TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 102%. _-- a charitable institutions mations will be CHARGE one eo winter with tes FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY : Ne V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 i NOTICE | will disappear. Schools and] of denomi- supplied FREE OF ening each deuriag and sleigh for driv. Churches, Sunday ing party. Kingston Transfer Co. DRAW. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Btreets Phone 368 | Dr. Waugh Dentist ' need endure the mi , | been manufactured only by The T. { Milburn Co., Torontg, Ont, 1068 Wellington St" ®Pnone 256 B R THE DAILY R FIFTEEN BOILS ON NECK AT ONE TIME RITISH WHI. LT Any one who has suffered from | Concern Your Purse, boilg, can sympathize with poor old advertisements always Job. ER i 4 i r "Phere was no' Burdock Blood Bil: news that immediately ters in those days 0 J yb had to suf- Concern you and your family purse. The catry store store Now-a-days no one | of boils. Boils are simply evidences of the | bad blood within coming to the sur- face and just when you get rid of one, at Be ville to satisfy the needs of another seems ready to take its place ithe city for a yegr. and prolong your misery | All the poulticing and lancing you | may do will not stop more coming. fer i ilenc 3 3 Silence 80,000 Tons Needed. Thirty thousand tons of fice is They Are Interesting. y ; v is ta Patrons will find advertised stores ¥ hat Fou ave to do is take interesting. , They will find those BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS stores give best service also, and are and the blood will be cleansed of all {in every way more satisfactory. its impurities, and then every boil | - Engagement Announced. P. E. 1, writes:--"l was troubled | Mr. apd Mrs, H. J, Geiger, Toro with boils for some time, and had as j1o, , aaaounce the sugaten : man. {their only daughter, Marien Eliza y as fifteen on my neck at once. . After taking one bottle of Burdock beth, to Dr. Charley 8. Tennant, son Blood Bitters they commenced to!of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tenmant, Mal- get better, and after I bad taken |lorytown, Ont, wedding to take two bottles I was relieved of them [placo the latter part of Februery. and felt much better. 1 think B. B. | B. is a grand blood medicine, and | can recommend it highly." For the past 45 years B. B. B. has | { Mr. Roy McSwain, High Bank. | A Former Kingstonian, Clarence Purdy, a young man, who is listed among the injured in a {formerly lived in Kingston and fis | well-known here. He moved from {here to Smith's Falls about a year ago. PIANO TUNING Pinne Tuning d Repairing. Also Org Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Phone 2307Tm. Died at Age of 85. | John Keenan passed away Thurs- | day night in Thurlow. He was eigh- ty-five years of age. The remains | were taken to the home of Mrs. Cot- eee Ull DING P| ter, Belleville. Mr. Keenan was a ® member of the Roman Catholic EPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? church. Estimates given by | | Member of St, Andrew's Society, y cut in the Bay of Quinte | {wreck on the C.P.R. near Ottawa, | Kingston and Vicinity | of the total number of votes in the [years he has been bringing prison- town. Mr. McAllister by his steri- ling character and keen business abil- ity has won the esteem of the citi- zens of Kelvington." garded as a most efficient officer. | {During the past four years, Mr. Wattersworth, as deputy, carried the | ee --. {entire responsibility of the office, To Heat the Town Hall. {and since the retirement of Sheriff A new heating apparatus is need- Cameron, at the end of November, ed for the Napanee Town Hall. Boyle {he has been acting sheriff. | |& Son offered a hot air furnace at] $667, the council to do needed work. Death of W. H. Ackerman. ; !The council decided to ask for ten-| William Henry Ackerman died at !ders for a hot water system for heat- | Picton on Saturday. Mr. Ackerman ling the council chamber and offices, was stricken with paralysis about and a hot air system for the hall two years ago and since :hen has l above. / | been pretty much confined to his| {home. Born at South Bay; South Election Protest. | Marysburgh, April 17th, 1849, Mr. | The matter of the protest against|Ackerman had spent his entire life the election of Dr. A. E. Ross asin Prince Edward county. ilis par- {member for Kingston is shortly tojents were Alva Ackerman and, Cyn- [become the live topic as the mater-|thia Scott. His grandfather, Ed-| lial still being quietly gathered is ward Ackerman, a U. E. Loyalist, ! [torming a voluminous record. This|left the United States and came to | will be sent to headquarters in Tor-|Prince Edward county in 1803. He |onto. The charges include a num- settled on a farm at the head of | ber of women, South Bay. The farm nas been in { ------ the Ackerman name ever since, On | A Signal Honor. this farm W. H. Ackerman spent his W. 8. Herrington, Napanee, was boyhood. He later moved to a farm lappointed delegate from the Ontario|in Athol. In 1876 he married Mary |Bar Association to the meeting of Williamson, who predeceased him {the New York Bar Association, and [eight years. About thirty-three {has left to attend its sessions at New years ago he moved to Picton where | York City. As only one delegate iS|he had since resided. He is surviv-| {appointed to represent the legal fra-|ed by ome sister, Mrs. W. C, McCart- | ternity of the province, this comes as ney, and one brother, G. Sills Ack- a signal honor to the local barrister. |erman, both of Picton. | { | ! | | After the Wardenship. | Storrington Agricultural Association! John Taylor, reeve of the Town-| The annual meeting of the Stor-| {ship of Storrington, arrived in the rington Agricultural Association was, [city on Monday afternoon to attend held in the Agricultural Hall, Inver- | the meeting of the counncty cvuncil ary, on Jan. 20th. .Officers elected {which commences on Tuesday after-|are: : Honorary presidents, Hon. Dr. J. | ers to the penitentiary, and was re- {| [\ ANTARACITE BRIQUETS Hard Coal Screenings pressed into moulds about the size of a hen's egg, make a very satisfactory fuel for stoves, heat- ers and furnaces. We have a popular size; about equal to large Chestnut or small Stove Coal. It is clean, burns to ashes, no clinkers, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. - A Dinner : ° You Will ° Enjoy For a meal you will enjoy. Visit our Restaurant, and you will not be disappointed. Our Service is excellent and our prices are right, I GRAND CAFE pen From § am. to 2 am, Two Doors Above Opera House 222 Princess Street ----Rs -- a O. Aykroyd & Son F ) R . | 4 Angrove S épairs The late Archbishop Gauthier, | noon at four o'clock. Reeve Taylor | : Scales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, 2! Main Street. Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. | We do repair work right and guar-| antee satisfaction. | 197 Wellington Street. Pboue 1670. | who passed away in Ottawa, was an|is a candidate for the position of |W. Edwards, W. S. Reid, M.P., A. M. | {honorary member of the Kingston warden of the county. Rankin, J. L. F. Sproule, Dr. A. B.| |St. Andrew's Society. The archbish-| ---- Freeman, Reeve John Taylor, A. J.! op's mother was of Scotch descent, Scholarship Awards, jSarreit, J. Ball, J. A. Sibbitt, George | jand his grace some years ago ex- The Carter scolarships for Leeds |Clark, Wm, Guthrie, Mayor Corbett, | [pressed a desire to become a member | county have been awarded to pupils |W. F. Nickle, Samuel Jamison; } president, Chas. Sleeth; 1st vice- 1 WATTS People's Fresh Yowers aug vituin aly bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 1137, A COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 | DID YOU EVER TRY Wagntaf'y Ginger Marmalade. Wagstafi's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstafi's Bramble Jelly. We also have a fuil line ut Other relaibie makes of Marma- lates, Jam and Jeilies for sale BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor, King aud Earl Streets License No. 5-2T140 STOVES Quedec and Firs King Heaters Bid Uss lwalges Nickle Plated showers Basins and Tolleis Lumber, Cement ang Corrugat i iron. - Lk. Cohen & Co. PJP Ontario Si. Phones 836, 53: 4 {of St. Andrew's Society, y y Our Annual Sale, Before stocktaking we haev de- oided to put on sale our entire stock of ordered clothing, ready-to-wear clothing and Gents' Furnishings a' pricgs<that will meet or beat any oth- er houses in the trade. Prevost, Brock street. Ke He Headed the Poll. The Yorkton Sask.,, Emnterprizef announces the election of R. A. Me- Allister, a former Wolfe Islander, to the new council of Kelvington, Sask. The paper says: 'He is one of the most enterprising and success- ful business men of Kelvington. He headed the poll, securing all but ten 0, boys, but they are good. A slice of Ice Cream covered with Chocolate. Try one and you will want a dozen. Sell for a dime: Made by Nelson's and sold only by:-- M. R. McColl Prescription Druggist. No Appetite Nervous exhaustion leads to dis- taste for food. The nerves of the stomach are weak, digestion fails and you become generally upset and out of sorts, INSURANCE Reliable Companies represented H. D. WIGHTMAN 151 WELLINGTON ST. Over Kingston Transfer "PHONE 780w. , 208 Rich- Ont., writes: 3 i - a RUB RHEUMATIC PAN FROM ACHING JOINTS Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial Bottle of OM "St. Jacobs L, on - ------ Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. "It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatmen®. Rub soothiug, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson --~out comes the rheumatic pain and j distress. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harm- jless rheamatism liniment which never | disappoints and doesn't burn the It takes - pain,' soreness and | stiffness from aching joints, muscles iand bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, | backache and neuralgia. ° Limber up! - Get a smail trial bot- tle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a | moment, you'll be free from pains, {2hes and stiffness. Don't sufter! Ryn rheumatism away, i .{ Lawson, the president of the sotiety, {ot the Brockville Collegiate Insti- {tute as follows: Miss Jane Hender- president, C. O. Draden; 2nd vice- son, the first scholarship to the val-! president, Harold Lyon; directors, ue of $100 in cash; Miss Evelyn F. S. Ferguson, Robt. Dixon, Jas. Throop, the second scholarship to|Dixon, George Leatherland, Bert! {the value of $60; Miss Ruth Huff- Balls, Thomas Arthur, F. Homes, { maa, the third scholarship to the!Philip Edwards; sec.-treas., E. F. value of $40. | Dennee; auditors, J. Sleeth and H.| Gibson. | The report of the treasurer for the {year of 1921, showed receipts from all sources, $1,022.69, expenditures, $1,024.25, deficit of $1.56, { F. 8. Ferguson, A. J, Garrett and! Chas. Sleeth were appointed a com- mittee to wait on the township coun- cils, of Storrington, Loughboro and Pittsburg for a little assistance to, help the fair, as it is open to all. { ----t | Took No Action. At the Gananoque council Clerk Sampson laid a letter before it from an a firm in Chicago who were | looking for a location in Canada, and if assistance of from $100,000 to $200,000 was offered might locate here. Some of the members felt that nothing should be done, as of late the town had fared rather badly in this particular, i AW -------- At Kingston Mills. Mrs. H. Harper has returned to | Brockville after spending some ime with her mother, Mrs. Begley, who | is {ll. Mrs. John Duffy, who was confined to her home suffering from | | an attack of rheumatism, is able to! | be out again, The many friends of | | Mrs. Samuel McAdoo will be sorry] ! to hear of her Miness. Miss Ella) | Clark spent a few days last week at| : | her home, | | | | i | { Catholic Women's League. Miss Ida Ronan, president of the Kingston branch, will pregide at the | Convention of the Catholic Women's | League meeting here today. The session will continue to 6 p.m. when the delegates will be given a banquet! in the Hotel Frontenac. The even-| ing session will begin at 7.45 and addresses will be given by Rev. Dr. Kingsley and Miss Margaret Jones, Montreal, Dominion secretary of the Catholic Women's League.. The el- ection of officers is to take place on Wednesday morning and the pro- gramme will be concluded by noon. ------ Not Paying Small Wages. On Monday morning, men employ- ed by the Kingston - Ice Company ed the work of marking out the place where the ice will be cut. The men found that in some places the ice was only six inches thick so it is likely that the ice cutters will have to wait three or four days be- fore commencing their work. For some days a report has been in circulation that the company was {going to. pay small wages, but this is absolutely denied by the manage- ment. The wages wil be about the same as last year. : Verona Methodist Ladies' Aid. The last regular meeting of the Verona Methodist Ladies' Aid was held on Thursday at the parsonage and was very well attended. Mrs. The first and original Cold and Grip Tablet, the merit of which is recog- pized by all civilized nations. Be sure you get BROMO The genuine bears this signature Cm TELLS DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT| Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stom- ach, Heartburn, Gas on Stomach, Etc. Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble, say medi- cal authorities, are due nine times out of ten tq aa excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Chronic "acid stomach" is exceedingly dangerous and sufferers should do either one of two things Either they can go on a limited snd often Cisagreeane de'. avoid. ing fora that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion or they can eat as they please in reason and make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful aid snd pre vent the formation of gas sourness or premature fermentation by the ase of a little Bisurated Magnesia at their meals. There is pri bably n> better, safer or more re'fable stomach antiarid than Bisurated Magnesia and it is widely used for this purpose. It has no direct action on the stomach and is not a digestent. But a teaSpoon- ful of the powder or a couple of five grain tablets taken in a little water with the food will neutralize the excess acidity which may be present and prevent fits further. This removes the whole cause of the "trouble and the meal digests natural- ly healthfully without need of pills or artificial L Sigestonts, presided. . The report of the treas- urer, Mrs. Craig, showed a very sub- stantial balance in the bank. A de- lightful supper was served, at which a good many outside friends contrib- uted to the funds of the society. A special meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Craig on Friday last, when work was given out and begun in earnest for a bazaar. The meet- ing was well attgnded and much in- terest was shown by all the ladies present. They are also arranging to give a play before the winter season is over. Well Known Here, [A despatoh from London, Ont. States that B. F. Wattersworth, for twenty-seven years deputy sheriff of the county of Middiesex, has been dismissed by the newly-appointed Donald Grabam. When the new sheriff took over his office, the deputy was informed that his ser- vices were no longer required. Miss 8. Grant, stenographer in the office for the past eight years, was also dismissed. Mr. Wattersworth is well- known in Kingston, as for many Comin Gourdier's BROCK STREET; {i J o o WINTER OVERCOA MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW NEW MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 3 1 VV BED SPREADS AT SPECIAL PRICES Crochet Spreads for single or three quarter beds at $2.00, $2.50 each. Crochet Spreads, extra large sizes, splendid wearing qualities at $3.00, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. Dimity and P.K. Spreads, easily laun- dered, at $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. Colored Spreads, pretty patterns, war- "ranted fast colors, at $3.50 each. W hite Satin Spreads, best English makes for single or double beds at $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00. ; Embroidered Irish Lawn ds, beau- tiful designs at $12.00, $14.0 » $15.00. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store. %