Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1922, p. 2

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« THE DAILY BRITIS ree a EE -- (NCOENTS OF THE DAY/* "ey ermice ron ee <A {Racy Local News and Items of | It Will Be Made From a Por- | Sanonp QUALITY ; | General Public Interest. | tion of the Women's TEESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1022. /§ WHIG. -------- -- BACK TO PREWAR PRICES | Complete for 5 Cents--36 Pages for Sc.--The New York Evening Journal, The Greatest W eekly Paper in the U.S. FOUR SECTIONS: I Bskimo pie at Austin's drug store. Cells. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner, orders 100 Clergy street w.| At 8 meeting of the city property | committee Monday afternoon, a com- | |munication was read from the board | of police commissioners stating that | the office of the chief of police in the city buildings was regarded as un- | sanitary and asking that a new offi- Fo-- j received at Hudson Seal Coats ig | All A.0.H, euchres postponed until (further notice because of death of ~----Persian Lamb Coats | Pope Benedict XV. ~----Eleetric Seal Coats BV | Arthur P. Allen, Belleville, is seek- oi ling a divorce from his wife, Mabel | | i { } Marmot Coats ....... > i ----Men's Fur Motor Coats ..., | Stoles and Muffs, Fur Caps, Fur Gauntlets, Fine Canadian and European Furs made to special order. John McKay, Limited | THE FUR HOUsE © || 149-157 BROCK STREET | THE ELECTRIC SHOP Call and arrange for m free trial of the | A. B.C. ELECTRIC WASHER | 113 Brock Street. Phone 1545. | W. C. CANNOYX F. J. GRACE -- SOWARDS KEEPS' COAL . --and-- COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 180, UPTOWN OFFICE~--McGALL'S CIGAR STORRS PHONE 811. SOWARDS COAL COMPANY | NAA Ss Pp SPECIAL PRICE ON BRISCOE TOURING CARS We offer PHREE ONLY new, model 4-34 Standard Black Touring Cars for PRICE of $005.00 each, delivered Kingston, free of all charges, This is a reduction of $600 a car--equal to or lower than a pre-war price. ! =) Sixty of these Cars were zold in Toronto, at this price, in two days. We have three buyers. See them ai our Garage, ANGLIN BROS. STREET 5 - KINGSTON, ONTARIO only three and they will be sold to the first BAY Alleen Allen, on the only Canadian ground. b Harry Robbins fell on the stairs at his home, Gouvellp street; Cape Vin- cent, N.Y., recently, spraining his let ankle quite badly. A medical society is to be organiz- ed for the district lying betwean Pembroke and Arnprior, Dr. Kenneth L. McKinnon, Renfrew, is secre'ary pro tem. "Once you get above six per cent, interest, ask why?" was the advice of H. M. Peacock, a financial man of To- ronto, addressing the Belleville Ro- tary Club. The annual meeting of the Royal Military College Club (Montreal branch) will be heid on Feb. 4th, in Montreal, in conjunction with a 1Thch, D. J. Day, of the Sun Life Assur- ance Company, Montréel, and a for- mer Queen's student, is spending a short holiday in the city with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Day, King street. All the artificial teeth used in this country are imported either from the United States or Great Britain. They are made from keolin (decompnsed feldspar) found notably in the rear of Belleville, It was 28 degrees below zero at Port Arthur during Monday night; 20 at Winnipeg and Quebec; 18 at Ottawa and Father Point; 10 at Halifax and Montreal: 4 at Toronto and Kingston, Six cases of milksbotiles, four of which were empty, were broken near the corner of Brock and Xing 6treets at noon Tuesday, when a sleigh belonging to J. J. Wilmot, Pittsburgh, was caught in the car-tracks, and the contents were "spilled" on the frozen road. MATINEE FOR LADIES ONLY. "The Unloved Wife" at the Grand Opera House. Who was it said that: "Women are seldom what they seem'? No matter, 'tis true. In the new drama- tie success, fn three aots "The Un- loved Wife," which comes to the Grand Opera House on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, with a matings for ladies only, Florence Edne May, the auth- oress, does not follow along the lines of the poet who wrote: "Only a fool tries to understand a woman." But Miss May takes an opposite view- point of: "Only a fool would try not to understand his wife." And there lies a big idea for a wonderful play. Miss May also saw possibilities for exploitation of a charscter which has never before been used in dra- matic construction, You probably know a dogen couples who are un- fae | Insurance | We carry all lines of Insurance. Let us quote you rates. Reliable companies only represented. Victory Bonds bought and sold. | RH. Waddell The McCann Agency CASH AND CARRY WALNUTS Shelled (broken) new goods Iithey do not love each other [to the heart {| Journey to the il | ment, happily married. Why? You pos- sibly can advance one reason, but is it coerelt? Have you ever thoroughly tested the love of your husband? Prof. Earl Barnes, formerly of Leland Stanford University speaking in Bos- ton at a 'State Social Work Confer. ence, said: "It js q monstrous thing for any man and woman to live in close intimacy of married life, if ardent- ly." Florence Edna May unfolds the story of "the woman." True, the play bares a woman's soul, but in hand- ling a subject such as this ope, the authoress could not deviate from the original theme, even ff it did strike of theatregoers who theatre for amuse- It is a remarkable story, made into a more remarkable play, and will be offered to theatre pat- | rons here with a brildant company and New York production. The evening performances are for Phones. 376-500. 88 Droek se. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, he s i'l - a - a-- SH fe EARN YOUR LIVING How long could you hold your job--how much could you earn, if you were blind? A great many people are handi- capped--nhave their earning power reduced--because of defective sight which might be remedied with proper glasses. A painstaking, scientific exami. nation of your eyes, such as | make, might be a revelation to you, | ligion as eet forth overybody over the age of sixteen. -- Adve, CHARGE OF HERESY. Against The Principal of Ripon Hall, . Oxford, England. By maintaining that the resurrec- tion was a spiritual and not a phys: cal event, Rev. H. D_ A. Major, prin. cipal of Ripon Hall, Oxford, has besn made the object of a delation fir heresy. A copy of the Guardian just to hand from England gives the terms in which this charge was laid before the bishop of Oxford, The accusation, which was made by Rev, Charles Bdwars Douglas, curate of Bt. Luke's, Camberwell, alleges that Mr. Major did "openly teach doctrine concerning the resurrectin lon mu anerary to the Christian re. the In a production, stamped as a re- | || markable play of dramatic power, ce be provided for htm by recon- structing a portion of the women's cells at the Market street entrance to the station. The committee de- cided to place $4006 in its estimates for this work. Ald. Angrove is chairman of the property co. ittee. The other mem- | bers preseiit were Alds. Laturney, Holder, Sergent, MarceMs, McCart- ney and Kelly. : ---- CONVENTION OPENS. Delegates to the Catholic Women's League , Gathering Here, The diocesian convention of the Catholic Women's League opened in the Notre Dame hall at 3.30 Tuesday afternoon: There was a large attend- ance of delegates. This evening there will be a banquet in the Hotel Front- enac which promises to be a great success. = The delegates are: Kingsten, Miss Ida Ronan end Mrs. Fergus O'Coa- nor; Brockville, Mrs, McHenry: Westport, Mrs. Whelan; Portsmouth, Mrs. Burke; Wolfe Island, Mrs. Shields; Perth, Mrs. Cresby; Stirling, Mrs. McGhie; Frankford, Mrs. O'- | Malley; Smith's Falls, Mrs. Grondin; Napanee, Miss Leaney: Bellevilie, Mrs. Daley; Madoc, Mrs, D. J. Barrie; Queensbury, Mrs. James Barrie; Chesterville, Mrs. Masterson; Mar- mora, Mrs. McWilllamé; Deseronto, | Mrs, McFall; Athens, Mrs. Cavan- agh. | --Latest News section, 8 and Stillman trials. of sports throughout the world. / leading feature pictures. 4--Magazine Section of 16 produced weeks later in weeklies, ly 25c., now I5c., McCalls, formerly 20c., now I5¢c. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919. -- AUTO CAUGHT FIRE And Fire Brigade Was Called to Vanluven's Garage. The firemen received a call about 9.30 o'clock Tuesday morning to ex- tinguish a emall blaze which broke | out in Vanluven's garage. An auto belonging to W?'P. Peters caught fire, and for a short time attained alarming proportions. It is under- slood that the engine had back-fired, while being tested, and immediately burst into flames." Being afraid that | the flames would epread through te garage, the mechanics sent in the call to the firemen, who soon arrived | {on the scene, and had little difficulty | {in smothering the blaze. The engine and hood of the auto were seriously damaged, but not rendered unser- vieeable, and the exterior of the front section was also injured. Did You Know? Another man has started into business in Kingston et the stand formerly pceupied by Baker's grocefy on the corner of Princess and Fronte- || nac streets. F. C. Martin & Sons will, commencing tomorrow conduct a cash grocery and meat shop with a full line of the very best in groceries, provisions, fresh and cooked mea 5. F. C. Martin has been in business in Sydenham, furniture end undertag- ing, for over sixteen years and on starting into the grocery business in this city is taking his son into pa-t- nership. Their advertisement of specials for tomorrow appears in an- other part of this paper. The council of the Board of Trade and the | entertainment committee are going ahead with a banquet in the Memorial Hall on either March 2nd or 8rd, contingent on speakers' accommodation, A Remedy For Piles PAZO OINTMENT is a guaranteed remedy for Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly re- lieves Itching Piles. 60c. Made ir Canada. Some men wear good clothes be- cause they can't afford not to. You won't mind even zero weather if GOOD. VALUES IN COTTONS and LINEN i all the best Canadian and English makes: 36 HOUSEHOLD --priced from PILLOW COTTONS in all widths, wide; circular 'woven; good, strong qualit that we know will all widths, 13, 2, 24 and 2} yards wide. Prices from . .. 50¢ ~ PLAIN LINENS in fine, medium and heavy qualities; inen tralian aera days $100 yard and 54 inch TABLE DAMASK --two patterns to choose from: weight. Special . ..... PICTORIAL QUARTERLY for Spring S600 00a. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store 3--Comie Section for the kids and grown-ups. 8 pages of the Pages of features, which will be re- the other American and Canadian TO THE PUBLIC: Purchase th ose weekly newspapers and maga- zines which are back to Pre-warprices. Pictorial Review, former- NAINSOOK and MADAPOLAM'S --a big range to choose from and 40 inches wide. Sc. yard and up. 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches ies:--Prices from 38e. yd. up. SHEETINGS --we sell only the best English and Canadian makes give service and satisfaction to the owner. Sold in . yd. up. all pure up. good pages, with reports of the Arbuckle : 2--Sports Section. Four pages, being a summary of the week OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M. GANANOQUE $4,500 Alfred Street, semi-detached 2} store dwelling, containing 10 rooms and bat, gas and electric lights, hot air fur Jan. 24.-- Mrs. Sarah Nuttal has disposed of her Brock étreet pro- perty to Mrs. Nellie Bryant, B. Case, of the etaff of the Bank of Toronto at Cardinal, has been transferred to the bank in Montreal, h 1 end promoted tothe position of re. i cedving teller in the St. Catherine Year, wit arge yard. and Guy street branch. Mr, Case buyer. trained in the Toronto bank in Gana- you are prepared with good, ' warm Furs, There's many weeks of winter ahead of us yet, and in the raw Fur mar- kets fur prices show | This store is Fur he ; » "The executive of Leeds and Fron- E. Ww. MULLIN & SO. tenac W.C.T.U. met in Grace church EXCLUSIVE AGENTS School room yesterday afternoon. Corner Johnson and Division Streets - There was a good attendance ¥ brick room, beauti- fully decorated; driveway and outbuilding in Terms arranged to suit -- = Phones 580w and 530. delegates from the two counties, and very encouraging reports were giv- en. In the evening Mre, McFayden, wife of Prof. J. PF. McFayden of Queen's University, Kingston, de- livered an exceptionally fine address on temperance work in India. Reeve George Dowsley and Deputy Reeve Hurlbut are attending the Sessions of the county council in Brockville this week. ~ - The Ladies' AuxiMary of the GW. V.A. held a progressive euchre apd dance In their club rooms Monday night. Mabel Lioyd, Jersey City, ---- "REAL COMFORT THESE COLD DAYS" Ladies' Ov TWO STYLES ALL FIRST QUALITY TW (1)--High Black Extra High No. § Buckle Cashmerette Dvayshoss, very warm and waterproof; all sizes. ; priced at * secre. LA Be sraras, > visiting at her home here Mrs. Charles Bryant, who has been visiting friends in Belleville for the bast few weeks, has returned: Mrs, Elizabeth Taylor has returned after pti & a fow weeks with Montreal 8 -------- : On Tuesday the author:- (2)--Extra Fine Grade Black Waterproof Jersey Cloth, No. 4 Buckle Overshoes; the finest and best grade made; absolutely waterproof and very : sizes; priced at Low and medium heels in each stylg, during Monday night was five de- grees below sero. Alfred G. Campbell assistant man- ager of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce in Toronto died on Monday, after a ! 189 PRINCESS STREET . hoes WEIGHTS | PHONE 2216,

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