Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1922, p. 3

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MONDAY, FERREARY 30, 1022 Le THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BUY ] HAY roas the Amenican channel by way of | » S$ AND COAL Point Alexander for Kingston. Sever- . - i al American touring cars have cross : ° - = CHEAPER THAN IN CANADA od the island lately. The local doc | PROBS: --Tuesday, generally fair and colder. | {tors have not discarded their motor | ' Hl SRR |cars this winter and are able with I i What Wolfe Islanders Are Do-| the use of same to visit givets patients | i in a)! parts of the island. Consider- | ' ing---~Road Good to Water- {able sickness prevails on the island 1 I town, N.Y. jo present . i A | : | Mrs. James Mackey, Watertown Wolfe Island, Feb, 17.--Even the |N.Y., also her brother, Thomas | i ohh busy little bee is lable to make mis- | Flynn, Detroit, are visiting thelr fa- | takes as evidenced a few days ago | ther, Thomas Flynn, Sr., who has bg on the island, when a hive of busy been indispcsed for some time, due O u I ] tan ] honey gatherers fared forth from the | to a malignant growth. "Colonel", as winter retreat, evidently believing | he is familiarly called, has a host of | Cough I the warm atmosphere to be genuine | friends whose best wishes will follow ' spring. However, the bees did not go (him in thd hope that medical skill . | | far before they realized their mis- | may give him relief. 25 . Cents | take. Then they returned in doubie| James Lyons, one of the island's | quick time and judging from the an- {oki amd most highly esteemed ofi- | zens, has been quite ill of late. Mrs Will Cure Any tics of the little workers they will no: be fooled into repeating the perform- | John McDonald has been called to the ance until the warble of the spring | bedside of her sister, Mrs. Ousiin- bird assyres them that spring is here. | ings, Watertown, N.Y., whe is to a L. T. BEST : Many farmers on the island have | undengo an operation. Geonge Wood: Some time ago when we made the announcement that . . for sometime past been engaged in | man's legion of friends are pleased to Prescription Druggist. i a work thet has never before been |learn that his condition js improving. repeated, that of hauling loose and | Mrs. Sarah Srous vol has och | od th b i th 1 | pressed hay from the Americans. | quite indisposed of late. Captain su we stated that because of this i 1 | Much of the icose product is sold on | Mrs. Ferguson and little family Jove poly 'In i uyture we the Kingston market. been the guests over the week-end o : : 3 : . Island farmers delivered in the city | the latter's mother, Mrs. K. Spoor. would necessarily have to discontinue the practice of giv- last week two carloads of pressed hay | Miss Gladys McMaster, Gananoque, . + ge 5 8 Ro Cunlouds uf Premed Hay | MIE CI os aor arent sons ing extra discount stamps as an inducement to cash pur- b, we [lj | Greenies Bros., Pittsburg township, | friends, has returned & her home. are necessities nowadays. € ll the consignee being F. Constance, | Joseph Laughlin, after an enjoyable for the incoming season we would sell goods at gross cost : % wort ttor aa enjoy chasing. However, we want it distinctly understood that have complete ranges © 8 Vincent. After paying two dol- relatives in Water- . . ae ton for cartage, a profit still | sown, N.¥., has returned home. we still give STEACY'S 5% 'DISCOUNT STAMPS of these articles. Hl lars a ton for cartage, a profit still fl remains for the shippers. The cheese factories that had in- I w We are also in a position to [fli The Cape Vincent chop mill for stalled during war time cream Separ- on all re ar cas urchase 1 supply new nibs for pens apd i ! grimding all kinds of feed has been |atorg for the sxtiocting of Sg gu P ases. e make this announce- | doing a good trade with islanders so | from whey, have operat or 2 . leads for penetls, and to make {| far. thie wintor. The feed mils in | pat our at 3 lose. Nea patron foe! ment because of the fact that many were under the im- at ded. | the city charge fitteen cents a hun- | that they should be discarded, as . gid : EY dred, while the United States citizen | thay are not going to be a paying pro- pression that we had discontinued the use of our stamps. changes ten cents for the same | position. # i jamount, and as a result the Kingston | The concert put on last sight by | trade is lessened very materially. the Anglican Young People's Asso- bh hd Jove Shs thas Yamove | Another commodity that has beon | sation talent, was a great success, handled in large quantities this Win- |The several parts were Well taken IMMEDIATE ! ter 4s coal, and of a grade that is far | sng reflect much credit on the vali- | RELIEF | superior in quality to what we are ac- | ant band of young men and women, Before consulting the physi. | customed to receive. The price paid | (oho by the rendition of the different ,efan, before using medicines § |i ts $13.25 a ton, exchange being only | paris allotted to them, showed con- and drugs, come and see us. J jf ll | about two amd a halt cents on the ddl- | cjgively that their acting was above It your headache is caused by i lar. It can be readily seen what an | ino ordinary, usualy displayed on the iti 8.¥e eure }t 2 inducement islanders have in Smading island. Shick ll | with their American cousins in coal. On the invitation of Mrs. elds, THROUGH PROPER l| A very unusual sight and one that | yn, priests' housekeeper, a number QLASSES i has never been noticed to any extent | ;siendeq a Valentine dance in tho i before is the condition of ce and ab- | c y B.A. hall sence of snow on roads, that makes The Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, by his 9 «Ve it possible for motor cars to make the | sable and kindly manner, hes en- Optometrist and adopted a resolution calling on all | 4 from Watertown to Kingston ac- | 4 i himself to aM. 226 Princess Sic, members of parliament to see Can- | rms 1 ente n their i CONSTIPATION, [CAPTAIN GOES TO JAIL 8 doors above the Opera House legislative duties, BAD HEAD ACHES, ON NEGLIGENCE CHARGE jiz| Faint, Dizzy Spells (in Connection With Sinking of ==| Constipation is one of the common- Oliver Mowat and Loss est ills of mankind, and one too of- of Three Lives. ten allowed to go unlooked after, un- til some serious complication sets in. mn A free motion of the bowels daily| Appearing at Picton before County should be the rule of everyone then [Judge McLean, charged with erim- | there will be no constipation, sick or| inal negligence in connection with == | bilious spells, 'dizzifiess, heartburn, | the sinking of the Oliver Mowat and . | coated tongue, foul breath, 8our|loss of three lives on Sept. 1st of | stomach, floating specks before the|;, year. Capt. Whitley of the eyes, jaundice, water brash, etc. steamer Keywest, which collided | Keep the bowels properly regulated with the schooner pleaded guilty,' 17 the vas LPNS and was sentenced '40 tweaty-ome days' imprisonment. n { 1AXA-LIVEE PILLS The accident, which occprred off | and you will enjoy the best of health. the Main Ducks, caused the drown- Mia. Jrank VYiligey, R =. 3 Bel. ing of Capt. T. L. Vandusen, Pioton mont, Ont., writes:--" ave n ia. ' 3 troubled with constipation for near-| Mate Jacob Corby, Deseronto, and l¢ two years. I'had bad headaches, |the cook, Miss Ourrie McGuigan. faint and dizzy spells, and would {One of the sailors who was saved, bloat terribly. I was nearly discour-|John Minaker, Picton, has died since. aged for I had tried so many thinss| Capt. Whitley hes already had his that gave me no relief. My mother | captain's certificate cancelled. ' . : © got me a vial of Milburn's Laxa- Fraser King, K.C., Kingston; ap- 5 : Liver Pills and told me to give them peared for the prisoner. and Crown a fair trial. After I had taken one| Allleon prosecuted t vial I felt much better and conmtin-|Attorney np Ke Dapt. ued their use. Now I have no faint | Whitley is only twenty-eight years and dizzy spells and am gaining nice- | Of age. iy. 1 would not be without Milburn's Fred Gildner, the right wing man Laxa-Liver Pills for the world." of the Kitchener intermediate hoc- Price, 26¢. a vial at all dealers, or | key team, and second mate of the galled direct an Feqaipt x price by | Keywest, who will = appear on the e 1. ura Lo., » 10TON-| game charge, has arrived in Picton , : : a hy me, Cliutge Te cast a casual glance over the new arrivals is to be con- SAGE TEA DARKENS Puritans Hard Drinkers. vinced that the apparel mode for Spring is scintillating with de- HAIR TO ANY SHADE, Pec &™ Ft ightful surprises. + Beston, Mass.,, Feb., 20.--The ..s 2 J o Don't Stay Gayl Here's an Oid-| Puritans were bard! drinkers. Dr. The Dress Goods and Suiting Section is showing many me Ree Apaty. WP%%. | tus of Harvard, wrote the legislative delightful new fabrics at almost unbelievable low prices. > committee on legal affaire, ' The use of Sage and Sulphur for| The committee is holding hear- MHA | hop an pedo olin Sp SR The cloths for Suits most in demand are Wool Tricotine SPECIAL OFFER Feorulir Price Special Price 12 oz. bottles ..........60c. 45c. 320z bottles .... $1.25 90c. Quarts ...... .......31.50 $1.25 Auto Spray .........:$1.50 $1.00 Liquid Veneeg Floor Mops $1.25 = $1.00 Liquid Veneer Floor Mops $2.00 $1.40 For 1 Week Only, Feb. 20 to Feb. 25 - This 'is the regular high-grade Liquid Veneer put up in the standard package at a special price. McKelvey & Birch, Limited - PHONE 287 SO ural color dates back to grandmo-|ize the state liguor laws with the ther's time. She used it to keep|gighteenth ndment. ' . . . her hair beautifully dark. glossy and ea ie Facw Bathing stow and Men's Wear Serge, with a good sprinkling of Tweeds and attrastive * henever her hair took the Puritans often say that the Puri- 5 . on that dull, faded or streaked ap-{, "oy" joy-kiliers" Dr. Bliot Homespuns, which fashion has favored for Spring. pearance, this simple mixture was ap- plied with wonderful effect. wrote. "Some of their religious dog- But rowing at home is mussy and | mas tended im thet direction, n out-of-date. owadays, by aski t | the Puritans were hard drinkers : ally 'drug stone for 4 bottle of| their descendants still fiustrate the |] * There are all the staple shades with many new tones that CI ALS a ET DR ud om | evil couseyttuoss, ; aré extremely fascinating. . - 2a) Br ree to ne wddl- | Paris Police on a Hunt SE ih Oe Palle Sai be depended upon to restore natural For "Squirt Gun" Maniac : + The pew Silks are now on opening display, and many i ve Sees. ma ogary [oA anions i ai v0 Sassi beaptiful fabrics are to be seen in a host of wonderful colorings. ' at - et: y apillod' You shuply. dempon a | Si,and Sw mal ch: ey aro Jrusn with It and draw New Voiles, Organdies and Ginghams in great assort- Two Parlor Sait : 13 piece wal : fo: gray hair ar 2d after method of attack i ments are ready for your selection in irresistible colorings and ished frames, upholstered in heavy green PR nr | otis: nd, welt l« patterns, ' : re Fle ~~ Verona. Reg. $50. Special . . . $34.50 ey ; a et; oo } oF triad Fr oe Tur bala i « Ee py : iy We take this opportunity of inviting your inspection to hed Froh oe: Toalogany an Hobdy f. EF Bosh of, he 7 'Ml our different fabric sections, as we feel assured the materials ¥ v . h, ro ad E i q * * a 4 - green silk brocade. Regular $55. ~~ || { [+ § | etedFe ny): rdless vill delight yous, nner nnnerirnese. Special$3750 NS {mor pe. 20m | Se THESE ARE SNAPS | Bh Victrolas, Victor Records, Pianos and" Sowing Machine, or :

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