Women's Furs SEAL COATS, RACCOON COATS Full Belted and with reverse : borders. FOX STOLES in Black and Smoke shades, beautiful, fine, silky skins ............ $33.00 MINK CHOKERS at ...5$15.00 NECK PIECES of Squirrel in Grey or Brown, in Crossover, Curved or Choker styles; some trimmed, others plain. John McKay, Limited KINGSTON, ONTARIO . 149-167 BROCK STREET TE -- Tr INCOENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. . | | Andrew McKee, William street, left for Toronto on Monday, where {he will visit his daughter, | Solicit your sales with Wm. Britt, | Collins Bay, the farmers' auction. | oer, | Major R, D. Ponton, Belleville, has {been quite ill with pneumonia thredt- jening. He is now convalescing, | Newly weds and brides-to-be will {do well to attend our big "clearing {furniture sale at James Reld's, On Sunday the temperature in Kingston was 40 degrees; in Toronto 45. In Ottawa and Montreal it was 28. Mr. Swaine, ceived ap 1 | Phone 584w. There was no session of the police court on Monday morning, plano tuner, orders | 00 Clergy street w The new iron grey team purchased [tor the fire department were given {Some exercise around on the down- | town streets on Monday orning. { It you are interested in "how to finish your hardwood floors" visit Lemmon & Son's_store, Monday to Wednesday, Troe demonstration. See THE ELECTRIC SHOP Call and arrange for a free trial of the A.B. C. ELECTRIC WASHER 18 Brock Street, Phone 10543, P. 4. GRACE : 3 Vroek, Suse - Ww. €. CANNUS Lemmon & Son's advertisement, Rex Bnelgrove, of the Rex Stock Company, is to appear at Griffin's, Belleville, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, commencing Feb. 27th, Peterboro is dropped. You have heard many others tell about odd bits of the "Big Show". $12.50 Per Ton We are offering for sale 400 tons small size Hard Coal at the above price while ft lasts, SOWARDS COAL COMPANY PHONE 135. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. Now listen to a Canadian's story, Read Canon Beott's marvellous story commencing serially in the Whig next Wednesday, Mrs. McLeod died in Toronto on Wednesday. She was formerly Miss E, Marié Ritchie, Sydenham, aged twenty-four years. She trained as a nurse at the Ontario Hospital, Brock. ville. She had been in ill-health tor three yoars, I Nr sr I bl, So irk A Briscoe Opportunit There bre several Briscoe Cats It service in this ny that havh travelled over thirty thousand (30,000) miles and still raining well. One car, an improved model 4-34, ran cost of 234¢c. per mile. Experts admit it ha motor* Owners are enthusiastio, all last season at a 8 a truly wonderful We can sell you a brand new model 4 Touring Car at the bargain price of $995.00. No other tar on price, -34, five passenger All charges paid. the market has made such a reduction in ' ANGLIN BROS. GARAGE, BAY STRBET - KINGSTON, ONTARIO Mr i ---------- The McCann Agency i] Phones 320-800, 2 88 Brock St. #10000 Brick, ten (*poms, oak floors, hot water furnade, open plumbing, twe toilets, large [i portico and balcony, sarage and spacious outbuildings. Wel- |i Hagton, near City Park. GENERAL INSURANCE Py, Plate Glass, Aue tomoblle, A ote. t and Stekuess, Let us quote you rates. WHITE BEANS 700 1bs., to run off at 5 Ibs 25¢. i SODA BISCUITS | We receive these Sodas fresh from the oven every day, fresh pa Oysters--White Fish Haddie and Fillewt Cullen's CASH AND CARRY Reliable Companies only repre Il seated. il Vietery Bonds-Soaght and sold, | ---------- NA sr Tat, ara The Late S. W. Vanluven, at the Hotel Dieu on Sunday, after an {liness of six months, The de- ceased was aged eighty-two years and four months, and was born at Battersea, where he spent practically all his life farming. Burviving are his wife and three sons, Henry F., Syracuse, N.Y.; Waldron G., Water- town, N.Y., and Nelson W!, Detroit, Mich, Late John E. Senior. John E. Senfor passed away at the General Hospital on Sunday, after five days' fliness, following an op- gration. The deceased was nineteen years of ' age and was a son of Thomas Senior. He is survived by his parents, three sisters and. two if brothers. The remains were sent to i | Smith's Falls on Sunday by John i Cornelius, undertaker, ® -- Late Mrs. E. B, Holt. | Mrs. Margaret Reid, widow of the il{ late B. B. Holt, Ottawa, passed away at 180 Victoria street on Sunday af- || ter a short illness, following a stroke i{of apoplexy. She was a daughter of {| the late J. R. McFarlane, Campbell's Bay, and was sixty-seven years of jf|age. She had no family and no im- | mediate relativeg survive, Rev, Mr. Black, at whose residence she died, i is a brother-in-law, | fl Kiwanis CHARITIES {| . FORGE STEADILY AHEAD {|Second Annual Charity Bail Will Be Held on Wed- nesdays . . w ro het 3, The "help the other follow IS NOW 'GOING ON. ROUSING . BARGAINS We are clearing out our entire stock of *& manufa Furs at prices that beat all : . ALL OUR HATS, CAPS and GLOVES E 25% off DURING THIS SALE Now is the time. Come in and see. . HH i i i IT if] i i prin- ciple, which is the basis of K thought and action, ting a stronger grip in Kingston, The losing days of 1021 saw the n Kiwanjans crowning their first ear club by canvassing the city Unemployment Re- which resulted ia seems to be get- ge F58¢ go akag i | of E 3 ! o , gE | E ! E § § . i £ i i iil > i Hi © 2 i § g g § £ . 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, Awdz. IT HS. GHEY FAME A Quartette That Mas Won a Name in Highest Musical | : Circles. For a string quartette to achieve fame is a much more difficult thing | than for a violin virtuoso or for an orchestra, according to Adopho Betti | leader of the Flonzaley pQuartette. The obstacles to be overcome, as sorts Mr. Betti, are none thas jess real for being more subtle and intangthle. "The reason successful quartettes | are rarer than orchestras or sololsts | of the same celebrity," explajus the Flonzaleys" distinguished first viol in, "lies in the peculiar character of chamber-music. The quartette form 18 at once intricate and delicate, per- haps the most exacting of all in its demands. Not possessing'the weight of tone and mass of color always at the command of the orchestra, the quartette is also without certain ad- vantages which the solo performer enjoys. I think it is far mors dif. cult for four artists to work together | in perfeet unison and dceord and! sympathy than for a hundred musi- eians under a gifted conductor ; while the Individual virtuoso fs free to travel his own chosen path with- out hindrance or need to consider anyone but himself. The tax upon self-sacrifice, which the sc'ofst es- capes completely, and which the or- chestra 'player, being simply a unit, does not feel, falls with force upon the members of a stringed quarfette. The quartette member must be an artist of'coneert platform power, and willing at the same time to shackle | his individuality to the demands of the ensemble. The combination {is naturally not easy to flnd. In the: case of the Flonzaley quartetts, my colleagues and I work together in Sidney W. Vanluven passed away | such perfect sympathy and under. | standing, that we sometimes fee) that our personalities are actually blended." The Flonzaleys' porfection of en- semble and interpretation has always awakened 'enthusiasm, Only years of study and unhesitating self-sac- rifice could bring about the results so noticeable in their playing. A characteristic tribute was that re. cently bestowed by Pitt Sanborn, of New York,, who declared that the Flonzaleys give to one's fleshy ears: music as one might hear it with the ears of the mind and the imagin- ation. The Quartette will appear in Grant Hall on Thursday. In order to enable atmany school children as possible to hear this wonderful or- ganization students of the Collegiate Institute will be admitted for 25¢, dnd younger children, accompanied by their parents, at 25¢ each for the family, ------------------ Meeting a Church Problems. The. problem of the older "teen" boys was: discussed at the Sunday morning-servjce in Chalmers chhirch. Rev. Dr. Wilson referred to it during his sermon, and called upon Prof, John Matheson, acting superintend- ent of tha Sunday Schoo', to lay it before the congregation. Dr. Wilson asked for twenty persons who were interested to signify thelr willing- ness to meet with himself and Prof: Matheson and endeavor to lad a go- lution, . ------------ To Stop a Cold in One D. Take Laxative : BROMO QUININE tablets. The genuine bears the sig- nature of E. W. Grove. (Be sufe you get BROMO). 0c, Made in Canada. : Iwanis | FOUR FOR ONE DOLLAR The Latest 40c. and 50c. Popular 'Sheet Music--All 1922 Hits April Showers, All By Myself, Ain't You Coming Out Malin- da, Absence, Birds of a F. eather, Cotton, Call of Cosey Little Home, . Crooning, Carolina Lullaby, Cho-ho-San, Canadian Capers," Bin- ini Bay, Baby Face, Bow Wow Blues, Dream Street, Dapper Dan, Caresses, Old Swimming Hole, Hortense, Hugs and Kisses, Nobody's Baby, I Want Love, Morning Noon and Night, 1 Hold Her Hand, | Know Where the Flies Go, I'm Missing Mammy's Kissing, Irene, Italy, Love In Lilac Time, Love Bird, Listening, Love's Ship, Just Like a Rainbow, My Sunny Tennesee, Mammy's Little Sunny Honey Boy, | Want My Mammy, Monastery Bells, Mello Cello, Ma, Moon- light, "Tucky Home, Ohio, Say It With Music, She's Mine All Mine, Strut Miss Lizzie, Stolen Kisses, Toddle, Ten Little F ingers, Thrills, Wimmin, When Sweethearts Waltz, Why Dear, Yoo-Hoo, When the Tide Comes In, The Sheik, Song of India, Play That Song of India Again, etc., etc. For Mail Orders add 5c. for postage, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ( | PHONE 919, OPEN TILL 8.00 P.M. In this season's newest styles, including tailor- ed and box styles, also Russian Blouse Suits, The materials include Tricotine and Poiret Twill. Each garment is beautifully tailored by expert work- men and trimmed with Braid, Buttons, Narrow Belt and inset pockets. Some are beautifully embroidered, and all are full- lined with Silk'or Satin. Attractively priced from-- ~----$24.50 to $65.00-- Our range of SPORTS COATS 'and FANCY DRESS WRAPS is admired by all the ladies. You should see the dis- play. Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House F. urnishings Store AT THE STANDARD CHURCH, A District Convention Is Being Held ' There This Week. A special convention of the Stand- ard Church, with delegates from the surrounding district, was opened at the Sunday morning services of the church in this city. Three services wil be held each day during the week until next Sunday, when the convention will be concluded. The object of the convention "is to get sinners convegted, believers entirely sanctified, and for the anointing of the spirit on holy men and women." Rev, G. L. Monahan, who is In charge of the week of spécial ser- vices, was unable to be present ou Sunday, and Pastors A. Smith, Ath- ens, and Mr. Tomlinson ted FOR RENT No. 15 Montréal Street, brick buil ding, four floors, including base ment, with about ten Iafge rooms. Electric steam heated throughout. Suitable for club rooms, restaurant or boarding house, Would lease for a term of years, if desired. i : ---- Quality, Style and Low Priced 80 pairs extra fine Ladies' Brown and Black Sido Calf Loe Oxfoids--all with heavy sown leather soles and low heels, Splendid quality, perfect fitters and neat looking, as well as giving excellent wear. All sizes 2% to 7 in each color, BEER) ths ¥ [1 i Pe $2.95 "SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW" ot 2 i 7 : i f ew 4 § i