FRIDAY, JANUARY ee -- FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 283 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 NAA ee BE "NOTICE Churches, Sunday chools and Sharitable Institutions o; all demomi- tions will be supplied FREE oy ARGE owe evening each during inter with team and sleigh for driv- na party. Kingston Transfer Co, i 0 ga | get i Proprietors : Frank Canadian Office : 8. Ball. Resident Director, = 5 ER | I | After Illness in new strength and to well quickly you need a food with vitalizing, blood-mak- ing elements. Take Wincarnis, 16 ox. Bottles, $1.50 At All Druggists COLEMAN & co. Limited, Norwich, Eng. 7 Portland 8t., Toronte. DR.A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Streets Phone 363 Plane | PIANO TUNING Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St. Tuning and Repairing, Phone 2397m, Dr, Waugh | Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 ---- | EN A rrr. | Angrove's Repairs Beales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We do repair work right and guar. Antec satisfaction. 197 Wellington Street, a AF It | stimulating u all S1 People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers ang Plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Res, 11387, The Te 0, Aykroyd reet. | 2% Main st RHEUMATIC ACHES Y RELIEVED ] | you good, : WA S | Keep Sloan's handy for * || sciatica, lame back, stiff j Tusches, strains and sprai Plano, vio a instruments; elocution and dra. matic art. p any date. UILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by & Son Phone 1670. QUICKL HE racking, ache is quickly plication of Sloan's or forty world have natural enemy of penetrates wi ng. You can just tell by its health b agonizing rheumatic relieved by an ap. Liniment, Jars, folks all over the ound Sloan's po be the ins and aches, rubbi ! odor that it is going to do neuralgia, I joints, sore ns, kiste--35c, Oc, $0. O ee ------ lgmann School of usic . nd other stringed upils may begin at Terms on application, Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street, Sold by ---------- hone 1325;, a ee Te reer ee Automobile Hood manu ~ Covers factured by ys, R. H. JONES 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152, Choicest Coal. No us, quality of Scranton other kind sold by BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1388 Serr ----------------__ isy and the best Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra Jot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 DID YOU EVER TRy 'Wagstaf®y Ginger Marmalade, | SWagstams Pineapple Marmaiade, Wagstan's Bramble Jelly, We also nave a fun line of Other relaibie makes of Marma- des, Jam and Jellies for sale ate BON MARCHE GROCERY Cor. K Earl Stree Lines, s-arien Phone 1844. When € man Getting busy fall out of a fit of For Backache, Lumbago, Pleur. | Pneumonia, ete. Only ingredients are used in FOR SALE [ff Foe toe aan" 'Higher Quality, Better Service M.R. M Prescription Druggise. cColl $35.00 and $40.00 Overcoats JANUARY CLEARING SALE Goingat . , , .$22.50 This is an excéptional bargain for the above are this winter's 800ds and the latest styles, 1.ZACKS Is a bore he is discover it. often takes a blues. THF Da Purchased The Homestead, Charles Maracle hag Purchased the old Grey homestead, at Morgan: Lake near Northbrook. -- Wardans Elected. Glengarry Stormont and Dundas-- J A. Sangster, Lancaster township. Lanark--T. Greer, Sherbrooka South. ! | --_-- Do You Hear the Call? Just now the stores are calling you, They are alluring. AN the merchants want tg "turn over" stock and are making Some wonderful of- Li in the advertisements. ------ Given A Club Bag. | John H. Ross, engineer of the On- | tarlo hospital, Brockville, who lately | retired after thirty years' service, was | Presented with e@ handsome club bag by the officers and staff. 1 -------- | The Price of Eggs, | The price of fresh eggs on the {Kingston market remains at about {60 to 55¢ a dozen. It is expected {that ¥f the cold weather continues eggs will not be as plentiful as they Were a few weeks ago. Kingston Rotary Club. "Citizenship" was the title of a most inspiring address given to the members of the Kingston Rotary | Club, at its weekly luncheon today | by Rotarion Rev. W. Taylor Dale. Rotarian Rex Snelgrove presided. Our Annual Sale, Before stocktaking we haev de- fotdas to put on sale our entire stock |of ordered clothing, ready-to-wear [clothing and Gents' Furnishings a' | prices that will meet or beat any oth- |er houses in the trade. Prevost, | Brock street. | ee ------------ If You Have Any Goods, In your store that You are not anx- = to seel do not itemize them in | your advertisement, but everything in your store th@} carries an appeal to the thousands of "best homes" in this c mmunity can be profitably adver. tised in this newspaper. | The Glorious Weather, The glorious weather of the past few days has been appreciated by ail who enjoy Snappy winter weather. Arc Betts on csc A Stitch in Time Quick action is the on] when kidoey disease app, PP There is a whole train of dread. painful and fatal ailments which soon follow es neglect to t. Freight--Baggage | TRANSFER Phone 1776J 8. WHITEMAN 210 QUEEN STREET Kingston and Vicinity | Bplaiiger's stock ITY vo] TIS Were ---- - 1 aland much respected resident of Ad- |dison, passed away on Monday at the | | residence of her sister, Mrs. Margar- | | et Goff. The deceased was born in] Ireland eighty-eight years and came | {to this country as a young woman. | For the last five years she has been | While chopping some Ing |3 resident of Addison, where she was | wood, Howard Billings, Winchester, {much esteemed. Predeceased by her | nearly severed his foot when the axe (husband, Mrs. Tripp is survived by | struck it inflicting a terrible gash, two sisters, Mrs, Goff, Addison, and | Dr. McLaughlin, who is attending MT. | Mrs. Patterson, Toronto. She was Billings, hopes to save the foot. la member of the Addison Anglean | | ) church, { Advance Agents Here, i | [There is a crispness in the air and jcrunching noise under foot that {makes people hop along. The sleigh- [ing is ideal and in the city au'oing is Al, ---------------------- Nearly Severed Foot, kind! ---- A LARGE STOCK OF ABOUT 50 USED Stoves and Heaters Small, medium and large sizes. Many of them in very good con- dition, but slightly used. Suitable for heating shop, garage or house. As they are not in our line and we are keen to dispose of them, will sell them at BARGAIN PRICES. -S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. ' Office Phone ve, Factory Phoue 1415, Kingston had a visit from two the- atrical advance agents on Thursday. The 1 . 1, [They were W. W. Wilkinson for "Thy S fries Who atiend the hockey } games from time to time would ap- | Great Broxipp," at the Grand on Feb. | | | breciate v } 1s' and Harry Yost, representing | b 3 Yery much if the Fouug men 2 a Would cease crowding into the part of | | Boob MeNutt, at the Grand, Jan, the tea room which is reserved for | 31st, Matinee and night. {young men who bring their lady | Fay ori CE -- (friends to the hockey matches. On The Late Thomas Dowker. Wednesday evening when it was so cold the ladies were unable to get a § : & hot cup of coffees on account of the | room being crowded with young men | bi Who were smoking. If the manage- [ ; ment of the rink would arrange for a | 4 Separate door for the use of ladies it would be very much appreciated. -------- Stop Crowding Please! -- Public Rest Ground, The Cape Vincent, N.Y., Eagle un- X derstands that the Improvement Lea- | | [iS : x : : gue ,at a recent meeting, voted favor- | ' 4 ably upon a proposition to secure the | Rathbun House lot for a public rest ground for the use of automobilists visiting the village. This property is owned by Charles A. Jerome, and he | has stated repeatedly that he would | /7 not dispose of it only with the under- | standing that the purchaser should | erect a hotel thereon, but as there is | not much prospect of anyone wanting it for that purpose, the chances are | that the Improvement League can ! | make satisfactory arrangement with | | Mr, Jerome for the use of the prop- | {late Mr. and Mrs. John Dowker, of AA A te Ae i |Hartingdon, Ont., died January 15th, WAS TROUBLED [to Miss Mary Jane Clow, eldest WITH HER LIVER {Was county constable for thirty-six| yppon the liver becomes slow, slug- [years, and no prisoner left him With- | gigh and torpid it is not working | ker was always a kind neighbor and | cient bile to thoroughly act on the | {Just in all his dealings, honest, a| bowels and carry off the waste pro- | {els become clogged up, the bile gels | kindly Teelings toward al] Churches. into the blood, constipation sets in | He died with perfect faith in Jesus, | which are, sick or bilious headacltes, | one sister to mourn his loss, He | heartburn, jaundice, | shoulder, coated ' tongue, bad breath, yellow eyes, etc. Thomas Dowker, eldest son of the | crey. |He was married fifty-one years ago {daughter of the late Isaac Clow. He For Over Four Months out a Bible in his hand, Mr. Dow- | properly and does not supply suffi- | | splendid worker, and harboring | ducts of the system, hence the bow- | ! re 1 [leaving his widow, one brother ang) 28 liver troubles follow among om a |faithta] | re the eyes, pain | MILBURN'S A You Will Enjoy For a meal you will enjoy. Visit our Restaurant, and you will not be disappointed. Our Service is excellent ang our prices are right. CAFE PETER LEB PROPRIETOR Open From 8 am, Opera House 232 Princess Street - - - Twe Doors Above Gourdier's BROCK STREET LAXA-LIVER PILLS quickly remove the Secretions, clear away the effete and waste matter by acting directly on the liver, and mak- ing the bile pass through the bow- els instead of allowing it to get into the blood. Mrs. Alice Mehill, Napanee, Ont., writes: --*"] wag very badly run down ; | for over four months. eral remedjes, but got no relief. One day my husband brought me home a vial of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and before I had used half of it I was much better. I only used two vials | and I am a different person to-day. I can safely recommend Laxa- Liver Pills to any one troubled with liver trouble." Price, 25c¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt pf price by The T. Milbvrn Co., Limited, Toronto, SORE THROAT | MMON AILMENT Wud Sets CHECKED IN JIME MAY LEAD TO A SERIe RUS. CONDITION. SIMILARLY -- Iroquois Boy Succeeds, Dr. Russell D. Carman, a son o Henry G, Carman, Iroquois, nvention. Ha edicine at the Has Leased Poultry Farm, J. Fr Belanger, manager of the O'Brien.spoultry farm at Barryvale since the death of G. Matte on June 2nd, has leased the farm and is now carrying on business on his own ac- count. After May 1st he wilt remove his stock and outfit to Calabogie where he will deal extensively in poultry, eggs and baby chicks. M-. at present consis's f 800 choice Rhode #sland Reds. ---- Will Take Three Months, At the meeting of the Board of ks department, held on Wednes- day afternoon, Howard Dick, city en- Bineer, stated that it would take him three months to put down the new Pavement on Brock and Ontario Streets. The work is slow on account of the track allowance, The treet railway company does not want the city to do the work during the months of July and August, RCLSCTC 4 oll | --N_ Smoking Practically Ceased, A One lady who atiended the hock-|. betweon Fronteses aay ng last Head Stuffed By - Catarrh or 'Cold ? Use Healing Cream oR THOMAS? Was héard to remark when she was leaving the rink. "It is a pleasure to atiend hockey games when one ls Dot almost suffocated with tobacco smokey" pipes and cigar- think the police and firemen are not on the watch but gen- erally speaking the fans are Obeying the no-smoke order. - -- Presented Long Service Medals. At a recent inspection of the Ar. gyle Light Infantry at Belleville, Lieut.-General Burstall expressed his 1 re at the number of veterans are open. Your head is clear. in the ranks of the battalion. Long | more hawking, service medals were presented to the Struggling for If your nostrils &re clogged, your throat distressed, or your head is Stuffed by nasty catarrh or a apply a littl d ugh every air pas- sage, soothing inflamed, Swollen mem- branes and you Bet instant relief. How good. it feels. Your nostrils a bard | following: Lt.-Col, David er, Major E. A. Green, Capt. 8. J. gu 1 more, Sergt. H. Holton, 'Sergt, F. Relief Coon, Sergt. G. C. Boyle, L.-CplL |. o.° Spafford, and Bandsmen E. A. Blaing W. H. Hart, F. M. Hart and A, Row- ds. . MOID¢ ho NN ud MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEw, MODELS -- BEST VALUES $25.00, $28.00 $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters, Knitted Snow Suits, Pullovers, Tams, Toques, Scarfs; Wool Gloves and Mitts-- all new goods this season, Phone 191,