TUESDAY, FEURUARY 21, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. Hickey's Will Cure Any Cough 25 Cents L. T. BEST Prescription Druggist, Pencil are necessities nowadays. of these articles. any other repairs needed. uncommon words-- maybe, but: very common causes of HEADACHE We have glassos that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF Before consulting the physi- cian, before using medicines and drugs, come and see us. If your headache is caused by eye strain we cure it THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. Optometrist and Optician, 226 Princess Street, 8 doors above the Opera House JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 King Street - - | TET ERR TE John Square has bought f land lot at Lyn, owned by the James Truesdaly. Mr. Square 00000 LIQUID VENEER WEEK SPECIAL OFFER ! Regular Price Special Price Jo a60e, 45c¢. $1.25 90c. $1.25 $1.00 RTA 12 oz botles 32 oz. bottles Auto Spray Liquid Veneer Floor Mops $1.25 $1.00 Liquid Veneer Floor Mops $2.00 $1.40 For 1 Week Only, Feb. 20 to Feb. 25 This is the regular high-grade Liquid Veneer put up in the standard package at a special price. McKelvey & Birch, Limited 65-71 BROCK STREET - Ld on , | FEBRUARY SPECIALS One Parlor Suite--five pieces, mahogany finished frames, settee, arm chair, rock- er, and two small chairs; upholstered in green Verona. Reg. $55. Special $37.50 § Two Parlor Suites--3-piece mahogany fin- ished frames, upholstered in heavy green Verona. Reg. $50. Special . . . . $34.50 Two Parlor Suites, 3 piece mahogany fin- ished frames, upholstered in brown and green silk brocade. Regular $55. "THESE ARE SNAPS . Victrolas, Victor Records, Pianos and Sewing Machines. A] Fountain We have complete ranges of both We are also in a position to supply new nibs for pens and leads for pencils, and to make SMITH BROS. Kingston PENITENTIARY T0 TAKE CITY ELECTRICAL POWER +h Late ryan wood, syaen- Agreement Made With Utifit-| ies Commission--More Ad- vertising Needed. At the meeting of Commission on Monday General Manager Folg tr announced that. an agreement had besn signed the Utilities the provincial penitentiary at Ports mouth, The prison wil! requirz from 150 to 200 horsepower tn star: with and this load may be gredually in- creased, Chairman R. F. Elliott suggested {that the commission should do more advertising in the city's nawspapers in order to boost the business of the eiactrical supply department. The jst'es would be largelv increased, he {sald, it this was done, Commissioner McFarlane asked if 'a commission was likely to retain the collecting department in the pre- 'sent building on Princess street and when the lease expired. Commis- 'sioner Hewitt said it was not likely {that the department would be re- | tained there. He looked to seeing it back again in the city bul'dings Chairman Elliott sald that tha iease lof the building expired on the 30th April, 1923. He thought it might be good business eventually to give the whole buildiriz over to the eles- i trical sales department The arrangement with 'he street | railway company and the reat | Northwestern Telegraph company regarding poles on Ontarie street | was endorsed. | The commission passed a rvsilu- tion informing the city council that | it was prepared to do the coanstruc- tion work in connection with the | water main to be laid by the city a= | streets. The city must pay the whole cost, as the commission will not take over the main, It does not look for |a revenue in that section of the city for a long time, Commissioner Mc- Farlane was very emphatic against | taking over a non-paying majn and |saddling the water consumers with | the cost, rom | The genera] manager | submitted | Omar Truesdale, Montreal, the house | figures showing the cost of making late | necessary changes in the street light- i$ [ing system. The contracts will be | painting and redecorating it and will | divided between the Canadian West- "have #t ready to rent in the spring. | Inghouse and the Canadian General | Electric companies, Oppose Dairy Act. Picton, Feb. 21.--Directors and re- i presentatives of Prince Edward county cheese factories placed them- selves on record as opposed to the Dairy Standards Act passed at the last sessicn of the legislature. The deputation which waited on Hon, Manning Doherty this month gave the minister's reply to the meeting. G. E. Spencer, Northport, presided at the meeting, i I Margaret Aletha, wife of Wildam 8. Harry of the third concession of Sidney, died on Friday at the age of wenty-three years. hSe was a Gauga- ter of W. S. Westfall, Sidney, where {she was born in 1899. She had liv- d all her life in Sidney. mr HEH ZH ~ Quickly respond to the antiseptir: healing virtues of Geero Wormwood afternoon, | vanced age of eighty-eight years. He | fir (he supply of electrical power to | birth, the death ooourring at the | relief work in Regent and Dundas | J time was spent. ee -- DED AGED EIGHTY-EIGHT | ham--More Wood Cut This Winter, i Sydenham, Feb, 20.-- Death claim< ed a well-known reisdent of this | section on Wednesday evening last ip | | the person of Bryan Wood, at the ad- | | bad spent practically all his days in | [the neighborhood of the place of his home of his son Fred, wherg he had lived since he ceased active work. | His wife predeceased him tour years | ago. He is survived by two sons and | two daughters: Fred and John Wood ; Mrs. Charles Truscott, and Mw. Harry Brawley, all af Sydenham The funeral service was held on Fri- | day afternoon at ome o'clock ar the | house and was largely attended. Rev. | G. Stafford was in change, The re- | mains were placed in the vault of | Sydenham cemetery. F. B. Hodge's show, "Babes in the | Woods", was given in Wesley hall cn | Thursday night. The attendance vas] | not large. | Quite a number from here attended | the carnival at Spaffordton rink last | Wednesday evening. During the past | few weeks a considerable quantity | of the ice Is reported to be good, Al | most one hundred people went from | here to Verona on Saturday to wit- | ness the Wolfe Island-Verona game | in the county hockey league. A large | quantity of wood hag been cut this | | year by the farmers, and as a con- | sequence tho supply is quite plenti- | ful. Because of this, prices are easing | | somewhat | Mrs. Lewis Clow has been berea- | ed by the death in Kingston of her | sister, Mrs. W. W. Thompson. { Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bews, Port | Hope, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. M | Tavell. Mrs. Walter G. Smith, Mill- | bridge, was a week-end visitor with | her mother, Mrs. Snook. ! | POLICE RAID DEN OF WEALTHY DRUG ADDICTS | Fierce Battle After Doors | Were Chopped Down-- | Underworld in Turmoil. | | New York, Feb, 21.--Chopping | | their way through doors and battling | their quarry with pistol fusillades in a manner that recalled Chinatown | raids of twenty years ago, federal agents captured seven men and wo- men and $25,000 worth of drugs in | | apartments in Mulberry and Mott | streets. , Ethel Kelly, forty-nine years old: of 275 Broom street, was taken to Deallevue Hospital suffering from bruises received in a leap from the ! third floor of the Mott street build- ing. She escaped serious injury by | using a large umbrella as a para- chute, Only partly elad in pink silk undergarments, she alighted at the feet of deteptives who had been sta- tioned in the street, Scores. of prominent men and wo- men will be called to the office of the | United States District Attorney, it | was said after the raids, to explain the presence of their names in mem- | orandum books that were sefzed by | Kkalph Oyler, chief of the federal nar- | cotic squad, in a luxurious apartment | in the Mulberry street building. The { raiders believe this den was the | headquarters for wealthy drug ad- dicts. | Volleys of shots were blazed at | the aiders, who returned the fire. | The old underworld was in a turmoil, | The agents, stationed in back yards, | lon fire escaped, and on roofs, were | | targets for the enraged drug ped- | dlers and for panic-strickem Chinese | Je Italians, who, not knowing of | the raids, believed wholesale hold- ups were in progress. BROKE HIS ANKLE, William Dougherty Meets With Ac- cident in His Cheese Factory. Odessa, Feb. 20.--William Dough- erty met with a serious accident last Monday. He fell while working in his cheasn factory and broke his ankle. | Mr. Dougherty opened the factory a | couple of weeks ago. Tho Valentine box social held last Tuesday night at the Methodist church by the community club was well attended and a very enjoyable | The senior hockey team played an | exhibition game at Yarker last Mon- | 'ay afternoon. The score was 2-1 in| favor of Yarker. i The funeral of Mrs) James Hega- | dorn was held ast Tuesflay afternoon | from her late home. The remains. were placed in Violet vault and ar: to be interred in the family plot it er. The funeral of Mrs. Hillier was' held from the home of a daughter, Mrs. Bon Emmons last Monday af ternoon: Rev. G. Nickle officiated The remains were placed in Morven vault to await interment. he Miss Agnes Shine spent Sunday at her home in Enterprise. Mr. Veale, Kingston, spent Sunday | with friends. Mr. and Miler, Winn!- | peg, have been guests of Mr. and PROBS: --Wednesday, easterly winds, snow, rain. any { | proval. The assortments are THAT SMACK OF SPRING There is no more fascinating spot in the store at pres- - ent than the Silk department with its alluring fabrics and wonderful values. The collection features numberless ex- quisite weaves, suited for Spring and Summer use. Silk Crepe Weaves These charming fabrics will meet your instant ap- Crepe, Crepe Meteor, Canton Crepe, French Crepe de Chene, Printed Crepe de Chenes in a wonderful range of colorings and moderately priced. made up of Moon -Glo BARONETTE SATINS in plain and fancy weaves--all new shades, including Gusher, Jade, Tangerine, Henna, Tea, Rose, Bisque. ... $2.75 to $4.50 yard Prices GEORGETTE CREPE 38 colors, including the new Poppy, Tomato, Orchid, Pearl, Bisque, Tea, Rose. Priced . ... $2.00 to $2.50 yd. CHARMEUSE SATIN 40 shades to select from---40 inches wide. $3.00 to $4.50 FRENCH MESSELAINE Browns, Greys, Blues, etc,, 48 colors in all, including Black and White; 36 to 40 inches wide. Priced ....... $1.75%0 $4.25 BLACK CHARMEUSE : SATIN 40 inches wide; 3 qualities and wonderful value at Priced . . .$2.75, $3.50, $4.25. FLORENTINE PRINTED SILKS A wonderful collection of these beautiful Silks suitable for Kimonas, etc. Special. Prices . . . $2.75 and $3.50 yd. SHOT TAFFETAS In three tone effects, light shades for evening wear. Spe- cial values at Priced . $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 PRINTED CREPE DE CHENES for Waists and Combination Dresses, new effects and beau tiful color tones, SILK TAFFETTA Navy, Mauve, Blue, Midnight, African, Havana and Russet Browns--all the other wanted colors. id Priced . . . $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 $3.00 quality, absolutely guar- anteed. COAT SATINS ' 23 designs.to choose from in Printed Coat Satins; 36 inches wide. Priced . . . $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 i Bonnett's Black Duchesse C. J. Bonnett's Black Duchesse. -- beautiful fabric, with rich, deep Black and exquisite finish. The regular $4.50 quality. Whileitlasts ..... "even... Sale Price $2.98 SE : 08 m4