $4: as an institution given over to dane- Total for travellers aid, $32 ing-a well-earned one? J 0 disbursements; $210; balance, $114. tion Overcoats at Suitsat ......... There is only one answer to ques- 2 s such as these: a negative one. We have some real bargains - Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. 35. The reports of the affiliated &o- cieties were rdad showing the s plen did work dome in Kingston by its wpmen, The Children of Mary does relief work, had helped 157 familie sent 42 Christmas dinners and 112 !stockings. The Victorian Order of {Nurses committee reported a suc- ~~ THEKID [--- Pre- Inventory Sale January 16th to 28th 25 Per Cent. Dis- count on everything The boy or girl of to-day doves not need to be handicap- | ped in school from poor eye- | sight--many children who are backward at school and com- plain of the inability to study have can be relieved by a or' eyepain, proper headaches pair of glasses. Our examination will reveal except Re-sale Price Goods. the trouble if in the eyes and | 'our glasses will enable them to their keep pace with chums, | |i ! which is the ambition of most | yi cessful year with the highest praise itor the V.O. nurses and the wor {of Dr. H. E. Day at the welfare sta- {tion. The Orphans Home committee hopes for the further interest of th citizens." The Y.M.C.A. has a newly appointed secretary and looks for ward to a year of usefulness. St John's Wmbulance has issued 107 certificates for first aid during the year. The Red Cross carries on the visiting of the military hospitals as well as their peace time wok, pro- viding clothes for the needy. report. The City Union of King's Daughters, now in its twenty-fifth vear has done valient work for King- ston during a quarter of a century. Twenty-seven years ago the charity circle opened its food and fuel club and in that time $27,164.16 has been collected from the poorer members and given back t& them in food and fuel bought to the best advantage. Kingston's community werkers gave a short report of work done in the city schools. Cataraqui and La Salle | Chapters 1.O.D.E. are represented on the executive, The Public Library's report showed an increased interest in the story hour and in the movies | kindly given by the Strand theatre. | Reports were read from the - Wo- ymen's Aid of the Kingstod General Asso- | The | Levana Society gave an interesting ' No person with even an unsympathe- tic understanding of the present-day tendencies of the "younger genera- fon" can say that Queen's students compared to young people every- where, are amusement crazy or that our- college is Sa dancing academy. The system of frequent but short! social evenings and occasional form- | dances does not allow of any ex- #3 of time being spent on the,danc- ing floor. And, as-Principa} Taylor said last spring inshis report to the | activity cannot be remains trustee "social condemned while a college sound academically." DEVIL" AT THE GRAND A Splendid Play Presented By Rex Stock Company. The verdict of the crowded house which greeted the Rev Stock Com- | pany when it presented 'The Devil" | at the Grand Opera House, on Thurs | day evening 'was that it was one of the best plays which has been put on | by that company since coming to | Kingston five months ago. "The De- | vil" is one of Francs Molner"s plays | and it was only by special arrange- | ment with the author that Mr. Snel- grove was able to offer this produe- | tion. The play is exceptionally well } staged and the scenery was very | fine, The electrical effects are wor-! thy of special notice.. A good lesson | which might be learned from this | rlay is that it always pays to be true to one's better selves and not | yield to temptation no matter how | attractive it might appear on the | surface The play demonstrates "THE the | DISCOUNT SHOE SALE "IS A REAL MONEY SAVER" Here is just what it means--you can buy real high-grade, up-to-date, Footwear for every member of the family at 1-5 off. $8.00 Ladies' real up-to-date Brown Calf Oxfords at $6.40 is dre of "our leading advertisements." 20% SAVING MEANS | # All $10.00 Shoes are now All $ 9.00 Shoes are now All $5.00 Shoes are now Everything in the store at these discounts with the exception of Rubber Goods. iN $8.00 $7.20 $4.00 "4% ees ee Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, | Hospital, from the Teachers' - ; = b | {clation, from the Infants Home, the power that the evil forces, as re- presented by the devil, have in Abernethy's Shoe Store | Wright, Travellers Aid, said she had P i . N ; |assisted 848 travellers during the happy homes. - ! ' ' year, 385 of whom were young girls, | Rex. Snelgrove, who filled the role . ] a children, Ev Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office Kingston ¥ + e ri ted the part in a very | Reports were heard from the stand- ©f the devil ac P ing committees > creditable manner. Zana Vaughn [fF g © lees. The election of officers followed as Played the part of the banker's wife, | {follows: Hon. president) Miss Ma- Who was in love with the artist and | |char; hon. vice-prest dents. Mrs. Ww. Who yielded to the Jove of her artist | Si Nickle, Mrs. W. Cochrane; presi- lover, Wiliam Seymour. William dent, Miss Lillian Mowat; vice-presi- biigBadandr ind servant did his dents, Miss Muckleston, Mrs, J. Mac- Aid + KINGSTON, ONTARIO {gillivary, Mrs, H. A, Lavell, Miss I, The Pak Kiddies Seliguted ne} {Ronan, Mrs. A. Strachan; recording aud'ence een the SPECIAL The well known Banner Brand Jam--69c for a 4b. tin Welsh's Orange Marmalade 8c. for a 4 1b. tin Welsh's Fruitlade, 8 jars $1.00 C. H. Pickering 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET ow YOUR PROTECTION? BURGLARY INSURANCE: C. 8. KIRKPATRICK 368 Clarence st. telephone J@Sw- A IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. New Election System by the Alma | SIMMONS MATTRESSES DELIVELED TO YOU SE ALED, SWEET AND CLEAN Practieally everyone takes eight hours' sleep--one-third of one's life in intimate contact with a Mattress. Let us show you these fine sanitary Simmons' _-- JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE Li Mattresses during our on all goods except Pyrex Glassware and Cc mmunity Silver. This is the biggest sale ever held in King- 'ston and is 'a chance of a lifetime" to buy Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, etc., at Real Bargain Prices. ! t Mrs, A. New- : 'Rom Lwy-y ford Kelly; treasurer, Ss, | Grand, Friday evening ang Caterars | i | mittee appointed to consider the] Mrs. A. L. Hughes; suppression of | | tore a large audience at the Strand [held on Thursday afternoon, the {the subject "Chemistiy and the {have found themselves the captors | bewitching Betty Compson Jills ad* -- tinguished and well-to-do family of | lands. Standing committees: Agri- | matinee and evening. . iquestion of a new election system] J objectionable printed matter, "for the alma mater society. | {on Thursday evening. The setting of | i War." (of a veritable Arsene Lupin, who mirably the role of "Lady Babble," In a practice game of hockey play- | noble origin, and is the recipient of [culture, Mrs. Revelle; care of men- | | tally deficient, Miss Mackenzie; child | { welfare, Mrs. Garrett Lockett; citi- | zenship, Miss W, Gordon; education, | | Miss I. Bureau; conservation, Mrs. : Mrs * IA. Kennedy; laws, Miss Mowat; | : 4 Er g * [suggested scheme is to have an as- - press, Miss Going. {sembly with representation from | SOLVED BY THE POLICE! { ) i Ek cag ' jeach faculty and officers to act as! i i "THE LITTLE MINISTER." | cabinet ministers to be also elected. | Ls Barrie's Charming Story Shown In {The scheme will come before the uA. Scion of French Nobility Ar- Motion Picture at Strand. M. 8. at Re meeting Saluriay Sven rested--His Pastime Was The beautiful photo dramatization |'N8 and as 8 such a great change Burglarizing Houses lof "The Little Minister" by Sir {Tom the present sysiem that it will rg gf . 8 A : " {likely arouse considsrable discus-| i | this famous Paramount production | | is the old Scotch village of Thrums, picturesque with quaint homes, and | {who during the last year has com- the surrounding woodlands. Among | The Q.U.M.A. was addressed at Jap ited a series of baffling robberies, [the dashing soldiers, charming wo- {meeting on Thursday afternoon hy | including that of the home of Gen- Imef, gay gypsies, and the comely Dr. W. G. Jordan, who is always, ©ral Edward Kirkpatrick, an Ameri- popular with the students. lcan Civil War officer. 9 ee eo 0 rtson S Imite | while George Hackathorne is well- |ed Thursday afternoon hetween year; : \ {suited to the part of "The Little teams representing arts and medi- ie monthly allowance which permits - { Minister." Among those in the care- [cine 24 the latter won by a score of | Mim to live in luxurious style. More- 73 Princess St. . | fully selected supporting, cast are |2-1. These teams were last year the|°Ver, he is interested in an automo- : [Nigel Barry, Willlam Willing, Guy [strongest in their faculties. bile concern, which provides an addi- Oliver, Bred Huntley, and many oth- tional income, A handsome and de- ers with whom movie-lovers are ac- No woman wants her husband to | We specialize on:--Painless Extrac- | secretary, Mrs, E. C. D. MacCallum; ©nd acts with a couple of real good ! song hits. [A M. Rankin; finance, Mrs. A. Ellis; Mater Society. | !| fine arts, Mrs. P. Devlin; laws for | ..A new 'form of student govern-| women, Mrs. Bruce Taylor; public ment to take the form of a parlia-| healtiw® Mrs. R.. Robinson; play-| James Barrie, is a play one must not | | miss, even if having had ths privi- sion. { Paris, Jan. 20.--With the arrest | lege of seeing its presentation on the | At 8 meeting of the Queen's of a well-dressed, monocled young | 1,58 man in the act of leaving an apart- ment with a suitcase full of silver, {village folk, characters never to be | | forgotten, "The Little Minisger' him | -- The solution of this series of crim- |selt with his great goodness, cour-| The arts and science students are| inal mysteries, however, has con- iage and love, reaches the hearts of receiving the resuits of the examina-| fronted the police with another, psy- | chological in character. The thief, | boneir young man, he has had an quainted. { admire her so much that he will be | °¥cellent social standing. His life "The Little Minister" will be [content to see only her charms even | 'as apparently been a joyous open shown at The Strand theatre Friday book. and Saturday matinee and evening. though she is wearing last year's clothes, M Wwil- tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorrhea, | corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. W The "Devil" 'will be shown at the Dn iBa. Mics Wider woman lober {ment will be proposed by the com- \\ grounds, Miss Wilder; hy lemitimato stage. It was shown. be. |branch of the Institute of Chemistry | {speaker was Dr. L. F. Goodwin on| Which he had just stolen, the police | == all who know him. The versatile®and [ions which they wrote recently, Serge de Lenz, is the son of a fis- | After the arrest, however, de Lenz freely confessed those of his rob- beries which he could remember offhand. Among the homes he had robbed are those of the Viscountess de Barbot, thé Viscountess de Per- thuis, the Count de Chevigne, the Marquir de Coix, the Countess de Sain Alary and General Kirkpatrick, sometimes known as Baron Kirkpat- rick beeause of his relation through his mother to the French nobility. In all these robberies the young man showed himself a connoisseur in his selection of valuable Juin. ings, books, laces and art ob, The insignificant prices at which disposed of his spoils tend to show that gain was not his motive, The members of de Lenz's family, with whom he lives at Neuilly; were unable to credit the news of his |, arrest and furnished the police with what they believed to be a full ac- count of his habits and interests The police say that he was arrest- ed for burglary before the war, but escaped punishment through the am- nesty ja. s WORTH Y A PLACE IN THE FINEST HOME When youn hear THE SONORA, you will never be satisfied with anything else. The beautiful tone and the number of exclusive features quali- fies it for its position as the highest class talking machine in the world The SONORA Phonograph Hayy all Records and is built to last Ia lifetime. Overshoes FOR WOMEN 5 Buckle Waterproof Cloth Overshoes Four Dollars a Pair All styles | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Ki ingston TEN YEARS AGO. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. All local curlers are busy enter- W.. Harty, Jr., had the fingers cf taining the visiting Scottish curling | his right hand badly battered while: teams. ; - | playing hockey, Frontenacs defeated Varsity sen-| Frontenacs seniors and cadets will iors here 7 to 4, winning by combin- | not meet at Rockwood rink tonight ation play. 3 2s the cadets will not be able tn get Mayor Hoag wants to see junior away. Frontenaes defeat his brother's'team | "Billy" Yule amused a large audi- in Trenton tonight. ence in the opera house, assisted by. | The depa t of militia will | the Queen's Glee Club. penalize. any employer hindering The Kingston branch of the Y.W. men who Wish to attend summer {CA isa useful and growing organi- training camp. x zation. Nominations will be geceived to- Queen's representative hotkey morrow for the aldermanic vacancy |team leaves for New York tomorrow in Frontenac ward, nigh under Capt, Curtis, ER ik All sizes Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE

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