6 THE DAILY BRITISH TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1029. @ MAYBE MOONSHIN . Having been accustomed for many | Years of exerting an undue influence {on the earth and its inhabitants, puliing the . waters toward it and | even unbalancing the mind of man, old moon is now getting its deserts and will sdon be made to understand that the earth fs now causing it to desert its accustomed pat and to wobble on its way across space, The moon is going at too rapid a gait nowadays, making the "earth seem slow in compegison, snd this State of affairs is credited fluence of the latter gat: t rether than the rovers by, Dr. Ern- est W: Brown, of Yaly Ulliyersity, This unseemly comfduct 0! the moon, gaining a thousandth of a Second every year, although not no- ticeahly affecting most of us, is caus- ing great inconvenience to the Yale Professor for ft has rendered use- less all his calculations of the moon's orbit, extending over many years, Nevertheless, the professor is in- clined to hold the moon, to which THE BRITISH WHIG, SOTH YEAR. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO.,, LIMITED strc esnsacens,, President ullg ssescsces JBditor and Managing-Directoe EPHONES, terstiancennse. B48 Hots A. Gi ess LE, SUBSCRIPTION RATES, ly Bdition) ear, delivered in CIty .u.. if paid In advance 0 rural o Ualte States a. (Bemi- Weekly Edition) Jos y ot pain iD avant: 9 ar, a pa n Vance One year, to United States "°° 150 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES Ek Calder, 22 St. John St, Montrea * W. Thompson . bai .100 King St. Ww. 0. J. G. Et Leman Eire every baneful influence, guiltless in the matter and to Place the blame on the earth itself, which he says is ex- erting a bad influence on the moon L00/and pulling it from its sober and ac- 180] customed way. ..$6.00 - $6.00 -------- A MAN-MADE MYSTERY, From recent reports it looks as if the riddle of woman has been guess- ed and is about to be proclaimed abroad, end no longer will she be able 10 pose as the great mystery of the ages. Already er, W. L. George, has landed on this side of the Atlantie with a brand new wife and the boast that he un- derstands all the feminine -psych- ology and that it is mot such a hard '| Problem to fathom. Besides, Eng- Msh critics are now announcing the discovery of another man who un- | Qerstands Womam, Joseph Herges- heimer, the novelist. } These claims, coming so close to- | @other, awaken the fear that these 8ome men profess a desire to die | two students of wor nen may stage a poor. And some men are truthful, [contest for priority of discovery { rivaling the famous Cook-Peary con- The modern prodigal stands at a | test for the discovery of the North corner and watches the fatted calves | Pole, However that may be, the €0 by. garden variety public. will be glad that woman is no longer a mystery ill now be able to turn their attention to other subjects ~--for from time immemorial woman has been the most popular of themes for writers, both men.and women, the former trying to solve and the latter to reveal her, In justice to women it must be said they have not, except in isolated indtances of pecular susceptibility to masculine flattery, posed as my- sterioug beings. 'The mystery idea In regard to woman has been man's invention, or rather his pose, and it reveals a peculiar quirk in the mas- culine mind. For, boasting that he has already solved many of the rid- dles of the universe 'and 1s on the way to shortly solve the rest, he can- not bear to part with the old super- stition 'that Womankind is myster- lous. Its safe to say that there still Toron Letters to the Raitor aly. ver the actual are published name of the Attached is one of best job the printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WRIG is authenticaced by the ABQ Audit Bureau of Circulations, EAE AAA ene Even woman no longer hides be- hind a ekirt. ------------ . When last seen business was still "turning the oorner." -- Finding stills is almost as qifM- cult as looking for hay in a bay- stack ---------- When a man starts singing his own praises it's pretty sure to be a lo. * ees men If goloshes were not in Woman cowld not be hired them, -- : Most of Europe's monéy would be @M right if the world had faith in what is back of i. -- A husband just getting in from £he might before is another early bird that catohes it. The way some families keep up a front imposes a great strain on the slops they deal with, -- a 'It muat be nice 0 be rich and have the grocer buffed so he is afraid to i0Wist that his B11 be pad, style a to wear lations of Mr. and Mr, Hergesheimer. -- DOCTORS' ALCOHOL PRESCRIP. George has the suspension of 311 Practising physicians from the exer- cise of their profession with respect to one drug, Hquor, because during the month of December they issued more then fifty, the number the 'board arbitrarily fixed as being necessary ; ---------- ae Too many people the world over Ehink patriotiem consists in throw- dog alten, says a witter. No. The skirt would hardly hold ft. es b6 the in- 18former | humanity used to attribute most | the English writ- | conviviality is far too crude to be | Permitted to influence togtarioz | {effecting the practice of medicine, | | What are the facts to be learned? | {In persons past middle life symptoms jof disease begin to appear in dif- | | terent forms and these are accentu- | {ated by climatic conditions. When | Winter sets in there is a loss of vital- | ty due to low temperature and the | inability of the body- to maintain normal heat. Aged persons die. | For generations physicians have pre- | scribed liquor for certain symptoms and they know whether it is needed {or not, ' The Attorney-General, Hon. | Mr. Raney, draws a comparison with | the laws governing the issue of Ili- | quor prescriptions in the United | States, whereas - the conditions of fe are totally different, the gevere | weather of December in our north- jem latitude calling for warmer | clothing and artificial heat that our | southern neighbors do not require. | The action of the Meense board | [calls for some change either in its | | methods or in its personnel. The | | not competent to pass judgment up- {on and interfere with the physicians | of this prov. | the humani suffering and prolonging life. is too much at stake to permit | terference or fanatical persecutions. | The culpability of physicians must | be based upon specific grounds and | {Mot upon generalities which only | | show stupidity and ignorance, | Dr Young, Toronto, secretary of | | the medical association, and a mem- | ber of the committee named to as- | Sist the License Board. is quoted as | | dividing * the applicants for liquor | prescriptions into three classes-- | | people who are seriously ill; the! [aged, chronically ill, whose condi- | | tion is made more comfortable by the | Use of liquor; and those wig do not | use it ag a beverage, but want it for {use In emergency. It is the last | | named class, for whom the prohibi- | [ tion law makes no provision, that | {8ives the physicians most trouble; jand the License Board, apparently, | { while endeavoring 'to deprive the | | physicians of the power to prescribe | for this class, by limiting the num- ber of prescriptions they might is- | Sue, is perfectly satisfied to expose | the seriously ill, the aged ang chron- {ically 111 to suffering and possibly | | death, | The whole question is one that | should be dealt with and decided | upon by the medical association and | not by the License Board. ------ Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner f ince who are engaged in | tarian work of relieving | There of in- { nen Q---Canada is aiding returned sol- diers to become farmers. To what extent has this been done? A.--The Canadian governmen: js helping returned soldiers to settle | on the land. Up to September, 1921, over 27,000 had been 80 placed, loans of $85,000,000 being made as an ald. 415 have repaid their loans in fall. Q.--What is a "cattalo"? A.--A "cattalo" is the name of a crossbred animal in Canada from the buffalo and 'cow, resulting in an animal larger than the dome tic cow with good beef qua'i:ies. Q.--What conntry does Canada do the biggest trade with® A.--Canada does the bigrest trade | With the United States, viz, $1,398, 499,000 for fiscal year 1920-21, Q--Who was the first Governor of Canada? A.--Frontenac was the first gover- . 'The board has issued a stat in support of sts action once insulting to the medical pro- fession end to thousands of honést citizens, In the first place the board hes absolutely no scientific data upon which to base its ruling restricting the "number" of Mquor Pprescriptiong issue, and the in- liquor wags given for ? ts -- o The mmpile we've seen of 1927 '300k preity good. Ship the whole ' n we'll take it. again gener- something, a -- Abou Ben Adhem loved his fellow Ben, and this teaches us that there : ET ------------------------ it does look, however, that the back to normalcy is & great deal iT than the path away from it i ---------------- ing makes a man feo! so mor | 88 the acquaintance of an oyster has been too long away from its "There is a curious relationship between the volume of these liquor Jou ees silk-clad ankles in like this, you wonder whe. 028. The first hait showed the 'volume' of - " 33rd, 6,453; Dec. 24m, Saturday closing 1 p.m.), 5,552, Health con- ditions improved with the Dea. 2748 nor of Canada fn 1672. IS SLOW, Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER JUSTICE Augustus Crawfish took a gun, and slew his neighbor, Jabez Spry; doubtless he did it just for fun--I know no reason why. When man has nothing sane to do the time bangs heavy on his hands, and sol he kills a friend or two, and later in the dock he stands. And there Au- Bustus took his place, and through long weary weeks was tried a celebrated case---and experts rose and testified; and witnesses in drow- sy herds blew into court to have their say, and learned attorneys, who were birds, talked hours and days and weeks away. At last the jury had a chance, and found him guilty of the grime; Augustus, then, It seemed might dance on air at some appointed time, lo, his learned attorneys saw a misplaced comma in some writ, a fatal flaw, and pawed the floor and threw a fit. The jurist listened to their burst of eloquence, and took & pen, and wrote, "The Judgment is revarsed---Augustus must be tried i his slayer ao die in ents incident to age, WALT MASON. -- bed of ailm | sleighs In winter and the kids with { person I simply cannot | alcohol bey | as his gun? | a8 chauffeur to an i {I want a pair of ; BLE" THOUGHT FOR T0-Dhy AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY: --If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask i what ye will, and it shall be dome unto you.--John 15: 7 | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR BY SAM HILL It Does Seem That Way, "¥ou need a lot of push in life, | "Tis true," declared Old Doctor Bull, | "But there are times when I decide | It's better far to have a pull" | Observations of Oldest Inkabitant, I kin Temember when folks grove | sleds could hiteh on beh"nd. Must Be Fierce To Go Ten Weeks Without a "Swallow," (Harveysburg (Ohio) Cor. Clinton | County (Ohio) Democrat) | Mrs. Joe Osborn ig getting along | fine. She is beginning to swallow af. ter ten weeks of sickness. -- That's Usually the Way, "Why aidn't You come to see me | while I was gg 117 asked Brown, "Because, When I go to see a sick think of a| thing to talk about except the num ber of people I have known who have died of the disease they plied Smith, -- It's a Great Lite. Her ma is rolling out pie dough Back in the little kitchenette; But daughter's in the living room Where she's Just rolled a cigarette, -- here All the College Boys Lome From? YELRAH ig a town County, Ohio. Is That Ww | in Fairflel]| -- Maybe That's the Answer, "Pa," said Clarence. "Well, what is it, son?" asked Pa, "Were bling tigers made that yi drinking S0me of their own wood | erages?" asked Clarence. | | | | by -- Fool Questions. D. T. asks: "When a soldier shoots during an engagement could you say he was discharging hig duty as well |BIBBY'S To Our Customers and Others Who Have Made This Store Th Boys' Clothing and Furnishings --to bear in mind we allo usiness or coming into Price--quality for quali Ww no firm business, ty. ~----Large shipments of new goods are ¢ prices much lower and qualities very --1It will Clothi Pay you to look ng or Men's Wear. eir Headquarters For M We Would Say » whether going out of to undersell us--price for oming in and we find much better, over our new stock BIBBY"S, en's and if in need of Limited -- Funny Place for Wedding Bells to : (Allensburg Cor. Hillsboro Gazette) The wedding bells are ringing In our midst, ---- A Dog's Never Get Baggy at the Kuees. "Daddy, don't you wish you was a dog?" asked four-year-old Harold, as he watched his Dad, go was acting ron in an effort to get a crease in his trousers. "Why, son? asked Dad grabbed up the Scorching iron, "Well, you see a dog never press its pants," replied the youngster, as he has to wise -- This Date in History, Four thousand nine hundred ana ninety-three yedrs Ago to-day Reu- ben Cornfodder Was the first man to Be shell shotked. He bet all ny money that the IMttle Pe' was under the shell where it wasn't. -- Did He Get Em? glasses, please; fit me if you wif; r that fakes a dime a dollar bill--G. N. 8, You may I want a pai Look like -- Colas Usually Attack 8 Head, Don't They? (Monterey Cor. Owen County (Ky) Democrat) Mrs. M. 8. Head is suffering with a severe cold, . -- Who Want, to Learn Horsemanship? * "A wooden figure of a horse that can be made to imitate nearly all the motions of a living anima) has been invented in England to teach horse- manship."---News item. Bug what we want to see 1s an automobile inventeg that will act more likes a horse and show a little of that well-known horse sense. ---- SKATES that are made of the highest grade Steel, Triple Nickle Plate, and the best finish at prices that don't effect your pocket. Any size $1.75 MOORE' "PHONE 815 sole Daily Sentemece Sermon, Even if you have a good voles never attempt to ging 'your own praises. a of the Names Club. hear them, but you ean at California, Ky, She must be one of the strongest Women in the work, anyway. Carry A. HI Nves at Detroit. ---- INDIAN TEA TARIFF, A Limited . Imperial Preference js Favored. J London, Jan, 24--Giving evid- ence before the Indian fiscal com- mission, the chaifman of the Indian Newsy We often C. A. Dahm MeOLARY ss AT REDUCED BUNT'S Hardware, King St. tea commission said he favored the imperial p on a limited ecalle, says a Reuter despatch from Calcutta, The chairman did not de- sire to see the tariff used aggressive- ly, but preferred a reciprocal basis. He considered the levying of export duties as en unsound principle, = cept for the raising of revenue. ' abolition of the export duty on tea ershing refuses tae Sward of the U, S, distinguished ser- vice cross Cey nn Missing Woman Found -- Ridgewood, N. J., Jan, Aubrey H. Ball, who left in Ridgewood on Decemb companied by her 7-year-gld daugh- ter, Mount Vernon, N. C. returned home on Fri onto, had - "Since your wife from Atlanta, most a blank. my wood. Burt was born at Iroqu ago, the da The Greatest Problem of ihe Breakfast Table fs - COFFEE Use our Java" and Mocha and the problem is sat. isfactorfly and Pleasantly solved. Roasted on the premises -- Eround daily -- ang the price 50 cents, Jas. REDDEN & Co. The House of Satisfaction Phones 20 and 990, In North Carolina 24. -- Mrs. her home er 31, ae- Eleanor, has been located at day from Tor- Ella arrived Ga., her mind is ajl- Have taken her to home. (Signed) "Dr, Oscar Hey- 'Automobile Hood Covers manufactured by us. RH. JONES 290 PRINCESS STREET Phone 153, cw ois fifty years ughter of the late Chaun- / Liitlie, Wanting an a Ine. Sr r-------- o Unique ° : Window 52,500 Prescriptions, which have been dispensed, are being shown in the window of Dr, Chown's Drug Store, The watchword of this store is "QUALITY --the best, only, gocs in your prescriptions. There is never any substitu tion, and this, with absolute ac- CuTACy, gives.the best results possible. Bring us your prescriptions, Dr. Chown's Drug Store THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Ything & in Estimates given o>, all lags a f'n and new Work of all kinds, Prompt atteation, Shop reet. We have consider- able private funds to lean on real estate only, at lowest cur- rent rates.' LICE LIX EARS You merry in Y and also in February and you will forward March to April in a pleasant frame of mind if you burn our coal, Now that is promising a lot but you just try it, ES, our coal win make Crawford Scranton Coal Phoue 9. Foot of Queen se.