Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1922, p. 6

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J WHIG is authenticated by the i on the "right" of France to repara- DAILY BRITIS ET ---------- cr. H WHIG. a SATURDAY, JANUARYT 28, 1022, { THE BRITISH { | Was worth, say, one and one quarter | return W. F, Nickle, who In the pres- | 27: 2. | | _h m-- r= NE Datly and Sewi- Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ? C0., LIMITED + President and . Mian sing-Directoc 89TH YEAR. : |Telurn, or, more corre sesnden SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Bdition) ' year, delivered in city 4 in advance | A » if not paid in advance year, to United States . ~OF-TOWN BEPRESENTATIVES Calder, I St. John St. Montreal W. Thompson ..,., .100 King St. WwW, Toronto. ublished Letters to the Editor are $ the ly over the actual name of rer. ed is one of the best job ng offices in Canada. circulation of THE BRITISH | ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. fe + Some folks may try to overcome fice, but more advertise it, It a TNT drink could be concoted,] Shere probably would be some who gould sample it. { When Henry Ford said that his. 3 ---- is "bunk," did he mean the ind he 1s making? - \ Be ST. LAWRENCE --_---- {ections. The Conservative party 1s 914 prices to [no longer an influential factor in ly, ought we | either the legislature or the federal | parliament, and it would bo utterly act te ae Hen Praise Shes, 419 i | - | 3 s war the dollar | futile for the electors of Kingston to and not thine owh lips.--Provecte 7: 2 1914 PRIC Do we really w BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY BELF-PRAISE:--Let an- to wish them back? At the outbreak of bushels of wheat which fs probably | eng by-election, is merely pursulne a [oni the real standard of value in Can-|course dictated by Persunal ambition jae deranged. I em the hoodog, I'm ada. From 1917 to 1919, when "the | and partizan advantage. [the gent who brought the obange Sc government did its heaviest borrow-| Mr. Nickle's nomination address | orgs - wherever I may pitch my tent ing, the dollar was the equivalent of | failed to reveal any motive that com- | the cloudbursts do their worst. ouly half a bushel, To-day the dol-/mends him to favorable considera- | ~--WALT MASON. lar buys one bushel of No. 1 North: | tion. His position is a difficult one | ern--aund the government has stil] to|in view of the record of the Hearst | » Pay back its borrowings. To return | Bovernment while in -cilics and the | dollar for dollar sounds fair enqugh, | condemnation of his present leader, | but one and one quarter bushels for |Hon., G. H. Ferguson, by the 'court half a bushel seems ruinous. And |that investigated the timber deals | & 80, the lower the cost of living falls |by which the province sustained | Q--Wheres does Canada rank as a Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner TT ---- BIBBY"S Hats and Furnishings at the barder shall we | heavy losses running into millions of | pulp and paper producer? have to tax our- | selves to pay our war debts. Are|dollars, part of which has been paid A---Canada is the second largest producer of paper and pulp products reduced Prices, then, really so desir- back to the province.as a result of : able? ' . [the investigation. Whether the el- (in the world, amounting to $163,- During inflation the people' with [ection of Mr. Nickle may or may not 1000.000 an 120. The industry em- money iu the bank lost steadily,|be an advantage to his party that fs | -- Es extent are new com. while debtors hag thelr cut in half. But now, under defia. years to come, we are not at all con- Rion, the S04p is in the other eye. cerned. The paramount question be- | A.--10,507 people were naturaliz- The debtor pays twice what he bor-/ fore the electors of Kingston just|ed and thus became Osnadian citi- rowed in 1918, dng You who are now is the part we are to take in zens in 1920, representing no less groaning because the Victory Bonds |promoting our own welfare, than 42 nationalities, including. 8; which you bought at par are listed, Mr. Elliott is a practical business (593 Amerivenn les: 1308 at 97, should remember that it has, man, with a record of over twenty. | ie Sh No. 214 Germans, On a commodity basis, almost doubl-|five years honorable public service 213 Italians, el in value, And 80, though the in this city. He has been actively grvernment may have to tay vou | 1dentified with the progress of th twice as heavily you wil reap the city, has given unstintingly of is advantage when the bonds are re. | time and ability, and we 'feel that | deerrod at the present "time a man of his Unfortunately, when rapid fluctu- practical business experience, keen! ations 1d price are taking place, the insight and public spirit would be! 5. movement is not uniform as between | able to render service of far great- t Where You Gonna Move? one comunodity and another, and er magnitude than Mr. Nickle, whose | gaiq I, to my haughty landlord, kere or there almost everybody gets special abilities are engaged in the| "Of these high rents I dows approve pinched or favored. Stability seenis, | legal profession. | Yen vith < seccate) supe ai Yor therefors, of much more importanca] We have come upon times that | Hove?' than tho return to the 1914 or any are fraught with tremegdous possi- | other scale of values, For only when | bilities, and we have to look to the the dollar has a' comparatively stea- men who are engaged in practical ada? omy ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL Observations of Oldest Inhabitant I kin remember when folks wore "electric" rings of aluminum that were liabilities | destined to remain obscure for some, becoming naturalized in Cen- H Men's and Boys' First Grade, Fine Quality Clothing and Shirts, -- TOOKE and AR-| | ROW SHIRTS | | Sizes 14 to 174; 100] Black Ribbed, Eng- | lish 45c. pair dozen to choose from. $1.38 each | At New dy purchasing power ean the ex-|business for guidance and leader- auPPOEed 10° Cure Tae ttt. change of goods for money and mon- | ship, for the professional Politician | ey for goods, by which we all live, (does not invite our fullest confidence | toke place with a minimum of fric-|in the face of problems now con- tion and loss, [fronting us, The country has got to | recover from the state of depression WATER- | and bad times that made the fall of | the Meighen administration a Sere) i ' Who Was Given the Mittem and Then Lest It? (Trenton, Mo., Times) Found--Large mitten. Owner may have same by des¢ribing and paying for this notice, Call at office. j ---- Sob Squad, De Your Duty! WAY, It is probably half a century since | a i o look vs eo any i a century since | tainty, and we are not go ng . X .| The saddest words that ever spranz Ww rst pointed out that the great to the men associated with the late from pen or faw, inland waterway of Canada from the Meighen government, or who desert- | Were those the authors wrote inte the Volstead law! "When it comes to salaries, movies| 3°® t0 the head of t come within the region of practical politics. This is primarily Germany, planning to reduce the|think, to that small body of ardent Wolume of currency, seems to think |@ngineers who have never failed to 'the unlimited can be limited, see its enormous economic Possibil- -- ities. Germany probably hopes that de- The report of the International ferring of the January reparations | Commission looks like a fair Propos- payment will be a' precedent. ition and it has the sanction and sup- i. have a slight edge on baseball,| P® developed. But it has only lately ut the latter show form. due, we he lakes should | ed it in its evil hours, to help us find | our way back to prosperity. | | Mr. Elliott brings with him the | | freshness, buoyancy and energy of | the optimist, while his wonderful en] { thusiasm and capacity are qualities | that spell success. His election will | mean much to Kingston, for there | should be the greatest co-operation | between the representatives at Tor- {onto and the dominion government's | | ®ood without ever batting an a {port of the president of the United | representative here, J. M. Campbell, | Poincare has taken a firm stand | States who thinks that the estimated in order to secure the greatest good cost borne by the two countries is |gor Kingston, The citizens have But tan she! not too great to be undertaken for nothing to gain by electing' Mr, 80 worthy an object. The whole pro- Nickle, but they stand to lose, as he Ject is now for the firet time serious- would be absolutely powerless out- ¥ before the United States congress, side of the little coterie of Tory and it will in due course angage the members in the legislature, attention of our ows Canadian goy- We cannot afford at this time to ernment, fghore such important considera- That there will be strong ODPosl-| tions. Fvery workingman, every n to it goes without saying, but business man, and all who are look- | 80 far as we can see the opposition | ing to overnments, as never before, ice. Next: A colorless and frag-| in both countries will be based 0 ha in 20 Bove policies : iceless rose. purely selfish interests, In the Unit- | made necessary by the inadequacy, Members of the Ku Klux Kian ed States the chief support for it will | snefctency and corruption of the Conservative governments swept from 'Germany, situation, gays. Ex- What of France's fight! AE themselves come from the central and middle Row {lighting amo etn! '| states with Chicago as the dynamic are times when it is best to let g! yna from power by an indignant and out- centre. The opposition from New ° ie take Als course, England and the Atlantic seaboard |p. Biliott" Ho cartier ines Robert "The powers now insisting on sub-| °oBtrolled by New York will Prob-|iite 'no private piques and quarrels Marines should look over their old | PLY be 8 solid opposition. The | with other men in public lifa that les and see what they sald about| Pacific states: have the Panama make co-operation impossible and m during the war, {Canal, 'and' their Interest 1% stigmatize him as an egotist seek- ---- | the inland waterway, except on Aa-ling personal glory at the expense of + Tire chains help some, but the | tional grounds, will be negligible, In| hig constituency. Mr. Elliott is, in , e of reckless driving won't be Canada outside Montreal, and pos- every sense of the word, a fan of fmoved until there are ball-bear-|SibLy the Maritime provinces, we sus- the people, whose interests are pect the scheme will have genera bound up in their welfare, who and adequate support. Montreal 'can- stands four square and whose word 'able: Once upon a time there! not bear to think of anything bigger is his bond. @ driver who delivered a whole| than a coal barge passing its door: The. announcement of his select- of coal without breaking any|Its financial interests are allied with fon as Liberal candidate has aroused in the basement window. | 1f aot controlled by New York; nat- intense enthusiasm in Liberal ranks ; | oaalty it Son hope. e Boe Zo good throughout the city because it ig felt come from the project. ernation- Saki . le he doesn't exactly know | 4 bugaboos will be raised to detent hat is Suesmods mation Sap B amount of his bask balance, |; scheme. / gnition o 8 ry Ford says he can guess with- But there has always been, and § Willion dollars. So can. we, | opp." Arwaystwill be. £00d will be- Aro signs of Iie on the | teen these two countries, The ad- vantages to both of the Inland wat- i, says a scientist. The ipcreas- erway are. incalculable, the benefits demand for moonshine has liv- to navigation and the. amount of chains for the drivers, as his special fitness as a represent- ative for 'Kingston. splendid service in the past as well | : up a lot of dead Som, munities, cheap power made available will am- " «{ Ply justify the money expended, and Biolegte agains k a [the fact that the opposition 1s based by used to be heard In the ' oid|°® selfish rather than national : dancing was done with | Srounds should rouse a generous when sapport of the project throughout the whole country. Incidentally Kingston stamds greatly to benefit by such a deep wa- terway past Its door. Mr. J, M. Campbell has already done yeoman service in keeping the project before the minds of the public and we have yet to hear any criticism or objection to the scheme from any well inform- ed citizen of Kingston ---- ELLIOTT FOR THR LBGISLA. 'thief who stole a hearse and ride in it is not superstitious. are we, b "hearse is the n; in whith we want to take ce, insisting on a more milit- de toward Germany, seems overlooked the possibilities Foch as inspector gen- TURE. : . Robert F. Elliott, who has been nominated as Liberal candidate in the provincial by-election made ne- | cessary by the resignation of Dr. A. B. Ross, should be elected by a sub- stantial majority. His candidature 2E pay the most income tax £1] «igs and who appreciate the overwhelming defeat of the Con- seraiivie governments in the last provincial and dominion gederal el ~M. J Invitation to Pay Up. | "Pa, what does R. 8. V. P. mean' at the emd of an invitation?' asked wil- He. ! "It means 'please remit' on all ths invitations I ever got," growled his Dad. Fool Questions, "Jan," asks "can a ball player make eye?' Of course, you boob. He Is supposed to have a batting eye, but he oaly bats the ball, Ee TRI Kaew His Master's Voleo- Hiram Peck, secently made widower, against his wishes and better Judgment had been persuaded to attend a spirit. ualistic meeting. "4 "We have Mrs. Hirém Peck 'om the wireless," announced the Medium. "W-h-a-t, w-h+a-t- does she want?" Quaxered Hiram, while his teeth chat. tered and his knees smote together. "She wants to know why you have quit wearing your rubbers: why you | rubber at every fool Mttle chicken you | pass; why you have let the rubber plant die from neglect; why | "That's Maria, alright; let me out of here quick," orled Hiram as he made for the nearest door, . ---- It's a Hard Lire, It fills my heart With grief and paim To know that I Am broke again, Hastings {Neb.) Tribune. A sadder tale Now I will crodieg I groan because ° I'm always broke re -- ~ Dally Sentemee Sermon. Watch your own step and you won't have time to, watch the silk hose the girls display ag they step along. --e News of thé Names Club, New goods arriving almost daily, and our new prices have this so-called bar- gain stuff trimmed to a finish, Large flowing ends," OUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS Revised Prices Will Be Sure to Please You ! a PURE SILK NECKWEAR fashion knit. Ties. 69c. each SKATES that are made of the highest grade Steel, Triple Nickie Plate, and the best finish at prices that don't effect your pocket. Any size , ou $1.75 MOORE'S .'PHONE 815 Fm J. H. Lipps, of Bacutanne, Mise, ought to be mighty popular with the girls down there. But we hope he never uses a Lipp stick on the Iittle Lipps. 2 -- 4 Fast Friends! His friendship's true; I crave to win For he can do A smile a minute ~Columbus Dispatch. His friendship's trueg Iam glad I have 18, He lends me coin x When I have not & "Jie -- Service For You. "That's an up-to-date sporting goods store for you" "What about them? 4 "They give a man who buys a fishing May have tackle a Mst of all the fish markets GOING STRONG ! ||. Our Annual January Sale is still going bargain Sport store. | taetoned bast tor the trip 'AT REDUCED PRICH' 'BUNT"S Hardware, King St. [| where he can get any kind he wants to take home." The Gi "Huh! But do they Surnish the old. routest Faobiem. of the ast Table is COFFEE Use our Java and Mocha 'Blend and the problem is sat- 'I quit. They haven't much of a service after all" Men' R lati Hockey Blacher, a regular January Sale Price NE i $5.95 istactorily and pleasantly solved. Roasted oh the premises -- ground daily -- and the price 60 cents. mind, Unique Window 52,500 Prescriptions, which have been dispensed, are being shown in the window of Dr. Chown's Drug Store. : The watchword of this store is "QUALITY" --the best, only, goes in your prescriptions, There is never any substity- tion, and this, with absolute ae curacy, gives the best results possible. Bring us your prescriptions, Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 | --) THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anyiliing done 1h the ea oe tery line. Estimates given on all kindy orders Prompt attemtion, Shop N Ouveen Street. -- We have consider: able private funds to loan on real estate only, at lowest cur- rent rates, T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance Jas. REDDEN & Co. Satisfaction The House of in for you;-- lish Ki ah, Sr ar $9 88 Brock Street, Kingston N.B.--We have removed office to 58 Brock Street 1 King Street. : THROUGH THIS UARY---- TNT TC LIL UTTAR ES, our coal will make Y you merry in January and also in February and you will forward Mareh to April in a pleasant frame of mind if you burn otir coal, Now that is promising a Jot but you just try it, Crawford Scranton Coal Phone 9. Foot of Queen oe. theo IR ------

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