Fr 4 THE DAILY BRITISH W FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1922. HIG. 4 - Women's Furs SEAL COATS, RACCOON : COATS Full Belted and with reverse borders. FOX STOLES in Black and Smoke shades, beautiful, fine, silky skins ...on..0.n- $33.00 MINK CHOKERS at ...$15.00 NECK PIECES of Squirrel in Grey or Brown, in Crossover, Curved or Choker styles; some trimmed, others plain. ; John McKay, Limited 149-1567 BROCK STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO -- THE ELECTRIC SHOP Osll and arrange for mn free trial of the A.B.C. ELECTRIC WASHER 115 Broek Street. Phone 1545. F. J. GRACE W. C. CAXNuUN eT -- Excellent Play at the Grand. | The verdict of the crowded house | Which greeted the firs: performance {of "Because She Loved Him So," | presentod by the Rex Stock Company jon Thursday evening at the Grand | Opera House, was that the play was | without doubt the best the company {bes spent in Kingston. In addition {to the rapid fire comedy running all | "through the play, theme is an inderest- {Ing theme to follow, and it keeps one | guessing as to how the young hue- band and wife will become reconcil- | ed. ""Becamse She Loved Him So" is | 80 crammed full of fun that the audi- {ence is kept in roars of laughter { from the rise to the fall of the cur- | tatn, The comedy 4s produced tn three {@cts, and in the first part "Mr and | Mrs. Olver West," "Rex" Snelgrove and Zana Vaughn, have a guarrel which ends in the resovie of both {to seek a divorce; amd then the fun begins. The trouble Mr. and j Mrs. West started when his wife dis- covered "two brown hairs and the scent of new-mown hay' on his coat {after a visit to his club. Mrs. Wes: leaves for her former home, closely | followed by her husband to explain | his side of the matter. Her parents are the ideally married couple, hav- | ing been wedded thirty years, and \ thelr surprise when they arrive tofind them in a violent quarrel. The roles of papa and mamma, --d fr have had a squabble; imagine | ["Mr. and Mrs. John Weatherby," | $12.50 Per Ton We are offering for sale 400 tons small size Hard Coal at the above price while it lasts, SOWARDS COAL COMPANY PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. / | are admirably taken by William Yule |and Florence Winter. Billy Seymour {as "Tom Weatherby," the son fn rove | with the dean's daughter, is excellent, | while Hazel Williams as "Margaret", | the servant of the Weatherby"s, is a | "scream." Gloria Machen as "Dona | Adlenda Gonzales," the Spanish sen- jorita, and Willdlam F. Mitchell as | "Bdward Marsh", her suitor, are both | splendid. | Between the acts there were two | vaudeville numbers, Hazel Willams |excelled herself in two comic songs, "~ om (d - A Bri 0 i , riscoe Opportunity There are several Briscoe Cars in service in this vicinity that have travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still running well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran all last season at a cost of 2% ec. per mile, Experts admit it has a truly wonderful motor. Owners are enthusiastic. { We can sell you a brand new Touring Car at the bargain price of model 4-34, five passenger $095.00. All charges paid. et has made such a reduction in ANGLIN BROS. FGARAGE, BAY STREET - KINGSTON, ONTARIO No other car on the mark price. _ $10,000-~Brick, 10 rooms, hot wa- ter furnace; 2 tollets; large portico and baleony, garage and spacioug outbuildings: J Wellington street near ty Park. L §8.000--Queen Street; pair brick; La. 7 a a plece Path; bard- wood floors; t water fur- nace; electric light; gas. 00--Livingston Avenue-- Ce- ment block; § rooms; B. and Ji C.; also Summer kitchen; fine [i callar; olegtrio light; hard- Ji wood floors; het alr furnace; lot 33 x 134, II : $00---Upper Colborne; cement [fi i" block; § rooms; B. and CQ; {i electric Nght; ges. | | Victory Honda Bemght and sold. | R. H. Waddel The McCann Agency Phones 326-808. 86 Droek St a OUR BIG FUR SALE IS, NOW GOING ON. ROUSING BARGAINS We are clearing out our entire stock. of manufactured Furs at prices that beat all competition. a ALL OUR HATS, CAPS. and GLOVES 25% off DURING THIS SALE Now is the time. Come in and see. Island Butter Raisins (Seeded) ...8 Ibs, 65¢. Rice (home quality) 8 lbs. 20c. Belleville (Creamery) 40c. 1b. Juicy Dates .......8 lbs. 35c. Glass Co's 4s. Marmalade 65¢. Last week for Tea at 8 Ibs $1.00 Oysters, Celery, Old Cheese Cullen's CASH AND CARRY BOHR BE ERA E RAED | 1 - et a BB { Friday and Saturday | WEEK-END MONEY SAVERS | {and the Park Kiddies were at thelr {best in a Chinese song and dance. Mr. Snelgrove drew "o the attem- tion of the audience the need of | funds to buy shoes and stockings for . a number of Kingston children, and | asked them to drop their spare pen- | nies in the hats which the Park Kid» | dies would hold, at the, close of the { performance. As a result of his ap- peal a nice sum was realized. |" "Because She Loved Him So" will {be seen at the Grand Friday evening, [and Saturday matines and night. 'FIRE HOSE SLEIGH ALMOST IN A SMASH "The Good Work of Capt. Fred Reld Prevented Serious . i Accident. The hose sleigh from the Ontario street station narrowly escaped a coh il | lision with an automobile, while res {| ponding to the fire in a wood pile in a shed on the premises of Daniel li | Eves, 147 Ordnance street, on Thurs. || day might. The hose sleigh was on ll its way up Queen street, the team ll (being driven by Capt. Fred Reid. At li Avellington street, an automobile, li! driven by a local doctor, got in the way and the quick work of Capt. Redd IH If was torn from the hose sleigh f r & telderaph pole in front of Sud- ji | daby Bros store. The doctor's auto li| was turned sharply up Queen gtreet, | elso scraped the side of the | brittle emough to break, or pliable enough to come apart being woven i il 1 g 3 | i | § g ji x, has offered during the months that nt PLAYED TO A BiG HOUSE[LOOK AFTER 150 FAMLES The Rex Company Presents an The Unemployment Situation' In Kingston Is Being Well Handled. ! { It is stated by persons who are in! a position to know that the way the unemployment situation Is being] handled in Kingston is about the {best in any city in the province. It| was learned on Friday morning that; the unemployment . committee is] looking after about one hundred and ty families. In addition to that, |number, the Soldiers Civil Re-estab-| {lishment officials at the Sydenham | hospital are taking care of about fif- ty families, The rule of the Dom- inion government is that only the ex- |soldiers who are drawing pensions (are entitled to relief. The money provided by the 'government is not handed over in cash, but is used in buying food and coal. At the present time, about $125 a day is used from the Kiwanis fund to provide fuel and food for the! needy families of Kingston. Before any person is given help he must ap- ply to the officer of the Ontario em- ployment bureau and show a will- ingness to work. The official then is- |sues a statement to the effect that he {1s unable to provide work, and then [the unemployment committee deals {with the case and hands out orders {for food and coal. By | A. W. Stroud, local agent for the {Ontario government employment | bureau, when speaking to the Whig |stated that last Saturday he was in- terviewed by two hundred persons | {who were out of work. In most {cases the men are willing to work | {but it is impossible to give them { Jobs. | It is expected that when the work jon the Mack street extension gets underway, which will likely be about | the first part of next week, about one hundred men will be given york. rT CHARLES GORDON Who will 4 ond' of Canadu's h oné of 's . sentatives Leo Ditérnational Fetao mic Conference in Genoa, Italy, For Colds; Grip or Influenza and as a Preventive, take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets. The genuine bears the signature of E. W, Grove, (Be sure you get BROMO), 30c. Made in Canada. TO-MORROW SHOULD BE A BIG DAY OF OUR ANNUAL Clearing To readers of Toronto Star Weekly and Sunday World No more Sunday Purchasing Owing to the complaint of a local retailer, those who have in the past been able to purchase the above papers with the latest News Sections are unable to do so, word having been given that such sales Would be followed by prosecution, as peg the Lord's Day Act. However, there is but one way, and one way only, that you can obtain this late News and Sporting Section. That is by buying the early edition here and obtaining a coupon redeemable at the Hotel Randolph, which will entitle you to the late News and Sporting Section. To secure this late news and sporting section purchase your paper not later than Saturday night. \ VALENTINES Of course, we have the largest and finest display, selected personally by the manager-from the showing of America's largest and best publishers at their annual convention. For the convenience of our customers similar displays will be shown on the first and second floors, Friday, Saturday and Mon- ay. THE THREE-INSONE SHOPPING BAG The greatest convenience that woman has ever known. Can be made into a small hand purse, extended into a hand bag 8 x 8, or a full size sh opping bag, 10x16, with outside pocket for small purse, Car tickets, shange, otf, Pri0B ...omecmmmusimessrscscsn snes s mss samens sevens LYS THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919, OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M, BIG ATTRACTIONS For Saturday Shoppers! Read: . "ONLY $2.95 7 only, Silk Tricolette Blouses in beautiful shades of Jade, To- mato, Mohawk--prettily beaded. Saturday Sale . .......... .... $2.95 $3.95 FOR $1.95 Women's and Misses' Pongee Silk Overblouses -- made from beautiful fine quality Silk--daintily embroidered--} sleeves -- regu- lar $3.95 line... On Saturday uc cnish nme. wi miid. $1.95 ~~ WOOL SKIRTS, $3.50 : Black and Navy Serge Skirts--all wool with gathered back, inset pockets and braid trimmed. Saturday Sale Price . ...... .$3.50 $1.00 $1.00 36 inch Factory Cotton-- 36 inch White Cotton-- Ceeeessesn.d yards for $1.00 wee eeeneeel yards for $1.00 MILL ENDS White and Colored Flannelettes at to see them. tr ~ greatly reduced prices. Ask 15 only, large size Bed Comforters with clean Cotton F illing-- pretty coverings. SalePrice ................. $3.50 Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" (mom eps amo mine Will Be Much Missed. Montreal Herald. Among those by whom Rev. Canon Horsey's death will be deeply regret- ted are, I am sure, the women of the former St. Denis Soldiers' Wives' Guild, who experienced many kind- nesses at his hands during the war. The Guild was organized by soldiers' wives to do Red Cross work, and to provide a means of gatherings for companionship and a social hour ory two once a week, for women whose husbands were overseas. Canon Hor- | sey gave the use of Bt. -Alban's| Church Hall for the Guild's bet. ings, and he used to look In every week, and have a few words of sym- $6,300 Frontenac street, detached solid brick dwell- ing, containing 10 rooms and bathroom, hot water heating, electric lights and gas, garage and driveway. : In first class repair, near Collegiate Institute, E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets = « Phones 530w and 530J. pathy and cheer for the anxious wiv- es and mothers, As a member of | J ---- the Patriotic Fund Committee inter fy ested in the St. Denis Ward, it was sometimes my pleasant duty to visit * ° the Guild, and I was impressed by Our : . ® (1) Men's extra quality Black Lace Calfskin Boots, with full wide toes and Goodyear welted solid leather soles; absolutely the lowest price since 1914 for this quality. All sizes 6 to 10. Any pair ceve.vcvssy. $8.95 Men's Working Boots, brown army grain leathes uppers, plain toe, militia style, with nailed and sewa viscolized waterproof solid leather solés. A rea} splendid work boot. All sizes 6 to 10. semi-brogue low heels. Ladies' Brown Calf Walking Oxfords, type with wing tips, sewn leather soles, All sizes 2% to 7. Any pair $3.95 Ses esas anus "SEE OUR WINDOWS" S. J. MARTIN