THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 15 SPORTING NEWS |..." =. Latest "Made in Kingston" Article Going on the Market, Another boost to Kingston's status Kingston Curlers Won. Kingston curlers won from Rnck- as a manufacturing centre was in- wood in the senior series of the Cen- UESDAY, FEBRUARY 2%, 1922, > CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS in tact than could be brought by intensive study. The flery, caprici- | ous character that the star has drawn | teams with heart Interest, love, pathos and quiet humor end makes the portrayal one of the most effec- | tive in Miss Talmadge"s fine screem | Harrison Ford is leading | augurated recently when two or alter Scanlan "Irish Eyes" Ww In Mela yes three local business men formed the In Walter Scanlan's néw romantic bomedy "Irish Kyes" in which Ceo. M. Gatts will present at the Grand Dpera House on Wednesday, Febru- rf 22nd, matinee and night, on his ond annual tour, his young popu- jar Irish singer, and actor will ap- r as Dan Riley, a rollicking, rov- Irish lad, who in a fit of pique Ireland, believing hi# blue-eyed | theart had thrown him over and jpurned his love for another. He at the time merely a young fish- man on Galway Bay, Ireland, hile she was the daughter of a althy aristocrat, 'Luck was with Irish' and Dan with his brother- n-law, John Brady, staked a claim ly after their arrival in Amer- ca In the Golden West, which tyrn- id out to be a real find and made wealthy, Dan, in spite of his jood fortune never forgot the days bf sunshine, love and his sweetheart pf youth, and how he wins her, after in America, forms the working but of a story, which is filled with ro- scintillating comedy, hilari- situations, and a delightful ele- t of mystery. Scanlan's new igs, written for his use, are re- d to be real hits: "Mavour- heen," "My Galway. Rose," "The Road to My Love," "An Irish Song Live as Long as Life and Love hall Last," "I Was a Pligrim in pve-Land," and "Kathleen." --Advt. "Baby Mine." A good laugh is as good as a ton- t" is. an old saying and has proved rue {n'a surprising number of cas- Anyone who feels in need of al 'of this .desctiption cannot do by better than see the play which being presented at the Grand Pp House the last three days of ils week by the Rex Stock Comp- 3 Its title Is "Baby Mine" and from the pen of Margaret Mayo, of America's foremost authors comedy---particularly the bed- pom farce variety. This play {is he of the frothy, absurd comedies Jf domestic life that, in the hands of ®lover actors than the Rex Com- By, 'would be a bit daring, but as 18 played by them, it is nothing @ Food, clean comedy. Rex and fre of course seen in the lead- és, and the balance "of the By give them the very best of The scenic artist has been fing overtime in the new studio this city, to prepare appropriate Btiings for this play, and promises © gomething extra in scenery. dvt, Stns history, man.--Advt, At the Strand. "Humoresque" made a deep im- pression on film fans everywhere, by its realism, its rich humor, and its splendid appeal to the best in human nature, the feature which opened at the Strand last night, is by the same author--Fanny Hurst--and it '"'got" the eudience from start to finish. Without stunts or sensatiop, but with tingling interest, quaint humor and genuine pathos, and meny glimpses of the toils and pleasures of the byways of Manhatten, "Just Around the Corner" carries the watcher on with never e thought of time, For it is a bit of real life, it shows what life is and means to the self-respecting strugglers who live on the border line between hopeless poverty and meagre' comfort, who manage to keep home "homey" by rich affection and severe economy. Lee Moran in "The Straphanger" is the chief laugh-getter on the Strand programme, Kiwanis Picture, An item of great interest to local Kiwanians are the pictures of 'the Quebec Kiwanis Club distributing their Christmas gifts, shown in the current issue of the British-Canadian Pathe News--Advt. PEOPLE HAVE BAD FALLS. Owing to Slippery Sidewalks--Police 'Warn Householders, On account of the slippery condi- tion of the sidewalks a number of citizens had bad falls over thé® week- end, One lady was taken to the Gén- ema] hospital suffering from a broken hip which she received when she fell on the sidewalk on Victoria street. It is stated that in certain sections of the city the tenants end property ow- ners will not clear the snow and ice from the sidewalk. In & number of cases the police department have been notified about walks that have not been shovelled for weeks, and some cases in court will follow if the snow is not removed sooner. Late John Christley, John Christley, an elderly resident of Kingston, passed away at the Motel Dieu on Sunday after an iliness "Just Around the Corner," | tral Ontario Curling League games played at the Rockwood rink on Monday evening by a score of 63 to 27. The Kingston rink skipped by R.-C. Cartwright won from F. Burns by 17 to 65; W. H. Montgomery, Kingston, won from M. Porter by 13 to 8; J. F. Macdonald, Kingston, won from F. Hartrick by 16 to 7 and T.- Slater, Kingston, won from M: Lazenby by 17 to 7. Kingston Rockwood A. BE. Ross N. Tutton H. F. Mooers W. Papst S. W. Dyde A Mclvor It. C. Cartwright I. Burns ~skip 17, ~skip 85. J. A, Lemmon F. Lambert I. Sleeth I". Nicholson J. Macdonald J, Thompson W. H., Montgom-M. Porter ery y --skip 13. ~--skip 8, W. H. Reid C Graham P. D. Lyman J. Scally M. P. Reid J. Marks J. F. Macdonald ¥. Hartrick ---gkip 140. ---skip 7, T Ralph 1B Sears H. Flowers M. Lazenby --skip 7, Total 27. i J. Mcllquham H. Douglas J. Hooper T. Slater --skip 17, Total 63. Belleville Defeats Midland, In a fast and clean game of hoc- key before eleven hundred specta- tors, Belleville defeated Midland, at Midland on Monday night, by 5 to 4. The first period ended 1 to 0 for Belleville, the second 8 t5 1 and the final 65 to 4. With the Pugilists, Charley White defeated William Jackson at New York Monday and will meet Leonard. Carpentier and J ewls will fight in London May 11th, Boo Defeats Sudbury, The Canadian S00 defeated Sud- bury 1 to 0 on Monday and enters the gemi-finals, 'There are former Kingston hockeyists on the Soo team, For City Championship. By winning the contest with Riv- ersides on Saturday night, the Young Irishmen will now play off with the strong Civil Service team for the city championship, This final game will be a royal battle, with the re- sult very much in doubt. The Irish clan also havé their eye on the dig- trict title and Will probably play a series with the county winners, Monarch Battery Company and pro- ceeded to establish their factory and business here. Over in that lange brick building on King street, a veritable little hive of industry, which stands next to the Street Rail- way office, there are five industries, all of them comparatively recently established. The Monarch Battery Company is the latest addition to the flock. The officers of the company are: President and general manager, I. Cohen; vice-president, I. Lesses; sec- retary, C. M. Smith; factory mana- ger, R. B, Erickson. They have been fortunate enough to secure a large stock of miscellaneous battery parts to start them going end have thus turned out many batteries for all makes of cars since their establish- ment in the middle of last month, At the present time just enough complete work is being done to sat- isfy those orders which are already coming in, and the bulk of attention, is being directed to arranging the premises and organizing the different departments. The company is manufacturing an article for which there is always a demand, and will be, unless the auto- VISIT| THE WEST IN MUSIC ROOM & LOUNGE THE SALOON motive industry undergoes revolu- tionary changes in a very short space of time, The great demand to date, even before the factory has had time to assemble itself, gives good grounds for expecting a rosy future. A sales-manager is shortly to be engaged and when he hag eelected his agents throughout the country the trade-mark "Monarch" will be another good advertiser for the Limestone City. PLEADED GUILTY T0 MANSLAUGHTER Portsmouth Convicts Receive Sentences For Killing Gov- ernor of Guelph Jail. Guelph, Feb, 21.--When Samuel McArdle, Joseph Hobson, William Cook and John Bedard were placed on trial here this morning on the charge of murdering John McNab, warden of the Wellington jail, coun- sel for Bedard suggested that if the plea of guilty to a charge of man- slaughter would be sccepted by the crown he was prepared to enter such & plea. After consultation with Crown Prosecutor R. H, Greer, the S. S. CANADIAN FISHER OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MERCHANT MARINE | atative Canadian manufacturers and wives, sailed fom Halifax on Wednesday, February 15th, for a tour of the West Indies. The delegates left Toronto by Canadian National. Grand Trunk route on Sunday evening, February 12th, graveling in special sleeping car direct to the ship's side. , {They arrived at Halifax on the evening Tr 14th, sailing the following evening on the "'S.S. Canadian Fisher," one of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine's fine ships regularly in this service. - They will arrive at Kings-, ton, Jamaica, on February 25th, where they will be interviewed by the Governor of Jamaica. Arrangements have also completed for the entertainment of the party at various other points en route by Government Trade Com.' missioners, Boards of Trade, and Chambers of Commerce. : The primary object of this trip is to consider how trade between Canada and the British West Indies can best be promoted. It is felt that tke trade agreement recently negotiated between Canada and the West Indies should be very beneficial and should foster a large interchange of commerce. With the object in view of looking into conditions generally, to learn what goods the West Indies have to sell to Canada, and to describe what goods Canada has to sell to the West Indies, this tour was organized by the Canadian Manufacturers Association. The tour will occ! a month, during which time the following Places will be visited: Nassau, B.1., Kingston} amaica, Panama er Guaira (Caracas), Port of Spain, Trinidad, Demerara, Grenada, St. Vincent, Barbados, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Kitts and Bermuda. The following is a list of the persons constituting the party: Sir Alexander and Lady Bertram, John Bert eam & Sons, Co. Ltd., Montréal, Que.; Col. and Mrs. R. W. Leonard and Mr. Douglas Mutch, Coniagas Reduction Co. Ltd, St. Catharines, Ont.; Mr. G. Clifford McAvity, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dividson, T. McAvity & Sons, St John, N.B.: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stratton, Peterboro Review Co. Ltd., Peterboro, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Lip, pert, Geo. J. Lippert Table Co. Ltd., Kitchener, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Turner, |. J. Turner, Ltd., Peterboro, On\.. Mr! and Mrs. H. Pocock, London Concrete Machinery Co. Ltd., London, Ont.} Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Payne, Secretary of the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Department of Trade and Commerce of Canada; Col. Arthui Hatch, Canada Steel Goods Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. Jas. Anderson, representing the Border Cities Chamber of Commerce, Windsor, Ont.; Mr. W H. Shapley, Goold, Shapley & Muir Co. Ltd., Brantford, Ont ; Mr. H. V. Grgene, Hiram Walker & Sons, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont.; Mr. |. D. Johnson; Canada Cement Co. Ltd., Montreal, Que.; Col. H. L.. Edmonds, John Morrow Screw and Nut Co. Ltd., Ingersoll, Ont., Mr. W. J. Aitchison, D. Aitch- ison & Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. S. L. Gunn, The MeClary Mig. Company, London, Ont.;: Mr. Graham F. Towers, Superintendent Foreign Trade Department, Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, Que. Canadian Nationa! Railways and Canadian Government Merchant Marine, Limited, will be represented of the trip by Mr. C. K. Howard, of Torento, their General Tourist Agent - A' party, numbering twenty-seven r defence counsel pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Chief Justice Mere- dith then sentenced Bedard to twen- ty years' penal gervitude, Hobson Guilty of Malfeasance, NATURE'S STORE. torney Joseph C. Pelletier, Suffolk | ter a brief {liness. Miss Mazle White, Calabogie, dad Boston, Feb, 21.--Found guilty on [at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alex, charges of malfeasance, District At- McKenzie, in Renfrew on Monday af- "Love's Redemption." | Ginger is an untrained West In- county, was removed by fhe supreme court to-day. Crawf. C. Black. Major E. C. Barrett left for 0: tawa on Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of the Royal Oanadian Artil- of six weeks. The deceased was a widower and had no relatives. 'He and McArdle to fifteen years an Cook to five years, : R.M.C. HockeyiSts Win. Mn orphan of Spanish-English par- tag religion has been in- Biéated from the Bible of life. That Bat fs a creed of humanity is strik- iy presented fn "Love's Redemp- im," the First National attraction is being shown at the Allen The- fre, Norma Talmadge, the star, the role of the young girl unselfish Interest and devo- brings a deeper sense of obliga- 10 those with whom she comes GH LUNBAGO PAN RUB BACKACHE AWAY [idneys cause backache? No! in! Your backache is caused by 0, sciatich, or a strain, and Quickest relief is soothing, pene- | ting St. Jacob's Oil. Rub it right A your painful back, sand instantly soreness, stiffness and lameness pars. Don't stay crippled! Get | 1 trial bottle of St. Jacob's Oil fom your druggist and limber up. A joment after it is applied you'll lider what became of the backache f lumbago pain. lab old, honest St. Jacob's Oil ef you have sciatica, neural- resided at 224 Queen street. He was a Roman Catholic in religion and a 'member of the Holy Name Sociely. Late Mrs." W. Moberley. Mrs. William Moberley passed away at her residence, 64 Brock street, on Monday night after a short illness from heart disease. The de- ceased was born in Ireland and came to Kingston about forty years ago. She was sixty-seven years of age and she and her husband recently celé- brated their forty-fifth wedding an- niversary, The late Mrs. Moberley was an Anglican In religion and was widely known for her sympathetic and kindly disposition. Besides her husband, she is survived by one bro- ther, Robert Glenny, Toroato, Hugene MoCarthy, Perth, died very suddenly aged ninety-one years. The 'greater part of his Jong life was spent in the township of Kitley. Steampipes in the oustoms house caused some trouble at 5.07 p.m. Monday, and the firemen were call- ed. There was no damage. The trade-mark, "Made In Ger- many," soon may be stamped on Ger- man export wares,' An exhibition game between R.M. C. and a visiting team from the Brockville Rifles wag played at the Holt rink on Saturday evening, re- sulting in a win for the cadets by the score Of 8 to 4. The visitors were smothered by the team-work of the cadets, who mever extended them- selves. The eight goals for' the winners were scored in the first 'wo pertods, while the visitors tallied thrice in the final stanza, A Sudden Death Game. The meeting called by the execu- tive of the city hockey league on Monday evening, resulted in a stormy session, and the protest of the A. O. H., with the counter-protest of the Frontenaos, certain players used by the Fromte- nac juniors, and declared overage by the Hibernians, was considered as well as a number of other changes against both clubs, It was found both clubs were in default, and dt was de- cided by an unanimous vote that a sudden-death game should be played on even terms. The winners will then meet Portemouth for the jundor city championship, LABOR IS DELIGHTED OVER ITS VICTORY McArdle, Hobson and Cook were already serving terms in. Portsmouth penitentiary for burglary and were taken to Guelph on 'Sunday for trial. Old Mother Nature keeps a store; Man can see a sorrow at twice the lery Association. And there all sorts of deals we find. | distance he can see a blessing. She keeps some shoddy goods, Yea, Luck is pluck's shadow. more, She keeps the all-wool, worthy kind. | Walter Scanlan wear, With prices marked in figures plain; | There's stocks to eat and drink and . The worth-while things of life are | I i En Twelfth Seat It Has Won 8ince the British General Election. London, Feb, 21.--The North Camberwell election yesterday, when fhe Labor candidate defeated the Conservative, is hailed with delight by the Laborites end Independent there, And also those to cause us pain. There's dispositions, many kinds, And characters for us to buy; There's thoughts for bread and nor- row minds, America's Leading Irish Singer Liberals as a great 'government, seat lost to the coalition since general election and the twelfth seat won by Labor, GEN. SIR DAVID WATSON GIVEN A GREAT FUNERAL blow dealt the Their organs point out gleefully that this is the eighteenth For all her goods we have to pay, But she has some to sell on trial, And should we buy a frown today We may exchange it for a emile, | | | A stock of motives low and high, | | the | She from the price mark will not | budge, i Her choicest stocks she does: not || hide, i She leaves all for our eyes to judge, And for our intellect to guide. If you'ro dishonest and a cheat, , Theumatism or sprains, as it is ui harmless and doesn't burn A new revolution hms broken out ie in Portugal. - A "Curling Tie. Kingston and Brockville curlers are tied for the leadership of the eas- tern group of the Central Ontario And folks don't come or look your way, Exchange your purchase of dceit, For one of uprightness today. Distinguished Quebec ' r Buried at Ancient Capital Tuesday Afternoon. * Quebec, Feb. 21.~~With imposing solemnity and all the pomp of a mil- ftary funeral the remains of General tson were carried in ough the streets here -|today to Chalmers Presbyterian 0 {church and afterwards to Mount Her- mon cemetery. Thousands of elvil- {ans lined the streets and , distin- + STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. guished Canadians attended, includ- ~ CONSERVATORIES: 68 Centre Street. Phone 11743. . tough, HH ---------- : OU Slwary Day 10 What JOU got. Who sings Irish songs with a real Irish voice, and a million 'dollar Irish smile! This engaging musical comedy star scores his newest sucbess in "Irish Eyes" Wednesday . in Kingston The gréatness of Walter Scanlan is destined to live forever--for his . voice has been Re-Created by fhe New Edison. : Come in and let us prove to you that a Scanlan Re-Creation by 'TheNewEdison "The Phonograph with a Have you a deal that rants and viles, And grinds add knaves alone for pelf, Exchange it, friend, for one that smiles, And loves its brother ag its self, SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK DAFFODILS $1.00 PER DOZEN We always have on hand a chofee selection of Azalea, men, Priniroses and Boston Ferns. Floral Designs for Wedding and Funerals a Specialty. Cycla- Don't kick if you shoddy stuff, Don't whine about it and regret, Just chew it, though the rine be 01d Mother Nature keeps a store, To serve us all in her delight; There is no graft within her door, dian generals who had fought and Her stock complete, the prices right. achieved honor like Sir David in the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 220d Come early and inspect our stock of Pastry on our Opening Day, We have the delicious delicaci that will be sure to please you, i. : i £5 id ek