Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1922, p. 12

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Use Bank Money Orders WHEN you want to remit any amount up to fifty dollars remember that Bank Money Orders are inexpensive as well as safe. The charges, exclusive of Revenue stamps, are : $5.00 and under, 3 cents; over $5.00 and not exceeding $10, 6 cents; over $10 and not exceeding $30, 10 cents; over $30 and not exceeding $50, 15 cents. You can get Money Orders at any branch of this Bank. in ee THE . T OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Kingston Branch, J. F. Rowland, Manager Accounts Receivable are often more difficult to collect prompt. ly than drafts drawn on and presented to your customers. Our facilities for handling collections, through our 526 branches and numer. ous correspondents in all parts of the world, are second to none. 676 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ital Paid $15,000,000 Cupical Pa Fee Fund $15,000,000 Kingston Branch, . JR T. Brymner, "Princess & Clergy Sts. Branch And A Savings Account Not Yet Opened T about the resolu- W tion made at the begin- ning of 1922 to start a savings account? Is it going to be the same story at the end of the year--nothing saved for the future? Do not continue putting it off, A small amount will open an account. The assurance, independence and satisfaction which the knowledge of something in reserve always begets will be incentive enough for building it up. : : "BANK~TORONIO oir apy BRANCHES Kingston Lyndhurst BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER + ASSETS Capital Accou Office Artin isey and Safety De- posit Va ; Terente. gary, and Santived St: Gaphal fully paid come War Tax A er ASA sat. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY 25th ANNUAL STATEMENT 31st, 1921. Capital Account-- k subseribed Capital partly paid ...... Money borrowed from Bank.... Reserve re balance Dominion Ine " Guarantesd Trust Acceunt--' Trust Fuode for Investment... $4.486 38550 Trust Deposits , THE DAIL Tre ---------- a ---- | IM arkets Reports Barley--feeding to 6lc and jmalting 65 1-2 to 69 1-2¢ cif. New York. ¢ Buckwheat flour $2.05 per 100 pounds. Wheat--No. 2 red and No. 2 hard, $1.33 3-4; No. 1 Manitoba $1.38 3-4 and No. 2 mixed durum $1.26 oil | | GRAIN QUOTATIONS. | Toronto. Toronto, Feb. 10.--Manitoba wheat --No, 1 Northern,-$1.37 1-2, Manitoba Oats--No. 2 C.W,, 57¢; {extra No. 1 feed, 64c, Manitoba barley--Nominal. : All the above track, Bay ports. j track New York to arrive. ; American corn--No. 2 yellow, 69 | Corn--No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. [1-2¢; No. 3 yellow, 68 1-2¢; No. 4 White 68¢ and No. 2 mixed 68c cif. [yellow, 67 1-2¢; track, Toronto. | New York, all rail, s | Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nomin-| O2ts--No. 2 white, 47 1-2e. | Feed--City\bran, $29 and western al. % Ontario wheat--Nominal. [Fo In 100 pound sacks. | | Barley--No. 3 extra, test 47 1bs. lor better, 57 to 60¢, frelghts outside. | Buckwheat--No. 2, 78 to 80c. { Rye--No. 2, 86 to 88c. | Manitoba flour--First 0 LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto. Toronto, Feb. 10.--Heavy steers, patents, | Choice, $7.25 to $8; butcher steers, . hoice, $6.75 to $7.50; do good, [i8; Second patents, 30.99, Tor v6.15 to $7.25; do medium, $5.25 to | Manitoba flour--90 per cent. pat-| $6-50; do fair, $5.26 to $6; do com- ent, bulk seaboard, per barrel, $5. mon, $4.50 to $5; butcher heifers, Millfeed -- Delivered, Montreal |chOIce. $6.50 to $7; do medium, $6 freight, bags included; bran, per ton| © 36.25; do common, $4 to $5; baby $28; shorts, per ton, $30; good teed | DEVS, $7 to $9; butcher bulls, £ood flour, $1.70 to $1.80. | $4 to $4.50; do medium, $32.50 to Baled Hay--Track Toronto, per| 3: butcher cows, $3 to $5.25; can- ton, No. 2, $21.50 to $22; mixeq, | Res and cutters, $2 to $3; feeding $18. |e 290%, 35 Jo §5.25: 490 ah x to 50; calves choice, 0 ; Straw--Car lots, per ton, 312. do medium, $10 to $12; do common Ooi. [$6 to $8; mileh cows, $50 to $80; springers, choice, $50 to $60; sheep choice, $5.50 to $6.50; do heavy, $3 {to $3.50; lambs, $10 to $11; culled yellow, 50 1-dc to 50 3-4c. Oats |lambs, $6 to $7; hogs, f.0.b., $11.50; No. 2 white, 37 1-2¢ to 39¢; No. 3/40 fed and watered, $12.25; do to white, 34 3-4c to 35 3-de. Rye | the farmers, $11.25; corn-fed hogs, No. 2, 87 3-4c. Barley, 54 to 62 |75¢ to $1 less, Timothyseed, $5 to $7. Cloverseed, $12 to $22. according to Chicago, Chicago; Feb, 10.--Wheat--No. 2 red, $1.30; No. 2 hard, $1.21 1-2. Corn-----No. 2 mixed, 50 1-4¢; No. 2 ---- Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 10.--Cattle--Bulk beef steers, $6.65 to $7.65; she stock and :bulls slow, weak; veal calves 25c lower; stockers and feed- ers about steady, Hogs--Top, $9.25 on 150 to 180 pound hogs; $9.65 on 200-pound av- erage; bulk, $9 to $9.50; bigs, 15 to 25 cents higher; bulk desirable, $9.65 to $9.75 and a few at $9.80. Sheep--Early $14 good packers, $13.50 to $13.75; ewes, top early $7.50; shearing lambs, $13; some held higher, Buffalo, Bast Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 10. -- Cattle---Shipping Steers, $5 to $8.25, butchers, $7 to $8; yearlings, $9 to $10; hodfers, $4.75 to $7.50; cows, $2 to $5; bulls, $3.50 to $5; stock- ers and feeders, $5 to $6; fresh cows and springers, steady, $35 to $120. Hogs--Heavy, $10 to mixed, $10.25 to $10.50; Yorkers, $10.50 to $10.75; light do and pigs, $10.75; roughs, $7.76 to $8; stags, $3.50 to $5. . Lambs, $6 to $14.75; $6 to $12.75; wethers, $8 ewes, $2 to $7; mixed shee to $7.75. Montreal. Montreal, Feb, 10.--Oats, Canad- {lan Western, No. 2, 63c; Canadian | Western, No. 3, 6lec. Flour, Mani- [toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, [$7.50, Rolled oats bag 90 Ibs., 182.70 to $2.80. Bran, $28.25; shorts, 1$30.25. Hay, No. 2, per tom, car lots, $28 to $29. Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Feb. 10.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.20 1-8; No. 1 northern, $1.- 19 7-8; No. 2 northern, $1.16 1-8; No. 3 Northern, $1.08 1-5; 4, $1.02 3-8; No. 5, 94 7-8¢; No. 6, 87 7-8¢; feed, 81 7-8¢; track, $1.20 7-8. Oats--No. 2 ¢c.w., 3c. w., 41 7-8¢; extra Nol feed, 41 7-8¢; No. 1 feed, 40 3-8¢; No. 2 feed, 38 7-8¢; rejected, 36 3-8¢; 'racks, 44 7-8c. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 58 1-8¢; No. 4 C.W., 52 7-8¢; rejected, 45 5-8c; track, 56 1-8c. * Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $1.97 1-4; No. 2C.W., $1.93 3-4; No. 3. C.w. $1.69 3-4; rejected, $1.69 3-4; track $1.97 3-4, Rye--No. 2 C.W., 88 1-de. 44 7-8¢; No. $10.25; yearlings, to $9; , $7.50 Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Feb. 10.-- Flour 10 to 26¢ higher, $7.75 to 7.85 a barrel; shipments, 45,756 barrels. Bren, $23.00. Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.- 38 1-4 to $1.42 1-4; May, $1.30 1-4; July, $1.21 1-4. Corn--No. 3 yel- low, 44 1-2 to 45 1-2¢. Oats--No, 3 white, 38 1-2 to 34c. Flax--No. 1, $2.22 1-2 to $2.28 1-3. ---- Montreal. Montreal, Feb, 10.--Catte--35 to $7 per cwt. Calves--Good veal, $11; medium, $8 to $10; lambs good, $9 to $10. Ewes, $5. Hogs--oOmn car-weights, $12.50 to $13. EE -------------- GENERAL TRADE, -- Toronto, Toronto, Feb. 10.--Butter dairy 45¢c to 50¢; do. er » 48¢c to 53c; oggs, fresh, dos, 60c to 65¢; 1b., new, 25¢ to Soc; chickens, dpring Ib, 36¢ to 40c; fowl Mb., 28¢ to 30c; ducklings 1, 30¢ to 35¢; turkeys ib., 50¢ to §5¢c; geese ib, 32¢ to 36c¢. selects, New York. New York, Feb. 10. -- Flour -- Spring patents, $750 to $8; spring clears, $5 to $5.50; soft winter straights, $5.85 to $6.25; hard win- ter straights, $6.75 to $7.25. Rye flour, $6 to $5.75; choice to fancy, $56.75 to $6. Buckwheat flour, $2.05 per 100 Cornmeal--white and yellow granulated, $1.50 to $1.60. Rye No. 2 western, 98¢ f.0.b. New York and 96 1-2¢ c.i.f, export. Montreal. .. Montreal, Feb, 10.--Cheeso, fines: Westerns, 17 1-2 to 18 1-2¢. Buzrzer, choicest creamery 32 to 33¢. Eggs, selected, 36 to 37¢c. ' |THE KINGSTON MARKET Mingutgy, Feb. 10. Creamery butter, 1b { Dairy butter +35 to .42 .32 .33 56 25 22 LIABILITIES +e e000 $ sss 1.181.500,00 «289,160.91 Seesssasenssn 25 30 > WT Beets, 2 bunches ...... Cabbage, 1b, .. .... i. is lettuce, Ib. .... .... .e Carrots, 2 bunches .... Potatoes, bag . . eas SUBS 0 Sweet pota 21 'one Onions, 1b, o> 1 + "rom --r Fru, Bananas, doz. ........ Grape trait .. ._ .. .. Lemons, dozen .. ,. .... Oranges, dos. ......... -------- wealn, "Asani Sevan 5 Bren, ton ............$30 to $33 $34 to $32 § Gto3g 5 ital $1.60 38 1.064,778.22 ' etrararianas -30 to .50 12 to 18 39 30 to 70 Buckwheat, bush, .... 80 Hay, baled, ton ..$28.00 to $29.00 Flour, dard (Gov't) SE wt... i sven. $4 to $4.20 t=. local . ---- Fh, Cod, Ib. trenmmssnnsranes 12 t0 15 12% | Rela, 10: vere Y BRITISH WHICG. ; few medium to] { Filets, 1b, ane i Finhan haddia, 1b. ....... | Haddoch, fresh, 1b. ... 123; Halibut, 1». seseevecess.2b to 30 { Kippers, pair Perch, Ib Pike, 1b. { Salmon, 1b. |Steak, cod, 1p. ..... . 12% to 15 Trout, salmon, Ib. ........ 18 to 20 { White fish Beef: Porterhouse steak, 1b... {Round steak, 1b. Bolling cuts, 1b. Western carcase, cwt. . | Western hinds, cw. iioeal,, 0, "eeu | Pork: | Lion roasts, 1b. «e..815 to $16 *eennsee .30 Fronts, 1b, quarter ...... 2 Hinds, 1b., quarter Leg, 1b. loins, Ib ., .. .. Chops, 1b | Mutton, Ib. Sausage meat Ib, .... -- Hides and Wool. Wool, per 1b., unwashed . . .8 to 10e Deacon skins 75¢ each Lamb and sheep skins, up to ..75¢. Horse hides Deer skins 30 25 3 30 18 30 "see 10c per Ib. 7c per Ib. +. $9 per lb. 33c perlp. Hide Market, Beef hides, 50 Ibs, and up....6c 1b. Kips 7¢ per 1b sesetnesanae 10c per 1b. -------- PARIS' NEW MYSTERY Beauty Is Asleep But Has Not Sleep- ing Sickness, Paris, Feb. 10.-- "The sleeping beauty of Versailles," is the latest mystery troubling the Panis police and hospital authorities. This young { Woman, Marie Louise Paganelle, al- though unconscious of the trouble she is causing the prefecture, has for three days defled all efforts of the au- thomities to diagnose her condition. Marnie Louise until last Sunday was a normal, healthy ginl. On Sunday night she went to a panty with "wo young men and the following morn- ing was found unconscious in a room- ing house. The landlady was unable to arouse Ler and notified the police. Al efforts of the gendarmes being futile, ft was decided the young wo- men was suffering from an overdose of a narcotic. Upon the arrival of Marie Louise at the hospital the doctors found her pulse and respiration normed and de- cided that her condition was no' due to drugs. At the same time, how- ever, the symptoms were not those of sleeping sickness. The case thus baf- fled the hospital authorities. The poilce as yet have not suc- ceeded in locating Marie Louise's two friends and in the absence of any other means of clearing the mystery, are hopefully awaiting the awakening of the subject in order that she her- self may explain her condition. , Hay, . $28.00 The American food relief adminis- tration announced that 6,629.961 bushels of corn and seed wheat, pur- chased as the part of $20,000,000 congressional appropriation, has been shipped from America for dis- tribution in the famine districts of Russia. Every man who is the father of a bright eon is a firm believer in hered- ity. 51 Beef hides, 45 lbs. and down 7c Ib. | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1029 22 18 Ee LUMBER We are again on the ground floor with fresh stocks of Pine, Hemlock and Spruce at prices that mean business, Allan Lumber Co, Phone 1042 Victoria Street 00 G The Dominion Life Assurance Company Head Office Waterloo, Ont. 1921--A RECORD YEAR WA - - - POLICIES issued and revived $16,342,375 Amount of insurance in force 53,175,830 Total Assets . . . . . .. 7,135,695.66 Total Income . ........... 2,072,702.02 539,507.66 308,969.35 5,954,778.00 Payments to Policyholders. Surplus Earned Total Reserves . . . sess es esse. * 0s e000 Coarly, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. MATHIYU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining Curative properties of TAR the strengthening aia when neglected or y trea give 0 Consequences of sucha grave character that you should "mot risk using inferior preparations. i MA U'S SYRUP is the uine a THE only gen Seats Sir George Carter, prominent things his baby says it is a sure sign | steamship magnate, died at his home If a man doesn': repeat the cute in Yorkshire, Eng, that he hasn't any baby. The Baily Mil and Empire, Every Day your mind b give your a 45 KILLED IN RAILWAY WRECK, CANADIANS AMONG DEAD ---- i Lg) the toll cause and other incidentals? they do for the regular income clothing 1 out a Man MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Heap OFFICE, M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, Kingston. Ont. Without any obligation, will you kindly farsish me with full particalars of your Guaranteed Monthly Income Policy. lame AR $ - <a taken by WD WN death from among your friends gives you to think of what might happen to your wife and should you suddenly pass away. What would you have always provided--for a home, for food, End the anxiety that news of a death brings to wfacturers Life Monthly Income Policy. It will ite income every month as long as she lives. , , . , ye children, TORONTO, CANADA, Add \

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