Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1922, p. 13

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1022. ---- FIFTEEN BOILS ON NECK AT ONE TIME Any one who has suffered from | Dolls can sympathize with poor ind Job. There was no Burdock Blood Bit- ters in those days, so Job had to suf- fer in silence. Now-a-days no one | Beed endure the misery of boils. | Boils are simply evidences of the | bad blood within coming to the sur- face and just when you get rid of one, &nother seems ready to take its place 8nd prolong your misery ; All the poulticing and lancing you fay do will not stop more coming. What you have to. do is take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS and the blood will be cleansed of all is impurities, and then every boil will disappear. . Mr. Roy McSwain, High Bank. P. E. I, writes "I was troubled with boils for some time, and had as many as fifteen om my neck at once. After taking one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters they commenced to | get better, and after I had taken fwo bottles I was relieved of them d felt much better. I think B. B. ; i8 a grand blood medicine, and ®an recommend it highly." = For the past 45 years B. B. B. has Deen manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Toronto, Ont. TOY MAGNE FOR STOMACH TROUBLE Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre- © wents Food Fermentation, Sour, 3 Gassy Stomach and Acid : Indigestion. Doubtless if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have al- Feady tried pepsin, pancreatin, char- ®oal, drugs and various digestive aids Bnd you know these things will not eure your trouble --in some cases do Rot even give relief. But before glving up hope and de- gilding you are a chronic dyspeptic Just try the effect of a little bisurated | Mmagnesia--not the ordinary commer- @lal carbonate, citrate, oxide or milk, but the pure bisurated mag- Mesia which you can 'obtain from Practically any druggist in either Powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder Or two compressed tablets with a Mttle water after your next meal, and see what a difference this makes It will instantly neutralize the dang- erous, harmful acid in the stomach, which now causes your food to fer. ment and sour, making gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloated or heavy, lunpy feeling that seems | £0 follow most everything you eat. You will find that provided you take a little bisurated magnesia jm- mediately after a meal, you can eat Almost anything and enjoy it without LF @ny canger of pain or discomfort to 'follow and moreover, the continued use of the bisurated magnesia can- "Bot injure the stomach in any way 88 long as there are any symptoms of | acid indigestion. | [TRE TA AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIPS T0 MAKE BOY WELFARE | day. e } } | KIWANIANS' OBJECTIVE The Club "Addressed by Dis- | trict Governor Hay and | Secretary Murray. | By a standing vote, the Kiwanle Club unanimously dec¢ided to make | its objective she welfare of the under- | privileged boy, at the weekly tunch- eon dn the Hotel Frontenac on Mon= This action followed two flow | quent addresses on the subject by | Bev. Hay, district governor and | Hugh Murray, secretary-treasurer, a | motion being moved by Kiwanian RR. J. Wilson, and saconded by Kiwan- fan Richard Jolifre, both of whom strongly urged upon the club the de- sirability of taking up the boy prob- | lem in an effort to make good cil- | zens of this country. | Nobile Steacy presided, and during | the roll call the guests announced | were Stewart Anderson, Jack Hig- | gins, Rev. Ben Spence (Toronto), | the twg district officials, and Dr. John Broom. Reginald Crawford of R. Crawford and Company, coal deal- ers, was the booster. "Reg." was in- troduced by Harvey Milne, who told of his many excellent qualities, not the least of which was his generosity of heart as revealed by the prize win- ners, for "Reg'. made a very sub- stantial grant to the unemployment relief in the form of coal, an article | that is appreciated in the month of February, in addition to providing a dust-pan as a souvenir to each mem- ber of the elub. The prize winners, were R. J. Wilson, James Armstrong | and George Bawden, and the prizas were onders for one half a ton of coal each to turn over to H. C. Nickle for the relfef committee Hugh Murray was the first spesl- er, and he told of the objective that | was engaging the attention of the London, Gait, Ingersoll, St. Thomas, Kitchener and Montreal clubs, name- ly a definte programme for the bene- fii of the underprivileged boys in their respective cities. He pointed out how boys suffer from many handicaps in every community, many of them being without parents and others lacking in suitable cloth- ing and home comforts as well as be-- ing deprived of the opportunities for | healthful development b reason of | unfavorable environment. There wasa great fleld in every city awaiting the touch of human interest. Much good work was already being done, not only in respect to delinquent boys but among all classes of boys. There are already 500 boys in Canada re- cetving attemtion by Kiwanians 200 of them being in Ontario. He unged the Kingston club to take up this work. Kiwantan Hays gave 4 most elo- quent exposition of 'Kiwanis' which placed dll members under personal obligation to mender his very best ser- vice in everything caloulated to bene- fit his home, his community, his country and his fellow man. "A real Kiwandan," said he, "is a man who can look his fellow member fair in 'he eye and know that he has and is Hving the Golden Rule." He pointed out the many ways in which boys are benefited by contact with men interested dn them, and told of the re- sponse to the best influences. A hearty vote of thanks was tend- ered to the speakers on the motion of Elmer Davis. The following com mit- tee was appointed to conduct a sur- | For particulars apply to:-- J. P. HANLEY CUNARD ANCHOR vey of the city and report at the next meeting: Blmer Davis, convener; A. B. Cunningham, B. N. Steacy, Frank J. Hoag, Hugh C. Nickle, Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, Murdock Johnston. Peroy Borland reported that the dance committee had completed ar- rangements for the charity ball in the city hall on Feb. 22nd. Harvey Milne reported for the sick committee and announced that Willdam Cook, ANCHOR-DONALDSON REGULAR SERVICES 3 Portiand--Halitax--Glasgow §lom Portland r. 3 Montreal to Glasgow ' May 5/June 2|June 30 Cassandra May 15/ June 16/July 14 June 23(July 21/Aug. 18 Mar Be serenisnieeraesiniasin Saxonia . 10 (omits Cher. call) |... Caronia OUNARD CANADIAN SERVICER SUMMER SAILINGS 1922 E MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL | May §/June 0(July 15 May 20 June 24/July 29 uly 8jAug. 12|Sept. 18 Ausonia Montreal to Plymo h, Cherbourg and Leondom May 13/June 17jJuly 322 «+..Andania May 27(July 1jAug. & Antonia «.Tyrrhenia confined to hospital for some weeks, was much improved. HOCKEY AT ODESSA. A Social Event Held in the Hall on Friday Evening. Odessa, Feb. 6.--The hockey teams played a few exhibition games last week. Monday afternoon, the high school and the public school teams met. The score was 2-1 in favor of the public school boys. Wednesday afternoon, Westbrooke team played here. The score was 2-1 in favor of Westbrooke. Saturday afternoon the High School team played at Yarker and the Yarkerites took the honots. Mrs. Ralph Benjamin is visiting relatives in Watertown, N. Y. Mrs. * N. Y.-GLASGOW (via Mec ville) | Mar, ape. § May 12 A Mar. 17 ... ay 171 June 14 . June 7July § . call 38, 0iJune 20/July 11 Yo Plymouth and . 8!May 13{June 17 18| May 2 1 tverpool--q, IMay 31June 28 ., . N.Y, New Bedford, St. nels, - (Amores), Lisbon, Gibral tras, Dubrovalk and ra N Y. From New Bedford veooodtalia LL... Mar. 13 freight and further 0 local agents or ROBERT REFORDCO., Lines nly ....... GENERAL AGENTS QS KING STREET RAST TORONTO, ONT. * old-fashioned boob who was ¥S trying to get in on the ground & son who is forever trying into the cellar. More revision d! ughter only epent as much Over the kitchen sink as she before the mirror mother would Donald Thompson received the sad news that her er, Mrs. John Gard- iner had pas: away at her home in Watertown, and she 'eft at once to attend the funeral. baby boy ar- rived last week to nu 9 his home with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor. Almond Madden, Napanee, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Schermerhorn last week. Mr. Brown, Stella, was the guest of Mrs. O. D. Lewis, last Wednesday. Miss Lena Burley, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Burley, returned to Belleville last Thursday. Lieut- enant Cope has returned from spend- ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cope, Toronto. Joseph Lawlor and daughter, Miss Lizzie Lawlor spent a few days in Ennds- ville last week, guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Burns. Mrs. John Man- cur returned Wednesday from spend- ing five weeks with relatives in To- ronto. Mrs. N. E. Adams spent the week-end with relatives in Kingston, The second of the series of social dances was held in the township hall Friday night. The music was furn- ished by the Enterprise orchestra. ---------- The exchange girl may not be able to get your number, but You-can bet your bottom dollar the neighbors all have it. Sugar cane waste is being made Boed to use so much paint to hide Your Child's Bowels Need "California Fig Syrup" Even a sick child taste of "California Fig Syrup' and it never fails to open the bowels, A teaspoonful to-day may prevent a sick child to-morrow. It constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colie, or if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels 1s often all that ig necessary, Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup," which has di- rections for babies and children of al; ages printed on bottle. Mother! You n:ust say 'California' Or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Hurry mothef! loves the "fruity AT ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND, Poultry Farm Owner Kills His Birds Owing to Costly Feed. Allem, Wolfe Island, Feb, 4. Sucoessful party Was held at the home of James Morgan on Tuesday last. Among the guests were: Miss Helen J. Goodfriend, William White ant Bursey Beaubine, Howe Island. Mrs. Fitzgerald spent last week with her untle, A. Berry. A Mttle daughter has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick O'hea. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Berry are delighted to learn that she is nearly woll again, James Ruth, who began a poultry farm last month, got discouraged at the high price of feed and killed all his fowl. He took a large number to the city last week. Arthur Henderson is making use of the good crossing by drawing many loads of hay weekly to Pittsburg. James Kenney and Ri- chard Halliday made a speedy trip to Clayton, N.Y., on Wednesday last. Richard Berry made a swift trip to the Limestone City on Tuesday. He had a two-ton load of grain. The complete trip was made #n 25 min- utes. Dr. B. V. Hun: spent one day lest week fox hunting on Point Pleas- ant. Miss Claire McDonald, Kingston, visited her old home here last week. The many friends of John Irvine were sorry to hear of his serious accident but are glad to know he is recover- ing. Miss Margare: Halliday epant last week at home suffering from a severe cold. Milfrid Hogan has re- turned from Tweed : T. Hogan ds drawing hay to King- ston. Rodenick M. Gregor eold a large stack of good timothy hay to Joseph Mumphy. Robert Burke is drawing out a plan for his new gnan- ary which he intends building nex: spring. William Allinson has return- ed from the city hospital where he had an operation for appendicitis, John Murray attended the wedding of his brother, Joseph Murray, Sask- atchewan. The Red Caps were defeated by the Big Giants yesterday at Marysville, The people around here are engaged filling dce+houses. Misses Eva and Maudie , Henderson, Pittsburg, at Mrs. R.\ Berry's. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson at Archie Berry's, Miss Madeline Morgan and Miss A. Browne at James Morgan's: Miss Edith Montgomery at S. Woodman's; James Ruth at Arthur Henderson's, Pittsburgh last Sunday; Bursey and Madeline Beaubine at Archie Berry's. -- Cleopatra spoke nine languages. -- A Thin, watery blood is no more nourishing than thin, watery milk But you can soon enrich thin blood, overcome the anaemic con- dition and build up the whole sys- tem by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Mrs. F. G. Simmons, 42 Cun. tis St., Brantford, Ont., writes: tp Fi: gs iii feredzf into building board, THE DAILY BRITISH W | | { | | HIG. 13 | "WITS" OF HISTORY By Mark Stuyvesant, | ttt teeter) Why Field Called One Borrower val Jewel." ~ Eugene Field has a mania for| making collections. Nothing was too | | uninteresting for him to collect. But | usually the collections were amys- ing, or had a suggestion in them from | which he could derive subjects on|, which to write. | He had a collection of curious bot- | tles in all kinds ofisgrotesque shapes, | filled with brightly-colored liquids, to | show off their queer shapes, | Field always bought songs, the ti-| ties of which he thought funny, To | him the humor had to be unconseiogs | to be "real." He showed off the | collections with great delight. The! prize song in the group bore the ti- tle: "Kiss the Hand That Raised the Lump." 2 Among Field's curios was a collec- tion of bells. When they were rung | the handles, made in the shape of old | men and women, went through all kinds of funny tricks, like wagging | the head and sticking out the tongue. 'When in London, he collected many things--queer bits of china, walking | sticks and autograph letters, includ- | Trial Package to Make ] This Amazing Quick Test New Complexions for ing one from Dickens to his son: The | . f purchase which gave him the great- | est delight, however, was one of| ® the axes used by Galdstone in ent- ting down Hawarden, While in London, the following in- cident occurred and afforded Field | pleasure and laughs for a long, long time. An American friend of Field's | called on him and borrowed one hun- dred dollars. The next morning an express wag-| gon loaded with presents for each member of the Field family arrived with a note from the friend, thanking | Iield for the money, and begging him | to accept the gifts. Francis Wilson in Field [ Knew," Field: | "Ign't he a jewel," exclaimed Field. | "I adore that man. His presents cost me just one hundred dollars! In his simplicity, Charley thinks that I will | never know that my money paid for | them. He had forgotten by this time | that he ever borrowed it. We'll never| hear of it again. That's what I call | huuor----trye American humor. All the family are pleased with thetr| presents. Charley ig sailing home, with a heart ful] of gratitude, and I'm tickled to death. He has repaid nel a thousand times and made us aj] happy. God bless his dear old Con- necticut goul!" trees in the forest of slightest imperfections! "The Eugene wrote of the joy or to gou--if "'pep'? -- simply go . IRONIZED YEAST satisfactory results Then get ready for a surprise, or play. And as for firm flesh, many thin YEAST! (RO Queen of the Winter Carnival BETTER NOT SAID Reggie: Ya-a-s; I've entered my dog in the show. Wonderful dog knows as much as | do. Miss Pert: But don't speak of that If you want him to take a prize. HE SAID IT "lI bought some stock from Mr, Bhark." "You poe= sucker|" DEMONSTRATING Professor of English: The lan. guage and spelling In your thesis are wholly impossible, Sophomore: You don't get me, Professor. | was writin' about the diglect story and exemplifyin' ag | went along. ! AER "KIDNEY ~ PILLS _ ENGINE WOULD DRAW THEM Teacher: Willie, | thought 1 told you to draw a train. You've drawn only the engine and no cars. Willle: Well, the engine wii Craw them, -- Why is it that people can get so much more pleasure out pf heaving bricks than they can out of throw- ing bouguetst : How Ironized Yeast Gives Charm to Pale, Thousands whose complexions only recently were marred with humiliating skin blemishes today possess entirely new complexions -- complexions which were completely re-made in ten to 14 days "--and which are entirely free from even the These surprising results were achieved not by time/ ls it any wonder that IRONIZE using lotions, "'beautifiers, ** or cp: kind, but by simply removing the trouble, and supplying their systems with two vital substanceg, essential to health but lacking in the modern diet--vitamines and iron. Make This Startling Test If your complexion is a source of embarrassment you are thin, or feel the need of more to your druggist and get on our positive guarantee of from the very first package-- or money refunded, Or mail coupon below for our famous Three-Day Free Trial Treatment. these pleasant-tasting tablets--two with each meal. Pimples, blackheads and other skin blemishes begin to disappear almost *'while you wait." almost immediate increase in your capacity for hard work rounding out your figure with new people report gaining five and more on' the very first package of IRONIZED Yeast Best When Ironized The reason IRONIZED YEAST brings such remarkable. eesults is because it is scientifically correct in every way, Z€0 NIZCO Yeas, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VITAMINE TONIC Note: --Full Size Packages of IRONIZED YEAST Are Sold at All Drug Sales Representatives: HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Ltd, Toronto | yore feel. "HOW TWO WOMEN Women" Po es real cause of the New Freshness and Sallow and Pimpled Faces containing in highly concentrated form a yeast which is cultured expressly for medicinal urposes, and which has been ironized, or treated HtE a scientific process with a special form of easily assimilated organic iron, similar to the iron found in spinach. When yeast is ironized in this manner the results in practically in every case are secured in just half the wewal YRAST stands in a class by itself, and is now recognised by thowsande of people as the perfect vitamine tonic treatment ? Try Ironized Yeast Today! You simply will not believe what a wonderful improve ment IRONIZED YEAST can bring in your aPpEaucy Tires smetics of any and in your general health until you try it, druggist today. Or mail coupon for the amasi Day FREE Trial Treatment. Then judge IRONIZRD YEAST by the actual results that it brings. WARNING! Due to the marked superiority of IRONIZED YEAST it is being widely imitated. IRONIZED YEAST is en. tirely different from ordinary iron--or yeast and iron taken separately. of yeast and iron have absolute] no medicinal IRONIZED YEAST on the other Lo means specially cultured yeast, but the exclusive proeese through which this yeast is ironized, There is only ene IRONIZED YEAST. Insist upon it always --for nothing She va be like it. Go to your druggist--or mail coupon today. s,s Ss nn nS ws Sr ---- 'I ss Free Trial Coupon Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Ltd. Dept. 62 10 McCaul St., Toronto ~ Please send me the famous THREE DAY TREATMENT of Irenized Yeast. FREE TRIAL Name Take You will feel an pounds Add City. bs dae x Prov. Only One Trial Package to a Family -- a -- ------ ---- -- ---- -------- TINTS, rv ----------------r . wt o------------ ---- To the ant a few drops of rain are Pinch yourself and know how oth a flood. ESCAPED OPERATIONS Doctor Advised Use of Lyd; E. Pinkham's Vegetablo ompound in Both Cases Medicine, Lydia Liver Pills oe x hats 's Sana tive Wash and the and prescription recommended doing all my work and have twenty pounds. I am medicines still, but J feel have my permission to use for the sd of others." M ARK, Hamil Plains, N.Y, Hon Ave, Some female troubles may neglect reach a stage wi tion is necessary, But commoner ailments are gical ones; they are serious displacements, growths, alt ough the appear the same, hen dish i r, take, ia E table Compound Happy Results Jt. Jomph Missouri.--~"Both of my. sides swelled and hurt me so that could not move or do any of my work. There was Vy pressure and pains through my lower organs and the doctor told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com troubles. He said had this one chance, and if the Vegetable Com- pound did not help me nothing but an operation would. After taking several bottles, I felt it was helping me and now Iam able to do my own work. If my testimonial will help others I shall be ad for them to read it and ho; your egetable Compound will do them as much good as it did me." Mga. Wa. Jocxuax, 513 N. 4th St., St. Joseph, o. White Plains, N.Y.--"I had such a pain that I could hardly walk and the doctor said that I needed an o tion. I was sick for a year before I started in our pr and I could not work. Saw your advertisement in a little book and that is how I came to take Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines. I have been taking the Vegetable Com- pound and Lydia E. Pi 's Blood Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book wu } - an be Sent You free upon request. am cine y usetts. information, 2? uly 5 i £ ir il a iz x le poms' I "Ailments Pees rite to the L; This beok Rubber Belting | For a limited time we will sell our stock of Rubber Belting at 20% off all sizes, from I inch to 7 inches carried in stock. Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET

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