Single SA Cob TA g 5" "THE BRITISH WHIG ke London, sites 2s rm vate 80TH YEAR that within the next fifty years wp -_ | shall have learned to transmute all jthe elements, to turn one metal into | another and that into a third which {may be broken down still further or built back to the original metal at F will Synthetic gold! What visions it | raises of rich streams pouring from [ factories in such quantities that even | the poorest would have enough. Yet | that process would knock our mone- | tary system into a cocked hat. Gold dollars would buy ebout as much as do paper roubles. Germany would pay her billions of marks im gold which might be of less value to the | recipient than en equal weight of liron. Our gold mines which brag of thirty years supply of ore in sight would go to rust and ruin, A new non-metalic medium of exchange would have to be found. It is diffi- cult to think of a substitute with as many points in #ts favor as gold has had, In any cese, the ability to trans- mute metals will lead to undreamt of changes which some who read these 'lines are Mkaly to experience. 0 =l- Fahlshag Daily and Semi-Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING * CO. LIMITED 7. G. Elllotg President emanu A. Guild ...........Editor and Musaging-Director : TELEIFHONKES; Business Office ... 5 jtorial Roomg . ob Office . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) 'One year, delivered in city ne year, if paid { i RUSSIA'S OPPORTUNITY. Familiar Bolshevik bad faith al- ready appears at Moscow in relation to the participation of Russia in the proposed economic conference, "A 3 pattern for negotiations" to fix the i Letters to the Editor are publisied| Soviet position at Genoa, or wher- er eny®r the astual name "'of "shel, no conference is held, is drawn » the best Tob by Maxim Litvinoft, of the Lenine- Trotzky inner circle, He says "until Russia knows what assistance the The circulation of THE BRITISH {| foreign powers will give toward her WHIG is authenticated by the || reconstruction it fis impossible to > ABO | make a statement about the payment Audit Burean of COfrculations. of foreign debts." This will look to Jjsome like a case of Soviet "cold- feet"; it #8 in reality but a bit of Bolshevik chicanery. It is en invi- tation for a cash bid for Russian co- operation in the business of econ- omic rehabilitation of Europe from which Russia would draw dividends as important as any others, In stipulating that the Soviet re- gime must, as a prerequisite to its recognition, assume the foreign ob- ligations of previous Russian BOV= ernments, Premier Lloyd George and his associates at Cannes labored under no illusions as to the time when payments could begin. They simply opened the way for the Soviet to enter honorable company through pledging ttself to principles of honor, It #t chooses to do 80, the salvation of Russia {is mssured. Otherwise, there is mo hope for the restoration of Russia to a position of self-sup- port, ¢ It has been demonstrated that nothing can be got out of Russia unttl a lot is pitt n. Russia will have to throw her economic assets 4hito the common pot, after a manner of speaking, if she is to enjoy her rightful share of the general recon- struction which will 'flow: from co- operative efforts, Having declined more than any others, #t is to be as- sumed that she will be longer get- ting on her economic feet, Not in any brief period will she he able to accumulate a surplus from which payments may be made on the for- eign debts. But if her "government" is unwilling to subscribe to the prin. ciples which govern honorable states, and give proof of its eincerity, the Soviet may as well stay away from Genoa. The chance which is offered is not one to bargain for weapons of funther destruction, "@ne year, , cash . One year, If not paid in a One® year, to United States OUT-OF-TOWN BEPRESENTATIVES : Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal CF, W. Thompson ......100 King St. W, 3 Toronto. © Attached is one of iprinting offices in Can - Berri ain ! | The headline, "Big Peach Crop Predicted," is.too indefinite, f am * Usually the fiddler is paid by some ©ne who doesn't dance at all. ---------------- Where there's a will leaving much fhere is usually @ way to break it. "You just know she wears them," Says a hosiery advt, Well, what's fo prevent? # They won't permit Salome on the Stage, bug dook at the street clothes that leaves her with. Perhaps those who called that Genoa conférence thought it best to know the worst at once, Wild oats seein to flourish almost 88 weil on a dry soil es they did whe fthe country was wet. | THe stingy man' doesn't Mke the _ Bew year, It takes more ink to write 19220tien at did for 1921, Ht Seis. pala TT an: nn ¥. He fights fo sure the other fellow of bis convictioms, N------------------ Now is the time to head toward Smaller ships and guns, '22 is a small Salibre year, so to speak, ---- Of course you understand #het the Present litter of civilization is the Progeny of the dogs of war, There are thoes when u man will J his wife's bundles, and there times when her bundles are he ---------- The average man fs so optimistic . Bhat he actually laughs at trouble-- Bxoept, of course, when the trouble #= his own, 3 An optimist, agatn, 1s the man who thes for his overcoat when the cher says: "Just one word more IM close" When you see a bloom of health in i distant cheek, you can't teu the girl bms been roughing or rouging it, The nerve of those Filipinos to 4 bd independence 'when * the d States hasn't enough of it at to go around! ' A WASTE OF MONEY. At thé fourth amnual convention of the Western Ontario United Boards of Trade, the other day, a large number of representative busi- hess men were discussing the possi- bility of indueing British manufac- turers to establish branches in On- tario, and were formulating plans for @ campadgn to achieve this object. Amongst their number was Major C. Snell, of England, representative of the Birmingham Small Arms Com- pany and eight other large concerns 'which are considering Ontario as a location for branches and agencies. During the discussion mem'ion was made of a handsome book, entitled " as a field for British Branch I " which is just off press. Some of the delagates were of the opinion that this book would bring results, and would attract in- dustries to Canada. Major Snell, however, threw a bombshell tuto the gathering. He said: "This book will accompMsh noth- ing. The British manufacturers will not read it. They will look at it, comment on the nice way it is ar- ranged and printed, end throw #t into the waste-paper basket. Theres is nothing in it outside of what the Britisher can find fn & year book. The manufacturer will not pore through 132 pages of general infor- mation which he already has at his finger-tips. If this book Js meant to attract industries, it is a sheer waste of money, for no one will read it." This statement came as a ehock to those who heard it, but as Major Snell fe « man of high standing in the British manufacturing world, they probably realized that he knew whereof he apoke. The book is a volume of 132 pages, profusely fila strated 'with industrial plotures and maps, and printed on heavy coated paper, It represented a big expendi- ture foy the department of trade and commerce. Yet, according to an nurse the ambition to beat to a crossing. is a land without a smile F 8 laugh," declares a traveller; fio seems to have forgotten to drag jo griming ekulls into the scene, used to wonder what per cent. Ancome the income tax would Nowadays we wonder what per it. of our income tax our income il pay. } announcement by leading om Mars is uninbabit- til bea "Blow to the scient- have been receivghg com- + therefrom. GOLD TIFIC hs claims to have chemist PARE A ni a AOR SS eT TT at ' yp LET THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, JANUARY 37, 1022. authority, ft is a waste of money, and will be of no effect. The same can be said of hundreds jot official publications of all kinds. { The amount of time, labour and money spent on government publica- | tiong each year is emormwous, for the vast maority of them are never open- led, but simply edd to the burdens of | the office cleaners and garbage men { who have to dispose of them. Blue | books, of varying dimensions, are {printed by the thousands, &istribut- {ed, and are left unread. During the | sessions of parliament pamphlets are [ published on the most trivial matters {and follow the same trail to the | waste-paper basket. All' govern- | ments have been responsible alike {for this waste, and it would be a great relief to find the new govern- | ment eufficiently cognizant of the need of economy to put an emd to | ue waste of money. '{ our Canadian Question And Answer Corner Q.--What are the savings of the Canadian people? A.~--Canade is a mich country bas- ed upon the sayings of the people in chartered and other banks and in loan and other companies. They total now nearly two billion dollars or over $200 per head for every man, woman and child. Q.--Canada has established sev- eral Experimental Farms. How many are there? and where? A.--Canada through the dominion government has established 20 Ex- perimenital Farms, in each of the nine provinces that have done valu- able work in the science of agricul- ture. Q.--What is Canada's governmen- tal revenue a year? A~--Canade's government re- ceipts, 1920-1, were $434,386,536, Q.--The Canadian government is helping in bufiding houses. In what way and what what extent? A.--The Canadian government had advanced nearly $12,000,000 to aid in provincial housing schemes which will result in the building of a large number where a province takes the initiative. Q--To what extent does Canade receive child immigrants? A --~--OCanada received, 1920-1, 1,426 British boys and girls as immi- grants, from distributing homes and orphanages in Great Britain, al Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER POTTER'S FIBLD. Oh, here are rows and rows of graves, the cheapest graves you ever saw; the beds of futile, foolish knaves who thought that they could beat the law. When they are planted mo one sighs, no hymns are sung, no prayers are said; no mourners bend with weeping eyes above the couches of these dead. From workhouse wards and jails they come in wagons desti- tute of plumes, from every commer of the lum, 40 sleep in bargain counter tombs. The sex'ons shovel in the clay, and from the boneyard then withdraw; this is the end of those who say that they can surely beat the law. The criminal may "hink at times that he is not a total loss, and he may plan all sorts of crimes and seem to put the same across; but Jus- tice eyes him every day, and always keeps him in her mind; end ¢hough he lopes along his way, the law is never far behind. Few criminals live out their days in comfort suchesgood men know, who walk in sane and godlyways, observing statutes as they go. Few crooks pass out on beds of ease, with high priced docs and nurses near; they render up their final wheeze behind a wall; beneath a pler. In some dark jail their doom is sealed,' with no one near to heave a weep, and then they reach the Pot- ter"s Field where cheaper grades of dead men sleep. ~--WALT MASON. Purity League Fears : Wiles of Sea Vamp St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 27.-- Mayor Frank Pulver today had a re- quest from the St. Petersburg purity league that he appoint a bathing suit inspector, a formal communica- tion from the organization stating that "The league Intends to protect the married men from the wiles of tho | the sea vamp." The mayor said he would person- ally visit the beach and look 'em over. : ------------------ TO THROW DOOR OPEN. ---- Free Admittance to Australis of British People, London, Jan. 27.--In en address delivered yesterday, Premier W. M. Hughes of the Australian Common- wealth, according to a Reuter cable from 8ydney, advocated BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY PRAISE THE GOOD GOD: ~--Make a joyful noises unto the Lord, Enter into his gates with thanksgiving. For the Lord is good. ~--Psa. 100: 1,4,5. | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL Sgt The Worst Is Yet To Come Though Spring is on the way, Coal men don't care a rap; They know Old Man Winter Will linger in her lap. Observations of Oldest Inhabitant, the slaughter of the innocents, raise the I kin remembér when men had "top" pocketg to their trousers in- stead of side pockets. S------ Are We Right, Fellers? A mews item says the coldest place on earth Is in the Siberian province of Irkutsk. We can name two places that are colder. One is home when you get back from a poker party and tell your wife you lost everything but your pants In the" game. The other is the boss's office when you go in to ask for an increase in salary." Anyway, They Are. 'Pa, what are the 'silent watches of the night?" asked Clarence. "The watches of the owners forgot to wind when they went to bed, I guess," replied Pa, who was busy making out his income tax report. He Surely Dé, He scorns the work, He will not "scrub," And yet you'll find He like the grub.--M. J. What's in a Name. M. J. also contributes the following: 'Pleasant Knox 'and Green Hogg are students at Richmond, Ky." None of the knocks we ever get are pleasant, but maybe he is some rela- tion t8 Love Taps. As for Green Hogg, 81a you ever see a human Hog that was green? Neither aid we, You Know Him. "Jones wears me completely groaned Brown. "Yes, he is an awful Black; "he never believes in his friends rust out." out," 5 bore," repliad letting ---- reteset ---------- re ---- BIBBY"S SALE PRICE. to 17}. $2.00 and $2.50 value. Extra $1.38 BIBBY'S SOMETHING DOING SALE SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT LESS THAN WHOLE. One Hundred Dozen Shirts-- Tooke and Arrow make--sizes |4 9) Special ¢ Fool Questions, E. D. F. asks. "Could you use the shoulder blades in a safety rasor:"' Well, ours are almost sharp enough to shave with, 8. 0. 8. For the Service Station. The Shakespearen troups was play. ing the tank towns. Richard IIL. was on the bill "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!" wailed his nibs the King. | "'Smatter, Dick, are you out of Bas or did your engine croak on you? There's a first-aid station for disabled motorists in the next block, but they'll tow you In with a truck and not a horse," came & voice from the gallery. ---------- Here's Hoping Betsy Didn't Disappoint Them, (Davella Cor. Martin County (Xy.) Advertiser) Messrs, Estill and Marvin Crum have gone to Betsy Layne to look for work, Fy "Her." Dust"s thick in her house, But she shows She dusts the powder On her nose. --Cincinnati Enquirer, Although the pans Neglected are, She scours the country In her car, ~Akron (Ohio) Times Her house's windows Muggy are-- Her headlights shine Too bright and far. h ~--Ohio Motorist, Her beds are made Up, you will fing, But she can't make Up her own mind. Hastings (Neb.) Tribune. ---- SKATES that are made of the highest grade Steel, Triple Nickle Plate, and the best finish at prices that don't effect your pocket. Any size . ..... $1.75 MOORE'S "PHONE 815 Hub! We Didn't Know They Had Pro- hibition Down There, Too. "Buenos Aires has more than §09 drugstores 'and more than 600 per- fume pariors and beauty parlors," -- News item. Dally Sentence Sermon. If you are not going right maybe you meed the carboh of eelf . comcelt burned out, : ---- Newy of the Names Club, A. Sober" tailor, lives in Washing. ton, D. C, but we guess when he Quotes you his prices it males you (look) sober, too. i | -- Atta Bey! Dear Sam: MeCLARY'S AT REDUCED PRICH BUNT'S Hardware, King St. If the Disarmament and Peace Con- ferences ditch the guns, the war dogs and the subs, and the nations still feel they just have a fight why not get Tex Rickard to stage one with his well-known skill and charge $10 o parking place on the benches? This would entertain the nations, prevent pin money to pay their next installment of the income tax. Must Have Visited Her in a Dream Then. (Knoxville Cor. Falmouth (Ky.) Out- look) Jess Will lara. The Greatest Problem of the Breakfast Table is COFFEE Use our Java and Mocha money to pay the cost of the "war" w and give Tex and the battler enough w A Men's Hockey Blucher, sport store. Phone 231]. Skates GOING STRONG ! Our Annual January Sale is still strong. Here is another bargain for you:-- on aon $9 JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE ground. 70 Brock St. Blend and the problem is sat- isfactorily and pleasantly solved. Roasted on the premises -- ground daily -- and the price 50 cents. : Jas. REDDEN & Co. The House of Satisfaction Thomas Harris, of Toledo, = Ohio, hile traveling, spent Friday nigh* ith his sunt, Mrs. Massey. Phones 20 and 990. going value at any Tit GEO. NOBES Phone 986M. 17 Division Street. * Unique . or Window 52,600 Prescriptions, which have been dispensed, are being shown in the window of Dr. Chown's Drug Store. The watchword of this store is "QUALITY" --the best, only, goes In your prescriptions. There is never any substitu tion, and this,"with absolute ac~ curacy, gives the best results possible. Bring us your prescriptions. Dr. Chown's Drug Store THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Wanting anything done in the rg _ om all tery lime. dy k: alse hard. of all kinds, All epders prompt attention. Shop treet: Money To Loan We have consider- able private funds to loan on real estate only, at lowest cur- rent rates. T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 58 Brock Street, Kingston N.B.~--We have removed our office to 58 Brock Street (near King Street. ALL THROUGH THIS JANUARY ----0OUR COAL y- *"RAWFORD'S Nel Uda Y you merry in January and also in February ° and you will forward March to April In a pleasant frame of mind it you burn our coal. Now that is promising a lot but you just try it, ES, our coal will make Crawford Scranton Coal Phone 9. Foot of Queen 8¢.