_THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG. MAKE PERFECT BREAD er -- vain, At Lavaut Station, Lavant Station, Jap, 23.---Mr. ilou- dreau, Queen's University, Kingston, conducted services here on Sunday last. Mr. andd Mrs. George Sproule and daughter, Reta, spent a few days in Kingston last week. Mrs. Lorne Paul, Poland, visited her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Lee, one days las: week. * Miss Katie Ferguson, Lantana. spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Willlam Thomas. Mrs. Willlam Browning visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thomas, Hillview Farm, one day last week. Miss Elma Allen, Lan- tana, visited Miss Coral McDougall, on Sunday. THE "COUGH a Countryside | | | FRONTENAC { 080 STATION. { Jan. 23.--The roads are in a very { bad condition. Oscar Chambers, | Bpringwater, is visiting his uncle, Joseph Bourke. | | | evening. The music was ad that could be desired and it was not until the wee sma' hours that the crowd make a very genial host and hostess. PARHAM, Jan. 21.--Mr. and Mrs, C. York, at Verona, attending the funeral of Mrs. F. Trousdale. J. A. Goodfellow is in Napanee. Mr, and Mrs, Byron Cronk, Enterprise, at Ard Wagar's; Mrs. J. A. Goodfellow and son, at Mrs. Snyder's, Verona. Fred Barr is in the city. C. York is very ill at Verona. Mrs. L. Bateman; in the city; Mrs. W. Clow is at J. C. Hart- | man's. Mrs. J. A, Goodfellow enter- tained on Friday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent in cards WITH THAT . - . i Tickling Sensation | A little tickling in the throat; now | and then a dry, hacking cough; you | think it is not bad enough to bother about, but every hack makes a breach in the system, strains the lungs and prepares the way for more serious | trouble, 4 How many people have lost "a 800d night's rest by that nasty, tick- ling, irritating sensation. in the throat? The dry, harsh cough keeps ¥ou awake, and when you get up in the morning you feel as if you had had no rest at all, DK. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP 18 just the ramedy You require to stop that irritating, tickling cough on account of its soothing, healing and expectorant properties. Mrs. P. Johnson, Port Alberni, B, C., writes: --*I have suffered for years, off and on, with a tickling cough. I could not sleep nights and had to sit up in bed to get relief, in fact, I coug! 80 I used to vomit. I tried different doctors' prescriptions until I heard of Dr. Wood's Norway ' Pine Syrup. I tried it and found great relief after I had taken the first. bottle and have not been troubled since. I shall always keep it in the house." Be sure and get "Dr. Wood's" when you ask for it. Price, 36¢. and 60c. a bottle; put up by The T. Mil- bura Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. -------- TheGlover Greeateria Choice White Potatoes 27¢. peck | Ib. cans Pink Salmon . . . .19c. | Ib. cans choice Red Salmon 34c. Finnan Haddie 16¢ Ib Extra fine Fillets ceria i 22%. Ib. For Cash and Carry --ONLY-- and dancing:--MF. and Mrs, Simonett at F. W. Wagar's. A. Babcock and Miss H. Goodfellow at Ross Howe's. MOUNTAIN GROVE. Jan. 23.--8ervices were poorly at- tended on Sunday, owing to bad roads. Miss Bessie Price is under- going treatment in the General Hos- pital, Kingston. J. French is visit- ing his daughter at Roblin. Miss H. Greene made a flying trip to Tweed on Saturday. R. Kirkwood has re- turned home. The Misses Pringle, Arden, and Miss L. Lindsay, Toron- ab to, visited at A. W. Thompson's re- cently, A number are on the sick list. Visitors: H. Price, at W. W. Brown's; J. McCrimmon, at D. Me Donald's; Mr. and Mrs. William Cowdy, at R. Oox"s; C. Price spent Sunday at J. D. Clark's. Mrs. B. Hartwick was removed to the Gen eral Hospital on Friday. : BURRIDGE Jan. 23.--The roads are in a very bad condition owing to the terrible wind storm on Saturday night and Sunday. A number from here at- tended the horse races at Westport on Thursday and Friday last, and all wore glad to know that Walter Wood, Jr's horse known as Bird Hal, won the race. Mr. C. Stinson has return- ed from a business trip to Kingston. A number are hauling wood to West- port. J. Teddy, Saskatoon, visited at Edward McCann's last week. S. S. No. 6 is progressing favorably under the able management of Mrs, A. E. Simpson. The buzz of the sawing ma- chine is again being heard in this locality. D. E. Barr sold a valuable horse to John Cook. Reeve Barr is attending county council this week. Among the number who attended the oyster supper at W. C. Taylor's on TLursday evening, held in honor of H. Campbell, were Mr. and Mrs. John Larr, Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Barr and Dot. Visitors: Mr, F-------- re mn HEALING SOOTHING ANTISEPTIC lor lbjirsics + Shir roubles An enjoyable time | | Was spent at the home of Mr. and | { Mrs. Joseph R, Bourke on Thursday evenlng, Jan, 19th, when over one hundred gathered to spend a social | and Mrs. 8. McNeil at 'B, Quinn's; | | Mrs. R. Martin, Fermoy, at G. Ww. | Barr's; Miss Eva Barr at Abe Barr's: | W. G. Woods at 8. E. Barr's; | Campbell, Halifax, NS, at Ww. { Taylor's; Mr. and Mrs, E. Quinn at | 8. E. Barr's; James Brash, Glenvale, at Lewis Brash's. ets LEEDS | POOLE'S RESORT, { Jan, 21---Miss Edna Wilcox fs in | Kingston, undergoing {week visiting friends in Ogdens- | burg. Elmer Penmock has returned from the west for a visit with friends | |and relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Walter | | Williams spent Sunday last at Del- | mer Williams', Caintown. Filling ice- | | houses is the order of the day. Mrs. ! | Tharret and daughter, Thelma have | | returned to Guelph after a visit with | {the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Senecal. CROSBY. Jan. 24.--Owing to Sunday's | snow storm there was no church gor] |vice here. Two sleigh loads vl | young people attended the carnival lat Philipsville on Thursday night | {and one at Elgin on f Saturday night. | Mrs. Pierre, Philipsville, is spending a few days with Mrs, Bella Stout. | The carnival held on this rink 'on | Friday evening was well attended. Sleigh loads came from Philipsville, | {Chantry and Elgin, the prizes for |the best dressed went to Misses | Gray and Hutchings, Elgin. Miss {Ellen Bass is spending a few days [at W. T. Leggett's. Miss Marie | Bryden, Elgin is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Elmer Welch. Kenneth Brown Is putting in his ice this week. Mrs. orge Church is entertaining a few of her friends on Tuesday evening. JUNETOWN, Jan. 23.--Mrs. Mantha Moore is very ill. Her sister, Mrs. M. A, Hayes, Yonge Mills ig caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant, and Doris and Phyllis Tennant spent Wednes- day in Brockville. Some from here enjoyed an oyster supper at Escott L.O.L., No, 27 on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Herbison and Mr. and Mrs, M. Mellow, Sandhurst, spent Baturdey in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Purvis, Purvis street, spent Saturday at J. 8. Purvis', Ru- mors are afloat, that a bootlegging competition in this vicinity is in pro- cess, owing to so much traffic at all hours of the night. Mrs. William Hell spent the past week with Mrs, Davis, Lyn. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mellow, Sandhurst, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Herbi- son. The school has been closed this week owing to all the children of the vicinity being #1 with grippe. Mr. Dyke, the teacher, has épent the ge, in renovating the vterior of the school and adding many improvements, ---- OUTLET. Jan. 23.--Farmers are taking ad- vantage of the good roads and are drawing sleigh loads of logs, wood and feed. James Clarke has moved to Gananoque. William Sales and family have taken Possession of the house vacated by Bert McCready. Miss M. Nunn, R.N., has returned to her home in Lansdowne, having spent some time nursing the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Deir. Mrs, Benedict Fodey and little' daugh- ter, Regina, spent the past week with her parents at Brewer's Millg, . Mr, and Mrs, M. J. O'Grady left for Kingston on Saturday en route to their home in Niagara Falls, after spending some time with relativas. Misses Evelyn and Kathleen Earle spent Saturday in Gananoque. Mrs, Sa Ammann ~ JESSE'S POPULAR PRICE STORE A CHANCE ON SATURDAY TO MAKE 950¢ --regular 75c. for . Large All-Wool Scarfs, in Bl and Red; reg. 75c., for 50c. Huckaback Towels . . 4 for E0c. Ladies' White Ribbed Drawers, regular 75c¢., for 50c. Ladies' Pink and Striped Flan. Petticoats, regular nelette 85c., for Sse eee ee Linen Roller Toweling Stree ENTER | STRETCH LIKE RUBBER WONDERFUL BARGAINS ! Ladies' All Wool Gauntlet Mitts .+...50c. | lar$1.75 oF vu... for Vests. and Girls' 50c. Dra for 50c. | a Turkish Towels . . . .. A HALF DOLLAR 950 oe Brushed Wool Toques, regu- , for- 31 yds. fine Needle Cotton SEs ee Yainls baa. J Worsted H ul Poe. didi White Fl elette, regular 25¢. ane 'ar Hog for 50c. Grey Ribbed Vests and wers, values to $1.50 Ses #00 ease 2 for 98¢. 2 for 50¢c. Several hundred yards of mill ends of 36 inch PRINT and in China. Se I e to 5 yds., CHAM- all at clearing pri 1 ring prices. what we are offering at . . . . 50c¢. H. } C. di d to their various homes treatment. | spersed to their vi s mes. | ES routaest | All agree that Mr. and Mrs. Bourke | - T. Weeks, spent the past | - | ! { We know you know what you want and | Prices that ask you in, rather than those that scare you away. know what you want to pay. That's why we have years of service to clothing business, like it or he can dis like it he will try around service and our GREAT THIS IS THE SORT That exists between the Lion Clothing House and its hundreds and satisfaction to | Then again, we Shwavs sell our goods closer than any other store in the OF RELATIONSHIP of customers. It takes many i and especially the ose to him. He can 't forget the store that served him. If he doesn't ndid retail business of ours has been built the customer. That is what interests us most--always, city in ordinary times, NCE SALE I have no ying your i eep MY JOB. AR ething You can't spend a price you haven't, so we're spending our energies and devoting our thoughts to the creation of prices you have. You can find many uses for | that old Suit if you reinforce it with a pair of Lion Trous. ers--a great purchase en- ables us to give you a $3.00 | Trouser in Dark Grey, in this great Sale for-- $2.25 MEN'S FUR BAND WINTER CAPS Regular $1.50 value--at -this great sale $1.00 THE -LION "Look for the Lion in the Window" | | | Men's Good, Strong, Dark MEN'S LIGHT COLORED FLANNELETTE WORK. ING SHIRTS Regular $1.50 value; to this great Sale for 89¢ MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Regular $1.50 values; in nice neat stripes, black and white, blue and white and purple. At this great sale 98c Sizes 14 to 161, MEN'S KNITFED NECKWEAR Regular $1.00 values; nice, . neat patterns; to go at this great Sale--- 49c A great bargain ! go at YOUNG MEN'S AND MEN'S SUITS Regular $20 and $22 value-- at this great sale $12.50 Broken sizes. Come! Your size may be amongst these, rown WORKING HOSE To go at this great sale for-- 17c pair a great bargain ! CLOTHING HOUSE 356 KING STREET Where Jennings Shoe Store Was. [= Fodey and son Andrew, visited | friends in Delta recently. A number | from here attended the annual agri- cultural meeting in Lansdowne on Thursday. Several of the young folks went to Lansdowne Saturday night to the hockey match between Brockville or here. ter's, Glen Morris, on the evening of January 11th. A. Kelsey and sister, miss the good things of life Het Miss Nettie have taken up house- 5 ® | rouble BY. Sot Wylne to zane i for 3: keeping by themselves. Hanson, Saratoga, was a recent visit- | Don't aim too high or you wil A man could save himself a lot of lower down, Some people never stop to count the cost because they realize they | io . haven't got. the price, anyway. t Mrs. M. H. oiher peogie. and Lansdowne which resulted in a | victory to the latter. Griffin broth- | ers have purchased a new sawing out- Prince Edward BLOOMFIELD. Jan, 23.--Good sleighing is ere s | now but not too much to prevent th. autos from going. H. Y. Cooper ha purchased the Carter Block. Much | wood is being cut this winter that would not have been if it had not been blown down by the high winds. Mumps are quite prevalent in these parts, Charles Thomipson has pur- chased a new Oldsmobile and a new Gray Dort car, The annual meeting of the Bloomfield cheese factory is being held today. Mrs: Gerald Tal- cott, Brighton, visited several days last week at Mrs. Curtis Stanton's. George Ketcheson lost two horses from horse distemper. A. D. Foster lost a valuable cow by the bursting of a blood vessel. ; Charleston News Budget. Charleston, Jan. 23.-- While visit- ing at the home of her brpther, W, R. Green, Mrs. Mylvenna fell down stairs injuring herself. However, no bones were broken. The little Kav- anagh children are slowly recover- ing. Born, on January 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Del. Covey, a daughter. Born, on Friday, January 20th, to Mr and Mrs. Leonard Halladay, a daugh- ter. R. Foster had been here for the past week, filling his ice house. The cutting of ice seems to be the order of the day, and the ice was never in a better condition. Mrs. 8. W. Kel- Sey was called to Junetown on€ day last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Weston. Mrs. W. B. Beale en! a few fri on Friday eveni Miss Maggie Fo Finley, ill for a few days, is better. Also Mrs. Harry . W. Whaley is sawing wood in this section. The high wind on Sunday NAVY CUT CIGARETTES i) > ( ay 70 Jk a Fer IEF