3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. : MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1022: | AUCTION SALE d-Toich E'S FORUM "wnzzr | 89 Grand-Tong = THE PEOP E F = | mma PE, iS : The Snappiest Musical Revue of the oa. 815 | str leeetts | N MIDNIGHT Ste THURSDAY, Feb. 23 the Star. + L 3 Ruste | TICKETS i--Floor, reserved, at Us- | | WITH ELLIS, ow? ¥ 1 3 vi CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : WANTED GENERAL 1 FOR SALR Gallery, oN, Toe. the EN i Pron " pee rary and College Post Office-- Comedian * * + +» | d : fo. o . FOR BALR rio: Tn eet Salt] TO RENT } 1st, HOUSE or | FOUND MAHOGANY "CHIKERING" SQUARE $1.00 and Toe. "© Cent a word. Minimum charge for about 9 1 CHO wos of] | NON-GLARE LENS AND RIM | Piano, brass and enamel beds, also Unreserved, at door, 50c. Families PRICE z . > 1 of city 1 pF -13 7 - NON-G! LIENS AD 4 "11 Arup * . a ene Insertion, 25¢; three insertions of ejty. Apply Box H-13, Whig Of+| EL Bl Owner may | Sther articles. Box C-11, Whig Coane. children at 2c. each. ES $1.00, 75c., 50c,, 25c. Plus tax. { | | | | his, rat fi cash only 1 have same by applying at 2 h above e8 are for 4 "i - -- re n i Proce his Suen charied they are doubles. | NEAT ADA a roar a | | nvd FART oF. cunvroLE™ 3 ply"37 Johnson street, between &| car. model FB. front Nheel. : HELP W TED, -- Sem | plying at Van Luven's Gar- i" . WANTED TO RENT FOR LIGHT _age, Princess Street. CAPABLE WOMAN AS HOUSBKBEEP- housekeeping; three comfortable, | FIVE DOLLAR BILL PICKED eee eee | SIX ACRES, HEAD OF PRINCESS ST. | nearly new bungalow, city water,| ee -------- barn, garage, henhouses. Apply H.| Spence on premises. { FRAME HOUSE, SOUTH OF PRINCESS| SEALED TENDERS will be received! -WED., FEB. 22 street, § rooms, furnace, electric by the undersigned up to noon, Monday, | er. Apply 148 University, or furnished rooms, centrally located, | light, s for cooking. hardwood! gepryary 27th, 192 v i i fice on Saturday. Finder may floors downstairs; large barn. Price] strane the Ha, for the follow ne MATINEE AT 2.30. EVENING AT 8.15 ~ *. phone 406. : with private bathegom preferred or| have by proving ownership | $4500 3 k Eth = n small furnished flat. Apply x | , 'ih | - Apply J. K, Carro & *| one year, beginning March 1 2! ¥ . 4 CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER FOR | at Whig Office, | Kingston® Out. Meat (oll hodal average 18 Tbs. por | HEAR SCANLAN'S NEW SONG HITS Sie mail tamily; must be good cook 9-2, whiz || a4 PAIR OF GOLD TORTOISE- Lh 3 id have best of references; SPIen-| ww ANTED TO RENT BY APRIL 15th, rimmed eye glasses on Queen BLACKSMITH BUSINESS WITH ALL| | home for right party. Apply, medium sized house, with modern | Street between Montreal and equipment, cheap for quick sale. | ar™ (48 ounch loaf) 12 loaves per | WA ER S AN AN can e | 1 4 ! { { J. A. McDonald, 311 University Ave. im ' . Bagot streets on Friday. The : ' , provements; family of twé; care- | Bullding in good shape; Milk( in bulk) i -------------------------- pinion: | YW v 3 by A y YOUNG, EX NC. MAN ful tefants; centrally located; south owner may have same at 434 rented very reasonably. Apply J.| ean rik) 13 Juass per fay. A » PERIENCED N TO| side of Princess St. Apply Box| | Division street. K. Carroli Agency, Kingston, Ont.| "Co, In a Comedy gg 9» : | With Songs IRISH S up on floor of Whig Job of- work on farm; married, without or r- i FOUNTAIN PEN AND EVER- -- ee. ow GS with small family. House, fre-| F-13, Whig Office. i sharp pencil on Barrie street, BRICK HOUSE, EARL STRBET, 7 W. W. SANDS, rata 'wood d garden spot furnished. { Frida: afternoon. Ownér rooms; gas for lighting and co0k-| pop uare 20th, 1 Sec! Ty. " a . . oy * Apply ercy C. Shibley, HAITOW-| 14009 PHONOGRAPH OWNERS IN may have same at this office. ing, new furnace, 3 plece bath |__ 3 : 4 GORGEOUS SCENIC PRODUCTION IN THREE ACTS 5 h, Ont. R. R. No. 32. the Counties of Frontenac, Leeds LADY'S BLACK CHAMOISETTE newly shingled. Price $4,200. Ap-| PRICES 25c. to $1.50. Matin B50c. and $1.00. Children, 25¢. AN EXPERIENCED H AND | and Lanark to tfy Everplay Phono-| glove on Princess Street last ply. J. K. Carroll Agency, Kingston, | a janes . B50. ee, . 00, \ » A p butter maker f. oC: IESE uipped graph Needle, the only permanent night. Owner may have ont. . { ro ath, e 1 J hen | phonograph needle for all records same at Whig Office. - - - - | tg a * ou hE 300 and all phonographs. Will play SMALL KEY, PICKED UP NEAR NEW WOOD YARD --CORD WOOD $10, Bor hindrea; Mite reforencon "Ape| FLU® ponds Price $150 pom:| | Tsoraer ul Wellington || 7a cord delivereal malt Cori vackond] SRN { To-D To-D 3 ald. Agents warted FE; rock street. A y Whi | stove woud, split, 2.50; unsplit 2 s \ | - ply to Box G-13, Whig Of | mith, 19% Colborne St, Kingston. Office. PP . 2.25. - All measured, no guess 7 i ay ay es oem tree cet eemtreea-- work; cordwood sawed any length, | | MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 to $00 na FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. one cut, $1.00; 2 cuts, $1.50; 3 cuts, | ! E rr ne paid weekly for your spare time AGENTS WANTED TISED FRE $2.00. Chestnut Coke, any quantity | ans Show Sarde lot 5, No can. Anyone finding anything and delivered.| Phone 161lm. W. C.| | \ | NORMA THE MOST Yassing. PPLy | wishing to reach the owner may Bruton, 261 University Avenue. | { A AS A . PICTURESQUB | \ ) / ! DAUGHTER H ROLE Ou with work. West-Angus Sh } Tara Service, 17 Colborne Bld. To. | OUR MONTREAL AGENT MADE $64 IN do so by reporting the facts oy * THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY OY A ) OF THE | tisement will be printed in t Division Street, within the city! AM 7 " OF HER ! TROPICS CAREER 3 onto. one week, selling tube flavors from | The British Whig. The adver- ko ! house to house. Wrife quick for | ; De Hon ree Bs Be HL Ee ne) g terms and territory. Crai Bros, column free o arge. i ar o J ock | WN ; 4 & a Ae Ee od uti | Niagara Falls, Can. 8 1 "Found articles" does not in- Farm, containing forty-three acres | \ S ew. ty or territory. Exciusive selling ~- meee clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, more or less, now owned by the] ~ _-- J i - > ' g PROFITABLE etc. These, If lost, may be ad- Kingston Brick and Tile Com- RR 4 The Picture You Have Been Waiting For. MULLY'0, Thurs, Fri, Sat, ' | J ts; good pay to energetic rep-| AGENTS--GET IN~ A (2 : £ - all year commission i vertised for in the "Lost column pany. For particulars as to price i nta ves. Our agency is valu ) - vs business - of . and terms apply to the undersign- 3 Pe ~~ 'able. Write Pelham Nursery Co. your own. Every property owner | b m---- eronto, Ont y needs some of our nine hundred] =-- TT ed solicitor for the company. J. i varieties of hardy Red Tag trees B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. | Sec cl A 1 C 'OR TWO SELF-RESPECTING IN- | and plants. No "capital needed. ~ n o i on nnua § ONE 0 ° Complete equipment and instru >- FARM OF 185 ACRES, SIX MILES | OO telligent, gressive galesmen, over | k 21, Eo _ looking for a perma- | tion free. rite Dominion Nurser.| ON FEBRUARY 15th," AT CATARA- to . Picton, one and a half miles| nent position with a large going ies. Montreal. qui, brown robe. Finder kindly re- | west Adolphustown village, | | : NTE + ti merit quickly I ars A -- Dg turn to James Hogan, Kingston, | nearly square, two frame houses | ® | By FANNIE HURST Lo and appreciated. Apply in person R. No. 6. Phone 1105 r 2. | facing Bay of Quinte, finest] | AUTHOR OF "HUMORESQUE" only. Hoom 8, Royal Bank Chamb- TO LET. | scenery in Canada, summer re-| N RUSSELL STREET, DEPOT CAR | sorts all around It; choice land. ! ors, Bagot street. t Ed tap bush, eight acres, plent of i oe or from car to Edwin Chown & a res, y { H n TWO APARTMENTS--REFINED PER. Son's office, Waterman self filling fruit. Can be bought cheap for| A fl HOOD WAGES FOR lIOME WORK--- sons considered only. Apply 155) fountain pen. Finder will receive | RAMOUNT PICTURE . ' 3 4 need Jou, to mike s0¢ks on the Sydenham Street. reward by returning same to 21 land, ngston,Ont. | AS i : : 3 Bio mat moi Tne oie : SINGLE ROOM, WITH BOARD IF DE- Russell Street, or Edwin Chown & i Wednesday, Feb. 22nd quick sale. Write J. W. Dor- positively no canvass. sired: all conveniences. Apply 213) ___ i a y 5 n AN In sy plied; particulars, 3c. King street, or phone 3257. i ---- FOR SALE OR TO RENT, | 00 aa . - Forclio Th BP me | | a . D Instructio Toronto. "| 63 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE, | FOR SALE. LARGE STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL | Dancing .. mM i i yg Vancmg n eight rooms, three piece bath, gas, eames street; lately painted and decorat- g emorial Hall furnace. Apply 47 Rideau Street. | SPECIAL SALE OF HIGH GRADE| . ed; McClary Sunshine furnace; 3. Card . ff] Sliven In the Garden Hall SIGNS oo Bicycle Tires for this week only at piece toilet; good garage: stables ras --- On'ario Hall All the latest damces for -- ON FIRST OF JANUARY, LODGE Muller's ciovels works, 871-373 | and yard; open grates upstairs and T 1 , J i : 1922----every night from 7 to SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS WORK, Tooms now occupled by the I O. O. : Pe ould be a fine rooming house. | Treneer's 10-piece O hestra' N all bg appoi 3 a gin ar or.could b. 28: P rchestra * ET Appointment--111 larg Lara, Showeards, F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. GS, ALL KINDS, ALL PRICES. gricould be. ane i ial BS | Brock st. Mra. 5. Coben, In. Sire FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Fo prices and samples apply Frank | ilibert's Grocery, 194 Barrie St. | Gentlemen 2 structor. - Hall phome 357. em all fnprovements; centrally Jocat- . Cook, phone 436, or address 219 ee = | tre Sivas $ .00 Residence phone 1878. ed. Apply 243 Uatversity Ave. Bagot street. | de i { " MUSIC: GARAGE, NEAR CORNER SEEN A LARGE Soe. oF ARM. BLANK: FR d Bagot. pply D. G. Hay, R. Sls I0r able Al 4 reasonable Price. | a umm BALE A Re ee mete-- UNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. AN : Sali ANNE POLLARD, TEACHER OF PI. Y a eo , i y v s and' Solicitors, . 919 Clarence RL H Kingston. Phone 1100 r 72. Phone 2100 r 72. SH at Sigppaward, 259 Princess ano and singing; soloist Sydeniiaa) Q Tie kets on sale at Geo, VanHorne 8, INSIST oN THE hear reet, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- |," Nyng ROOMED STONE HOUSE, Street Methodist church. 101 Upper | Sargent's Drug Store, W. K. Mac- ham, Cyril M. Smith. 146 Montreal St., all improvements. Wiillam Street. |nee"s. Board of Trade, McGall's : 4 Phone 1099 ring 3. Vacant A SHEETS OF WHITE NEWSPRINT PA- | c= --ss--------e 3 Ss % . OSE SHEA BARRISTER 1st. . pri per; size 17" by 23"; 500 sheets for Bea Cigar Store Kin Solicitor. office, corner ot 40c. Suitable for many purposes. PERSONAL ~ nr ereresaeau----, A rosse IS -- oney to loan. Phone 1999. 'merchandise; clean and dry. Me- HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIR Pe Cann A ency, 86 Brock Streel N EI ITERN MONTHS. OLD BULL marks, skin cancers, scars, i , ron one 326. richly bred, pure-br olstein; moved permanently. < y N CARPENTERING, herd under the federal supervision 1 Rtted and Saroiaiisractory To Keep Abreast with the New Order ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM, ELEC- Apply Robert Webb, Seeley's Bay, have falled. Goitre removed. of Things. Ont. 85 years' experience, Dr. Elmer J. | Toronto Mail and Empire. EN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER tric light, steam heat; use of phone. See James Selby, Contractor, 212 Gentleman preferred. Apply 230 Lake. Eye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin. Principal R. Bruce Taylor, of electric light, gas for cooking, 3- Re Queen's University, Kingston, who ss \ THE FINEST QUALITY IN Barrie Street. NINE ROOMED FRAME = HOUSE; got Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN piece bath and hot mir furnace; 3 delivered the university sermon in ND PURE OLIVE OIL CIVIL ENGINEERING! iry rooms and a hardwood floors downstairs; also PHOLSTE, ; rr a rep en. ra Tock ph er en ity good barn with stable. Apply to U RING, Convocation Hall on Sunday morn- ARN 4 S--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES -- T. Storage, 299-306 Queen St. Phone 38 Victoria Street near Mack 5t. | iT OR DROP A CARD TO W. 2.limg, spoke from the text, "Art thou | : / Ce am, A, BSc. Mem. Eng 526. Res. 989w. . Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot Si. | he that troubleth Israel." His ad- 393 King Biter. b : n ng Street. hone 163J Gi -- J : RR MA RH a Fries J 0ONED, HRI NE oo oi ELLING (x, W. HAROLDS FOR YOUR Ur. [dress was largely an appreciation of N W. KENT M. 'ACNEE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIN housekeeping, suitable for married hag six po. oer TITY Leave orders at pr drop o oad the corse of astion of those Who Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and A De ne 8 Street FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. eneral Insurance Age A s - HEATED APARTMENT; CORNER NIN HOOME! PRA HOE ished; guns, gramaphones, ete. re-| to have things remain as they were Ny --Automoblle, Fire, Accident, . partie and Prihoess, vonsisting of | 2 e ght ME or JusE, paired promptly and guaranteed. | He endeavored to present the point Plate Glass Burglary, etc. PAINTING AND PAPERHANG four rooms and bath; all conveni- electric light, gas for cooking, 3- Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St : : Representing Only Reliable Compan i et my prices; complete line of ences; rent moderale. Apply ' L plece bath and hot air furnace, "lof view of the thinkers who had ' ox. wail Paper. Special prices | thie Cohen & Co. 275 Ontfhjo Street. hardwood foors mtaire; also 8 COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR-| new visions and who félt that they « I y 0¢ vith s e. Apply to der in all popular shapes and size I Lo TralsRip. guaranteed. ONCE, A NEW SEVEN ROOM Victoria street, near Mack Street, Upholstering. and repairing done | must tell what they saw even though . . y ® " house and bgrn on North Alfred; al- E. J. Goodridge, 244 University | their actions disturbed those who . v DR S E PORTER r . . . 8 R Phone 358w Y 8 North Alfred stree! --- To Avenue. Phone 1833). X aaa | brick house and eight rs ot ood wz HAY EUR saLE ALL KINDS oe { failed to understand that new con- | 8 ik an { ditions were always arising. Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets THE . FANCX GOODS. APD to als 834 University stoves. Any person havingssStoves . FINANCIAL STITCHING, PICUT EDGING, AC - A aut pi0cTlapose of Wa wil ANU | Principal Taylor said his remarks Phone 1072F. NG, AC- nay highest prices. 0 i Ih y * cordion, knife and box pleating | LARGE OFFICE ROOM ON PRINCESS 333 Princess Streef. Phone 1600w.| MRS. H. 5. CRUMLEY, FIRE, AUTO. | 2PPlied to the university, to move- - : : + mobile and Casualty Insurance. 420 ments in a country's social life and } -------------------------- ing and Brock. over Royal Bank. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND Apply British Whig Office i DUTY OF THE CHURCH. P S dines * 2 University Avene. Pnone 1598w. Hours 9 to 5.30. Mrs. E A Card, Ric i 1 Victoria Terrace, Moutfeal St. Also office room in wall equipped] "py hlin Roadster, E Ca 2 | Spposite Artillery Park. ig J RB, Carrell Agency, 1920 moder 272le ar] street There Hazy { to the church. The church, he stat- ' : Lust Gverhaled. STRANGE = TR anun, INSURANCE | ed, should be wide awake to take : - . = : Jor res. agents; established in i only MITCHELL, CHUBR _& COMPANY, .. cu nouse. CLERGY ST. EAST. Good an new. the most reliable companies repre- |@dVantage of and keep in touch with | DINING AND TEA ROOM makers of all Kinds of leather 7 rooms; gas for lights and cook- Phone 457Tw or 4101. sented. Office 95 Clarence street, | new conceptions of things and new | N12 A z ) a Eat: and, Dass And ing; cellar, yard, shed, bath-room. pposite the post office. | 1deas and ever adapt itself in its 65 BROCK ST Soott & Ouberry, 53 Beverly St RM niudes water, Posses. FEED MILL IN GOOD VILLAGE OF RO A AN AND Ivar. | methods to the growing needs of an 'hone 616d. "hi a . * about 800 lation, si p . e . ; Whig Office. splendid ation uated ina President W. F. Neale, Ke: rice: | expanding world. The most popular spot in the ullding is of stone of a good size. 2 . . 5 mom a ---------------------- || city around th ea CHIROPRACTIC, TEN ROOMED HOUSE, BROCK ST. Two other buildings 3¢ frame, suit. Maney (faiued on city ashe arm REX AND COMPANY. y the meal bon, | ° EP ar oar hot water furnace, electric light, able S57 slong, 2 horse power Hebontures; MARIBAEes purchased tn ervice So 0.00. P i #4 r i goo 9 ; 3 h i" b | a ner Princess and Barrie Streets. Ind Ise roomed house Sita aay having Qroposition. Apply J' 'K Dron pond; for sale: denosite Move Their Canadian Headquarters HOME STYLE COOKING Co Denantaiion free Ton Shon clectric light, 330.00. Possession Carroll Agency: Xingston, Ont. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- to Kingston, Lunch 12 to 2 p.m PHO $23J, Hours u to 12 a.m. 1% § p.m. SAT 2 Apply Box R-20, Whig! pion HOUSE, ONE HALF BLOCK snce strest. Kingston This has been a busy week for Rex || Dinner .............6 to 8 p.m, NE 1 16 . GEOMGE ¥. LUCY, DR. JENNIE A. rer ry oe ie ast: hos ihed at. ARCHITECT Snelgrove, manages of the Rex Stock a A . 3 y 5 . A - Luey, Fopract < Specialists and BEphio) We aon LARGE floors in dining room, electric light, | Company, which has delighted King- 'OUR MOTTO: 24 Hour Day Service Graduate Nurse, 339 Bagot street. thing furnished. suitable for mar- good cellar, outbuildings, 7 fruit| power, Son AND DREVER, ARCHI- | ston for the last six months at ths "Quali 0) between Princess and Brock. Tele- ried Qouple of two. Indies: olertrls trees all bearing, outside windows tects. Mercha Bank b t Quality and Service ; nts n ham rs. | Grand. The company has moved its A. TIERNEY, Proprietor hone $43w. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to and doors; all in good aits city and, heated. Re Ty rea- : good condition. r : agp aay . Apply TR. Carroll | oo Sorner of Brock and Wellington | Canadian headquarters to Kingsion , and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal an t ». P Residential sonable. Apply 130 Clarence Street. Agency, Kingston. Ont. : \ MEDICAL. | This means that the entire scenic and Commutation free. upstairs. studio had to be moved from Peter Ost eopathy call appointment. ER rn SEN N MAY ist, APARTMENT OF 5 ROOMS-- ANTIQUE FURNITURE C. KK. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARRIE| boro. Fra of that DENTAL. kitchenette, 3 fire places, 3 piece g Street. Hours 1038-13 am. 2-4 . nk James: jast Suad d A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE bathroom. Price includes Slectric For This Week Only pm. 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 1646 department ,arrived last ran ny an is treatment by natural and rational 238 Princess Street. Phone §52w. Nghting, hot | nd cold water, hot 1 four posted 'bed. polished ° has been at work ever since. an- ¥ i] methods---- inte=nal Re reat Pp ed, polished. $45.00. | DR. P. H. HUYCKE, 111 WELLINGTOY | 'Rex' ery at onal medication, ager Brannigan established 'Rex {| We treat the fundamental cause of DT SEARRS. PES. grounds. King Street west. Ad. : Street, Kingstun. Office hours: 11 aPaliics, AND SPARKS. DEX. dress P. O. Box 11% 1 pair twin Walnut beds, Victorian to 12 am. nsend 7 to § [in his personal office upsiairs at the all s'ckness--lowered bodily resist Brock. 2 to 4p period, $35.00 each. venings. Telephone 456. {Grand Opera House, where very few ance. Keep your resistance at par PERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | NINE ROOMED SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 1 set of § walnut chairs, $60.00. changes were necessary as it was al- and be free from winter ills. neess gureet Phony S880. Open University avenue, three-piece bath, 1 walnut chest of Drawers, polished Must Start All Over | ready a theatrical office. Miss Mary Mechano-Therapy, Electro-Therapy. tmen » " Montreal, Feb. 20.--"They will James has aocepeted the position of Twelve years' success in Kingston, electricity throughout, gas, hot wa- secretary to Mr. Snelgrove. Mr. DRS. ROBERT and EDNA A rt mr 2vanings by ap ter furnace, excellent cellar and] $25.00. AYHROVD, BENTIST AS AR. Jad All cas pendition, Pos- 2 Walnut Rock soon have to start all over again for sumed practice Prin be session April 15th. Rent $43. Apply alnut Rockers, $15.00 each. , the murderer of my brother," sail " Scotivn. Phone . : ' BTOV: I like Kingston for yer Bank 'of Nova Box F-13, Whig Oftice. Everything in Antiques. | Abe Delorme, now in Bordeaux jail |" Gt many reasons. In the frst : ASHCROFT : ¥ - DRESSMAKING LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP oh tio charge of murdering Raoul |... the business is wonderful, bu: 204 King St. between Earl & Gore MARRIAGE LICENSES BS ORDNANCE. Fhiche moo | Paess 104m 307 Princess Street. Saturder He corromed the oanrin, |the main fssue with me is, the grest TEA HAS ADVANCED one 447. NAN '. . ° ogved convic- personal interest the people take in We ofter for last time on 5 CES 1" rate. Phone 2355). Mrs. W. W, L i aster 'Sf Marriage' lcemses | corner Harrie and Ordnance sirecry| BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, |bion that he ould eoon be set at lid- | us. in some, or most towns, this |" we erty. Officials would make no state- | _ 15 woom 'nosey' but here it has| '8 LBS, 0 E PEKOE BLACK Pat, 2387 r 13. formerly of 140 Pivision street. > : FOR SALE. , |ment on the investigation at Otiawa rh : 3 . : " : FARM IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, | concerning the will of the murdered | © Ting of true Teja ip, uid : ; TEA for $1.00 : y i A 270 acres; frame house; barns | student ' genuine interest in our 3 E BEST HARD COAL No WS -------- ; - find myself confiding Shings to some : Tota he town or city ProptrEe Sor % " of my Kingston friends, that I'd nev- |. J C HOPKIN N 3 a : : i ret : er dream of mentioning usually, be- o a William © 8. Harry, cause their interest seems so very ide, find myself 37 BROCK ST. 7 " i $3,000--FRAME; 8 ROOMS; GOOD CEL- n Prices range from $10.00 to $16.50 per iar And large lot. with frulc and sion of Sidney. township, passed away | sieeve I. on my 8 : . -- on Friday from appendicitis. De-| worrying about somebody's troubles| (Ome Door Below King St.) ; 6 ROOMS; IMPROVE. | ceased, who was in her twenty-third | just as though they were members of "The Bright, Clean Store" 1 268; Phone $2,700--FRAME ments; garage and double lot. year, was born in Sidney township, | my own family. Anyway its a mighty Phone 585F. W BRICK; WEST END ing a daughter of William 8. West-| fine feeling and if all towns in this i 3 8 wns | rooms; all improvements; hardwood . Seay hE little old world of ours were "King- i \ floors; lot. 403200. Royal School of Artillery. ston", it would be an awfully nice Rama en i . The Royal School of - Artillery | world to live in, and we would be far | 1 > TS more reluctant - to shuffle off this One of the most amazing stories te T x ins, | mortal coil than we are now." --Advt. | told Is Canon Scott's relation of his omorrow e The | . N S3periences iu oe Great War, Start va Y The death took place at her resl-| with the first instalment in the Whig ne . ] $S100-FRANE; FOUR ROOMS; B. 4 Will be o the largest ever dence, Cobourg, Ont., of Mrs. Pos,| next Wednesday. HAMBURG STEAR .....10c Ci Slectilo Hones: Moved Mostint i Alre ; V.C.0.'s | widow of the late General Foe of the! That wonderful story of the recent ||] - % =a. ----- wy 3 from outsidé po Unité® States army, and formerly [great conflict, "The Great War As I ||} SAUSAGES (all Pork)... ..10c. of Detroit. Mrs. Poe was seventy-|S8aw It)" by Canon Scott, will com- : mence serially in the Whig shard LARD oi odiiis sivesn 106 rooms; B. RE DE Avex] Mrs. N, Whiteman a much respect-{ Wednesday. yg ood ed lady of Lonsdale, Tyendinaga| Clash between rival forces lined | BOILING DEER ,....... Sec. $30.00--BRICK sien AP rr Hh . t township, died last week, Deceased up on Ulster border during week- 5 none | \ was about fifty-five years of age. end may be avoided. We Deliver To All Parts good . i --- Mrs J. H. Ackland has been appointed Princess Mary will honeymoon in: DR 20 NVeilinguon Sirece Minnie ow od of 7. |assessor for Athens for. 1922, ;