FRIDAY, JANVARY 20, 192. tod for Ottawa to joi Mr. Kirby. | > . - ---- ug = Ni \\u A] -- Ty Jas To awa i py to the Go ee i FEL To-m w's ARE YOU AWARE THAT » « o i orro _------ ---- EE ------------------ . J . . pst wie a New York | -- - a i : v Life S Social Side } who have been visiting in Montreal | ji HOR OSCOPE (ld WM 7 od i, hg et Sy ) By Genevieve Kemble : . etamad |ZUCSts Of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Savage; ; etme - . ----d Editor of Women's Page, Telephone [ternoon, for a cup of tea made at the | M v ar Juste. struct, Tort for >, ; ¥ Saturday, Jan. 21, TX] A 3 p » 837Tw dainty tea tg ay wit i it | 1724; Private phone 837w. a ty tea table, gay wi R pink par Ottawa' on Thursday. The stellar forces for this "- tv * Ser by Mrs. F. B. Pense, who was| Lady Elizabeth and Lady Mary not be int Play, bridge and tea were the at- assisted by Miss Lena Tallon and], acy ye 1 ' *10e} . . ; | Byng wore in Montreal, the guests . | tractions at the Badmintbn Club | Miss Frances Connolly. of Mrs. Huntley Drummond, this OSE danger Sal dire | Natural Leaf Green Tea is put up at the Armouries on Wed- . 3 . : gp , \ = Jlseung a; the Armouries on VWed- Prot. asd Me 1 8. E week and attended the Charity Ball bs the disturbances and diffiey tin and sold in sealed packets in the a eho us "W. I. Shut. Er ee 4 on Wednes: |8t the Windsor on Wednesday. y be precipitated by a ten-| © game form as the famous rig.-General a re, W. DB. Shot 3 st", ente 16¢ ed w] 3 a ot th . i tieworth King, Prof. and Mrs li. day evening for Prot and Mrs A ET Miss Marjorie Uglow, Who Has per an Hier. er pony the to- Black Teas of "Salada brand. - C. Campbell, Col. and Mrs. G iL- | Zimmern when their guests-had the | en in Napanee with Miss Josephine Tels or Ia ita i 2 ter Oglivie, Col. and Mrs. Norma: pleasure of meeting the lecturer who heen 18 3 pay returned to town. be ruinous. Thre x3 Mpeicl®d to Geta PacKet ® » ww « « « You will like it. Leslie, Col. and Ns. Dusbar, e hus siven he yetuie such 3 treat! Mrs. Arthur Turner and her child- ger of fraud and treachery, % weil |* . § ond Yes. Seventy ng hy ri : oS ea oobi Who Js a [ren returned to Hamilton today after ' as danger from lying, cheating, and [tive nature may get it into much | per can easily be separated from the Mrs. Schmidlin, Majo 4 tras. | CHATIMING : an, {@ month's visit to Mn. and Mrs. jand all manner of irresponsibility. {trouble fn lite. material. aj 1 s. Heber Latfar +t + ] Greer, Major and Mrs. Heber J [Thomas Slater, Barrie street. --- | However, Jupiter rules with benefic |, s 'allander, Mri 3 anki ~h 1as sn t . g » ow Fret na NE alls t ; hi Mrs. J. A Jonk 52, wl 5 hes 5 ou Prof. and Mrs. A. E. Zimmern are lintent ana friendliness, rr A man should learn to sail in all ames 3 ar, Mrs Qugias Jeanett, jy past fou mnths w ner moth- ih : ' a ees i { a i 5 ; ;, |Femaining in town till Sunday saa} THE MUTTON FAT. | rn wii birthday | Georgette and thin silks are dit-| Winds, Sep . 3frs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. I. W. |, R. Davidson, ler k, | : i and |are the guests of Prof. and Mrs, A. ve a trying year, brough ficult to sew. If you take a strip Coe ly by their own disposition to be [of paper about one inch wide and Cuticura Soap Jl, Mre. Hallowey Waddell, Mrs. | accompanied by her hus d ay : "Elmh i ®ampbell Strange, Mrs. Colquhoun, | Il daughter, for San Francisco, |S- Ferguson, "Elmhurst, One of the old and standard re ) Miss K. Fraser, Ottawa, Miss Mollie lifornta, where the will remain a | os F Rd cipes for mutton b Cg in rash, impuisive, quarrelsome and un- | hold it under the seam while sew Cartwright, Miss Langton, Evgland, |, weeks, en route to their home in | Doll House For Queen cook Bok ro, i begin |T¢!iable and untruthful. A child born | ing you will find it easier. The lg Ideal for -- Bilss Aileen Rogers, Miss Mildred Portland, Oregon, | Decorated by Artists thus: "Remove all the far ang eqt |°0 this day should receive the earl- | fabric will not pull out of shape} s vy a "a > the | ; Jones, Miss Edith Carruthers, * | cli the m into emall pieces." But 'he |1©5t @nd sternest training in self- | and the finished work will be smooth. The Complexion "hr Mrs. Bruce Taylor, the Principal's sndon, | S.-- Princess Chris- ; : ra) vo | COBLIOl, veracity, honesty and res. Stitch directly through the paper. Alrs. Jd. C, 4 Mstord rave 8 h hl | Residence, Que: 1's University, Asad ta don, Jes. 1 Tar Louise paid Jat Be 20g, and Wh oud ai. | ponsibility, as otherwise its vindic- When thegmork is completed the pa-! EST uly PE es : en |p fou Jeopie ro Shane ou Thursday pan informal visit to Sir Edwin Luy- rects? The meck of lamb OF MULLON | ymm---- - -- -- y sday after: Ww tev gL neet Pro A. KL, Zim- s W § ac Tre the spacious rooms ofthe Warden's jmern whose wonderfully interesting ton's Slice io papas He Srdug Naz ul ol ne Piso Preserved, 2nd Residence were fragrant with = | series of lectures came to a close last | PTOSTess in the by ong ? ' as nearly 25 per cent. of fat. This | hy de ith, and Mss. | sore house which is being presented to the | means that 1,000 of the 1,375 cal- | flowers, Mise Maths Smith, a y tthe}? re ea "Jueen by some of the distinguished ories which this meat yields per Arthur Ellis were the a : <1 5 5 architects and artists of England. bound is in the fat of j*. And should | Pretty souvenirs and Mrs yo } Pe | MES J. Fydlacdonald, Senart stree; The walls and general structure of | it happen to be a '"'véry fat" lamb, | Son poured tea at he revit rattine | Chtertained 2 toe tea hour on Wea he dolls', house are growing apace, |of mutton age, our food table tes | Ht table, The Boatoss herself rniting Resday when Her pues . ncluy : Ie { under the care of expert craftsmen. [us that the neck contains over 43 Be ices. LI rewer Tesbers otis] Bivorsily ect, An unforeseen difficulty occurred, | per cent. of fat, the fat and lean w- | Mrs, B. Gordon Robertson, Lower Mrs. J. M. Fair, Aberdeen avenue, | however, in the fact that, as the (gether yielding 2,095 calorfes, | t Unfon street, was the hostess of a will entertain at the tea hour on | 0118' house occupies the greater part Taking pure fat for what it is bright tea on Thursday in honor of Saturday for Mrs. Walter Pierce, 81. of the room in which it is being built, | worth es fuel, measured by calories, | Mrs. Arthur Turner, Hamilton. Pink{ john, N.B., who is a visitor in town, | When finished it will not be Possible we nay find that gut of that cid roses and pink candles decked the * 2» to move jt out of the door, It is there- 3400 came oon ie fat. Tis igh | pretty tea table in the dining room On Thursday afternoon Prof. a: 4 rere being built in four portions. on tty In 4 ar : 'lark Wri ade so oy ; y pussts of As it is, the ceilings are being { where Mrs. G. Clark Wright made | rpg Zimmern were the guests o ' > made to slide off, in order to give| We cooked it, The point is we bgt tea and Mrs. Henry Connell cut the Prof, and Madame Vailtter, Royal id ! : . . ices, assisted by Miss Helen Nicol Military College during the tea hour, | greater facility. to the artists who are Ht tout to throw away calories 4d 10 " bi : id d h R . and Miss Catharine Wright. | : painting them. Ty ma Wo. tor mock . mn U e Si e onograp ecords : "©. .» y - | Most of thé valuables, the furniture 8 ioliowing recipe w) M Mrs. Arnott Minnes, "The Win. and so forth, will have to wait until |/@mb stew is worth exploiting over | Mr. and Mrs, John Godfrey, Moun od ] : i tain Grove, Frontenac county, {Ston," Ear street, asked a few beo-| sir Kdwin's return from India next|20d over, as an Fustration of he fiounce the engagement of their {Ple to come in for a cup of tea on March. Sir Arthur Cope, R.A., has ft Fe we San Bet phd | youngest daughter, Alice Grace, to (Thursday. already painted a beautify] miniatura ay smb Javon vin whi oa a) | Willlam MeVittie, youngest son o | : ' ee . portrait of Princess Sophia of Han- at an i two tables; ns | - the late Mr. and Mrs. M. McVittie, | Mra, Colquhoun, Earl street, is over, to hang in one of the great|P° hy ue ohten, at yous ; Blyth, Huron county, Ont., The mar- | &lving a tea dance at the "Chateau salons, and Mr. Edmund Dulac has amb "i ' A Sup To ous riage will take place the latter part | Belvidere," this alieraoen. been persuaded to decorate most pf a! ua hy Se vegetables. | of February, ! : the third floor--the nursery and wh un bt . e = | Mrs, A Mackenzie, Earl street, ne | COVET With water, add half lam fa, night nursery and the doll children's and cook until tender. of , v ' Ibert stree: |entertained the Wednesday id 3 { Mrs. W. B, Carey, Albert tae} ne jain 9 ednesday bridge quarters generally. Sir William Or- Brown flour in rest of lamb fat; gave & pleasant tea on u sday for A pen will paint a number of the por- ddd liquid drained from vegetables Miss Maynard, the English girl whe | : traits and William Nicholson k vy. Shake drainea Moho guest of Prof. and Mrs. J. L.| Mrs. Thomas. Secombe, . Ring many of the ceilings. lays STuvy. for minute and : " 7) y Pa | Slreet is entertainin, at bridge this : ~/ ) Morison, Miss Hubley made fhe $83 fetrect Js & & The care of the library is in tho then simmer them in gravy a few The Mystery Tenor sings ; aha a piedaans our was spe ade . 25 . very best hands -- B Vv. Lucas | minutes. Serve on hot platter with Tv Fhe oony Jeelit room. | Dean and Mrs. 0. D, Skerton. AL 0 ue =ufcaratla r Ether] Poder Of Plain rice. May add peas. I Hear You Calling Me Mother Machree vi ond ty * room, Dr. Ethe . : . . { r ~O1n I teppei o A great many people dropped in tof bert street, will spend the woek ena Smyth has, among others, written a Beautiful Isle io 2 A Bit of Heaven i \ | Mrs! W. B. Connolly's pretty home!in Ottawa special con, : \ . . 1 3 position on the miniature How the Father Feels, A f on Jenkins street, on Thursday af. s»ly Shee Don a utr Reel. A Little Love Little Grey Home 8. R.'E. Ke p sm: Pn a = hire oe a The elegiric lift shaft is practically [He is bearing the hurden end heat . 9 Brion ) FTV {sombiste. Tt 3s built 10 cerry tale tis hearing 8 carries the big re- Everyone wants to know, who is the great Tenor % n * * » dolls and to run from basement to|sponsibilities of Mfe. He comes home . | the top floor. tired. He wants to be at his best to whose records sound so much like John McCormack , Mrs, John Donnelly, Bari sircet, house will be Something unequalied|to him. To 'make him welcome and a's 0 of its kind in the whole world, to keep him comfortable, happy and Hear them. i hy is a great achievement and Mrs. McGill, who Las been with iia Teun lel Ap ome oe 3nd y 5 her sister, Miss Alice King, Alice | "3 |to make him feel welcome is to look The Most Popular Dances eae street, Will return to Montreal this FASHION NOTES nice yourself and have the house woel. : . looking fice. A clean, tidy, well- Wh 'F is D T Littl Fir Ng Mrs. Horace Lawaon and little Miss kept house, with a bright fire and en I'rancis ances en Little arn Pada Laws, returned from Dar. The hair band something Deus Whorsher you Souk, Tuck Me To Sleep Sunny Tennessee 4 , y 8 y is only a little looking- . - Miss Helen Keech, returned to orally scen a M & Fl tare fn bow Lo] : y Birds of a Feather Winnipeg on Thursday after spond. "lor a brightly polished teakettle _ The Sheik Dapper Dan ing some time with her parents, Mr, | Pt & A . ) A . | makes a good welcome. Never mind end Mrs, Hiram Keech, Frontenae all the hard knocks you have had street. of course, conform to the style of! . ' , : 3 8 Mrs. McKee and Miss McKeo, Duy. [47058 with whieh gt ts worn, and also , Things don't master if you don't let Gus Hill sings 3 lather ' ery street, have returned from [0 the style of hairdressing. The | them matter, freely with BabysOwnSoap |Montroa, | bandeau varles trom a single Hine of | --_-- WHEN FRANCIS DANCES and MICKEY O'NEIL Eo Anat a i, bi Le rhinestones or colored jewels, to g | If your spats persist in turning adi . Bow SI a, Mrs, 8. Kirby end ohildren, lea [Wide band of metallic tissue halt upward in front sew a snap fastener an version--no ery ang a AAA AA AA, covering the forehead. The dark d inside of ' 1 ic blue velvet bandean hang embroider- Sn 1h yop ell the eat wil The Sun Record Co. ' 2 I 0 Adelaide W., Toronto. ed in gold threads and dull bilge stay in position. stones is very effective on blonde or All are good except those who Beware of light brown hair. The women Who | pore l or ; can afford something daring can | .. : ~ choose a wreath of bright colored Pm TT TITITT TG Rn ed TE TE Ts Tm HUT ! ender Gums velvet leaves, 'but the wreath of 3 black velvet or Bauze leaves tipped E with i i like dew-drops 3 » is safer. A tollette that was distin. M Fo d fe i h Le M BuislNed in a 8roup of well-dressed \ ost 00 01 4 € ast oney Was a black velvet with long Date Dendoun nr ape eck, and | BA 0 of roast beef or a sirloin steak brings joy to the palate of A hair bandeau of black velvet end lines Across the fereniing In three a real man with a real appetite, but you should eat it with a feather tips mounted on gold or sil- v g . ver tissu oti h : 7 te a ary omens Yor vi carbohydrate food like . the Spanish comb is considered more knowing, For the young girl, noth- : y ing is prettier than the single wreath : of tiny roses and green leaves, or BB : pale pink roses mingled with blue E \ forget-me-nots, while for the girl E . . . ! With HOT Milk A charming Frenchwoman whom | . © Health and strength come from a mix » well-balanced ration. You need the heat-taking Lumet ty Week; a oa Jdesees and tissue-building elements that are found inthe whole wheat, Get : dress, 'was wearing a very simple but i : warmth and strength for the day's work by eating Shredded Wheat with : E Hot Milk. Heat the Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore their crispness; pour hot milk over them, adding a little cream and Wednesday. S Wedteoqnottess of a pleasnat tea on | When it is complete the doug |you and you want tabs at your best that even experts are unable to tel] the difference. LLL salt, or sweeten to suit the taste, Shredded Bi Wheat is ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. ~ Contains more nutriment thar'eggs or pota- toes and costs much less, "Ail the Meat of the Golden Wheat" TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat oracker -- qo real whole , Jat toast -- and is eaten with butter or soft cheese, | AN AY Vv