THE DAILY ¥ BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY #1, 1022, = THE So MISSION AT ST. JANES | Judgment. Speaking M special servi ce 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : Fist itsertion, 1c a word Zaeh con- secutive insertion thereafter, hait cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 26c; three iLsertions, 59 cents. i The abuve rates are for cash only | are double. { wuen charged t ot HELP WANTED. CAPABLE WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEP- er. Apply 148 University, or phone 4v6. » % } BOY TO LEARN AUTOMO- G. Frosy | STRONG ; bile painting. Apply W. 299 Queen Siréet. T COOK-GENERAL; FAM-| Wo, nu washing or lroning. | Apply 61 West Street. . AS RE, MUST HAVE knowledge uf stencgraphy.. Apply at Song Shop, 216 Princess Street --. pd gin ORGANIST AND CHOIRLEA Cooke's: church, Kingston. Apply by letter giving qualincations, -etc., to R. J. Dick, 251 Alfred Sureet CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER FOR small amily; must be good cook and have best of references, spien- did home for right party Apply J. A. Mébonald, 311 Cnl sity Ave S----e ri id A YOUNG, EXPERIE D MAN TO work on farm; married, without or with small family. House, fire- wood and garden spot furnished Apply Percy C. Bhibiey, Harrow- snath, Ont. R. R. No. 2. -- ---- MAKE MONEY AT NOME, $15 to $90 paid weekly for your spare time ' writing show e®rds for us. No can vassing. We Instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Show vard Service, 17 Colborne Bld, To- romto, A RELIABLE SALE* agent for each ui resented coun- | Ly or territory. usive selling | Sghts; good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agehcy Is valu- aule Write Pelham Nursery Cu. 'foronto. Ont. ONE OR TWO SELF-RESPECTING IN- | telligent, aggressive salesmen, over £1, whe are looking for a perma- nent pusitl wilh & large gong concern, merit quickly recognized and appreciated Apply ig person vniy, noum 5, Hoya: Bank Cnamb- ers, Bagot street WE WANT a GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK we need you to make socks on the fast, easiiy-learned Auto Kaltter; vaperienc unnecessary; distance immaterial; positively no canvass- Inge. yarn supplied; particulars, se stamp. Dept. 18-0. Auto Knitter Co., Toraento. \ | Exceptional Business Opportunity local growing industry has opening for energetic, intelligent man to become permanently con- nected with the firm as sales- man or office manager. Choice of territory and opportunity for ad- vancement is open to the right man. We prefer party who can make liberal investment to com- measurate with position offered. Money fully secured and bearing interest. Please give particulars in first instance. Apply BOX S.21, Whig Omiee. SITUATIONS VACANT, FEMALE MILLINERY TRIMMER NE M) Thoroug! JANERY. IH and able to produce smart, popular-priced hats. plandid opportunity and good salary. pply hy letter; giving full details of ist experience to The John Murphy mpany, Limited, Montreal : AGENTS WANTED i ONTREAL AGENT MADE 864 IN » Rn week, selling tube flavors from house to house. Write quick for terms and territory. Craig Bros, Niagar: a Falls, Can. . > . : ' MENAND WOMEN, NUT TO CANV ASN, Sn lo travel and appoint local rep: re tives, $21 a week and ex- guaranteed, with"™ good 0 make $60 a week and "Xe penses. State age and quaiifica- Hons, Experience unnecessary. inston Co., Dept. O., Toronto. ; AGENTS--GET IN A PROVITARLE all year commission business of your own. Kvery property owner needs some of our nine huudred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No capital needed. Complete ulpment and insiru,- tion free. rite Dominion Nurser. les, Montreal. enses DoAnce t STUDENTS AND TEACHERS -- MEN or women, write for opportunity to $1000 un 100 days during T holdays: may work spare hours in meantime; liberal earnings guaranteed Experience unneces- Y. Hate age and college stand- , If students. Interview with fravelling representative cun be ar- ranged. Address Mr. Conrad, Dept. | WANTED GENERAL HOUSE OF in south or west end Box H-13, Whig Of- TO RENT about 8 r of eity A fice street, between § RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping, three comfortable, furnished rooms, centrally located, With private bathroom preferred or small furnished flat Apply Box Q-20, Whig., { 10,000 PHONOGRAPH OWNERS IN the Counties of Frontenac, Leeds and Lanark to try Everplay Phono- graph Needle, the only permanent phonograph needle for all records and all phonographs Will piay 27,000 records, Price $1.50 post-{ pad Agents wanted F. 2. | Smith, 199 Colborne St., Kingston. ! TO LET. THMENTS~RE PTWO APAR nly sons considered Sydenham Street SINGLE ROOM, W i King street. or phone 63 RIDEAU STREET, STONE HOUSE eight rooms, three plece bath, gas, furnace. Apply 47 Rideau Street OF JANUARY, LODGE rooms now occupied by tha I. O. F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND all improvemey centrally jocat- ed. Apply 243 Uaiversity Ave Som-- GARAGE, NEAR CORNER VEEN and Bagot Apply D. G. Hay, R R. 1,.Kingston 00 r Phone i1 4 NINE ROOMED sv ££ HOUSE, | 146 Moutrea! St, all unprovements Phone 1089 rung 3. Vacant Aprit 1st | | A pra et ---- TURAGE FOR FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mc- Cann Agency, 86 Brock Street | Phone 3.6. s SS URNISHED BEDROOM, ELEC use of phone, Apply 230 ONE F tric light, steam heat; Gentleman preferred ILiarrie Street, ON ON KING FIVE DOLLAR BILL PICKED A FOUNTAIN PEN SMALL KEY, PICKED up NEAR ct Wishing to reach the ower may 3 50 Ly reporting the tisement will be printed in Column clude ete veriised fur in the BOARD: | GOLD NECK CHAIN, EAR-RING AUTO BLACK, WHITE AND TAN v FOUND AN AUTO- STREET, Call at mobile Tire Flapp 181 Stuarg Street, 'LARE LENS AND RIM . wner may applying at PART OF CHEVROLET car, model I. B., front wheel. Owner may have same by ap-+ plying at Van Luven's Gar- age, Princesg Street. same by phone 361 up on floor of Whig Job of- fice on Saturday. Finder may have by proving ownership at Whig Office, PAIR OF GOLD TORTOISE- rimmed eye glasses on Queen Street between Montreal and Bagot streets on Friday. The owner may have same at 434 Division street. AND EVER. sharp pencil on Barrie street, Friday afternoon Owner may have same at this office. roner Brock Ofllce. FOUND of Wallington and street. Apply Whig ARTICLES ADYER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and facts The adver- this be British Whig. free of charge, "Found articles" cues not in- lost dogs, catile, horses, Those, If lost. may be ad- 'Lost column AT- tached, between Portsmouth and Kingston Finder please return tg 88 1. Bagot street. NUMBER 179- please notify Rev. G. araqui, Ont A HOUND, Any in- branded on hips "F. R." Reid formation kindly notify Capt No. 1 Fire Station, 15th. AT Finder kindly re- Hogan, Kingston, 2 FEURUARY qui, brown rove turn to, James R. No. hone 110071 FURNISHED ROOMS housekeeping: every ingluding telephone and use 0 laundry; central. Apply to 16d} Division street | FOR STORAGE FOR FURNITL RE, CLEAN | = ury, alry rooms and spaces; own ock and key. Jrosps Storage, 299-305 Queen St. 518 Hes. 939w, HEATED APARTMENT; CORNER Barrie and Princess; consisting of | four rooms and bath; all conveni- | ences; rent moderate. Apply 'L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Swreet, re eee, UNCE,, A NEW SEVEN ROOM house and barn on North Alfred; al- 80 on North Alfred street, brick house and wight res of lang | Apply to J. D. Boyd, 352 University | | Phone | AT | | Avenue, phone 1053M LARGE OFFICE ROOM ON P street; suitable for dentist office, | also office room in well equipped office. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, Kingston, uu | | AN | BRICK HOUSE, CLERGY ST. EAST, ing: cellar, yard, shed, bath-room wWouLDp SPECIAL | A LA RINCESS SHEETS OF WHITE Apply British Whig Office. PICKED UP King otreet, LADY WHO Black Fur Collar on Monday afternoon, be tor 951J OF HIGH GRADE for this week only at 'ycle works, 371-373 Phone 1032w, d INDS, ALL PR) lor prices and samples apply Frank W. Cook, phone 436, or address 219 Bagot street. FOR SAL SALE Bicycle Tir ilk STOCK OF ARM BLANK. els for sale at 4 reasonable orien Cali at L. Routbard, 2¥v Princess or phone 1723 500 sheets for many purposes. per; size 17" by 2 40c. Suitable for EIGHTEEN-MONTHS-OLD BULL, richly bred, pure-bred Holstein; herd under the federal supervision Apply Robert Webb, Beeley's Bay, nt. Rent. $22, includes water. Posses- sion March first. Apply Box A-17, Whig Office. | rooms; gas for lights and couk- | | f BROCK ST. | TEN ROOMED Hght, hot wat HOUSE, furnace, electric $50.00. Possession May 1st, seven roomed house, Clergy street, | électrie light, $30.00. Possession May 1st. Apply Box R-20, Whig Ofrice. BEDROOM, WITH USE oF LARGER Uving room and kitchen, every- thing furnished, suitable for mar- ried couple or two ladies, electri- city and heated. Rent very rea- sonable. Apply 130 Clarence Street upstairs. MAY ist, APARTMENT OF 3 ROOMS kitchenette, 2 fire places, 3 plece bathroom. Price includes electric lighting, hot and cold water, hot water eating, large recreation grounds. King street west. Ad- dress P. O, Box 112. NINE ROOMED SOLID BRICK HOUSE, University avenue, three-piece bath, electricity throughout, EAS, hot wa- ter furnace, excellent cellar and yard. All first class condition. Pos- session April 15th. Rent $43. Apply Box P-18, Whig Office. . LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Soliciiors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, A. 3, Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith, BRICK Alsv! NINE WI HAVE FOR SALE AL), FEED MILL IN GOOD VILLAG STORE AND DWELLING combined, on & good corner. House has six rooms; modern improve- ments; good stable. Apply J. K Carrol] Agency, Kingston, Ont. ROOMED FRAME HOUSE electric light, gas for cooking, piece bath and hot air furnaes, hardwood floors downstairs; also a good barn with stable Apply to 96 Victoria street. near Mack Street HEN 800d seconi-hand furniture BLoVes. and furniture to dispose of wo wih erg highest prices. J Thompson. 33 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. McLaughlin Roadster. 1920. model. 'Just overhauled Cord Tires. Goed as new. Phone 45Tw or 4103 about 800 population, situated in A splendid farming section. Ble mill bullding is of stone of a good size Two other buildings of frame, suit- able for storage, 20 homnge power gasoline engine for power; good paying froposition. Apply J. K Carroll Agency, Kingston, Ont. BRICK HOUSE, ONE HALF BLOCK 9 rooms, finished at- tie, hot water heating, hardwood floors in dining room, electric Hght, good cellar, outbuildings, 7 "fruit trees all bearing, outside windows and doors; all in Price $5,700. Apply J Agency, Kingston, Ont. from oar line, K Carroll AMBROSE SHEA, 3A. BARRISTER and Soligitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock over Royal Bank. Motiey to loan. Phone 1999. CARPENTERING § 2 ANT THE CARPENTER | iby, Coatractor, 2g oe. Phouve 1398w. | WHEN YOU W see James University Aven 1 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | " - PAINTING OR drop a card to WHEN WANTING Paperhanging done, 2 na Ave, Toroato. an SS] SIGNS As SIGN LL KINDS, LASS Wd - oo hele Post ra, bey lays A spedially, by Shaw at 213 ginny Street. A. Supt. Educational Dept. 129 Shas | BEST HARD COAL Prices range from $ 1 ton, according to size and preparation. 8: / A Mounteer, 54 Arch Street. | FOR PAINTING AND PAPERHANG. | get ny prices; complete line of! - Special prices this workmansh guaranteed. . 814 arrie Street. Phone 358w. a 0.00 to $16.50 per NT 14 roves ERY THI PS & hone 1045w. HATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FARM IN PRINCE EDW ANTIQUE FURNITURE For This Week Only four posted bed, polished, $45.00. pair twin Walnut beds, Victorian period, $35.00 each, set of § walnut chalrs, $60.00. walnut chest of Drawers, polished, Walnut Rockers, $15.00 each. » W Everything In Antiques. , LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHO» 507 Princess Street. FOR SALE. * ARD COUNTY, house; barns, orchard and exchange for Toperty. 270 acres; frame stables and sheds; good well; would &00d town or city p $3,000---FRAME; 8 ROOMS; GOOD CEL. lar and large lot with Tens ok: garden. Fa ee 1 $2,700--FRAME; 6 ROC ® and doubie : VE- ments; garage rn CATARA- | goova enough | eiurn to this office or telephone | TWSPRINT PA-| ana | Aly person having stoves. | E OF | good condition, | FOR SALR MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS, to phone 1548F I A vine CLASS MEAT MARKET | ing. | Vii tocation. Apply | wavs feit n | A PURE BR ths buflding to APPLY |) L or needs, he sald, were al- . eeds. When Jesus was on RE BRED HOLSTEIN eleven months old Whitty, Sydenham, Ont. | have eed | ONE SMALL NATIONAL CASH REGIS- Dim ! | ter, cheap for quick buyer. Ap-|Mext Y eager Ply at Song Shop, 216 Princess St |acles always | BLACKSMITH RUSINESS WITH ALL | People | equipment, cheap for quick sale. | Building In good shape; can be rented very reasonably. Apply J.| | K. Carroll Agency, Kingston, Ont.| The body p--------e ter eee i AT BRICK HOUSE, FARL STREET, 7] 200Ut sev rooms; gas for lighting and cook-| lve forev ing, new furnace, 3 plece bath | earth Jesus newly shingled. Price $4,200. Ap-| | ply J. K. Carroll Agency, Kingston, | Dever refusing {Ont : | tasking in on eet iments insets Mi LE | FRAME HOUSE, SOUTH OF PRINCESS | Yesterday, today and forever. Wi. street, § rooms, furnace, electric! He has done He can do and, if | | light, gas for cooking, hardwood ol | floors downstairs; large barn. Price trust Him, He will do. $4500. Apply J. K. Carroll Ageney, | | | RE PERSONAL Kingston, Ont | MAIR, VOLES, WARTS, ently years but the sion, Mr. MeKim preached on what he said is a confessedly hard subject, "Judgment." But Our Lord said the: would be a judgment and His preacn- street; lately painted and decorat. |®T TUSt also proclaim that sombre ed; McClary Sunshine furnace: 3. ! truth. It is appointed u plece toilet; 'good garage; stables and yard; open grates upstairs and | to dle and after this, down; make a nne rooming house, | With tellin or could be made into two dwell-| ings. Terms r Gilbert's Groce Sma TTT FOR SALE OR TO RENT, LARGE STONE DWELLING, 98 EARL | the judgmen* ing anmecdotes the mission preacher endeavored to persuade his hearers that ®t is most important tain a favorable Judgment bar and GIRTH- scars, etc. re- Christ can do this fo moved permanently. Satistactory like us. He that Klasses fitted and furnished after y Others have failed. Goitre removed Son hath overasti 85 yvars' expericuce. Dr. Elmer J | NOt come 1 Lake, ¥ye (ar. Nose. Throa Skin 258 Bagop 3 marks. skin cancers, 1 nto judgment but is pass t ed from death unto life. When Jesus | i b some will be taken to be forever with UPHOLSTEKING. the Lord, some will be left. eto i |-CALL OR DROP A CAD TO Ww. LABOR NOT RESP Gavine. upholsterer, 2.4 Bagot Si, HAROLD YOUR Up. repairing. ! ry BLE, | holstering and general | Leave orders at or drop | 104 Clergy street FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. | ished, guns, gramaphones, ete. re-| o = paired 'prompuy and guaranteed | 10TONt0 of the Associated Fair and Stanton & Sleeth, 35 Princess St. | Exhibitions, R. J. Bushell delivered ONS MADE TO ORr-|2 Stirring address on the subject, ular shapes and siz.a. | '"'Should Raellways' Rates to Fairs Uiverany | and Exhibitions he placed upon a ) { Pre-war Basis?" During his address Mr. Bushell said: "The railroads today are 'the most | grasping middlemen, and in order to | F. FOR With Railway Rates. COVERED BUTT der in all pop Upholsteting and I . Goodridge, Avenue. Phone FINANCIAL I'NRS. WH, CRUMLEY, FIRE, | 1d Casualty Insurance. 420 i Kar] street. Phone 1782M |the following statistics gathered re- cently 8 Cc train- STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE tly upon the subject, A traf | agents: established in 1560; the must reliable companivg repre- Sshitedd. Office 95 Clurence street, opposite the post office. ese ° v re | FRONTENAC LuAXN INVEST. |irg the other twenty-five. ment Soetely. figorporated 1861. | "Sc of oats. President W. ¥. Nicxle, K.C.: vice- | .. is ' i president, A. B. Cunningham, | Cars i¢ takes twenty-five to pay for { Money lssued on city and iarm | hauling the other 15. Take the casc properties, municipal an county v debentures; morigages purer ased, | °F livestock. investment bonds for sale; deposity | I received and interest allow. C, Cartwright, bE 37 ence strect, Kingston. ARCHITECT | | | | row ER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- | tects. Merchants Bank Chambers | corner of Brock and Wellington | the West for the East, and we find having the fear that the money. pro- duced from the sale of the cattle might not be sufficient to cover the freight charges." | MEDICAL. not been sustained. He said it had { C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARRIg| Peon brought out that management | Street. Hours 1030-12 am, 2-4 | and also administration of public af- J p.m. Phone 1646 DR, P, H/HUYCKR, 111 WELLINGTON | sponsible, Street, Kingstun, Office hours: 11 to 12 am Ttod pm. 7-830 2 to p-m., and o &s. Telephone 456. ments to bear me out in that regard, Ee os ~ ECE a-- | namely offices overmanned. DENTAL. ete Set -------- DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE £58 Princess Street. Phone §52w, | ; | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. | tists, 150 Wellington street. corner { of Brock. | { | | | motor trucks and automobiles. H {the management of our roads con- sidered the advisability of gasoline | | [instead of coal for our local trains, | | = Te ps = | and has any thought been given to | DR. RUPERT I. MILLAN, DENTIST, | Eh eI Fhe TR cots the sleotrityng of our roads, which evenings by appoiatmen ns DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, (IAS a | Atty per cent. To bear me out that | sumed practice at 92 Princess St, statement I refer my hearers to an | Ting 2auk of Nova Scour. Phone article in the Saturday Evening Post | 2 of Jan. 28th, 1922, by Edmund Hun- CEN gerford entitled "When the Shoe Be- MARRIAGE Li SES {gins to Pinch," in which he makes CHARLES ¥F. ADAIR, CATARAQUY the following statement, upon the Hits lssier SE marriage licen | authority of the president, H. E. | hone 23867 r 5 . : = | Bream, of the Chicago, Milwaukeo | HIROP: 4 {and St. Paul railroad, which has the f did largest electric railroad in the Unit- | WM. A, MARCELILs, D.C, p | C. in line is toda ner Princess and Bafrie St; ve. tna, C4 Btates. The main ie y aets any fully equipped for cleetric operation floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, Unt. Consultation free. Telephone for 649 miles from Harlowton, Mon- | Sra] Hou ie 17am Yio ¢ paiyat 0 Avery, Idaho. 438 miles R- GEORGE ¥. LUUY, DR. JENNIE A. | farther than from Montreal to To. Graduate Nurse. $38 Begot' sired | Tonto, and Mr. Byram says they ro. between Princess and Brock. Tele. gularly run, the entire 649 miles | Juone Maw. | p.m. Spinal analysis, and, if the track was electrified they and consultation free. Residential could run 4,000 miles, or in hee Salle by appointment. words, from tho Atlantic to the pe | ; 5 cific. For every 650 miles of elec- FANCY GOODS. trified road there is a saving of 259, HEMSTIICHING, rICUT EDGING, Ac. 000 tons of coal and 31,700,000 gal- on. n an 1 ~ om 10 B30 4 Ma Blea +5. | lons qf oll per year. Surely this is 4 Victoria Terrace, Montreal St. | considerable saving. onposite Artillery Park. i Mr. Bushell said that if the rail- - i way rates were reduced, produce end B COMPANY, | unufactured articles would be plac- pings d'bags ana ed on the market at a lower cost, PRY corsumption would increase, factory : An. de- mand, and idle cars on the railways would be in commission, 5 ls | | | i MITCHELL, CHY { makers of al goods. mit gloves, hand cushions, ali made to order. A; Scott & Duberry, §3 Beverly J'hone &19J, CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS--SURVRY S$ TES Scott, BA. B.Sc. Tur net. 123% King Street. ore 16 Animals. A -- "C. Brown,| Port Arthur, Feb. 21.--Onees more ¥ ! |the "untutored §. Osborne, Vancouver, sister is Mrs Brookville. | 4 prelimnary hearing of murder before J Port Huron on to the Canadian Govern- » | GRAND-WED., FEB. 22 | Rev. Mr. McKim Preaches on! Divine Healing and the | § WALTER SCANLAN onday afternoon at tie | n Rogers' Memor:al | chapel to a congregation that fille; | capacity, Rev. Mr. | his conviction of the | at longest will only last | soul will er. When He was here upon | did heal men's bodies, | a single case, never | © cas>. Jesus is the same i we | A: the evening service of the mis- | nto men onca! g illustrations and touzh- | that we ob | verdict at God's ! that only Jesus | T guilty sinners | believeth on the | ng life and shall | comes back there will be a division, | a card w| Declares R, J, Bushell, in Dealing | At the recent convention held in | | prove that assertion I refer you to! only load of wheat, of forty cars leaves | | it takes fifieen cars to pay for haul- | Take the | In a trainload of 40 | I am advised that the | allroads demand a cheque in ad- | oa vance to cover the freight, possibly | Mr. Bushell said that it had been | j charged that labor was responsible, | {but he claimed that this charge had | fairs to a great degree have been re. | "I will place before you my argu- | MATINEE AT 2.30. EVENING AT 8.15 HEAR SCANLAN'S NEW SONG HITS In a Comedy wosme "IRISH EYES" GORGEOUS SCENIC PRODUETION IN THREE ACTS PRICES ....25c to $1.50. Matinee, 50c. and $1.00. Children, 25¢. GRAND Thur,, Fri, Saturday Matinee Saturday at 2:30 The Rex Stock Co. Presenting MARGARET wmAYO'S "B A B Y M I N E" DELIGHTFUL COMEDY VILLE BETW i1iN THE ACTS VAUDE 20¢., 30c., SOc, Gallery 10¢. Saturday Matinee 235¢, 100. NA er A rt a. " J A PRICES NORMA AS A DAUGHTER OF THE TROPICS THE MOST PICTURESQUR ROLE OF HER CAREER The Picture You liu. « Waiting» or. ', Thurs, Fri, Sat, C ES R N - E R ee ~------ AROUND TH By FANNIE HURST AUTHOR OF "HUMCRESQUE" STRAND TO-DAY HOCKEY GRANITES (TORONTO) va. KINGSTON ALL-STARS To-night at 8.15 ..8L00f The. Rush . d JUST A PARAMOUNT PI( 'TURE given in the Garden Han, All the latest dances for 1922--every night from 7 ta Dall by appointmentify Brock St, Mrs. 8, Cohen, In. struector. Hall phone 337. Residence phome 1878, Np cg rim, I co--_ it. H---------------- INSIE® ON THR BEST I: i v | Reserved |. will be received until Saturday Noon, February 25th, for material of the old | box factory in the cottage on King St. | Also for moving stones. H Camp- For particulars appiy to J. M bell, Shairman, building committee C d KB h = © | Crossed Fis Flonzaley Quartette | S . ardines WORLD'S GREATEST ENSEMBL GRANT HALL, THURS THE FINEST QUALITY IN PURE OLIVE OIL DAY, Feb. 23 At N.S. ER 'W. KENT MACNEE Tow's, $1.30, $1.00, 75e, Gallery, reserved, at Public Lib- rary and College Post Office | Bank of Commerce Building Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 13871, General Insurance Agency $1.00 and Se. Unreserved, at goor, Soe, Writing: --Automobile, Fire. Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary, ete. ¢ at Ug- Families Ze. each, x Se. A Including children at 'tevresenting Only Reliable Compan NOTICE | . NOTICE is hereb given that DORO- THY LILLIAN JEWITT, of the City ol Bath, in the County of Somerset, ng Woman, will apply to the Canada at the next ses- | lon thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from fer husband, ERNEST JOSEPH JEW. ITT, of the Village of Portsmouth, in Tinsmithing GEO. NOBES Phone 986M. 17 Division Street. a -------- j on the ground of adultery and deser- the Province A.D, 1922 the County of Frontenac, In the Prov. Ss tion, the City of Kingston, in 0 of Januar { NNINGHAM & SMI Finest Quality of | ince of Ontario, Locomotive Engineer, DATED at e of Ontario, this th day : d cu 3 TH Solicitors for e Applicant. Fresh 'and Cooked Meats Prompt Delivery 338 Princess Street Phone 799 TF a ------ Osteopathy Is treatment by natural and rational methods--no inte-nal medication. We treat the fundamental cause of all s'ckness--lowered bodily resist ance. Keep your resistance at par and be free from winter ls. Mechano-Therapy. Electro-Therapy. Twelve years Success in Kingston, DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 KI, tf. ng Pi herween Earl & Gove NEW PLAN A LIFE INSURANCE The premiums you pa treated as DEPOSITS, y The Excelsior Life Insurance ompany guarantees to return in full if living at maturity of pol. fey every doliar paid in premiums together with dividends earned. It death occury the amount of the policy is paid at once, A guaranteed savin f ever: dollar and dividends, Eo y Consult: HD. WIGHTMAN DISTRICT AGENT ! EXC ; ECEsion 151 WELLINTON ST. are ment railway near Sioux Lookout. Under 4 load of 106 logs the fea cracked and broke. The man leaped } Horses TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS HAMBURG iin MINCED STEAK ..3 Ibs. 28e, SHOULDER ROAST ....j10e. BRISREY ........ .. a PRDE STEAK ........18c. BEEF HEARTS ....... gc WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS eens ; i ---- The man who is not afraid of fail- ure seldom has to face ft, !