TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1022, THE NATIT V DRT iQ wiry ~ FOR CHOICF MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY B. V. McGeein 283 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 NOTICE Churches, Sunday Schools sharitable institutions of mations will be supplied FREE OF CHARGE one evening each during winter with team and sleigh for driv- fug party. Kingston Transfer Co. | DR.A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Plone 363 oe Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Angrove's Repairs Scales, Talking Machines, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We do repair work right and guar- antee satisfaction. 197 Wellington Street. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 11387, Phone 256 COAL Choicest quality >t Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & OO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 FOR SALE Double stone dwelling, three storey, large lot; 1 extra lot. Good barn. Rents for $44 per month. Price $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 Bicycles, | "FIFTEEN BOILS ON NECK AT ONE TIME , & » Any one who has suffered from boils can sympathize with poor old Job, | There was no Burdock Blood Bit- | ters in those days, so Job had to suf- jier in silence. Now-a-days no one | ueed endure the misery of boils. | Boils are simply evidences of the | bad blood within coming to the sur- !+ace and just when you get rid of one, ! another seems ready to take its place | and prolong your misery. All the poulticing and lancing you | may do will not stop more coming. | 'What you have to do is take | BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS {ane the blood will be cleansed of all its impurities, and then every boil | will disappear, Mr. Roy McSwain, P, E. 1, writes:--"I was troubled with bolls for some time, and had ns many as fifteen on my neck at once. After taking one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters they commenced get better, and after I had taken {two bottles I was relieved of then | and felt much better. I think B. B. B. is a grand blood medicine, and ¢an recommend it highly." For the past 45 years B. B. B. has een manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AAA A AAI Atco rst PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Alse Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12, Madkiand St. Phone 2397m. Bc re QISORE THROAT COMMON AILMERT ECLECTRIC QU _OlL BUI REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? LDING ? O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phoue 1670 DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, WE BUILD HOUSES ON TERMS THAT WILL SUIT YOU Kingston Oement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street High Bank, ! Kingston and Vicinity Spring Is Coming. One of the most encouraging signs that spring is near at band, was the large number of citizens who were attracted out on the streets on Sun- day afternoon for a pleasant walk, Skating Is Good, As a result of the mild spell on Sunday the ice in the harbor was in perfect condition for skating on Monday. During the past few days there was no skating on account of the snow on the ice. Even Candles Used, During the ehort time the elec- tric lights were out, at the height of the storm on Sunday evening, many |old ofl lamps and even candles were | resurrected, to give a temporary | glimmer, to | pA Boys' Suit Sale, | For a few days only we will put {on sale our entire stock of Boys' and ! Youths' Suits, sizeg 26 to 35, all col- | ors, latest style, regular $9 suits for 1$6; $12 suits at $8; $15 suits at $9, Prevost, Brock street. Walks Were Sanded. At an early hour on Monday morn- | ing, men employed by the Board of | Works department were busy plac- | ing sand | the city. In many places, the walks were 50 slippery that people were un able to walk. Fort Quickly Built, Toronto Globe: Kingston will cele- | brate next year the 250th annivers- ary of its founding. The building | problem was easily solved in those { days. Frontenac's fort was built in | a week, and history records that it ! was a pretty substantial structure, Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Petrie, 491 Dupont street, Toronto, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ada Jean, to Rev. D. A. Cowan, St: John's Presbyterian church, Brockville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Cowan, 689 Dovercourt road, Toronto, The marriage is to take place in April, Railway Car Entered. Some person or persons broke into a Grank Trunk car near the freight sheds during Sunday night. He n s what to Do for Backache THAT IS WHY 8. SIVY RECOM- MENDS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Saskatchewan Man Tells Why He Is Thankful He Came to Know and to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. 3 Brombury, Sask., Feb. 20.--(Spe- cial) --Like every other town on the prairies Brombury has at least one citizen who is outspoken in his prais- es of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Sam- ko Sivy is the local enthusiast and he says: "Oh, what a good medicine Dodd's Kidney Pills are. When I have pain in the back I take Dodd's Kidney Pills and the pain goes. I am very thankful that I came to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." A quarter of a century's experi- Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Dr. H. A. Stewart | urea a Choice Farmers' Butter ..35c. Pot Roast .............11c Oven Roast ............18¢. Pork Chops .,.cuuuuu...28c Lamb Chops ...........285¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon 8Sec. Smoked Shoulder Bacon . .20¢c. Fresh . + 10¢, Goods, etc, Quick's Western Meat Market 112 Clergy St. Phone 2011. All kinds of Canned ence has taught Canadians to look on Dodd's Kidney Pills as the standard remedy for disordered or diseased kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney remedy. They put the kidneys in shape to do their full work of straining -all the. impurities, all the seeds of disease out of the blood. If you haven't tried Dodd's Kidney Pills ask your neighbors about them, GAS IN THE STOMACH 1S DANGEROUS A Rec Dally Use of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble, Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid ¢ Indigestion Gas and wind in the stomach ac- companied by that full, bloated feel- ing after eating are almost certain evidence of the presence of excessive hydrochloric acid in the stomach, creating so-called "acid indigestion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be- cause too much acid irritates the deli- cate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food fer- ments and sours, creating the dis- tressing gas which distends the stom- ach and hampers the normal fune- tions of the vital internal organs, of- ten affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisurat- ed Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right af- We also have a full or reialbil "of ade. Sam Fra lg Bo and Fire King Heaters + vickie Plated Showers lasing and Tellets rember, Cement and Corrugated 1 Cohen & Co. £75 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 ea Glaxo Builds A real Ba England and We can supply in three sizes, and have received fresh stock. Buy your EO, - Food, 1 staying qualities the undertaker When it comes to a question of + San, lay the pugilist out. ter eating. This will dri wind and bloat right te the gun $15.50, del.vered. Orders promptly. \ on the sidewalks around | ja pail of jam and a towel were miss ing, but they were found later on in the rallway yards, and it is believed that the thief or thieves who pulled off robbery became frightened and {ran off before they could complete {the job, Railway authorities have reported the matter to the police. Purchased a Grocery. F. C. Solmes, formerly of Deser- onto but latterly of Toronto, has pur- chased a grocery store in Port Hope and takes possession immediately. Mrs. Solmes is a datghter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Carscallen, Deseron- EX y I ---------- = A scene from Walter Scanlan's new comedy with songs, "Irish Eyes," which comes to the Grand Opera House, Wed- nesday, Feb. 22nd, matinee and night. Officers Go to Ottawa, Brig.-Gen. King, C.M.G., D.8.0., G.0.C., M.D. No. 3; Lieut.-Col, W. H. P. Elkins, M.C.,, D.S8.0., and Lieut.- Col. W. J. Morgan left for Ottawa Monday to represent the district at the annual meeéting of tha Royal Canadian Artillery Association, which opens there Tuesday, Gave Address at Convocation, Lieut.-Col. W. J. Morgan, V.8., has returned from the annual convention of the Ontario Veterinary Association in Toromto, where he delivered a pa- per on "Code of Ethics." Col. Mor- gan states that the outstanding fea- ture of the discussions was the pre- vention of bacteria contamination of milk, To Lay Tile Floor, The firm of William McCartney & Sons, meson contractors, have been awarded the contract to do the ma- son work in connection with the rebuilding of Sakell's store on Prin- cess street, next to the Grand Opera House. They will put down a tie floor, When the alterations are completed the store will ba one of the best equipped between Toronto and Montreal, Can Have Many Poolrooms. Picton will now have flve pool rooms with several tables in each room and the patrons of the game in Picton and vicinity, will have in- creased opportunities of indulging in their favorite pastime. Picton by- laws formerly limited the pool room licenses to four but this by-law was repealed at a late meeting of the council. There is ngw no limit to the number of licenses. A ---------- The Late Mrs, W. H. Evans, Mrs, William H. Evans passed away at 309 Brock street on Monday morning, after an illness extending over some months. The deceased was born dn Toronto and was Miss Reta Brown, She was twenty-nine years of age. She came to Kings- ton over one year ago and became a member of Queen Street Methodist church, Besides her husband she is survived by one brother, Charles Brown, Toronto, Placed Seventy-six at Work. Major W. A. Stroud, in charge of the government employment office, placed seventy-six men at work Mon- day morning on the two new sewers to be built by the city on Dundes and Johnson streets. The weather promises to be most favorable for the work planned, though some dif- ficulty will be experienced with the trozen ground. The constructing of the new sewage system will help greatly in relieving the unemploy- ment situation. Beware of a Blowout ! Last pight when listening to the wind Once more my thinker thought, trict No. 13, A.F, & AM, was groe:- ed by a large number of the members ly fitting that Col. Adams should be welcomed back to lleville wilh music furnished by Eureka Lodge or- chestra, the majority of the members of which were once members of the at Belleville. Hold Golden Wedding. On Feb, 9th, Capt. and Mrs, Naz- aire Emond, Pembroke, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their mar- riage. At 8 am. a high mass of thanksgiving was sung in St. John the Baptist's church, The members of the family assembled at the home of their parents where breakfast was gerved. Rev. Father Duquette being the guest of honor, only the immedi- ate friends being present. To the happy couple, a family of eighteen children have been born, of whom eleven are living. To Chair for Second Term. At the first meeting of the Picton Collegiate Board for the present the president's chair for a second term of office. M. E. Knox is the new vice-chairman, For the com- mittees, last year's slate was return- ed as follows: Property--J. L. Graydon, R. Davl- son, H. W. Bedell. Supply--J. Cousineau, J. H, Car- ter, M. E. Knox, Finance--E. B. Purtelle, Carter, H. W. Bedell, J. H, Was a Veteran Hunter. The death of Montalbert B. Werden occurred Feb. 9th, in his eightieth year. The deceased was a 'son of Robert B. Werden and a grandson of Squire Asa Werden, noted in his day as one of the largest land owners in Prince Edward county, M. B. Wer- den acquired a farm on the East Lake road where he lived many years. About thirty years ago he removed to Picton and for several years con- ducted a billiard parlor and tobacco store. His wife, Phoebe J. Woodrow, died several years ago. .A son and a daughter survive-- Malcolm L. Werden and Mrs. James D. Shannon, both residing in Picton. Mr. Werden enjoyed the pastime of hunting and followed the chase until age prevent- ed. ---- From the fruit preserves we get our jam--and from the wet-gouds dealer our jim-jams. Poverty isn't a crima unless it fur- nishes one with prison fare, -- nm. Backache is the outstanding symptom of ki di Women often make the mistake of a ing other causes and over- look the Sevanues of the kid- neys un serous developments have made it dificult to obtain permanent relief. «This letter points to a treatment which has so ly tried and proven so effective in the great majority of cases that you cannot afford to overlook it when cause arises for its use, Mrs. Albert Brunet, R.R. No. 1, Ottawa, Ont., writes: HI th of the Masonic order, on the occasion | of his official visit to Eureka Lodge; No. 283, Belleville. It was particular- | 15th military band, which was con | nected with 155th battalion, C.E.F., | under the command of Col. Adams | year, E. C. Garbutt was re-elected to |. TIMBER Square Oak and Fir Timber in large di- mensions for resawing. . In our sawriill, we can saw'to size re- quired, on short notice. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworkin:: kactory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Btreets, KINGS10N Out. Office Phone 06. Factory Phone 1418. ~~ = AAA EE v ROYAL OAK GREETS 1923 with a better tire than ever. The mew Royal Oak, 30x31; fabric tire; weight, 16 pounds; mileage 6,000 miles (backed by the come pany); price, lower tham ever before. See them before buying ats EASTERN CANADA MAAOTIRE #& RUBI ER CO. A. NEAL, Manager 284 Ontario Street. Phone 2050. wo "FOR SALE Brick house on Montreal Street -- 3 piece bath, electrie lights, furnace ...... sere Stone House with brick extension, kitchen, electric lights, 8 piece. bath, hot water furnace; private driveway; real gopd 'M. P. TRUMPOUR 111 1-2 Brock Street 'Phones 704 or 1461w Rae -- FURS 7 eres Gourdier's | BROCK STREET 7 OVERCOATS MEN and YOUNG MEN'S NEW 'MODELS -- BEST VALUES $35.00, $38.00 TWEDDELL"S 131 Princess St. | (One door below Randolph Hotel) BE a -- THE NEW 'Are here in great variety--Checks, plain shades and Plaids -- Cana- dan. English and Scotch makes-- "27" and 32" wide--at 25c., 35c., 'and 45c¢. a yard, COLORED SHEER LINENS very scarce goods in Pink, Helio, Sky and White--36" wide, ~~