' SATURDAYy, FEBRUARY 11, 1022, COWN THE ROAD THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. By Beck -- | i oo x | >, ~ | ". . . : | ry, . ' | > 2 Zz. 2.9 | 9 7) Ny 2 . Heals Inflammed Nos- ils, Stops Catarrhal ~~ 7 Discharge, Relieves : Colds Quickly You'll be pleasantly surprised at the quick action Catarrhozone has upon Catarrhal conditions in the nose or throat. It is so soothing, so The Outcast. OVER ICE FROM GALLOUP > Ducks once made the trip fo Sacket Employes of Fox and Game Harbor over broken ice, pushing a punt equipped with runners where Company Make Visit to Mainland. the ice permitted, and paddling through intervening channels. Watertown, N.Y., Feb. 11.--After a passage of eighteen miles over the game breeding activity. Foxes came to the Galloups in the winter over tie fce from Stoney Point and have tak- en refuge in the thick evergreen | timber which clothes a portion of the { island. Great difficulty ds Being ex- perfenced in exterminating them. The Mallard ducks are protected by pens and are safe from the depreda- ton of the animals, and the silver 'The fox farm employees reported that red foxes have denuded the is- land of the pheasants, which the com- pany has proposed adding to their A healing, so agreeable to use, so safe and reliable that thousands praise it and use it everyday. No nasty medi- cine to take----you just breathe in the balsamic vapor, the healing essences of Catarrhozone and feel better at once. Catarrhozone is breathed through the inhaler into every air cell in the lungs, into every air pas- sage in the throat and nostrils. No matter where the cold or Catarrh is, Catarrhozone will reach it. You can keep free from coughs, colds, bron- chitis and the like by using Catarr- hosone, Two months' treatment One Dollar; small size, 50c¢. Dealers everywhere, or the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. * ice to Sacket Harbor, two employes of the Ontario Stock Farm Corpora- tfon reached Watertown and called upon Charles A. Phelps and other members of the company before starting upon their return. They procured a supply of provisions and reading matter to take back to Galloup Island, far out in Lake On- taro. Life upom the fsland during the winter months is quite akin to the existence of an Eskimo colony within the Arciic cirole. For months the is- land is surromnded by an ice pack, which during meny weeks makes a trip to the meinland impossible, Onty 'wihen the ce 1s solid can it be used tor passage, and there are long periods gray foxes are lkewise inclosed. necessity of a man's life, except the water he. drinks and the air he breathes, may be supplied either di- rectly or indirecily through the use of petroleum products, and even wat.- er may be pumped by a gasoline en- gine. Salt beds covering an area of forly square miles exist in Nova Scotia. One bed alone &s sald 0 be 900 feet wide and 80 deep. In buying poultry in the market remember that the good always die young. ther slow when awake. during the late fall and early apring sometimes extended through the win- ter when the ice &s so broken that it is impossiitie, In May, 1920, the ght keepers on the island reached Sacke: Harbor by power boat after having been marooned since the previous De- ocember. Since the estabiishment of the fox and game farm by the Ontario Stock Farm COorporation more permanent redidents are required on the island and fe is a bit Jess monotonous. Previous to this there were four fam- flies on the Galloup the year around, representing some 14 or 15 persons.' Being within only a few mile of the ; mainiand at Stony point end Point Peninsula, and a less distance from Stony Island, inhabitants of the Gal- loup have a sort of edvantage over the threes or four vesMents of the Main Ducks in Canadien walters and mear the center of the lake. Yet it is related that a young man from tas |' 3 Rubber Belting For a himited time we will sell our stock of Rubber Belting at 20% off all sizes, from 1 inch to 7 inches carried in stock, Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS SPREET ---- Absolute Evidence in Favor of Ground All high grade as in ay Frinding. nit \ BY y je pK ALBERT L.CLOUGH . Minimizing Damage From Collision Let A Bumper, Instead Of Weaker Parts, Take TAé Shoph ' WITH THE NUMBER OF MOTOR VEHICLES in use increasing as rapidly es it HEE t i { f er vehicles is daily is, the danger of being rum into and of running into acute and it seems strange that i} i 7 § 8 i 1 BEE It has been said that every possible A man may ba fast asleep, but ra- The Jre Sousation of 19 Will be your choice for 192 COST NO MORE THAN OTHER MAKES. Every year is a Ford Year ~ but the Spring of 1922 will break all previous records. Additional men are being taken on at the Fort Plant, Ford, Ont., in an effort to cope with the demand, but the only way to make / / sure of your Ford in March or April is to place your order NOW, We will store your car until you are in a position to take delivery, 5 VanLuven Bros. PHONE 1609 - - « 34.38 PRINCESS ST. . Honor compels us to tell @ man hs . : v * | tants to his face, but ihe law of seil- | preservation mates it safer to tell his | neighbor. A sorrow is an itching place thal A soratching