THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE 1922 RULES and LAWS of AUCTION BRIDGE by WYNNE FERGUSON at R. Uglow & Co. HE EYES] OF A CHILD = more sensitive to eye- strain and light than inf an adult and yet the child |i at school puts more strain || on the eyes than an adult || --result straining of eyes|| to give vision, which again results in pains, inability to read and study, efc., which means slow progress -- for the child's sake consult LJ. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office { TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS St. Lawrence Route, Season 1022 Sailing Lists Now Heady. C. 8. Kirkpatrick 36 Clarence Street Society Jewelry We specialize in this line of Jewelry---whe- design or made to or- der pieces. Special designs and prices given upon request. Society Pins, Cuff Links, Rings, Fobs, Charms, Stick Pins and Jewels, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston ther it be a regular | | i DENTAL PARLORS: 183 PRINCESS STREET «KINGSTON, ONTARIO Dr. Nash's We specialize on:--Iainless Extrac- tion, Latest Treatment of Pyorchea, X-Ray work. ~ --_-- We have many pieces of FANCY CHINA Suitable for BRIDGE PRIZES These are moderately priced, and are well worth seeing. More 'select' ones can be got in Crown Derby, or the Wonderful Oriflamme Ware. A_few Electric Portable Lamps at Clearing Out Prices. Robertson's Limited - 73 Princess St. BB PE SPECIAL : Men's Gun Metal and Brown Calf Ls Shoes, factory ends. These have leather and rubber soles, and are made in both broad and narrow lasts. A bargain worth while. To clear at-- 2 $2.99 Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE [min - IE STANDRD BANK OF CANADA REPORTS STRONG POSITION | Goniral Business Well Main- tained--Reserve Fund $5,- 000,000, Paid-up Capital | $4,000,000. ts, The strong pos! ition occupied by the Standard Bank of Capada strikingly reflected by the manner which it has been able to meet 'th changed conditions that prevailed in | Canada during the past fiscal year. { General business was, well main- | i tained and profits were well up to L| the level of the previous year. As | a result, the bank has con'inued its policy of adding steadily to its re- serves and contingent account. The reserve fund now stands at $5,000,.- | | 000, as against a paid- -up capital of | $4,000,000. | The ample profits also allowed of | the payment'of the usual dividends ;at the rate of 14 per cent. and after the appropriations to reservo and {contingent funds, permitted of a bal- | ance being carried forward into the new:year of .§112,492. The profits, | which were computed after deduct- { ing expenses, interest accrued on de- | posits, rebate for interest on unma- | tured, provincial taxes and making | brovision for bad and doubtful debts, amounted to $725,014. The balance carried forward from the previous year amounted to $378,644 and is in i there was received from premium on | new stock issued $148,499, making the total amount available for dis- tribution $1,252,157. ot this amount there was paid fn dividends at the rate of 14 per cent., $555,115; | war tax on note circulation, $39,549. Reserve for Dominion income tax $20,000; contributed to officers' pen- {sion fund, $25,000; transferred to | reserve fund, $200,000; transferred {to contingent accougt, $300,000; balance carried forward $112,492. The outstanding feature of the general statement of assets and liabilities as of January 31st is the strength of the bank's liquid posi- tion, Of total assets of $83,293, 1004, the liquid, or immediately avail- able assets, amount to $35,871,868. | Of this amount actual cash on hand {and Dominion notes and deposits in central gold reserves total $13,279, 863, cheques on other banks $5,- 1151513, balances due by banks and {banking correspondents, elsewhere | than in Caneda, $1,109,437, Canad- {ian municipal securities and British, foreign and colonial public securi- ties, other than Canadian, $2,843,- 643, railway and other bonds $1,- 202,475; call and short loans $2,- 809,230, and a particularly pleasing itom is the large holdings of Domdn- fon and provincial government se- curities amounting to $9,029,521, In a year of lessened industrial and commercial activity a smaller volume of current loans was to he cxpected, Current loans and dis- counts in Canada which represent tho general business of the bank amount to $45,069,127, a reduction of $5,000,000 from the previous year and which is in harmony with alter- ed conditions and is an index to the general slackening of business throughout the country. At the same time the general de- posits of the bank have been well maintained. Deposits bearing in- terest stand at $51,909,455, as com- pared with $53,011,997 at the end of the previous year, and deposits MOTHER! Your Child's Bowels Need "California Fig Syrup" Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of "California Fig Syrup" now will thor- oughly clean the little bowels and in a few hours you have & well, playful child again. Even a cross, feverish, constipated child loves its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy be- ¢ause it never fails to work all the sour bile and poisons right out of the stomach and bowels without xriping or upsetting the child. Tell your d ist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has Pr babies and » mb It your nostrils are clogged, your distressed, or your head. edo a catdrrh or a le apply ants pure, antiseptic, germ roying cream into your nostrils. not Pouring interest at $13, 211,200, against $14,377, making total deposits of $65,120,716, as against $67,380,710, =o reduction of only about $2,000,000. This decrease is | equal to only about three per cent. and would seem to indicate just how well the deposits of the bank are dis- {tributed throughout the country. The shareholders. of the should be particularly gratified with the showing which has made it pos- sible to not only continue the ample but to make contributions to Reserve Funds, It should dividends, also handsome and Contingent also prove depositors present such a large {the banks assets are in liquid form iand invested in such high grade se- | | eurities. ---- AIWNS CHARITY BALL To Be Held Wednesday Even- An Address. The Kiwanis Charity ball on Wed- | nesday evening 1s the feature of the | {activities of the club this week. W. |H. Craig, chairman of the dance | committee and, W. Kent Macnee, secretary, are enlisting the co-opera- tion of all of the members in an en- | deavor to make this charity ball a big success and secure a substantial sum for the committee, Kiwandan Craig roport- ed for the committee at the weekly luncheon in the Hotel Frontenac on Monday, There will be many card tables for those who do not dance, | provision being made for two hun- dred persons, Both Ontario hall and the Memorial hall will be used. Noble Steacy presided, and during |, the roll call the guests introduced | were Jack Elder, E. Birkett, H. D. | Wightman, Isaac Cohen, of I. Cohen | and Company, dealers in metals, and | proprietor of Monarch Batteries, and the Fibre Furniture Company, was the booster. He was introduced by W. W. Sands who told of Mr. Cohen's achievements in. his business, of his abilities, public spirit, generosity and good citizenship. Mr. Cohen has been a resident of Kingston for many years, hes served on the Board of Education and is a member of the city council, He is always a sup- porter of all worthy charitable ob- jects and is one of Kingston's lead- ing citizens, Mr. Cohen received a spontaneous and enthusiastic greet- ing when his name was prof d. He donated several very fine prizes, in- cluding Monarch batteries, fibre chairs and orders for a commission on purchases, The winners were: W. P. Peters, Dr. J. F. Sparks, Reg- inald Crawford, R. J. Rodger, Harry Wilder, W. J. Linton, George Van Horne, A. T. Hughes, "Chuck" Moody, manager of the Strand theatre, where movies move the multitude, was the ohief speaker at the dinner, and taking '"the pocket handkerchief" as a subject he spoke for half an hour in 'a& manner that was highly efitert and instruc- tive, and showed wonderful ingenu- ity. The service of the handker- chief as an article of practical utility was contrasted with sentiments. W. J. Keeley, Jr., was director of music and he sprung a pleasing sur- prise by introducing "Jack" Elder, Kingston's Harry Lauder, who gavo two very fine selections, H, C. Nickle reported for the com- mittee appointed to investigate the under-privileged boy problem. A meeting was held and the following Kiwanians were appointed heads of partioular branches of the work: Dr. L. J. Austin, chairman, W. McCal- lum, clothing supply; Harry Wilder, school attendance; F. J. Wilson, Y.M.C.A.; J. D, Boyd, In outlining the practical work, Kiwanian Nickle stated that all lads coming within the scope of the committee would be taken care of and passed through the hande of the various committees. Drs. R. J. Gardiner and J. F. Sparks would take care of cases of ilinees, and Drs. W. Winnett and R. B. Sparks dental cases. Applause greet- ed the remarks of the speaker, President Noble announced that the next meeting would be held at | the Hotel Frontenac on Monday next at 6 p.m. instead of at noon, ering seemeeste | INVESTORS' PARADISE | Have you ever stopped and won- dered at your Investment of today, which may bring to you a rest time while others must make hay? Is it sound and big and certain end tang- ible throughout this "prop" you've put your hard earned in, the gue they prate about? You sit each night and dream' of things that surely will come true, if only your investment of today ls sound, clean through and through. You dream of days and years of ease. * To all who toll in mart or shop and have laid down some hard cash by, we've justi ome thing to imtro- duce twould pay all just to try. end" the sure ones all stood by and sweet time now draws nigh). Some have gone We know not where, while we still stay to prove that fnasmuch as "gold is gold" we have an untouched trove, gt bank such | especially reassuring to | that at a time like the | proportion of | ing--*"Chuck" Moody Gives | II Abernethy's unemployment relief | © While many ehased the *'rainbow's | gt 209 Discoun many good things in Footwear at 20% to 33% OFF (Rubber goods excepted) You save at the very least 20% of During February we will offer IT ALWAYS WATCH OUR WINDOWS. PAYS YOU! "every dollar you spend. Shoe Store onth, ano {month, another six, and you will | {surely see that to vaults and sure Success we offered you the key. With 2,000 acres and a mill that is complete and a power plant to boast about we're sure on fortune's Street; and a cozy little "nest egg" in our company's treasury, we are in a shape to do real things, just to forge right up end be a genuine "ring leader" that's our aspirations, | see. Our Ball Mill on completion is a first hand piece of work, and will grind for just a solid year without a gig or shirk; 400 tons capacity per day her output runs, and, say, if you | knew her efficiency and size, you'd | know she'd, come to stay. As for a vein to feed the mill, why you can rest assured that O. C. there with ore galore and development eaclr day will produce future gold. These are a few fine features from experts' point of view. We know you wish us all success, we wish the same to you. I have a bunch more data here, but now will close, There's sense in locking the ba door after the horse is stolen if the is another horse in the stall. V CE NINCINAINet. | Indigestion or Sour, Gassy Stomach "Pape's Diapepsin' gives Relief in Five Minutes "Pape's Diapepsin" relieves stom- ach distress in five minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stom- ach is bad--or an uncertain one--or a harmful one--your stomach is tou valuable; you mustn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief, its harmlessness, its certain unfailing ac- tion in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home---keep it handy Bet a large sixty-cent case from any drug store, and then if you should eat something which doesn't agree with you, if what you eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food--remember as soon as Pape"s Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all indigestion van- jshes. It is the most efficient antacid known--the certainty and ease with which it overcomes stomach and di- gestive disorders is a revelation to those who try it. took the bitter with the sweet (the |. . ---- have to] This big Sale is growing in popularity, 'Everything Goes At Rock "Bottom Figures" A "Whirlwind" finish "Special! I .aders" that positively cannot be repeated. JAMES REID, 'Phone 147. . We store purchases and pay freights. NO BRANCHES. remove all doubt. VISION SPECIALIST "Phone 2108 for appointment. The Telgmann School v Music Plano, violn"and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted, 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325j. Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Meyer, Lyn, are moving into Brockville where they will reside in the future. DROP A COIN into a blind man's hat--then think. of all blessings. Blindness the most ly your eyes are worth looking after. Sight is the most inestimable woeful of all afMictions. Sure A consultation with us will R. ARTHEY, RO. 148 Princess Street. Oculist prescriptions filled. New Perfection Oil Stoves 2, 3, 4 burners. Ovens and Wicks. See our window display at W.H. Cockburn& Co. Princess and weuington Sts, Phone 216. ------ Bandit Robs Hostess, Deal, NJ., Feb. 21.--A dinner party at the home of Mrs, Sarah Hi Robertaon was interrupted Satu day night by a masked bandit, who was admitted by the hostess, and the point of a revolver robbed her & handbag which she told the pol contained jowelry valued at $50 000, stripped the four guests of their valuebles and escaped. The death occurred on Friday u Zion's Hill of ane of the ladies of this section of the provh Mrs. Almira Ketsheson, widow of late John V. Ketcheson, who p away some five years ago, Mrs, cheson was over eighty years of