THE JUNIOR BRITISH WHIG BIGGEST LITTLE PAPER IN THE WORLD THE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG 11 a LUMBER We are again on the ground floor with fresh stocks of Pine, Hemlock and Spruce at HEH SCHOOL STUDY SPOR1S | PLAY . WORK LESSON 10 | re | | HUMOR ONE REEL YARNS || RING OFFI! "I'm tired of being yelled at' de- cided the telephone crossly. "Folks secm to think 1 have no feelings at sll" ALBERT L.CLOUGH Procrastination And Its Penalties UST A FEW EXAMPLES of what "putting it off a little longer does, Cited to show how costly delay may prove to be. Foot-brake linings have worn down "paper thin," but replacement is beglected, with the result that the bands themselves become worn through, so tuat they will not take new linings and new ones have to be bought. Moreover Lhe drums are so badly grooved that the new linings wear out abnormally. An owner knows that his engine oil is dangerously thin, but takes a chance on running a while longer before changing it. It happens that he gives Jhe engine an unusually hard run, with scored cylinders as the result." The penalty is the price of a reboring job and new pistons, not to mention loss of use, the car is kept at worl EASY JUGGLING I prices that mean business, Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042 - . . . Victoria Street ATA The telephone stopped its fretting long enough to ting-a-ling-a-ling loudly. It waited a while, and then fingled again. No one came. "That's just it!" wailed the tele- phone, 'No one pays any attention to me when I want them to. "It's & hard life. I sit hers on the desk all day and no one pays any at- tention fo me, except to give me a barsh word now and then." ' The door opened. A big man came in, seized the telephone, tried to get & number, and, not succeeding, slammed the telephone down and went out. "Ow!" groaned the telephone. "That beast nearly jarred my gizzard out. I wonder what he thinks I'm made of. That's the way it goee. Home one is either mad' at me, or " finally lets go, and ends by doubling up and cracking the cylinder base. Bare spots on the fenders and splash guards are noticed, but touching them up is put off, even though they begin to rust, with the result that when the long delayed repainting is started, these metal parts are corroded through and new ones bave to be bought. A nice new casing runs over & stray bottle and its tread 1s badly cut. The owner threatens to have the cuts repaired--"right away." "A Financial Courtship". one of the most widely Rasso, known professional jugglers, has pre. pared a of ten legsons in easy Juggling especially for the readers of this newspaper. This is the tenth and last article. some one is saying foolish things in my ear until they make me sick. "I'm never appreciated. I guess if they didn't have me théy would miss me all right. They'd feel sorry for the way they treated me. I guess I'll Jump off the desk and end it all." The telephone had been left stand ing on the gorner of the desk, so it was an easy matter for it to edge over until it was balanced right on the very end. Then some one opened the door, and just at that minute over went the telephone with a bang, smashing its receiver. '"This finishes me," sighed the phone, relieved. Bute-- "My gopdness" called a woman's voice. "Our telephone is broken, John, go over mext door and call the repair department right away so we can have it fixed this afternoon.' The telephone gave a feeble, des- pairing tinkle, "Apple Drop" and a Coin Catch Obtain a large tumbler, an apple that will fit into the mouth of the tumbler, a stiff plece of cardboard about four inches square, & playing card, and a rubber band. That is all the paraphernalia needed to perform "apple drop." Roll the card into a small tube about ah inch in diameter. Put in place, Place the square of cardboard over the mouth of the tumbler. Set the playing card tube on top of It. Place the apple on the tube. See L With a sharp blow of the hand, ]| knock the cardboard off the glass. Hit the cardboard in such a way that your hand does not touch the The tube will fly from under the apple. And the apple will drop neatly into the tumbler. The Trick With Three Apples If, after performing the trick with One apple, you wish to make it more as well as a longer Piece of stiff cardboard. Set the tum- blers about three inches apart. The Stiff cardboard must reach over all three tumblers. See figure 2. When the tumblers all have been prepared, knock the stiff cardboard Off the glass by hitting it at the mid- die glass. This will cause it to leave all threa gl at ona time. ers wait--you sell! by Long Distance DIN rubbed his lamp and summoned AlAD to his PF his anyone i 's lam js being done ' BY Alaidiy's p Call the man you long to do business with, by Long Distance, and he is in . : Eire' he eahver Distance makes re than if he lived next door. The man you Juight hesitate to borrow a Mokke widish cordially when hg frie a. their heels I offices, waiting, you sell him. the rubber band around it to hold it floor. have from describing the simple, effective PL Toss it into the force behind the alr, putting enough toss to make the hat, evolving around the weighted end, take one full turn, It may be necessary at first to duck your head to catch the hat. But after ou practice the trick you will be able to make the hat land head by only position, And now, my young friends, IT close this series of articles with the sincere hope that you have derived as much real pleasure from performing the tricks I have told you about, as them to you, enti TO-DAY'S PUZZLE Behead a word fo urge eason for or against a thing, and Good-bye! have a word meaning to act as a guide, Behead to halt and leave the high Acme, coil, est point, Answer to yesterday's: else, Conse- | miss, my UNITED EMPIRE LOYALIST. Only Hereditary Title Created by Canadian Government. The annual meeting of the United Empire Loyalist Association was ary, when an address was given by W. C. Mikel, K. C., Belleville, He pointed out that the title or mark of honor "United Empire Loyalist" is the only title of honor ever created by the Canadian government, except the title of king's counsel. The United Empire Loyalist title was created by order-in-council Novem- ber 9th, 1789, passed at Quebec when Lord Dorchester was governor- general. The members of the coun- cil at the time were Le Compt Du- pre, Hon. Chas. La Naudiere, Hon. Francis Baby, Hon. J. G. C. De Le- ray, Hon. Adam Mabane, Hon. John Collin, Hon. Thos. Dunn, Hon! Wm. Grant, Hon. Edward Harrison, Hon. George Powell, Hon, Heary Cald- rt | held at Toronto on the 19th Janu-| well, Hon. Hugh Findlay and Chief Justice William Smith. It was con- ferred on those regardless of nation- ality or religion who resided in the United States at the time of the Am- erican revolutionary war but joined the royal standard in America before the treaty of peace, and after the close of the war came to Canada, leaving home comforts and break- ing up families, when Canada was yet a wilderness without churches, schools, physicians or even a shel- tering roof. The title was made hereditary and descends to the child- ren of these people. Titles of hon- or are often conferred on. persons who have acquired wealth or politi- cal distinction. The United Empire Loyalists, however, had lost all their worldly possessions and had become outcasts in their country, but they Were enrolled on the list of honor because of the sacrifices made, the sufferings endured and the services rendered the Empire. The late Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States refer- ring to their hardships has said: "The mob broke into and plundered the homes of wealthy loyalists, rode them om rails, tarred and feathered or otherwise brutally maltreated them, or utterly refused to others the liberty of speech they so vociter- ously demanded for themselves. i SEE EY H i 4 E2E : Falk Eiri EF 3 2ETE ; ; ; £ H : i E 1 ei ds But right away doesn't come and the next time sand has worked in through the is loose, calling for an expensive ft is found that the whole tread the casing is examined cuts so far, that nearly repair job. The above examples are from "real life" and by no means cover this sad theme. CAR RUNS JERKILY J. F, B. writes; 'gear, more noticeably when in sec- ond speed and still worse when I engage high gear, but I can find nothing wrong except that loose. Jerking? Answer: My six cylinder car jerks, when I throw it Into low the rivets in the reir-axle housing are What is the cause of this 'We cannot say, but the most natural assumption is that to, but we cannot see how their presence can trouble. ------ ADJUSTING TONE OF HORN | _E. H. W. asks: Is there any | way in which the tone of a electric horn can be restored to what it originally was? The mote {of mine has become shrill and | squeaky. \ i Answer: The tone can be changed iby altering the closeness of the steel pointed armature shaft to the | diaphragm, which is regulated by a | screw that bears upon the other or | commutator end of the shaft. The closer the adjustment, the slower the rotation of the shaft and the | lower the tone produced and vice versa. Remove the motor housing, loosen check-nut of the above men- tioned screw and turn the latter | the axle housing should be attended account for your | ! | slightly in (to the right) if a lower the engine misses explosions, when | 8 under load, and the fluctuations In Jone is Sutired. At he same time its speed, thus occasioned, produce R ia Ye 19 clean the commutator the jerky motion. Irregularities in| With a cloth moistened in three-in- engine speed become more notice- | able In proportion as engine speed is low use. in comparison with car speed and thus the jerking is more pronounced when high gear is in You better inspect the igni- tion system fully to make sure there is a good spark at all times one and to oil the armature shaft bearings with the same lubricant. | | and also see that the carburetor is | in adjustment and has a free sup- | ply of gasoline, Loose rivets in Questions of general interest t space permitting. If an immediate answer is Mr. Clough in this column, 0 the motorist will de answered by desired, enclose self-addressed. stamped envelope, nt NEWS FROM WELLINGTON. Big Outfit of Bricks=--The Harbor May be Opened. Wellington, Jan. 21.--Charles Trindall's house, Mount Pleasant, burned Saturday night. The Owner was away at the time. The buflding was a total loss, Mrs. James Hunt had the misfor- tune to break her arm last night. While carrying a pail of water she slipped and feil, Young Teskey, of Lakeshore Road, while entering the stable was met with a couple of colt's hoofs. One just missed his head and the other caught him on the wrist, He had a providential escape. Mrs. Thomas Luffman has pneu- monia. Mrs. L. A. Anderson, Cleve: land, Ohio, formerly Thelma Dem- mill, of this place, is visiting friends here. Never was there a better quality of ice taken from West Lake than this winter. There is just enough. snow to cover the ground end to enable sleighs to slip over them with light loads. Cony Cronkhite is confined to the bouse through sickness, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foshay motored to Tren- ton to attend the funeral of the late Arnold Brooks, Deep sympathy ts extended to Lady Hanson by her many friends of Wellington owing to the death of her husband. Some forty years ago Sir Charles Hanson and herself were stationed on the Wellington circuit, he being a Methodist minister. The erection of the consolidated school of Wellington will begin next spring and completed on the 1st of September next. McLeod, Toronto, have the contract. ! A number of new cars have been purchased by some of the towns- people, Mrs. Charity Morden, an old and respected lady of the village, is slowly sinking. Mrs. L. Booth; in her ninety-fifth not getting Aspirin at all. physicians during 22 WARNING! Say "Bayer" when yon irin. Unless you see' the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are year, who was confined to her bed, is bright, cheery end happy, and en- joys visits from her numerous friends, Richard Best is visiting with his wife, friends and relatives in Toronto. Norman Duetty, a former young man of Wellington, has developed into a very forceful evangelist and much good is being done through his ministration, He is holding meetings in the Doxy neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer and their children have gone to Florida to spend the remaining winter months. Mrs. P. A. Greer and Miss Helen Allen, Napanee, have gone to Hot Springs to spend the remain- der of the winter. Mrs. Willlam Me- Collough has gone to Port Robinson to visit her two daughters, Mr. Wil- liam McCollough will follow in a few days. The West Lake Lime and Sand Brick Company will commence oper- ations in full force in early spring. The brick produced by them is of an excellent quality and their orders from Uncle Bam's domains are up in the millions. The government has agreed to open out the harbor pro- vided conditions are favorable. Gerald Nixon and Miss Fox were united fh marriage this month and will reside in Wellington. R. Camp- bell who was in the northwest, has returned home. George Boyce is visiting his son at Belleville. Woman Leaps to Death, New 'York, Jan. 24.--Worry over investments is believed to have caus- ed Mrs. F. W, Sherwood, 655, of Berkley, Calif, to leap to death from a window of her apartment on the nineteenth floor of the Commodore hotel. Nearly every bone in her body was broken, A wren in the hand is better than a crane to be caught. buy Aspirin. Why take chances? directions and dose worked out by years and proved safe by millions for A little Bookdet which 'tells in an interesting way so simple language that a schoolgirl could understand it, all about investments of all kinds, bonds, mortgages and stocks. Even > Spe rienced investors this Jude story, woven mance, valuable pointers on To tase ous mmy The booklet will be mailed request. Zmilius Jarvis & Co. ERED Se™ mum Outawa, INVESTMENT BANKERS free to any one on ROYAL OAK GREETS 1023 with a better tire than ever. The mew Roval Oak, 30x31 fabrie tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the come pany); price, lower than ever before. See them before buying ate EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBIKER Co. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Streel. Phone 20850. 5 AAA AAA AAA A mr Valuable Residence. Excellent Location. For price and terms apply: ~~ GSTON AGENCIES, Linted Frame house, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, 8 piece bath, private driveway. This is a real bargain if sold within 10 days. Good location. Price $2,600, M. B. TRUMPOUR 111} BROCK STREET PHONE 704 or 1461w. How many times a day do peo. ple rub their eyes and say: "Golly, I've had kind of a head= ache all afternoon." and then pro- ceed to take a dose of something. They never think their eyes have anything to do with it. Don't neglect that symptom of eye- strain. A good, honest examina= tion ls our slogan. R. Arthey, R0. Optometrist and Optician Phone 2108 for appointment. 143 PRINCESS STREET Stock Taking Sale | Until the end of this month, we will dispose of our en. tire stock of Aluminum, Enamel and Tinware, Stoves and Hard. "20% OFF ALL BALES FOR CASH Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINC ESS STREET : er Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground Cylinders All high grade automobile engines manufactared fn this country as well as in Europe have their cylinder bores finfsh- ed by grinding. Some of the American cars that might be Peerless % Plerce Arrow Rolls Royce 'Stevens Duryea Marmon Btuts Mercer Haynes Templar iy GI a-- pleasure In 84% of m anufs : : engines with ground cylinder bores, and 91% of the me motors are ground. ~H eald Machines are used ex ge: Automobile owners we have one of these Heald Cylinder ' Grinding Machines, and can guarantee first class work. Ground Cylinders is u selling point with many ears. "Hudson Kissel LaFayette Lincoln Locomobile com-